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Thai coup leaders ban meetings of more than 5 people

Lite Beer

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Thank goodness, no more groups of 6 playing golf in front of us!

Actually if using caddies maximum of 2 players plus 3 caddies, or 3 players and 2 caddies, excellent!

Can you not read Mr Thailand it is for political purpose. Boy oh boy go back to your bed

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Joking right.

More than 500 people still at yellow protest site right now.

That's because Thai people have a thing for laws or rules - they don't like to follow them!

I asked some friends about the curfew - no idea - most told me when they saw uniforms on TV they switched off!

They communicate via social media And don't care what the army says!

Social Media will probably be next on the list of closures if the internet goes down Im off to cambodia for a holiday until it comes back on

If the Internet is taken down, so is the economy.

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There is more to this than meets the eye. Prayuth wants talks for months all of a sudden he suspends talks when he is due to retire to have a BIGGER mess?

I smell something else bigger here

One last heist?

When one of the 90'a coup maker generals died he left 4 billion behind it only came out because their was a family fight over the estate!

All saved up from his salary of course!

Sorry you missed my innuendo... my hidden points.....

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Joking right.

More than 500 people still at yellow protest site right now.

That's because Thai people have a thing for laws or rules - they don't like to follow them!

I asked some friends about the curfew - no idea - most told me when they saw uniforms on TV they switched off!

They communicate via social media And don't care what the army says!

Social Media will probably be next on the list of closures if the internet goes down Im off to cambodia for a holiday until it comes back on

If the Internet is taken down, so is the economy.

The economy is already suffering because they have taken too long to sort their sh$t out. The problem is the politicians are to stupid to sort out their own issues let alone that of a country, they are all as useless as each other. About time something happened, it should have happened months ago. With everything closing at 10pm, I guess that can kiss tourism goodbye, because nobody can enjoy a night out while on holiday. It will also mean no customers for businesses, so if a business can't make money, they can't pay staff. If they can't pay staff, staff have no money to live which causes more problems. Unfortunately, I refuse to pay staff if I cant open, why should I fork out of my pocket because those pricks in Bangkok can't get their stuff in order. One question though, if they want people to stay home after 10pm, why stop TV? Wouldn't you want to give them something to do at home, so they can stay inside?

Edited by Phuketboy
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Thank goodness, no more groups of 6 playing golf in front of us!

Actually if using caddies maximum of 2 players plus 3 caddies, or 3 players and 2 caddies, excellent!

don't talk politics and you've got no worries!!

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Wait till they switch off social media too.

They are supposed to be asking the big ones for their cooperation. Lots of Thai sites already taken offline, 105 ISPs involved so far. I already closed the page but you can probably google it and find the info again.

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Damn...I just had to send 4 bargirls home from my apartment...we were part way through a 5-some.....but after some work bench jostling it became "political" so we had to call it off.

.......one wanted to be the "top person"...while 2 others wanted to " just stay on the side and not interfere too much".........the 4th wanted to get "real dirty"....and the 5th...wanted to be the "whip"

Oh well another night perhaps........

Uncanny. I just had exactly the same problem. We decided one of us had to leave to comply with the law of not over 5 persons.

Unfortunately I drew the short straw.

I am sending this email from the men's toilet in our condo. The 4 bargirls are still upstairs tucking into my case of Chivas Regal.

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Thank goodness, no more groups of 6 playing golf in front of us!

Actually if using caddies maximum of 2 players plus 3 caddies, or 3 players and 2 caddies, excellent!

Poor football players, you have to take a rest

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Bye bye Thailand, I will spend my money elsewhere. I not like to spend my time in a country with military dictatorship. There are enough other countries in SE Asia who will happily accept my money: Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia. I not like guns on the street.

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Bye bye Thailand, I will spend my money elsewhere. I not like to spend my time in a country with military dictatorship. There are enough other countries in SE Asia who will happily accept my money: Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia. I not like guns on the street.

You will get a shock in Philippines
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I'm an old guy. dvd's still confuse me. occasionally I try to put the. on my turntable. then I remember.

what's the newer technology ?

i was told electric ones are available now and ours will be phased out ermm.gif


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Watching the line of military-uniformed, poe-faced old toppies laying down the law, it was like being in a time warp. I can't help but think that these blokes are so out of touch with how things work these days. They might mean well, they might not, but one thing's for certain. They're out of their depth.

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I'm an old guy. dvd's still confuse me. occasionally I try to put the. on my turntable. then I remember.

what's the newer technology ?

Eight track cartridges.(sound only).

Please post fotos. Is that like a cassette tape....cos I already got them in the car ;)

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Thank goodness, no more groups of 6 playing golf in front of us!

Actually if using caddies maximum of 2 players plus 3 caddies, or 3 players and 2 caddies, excellent!

Yeah - thank god golf's not political mind you there's the 'swing' to the right or left
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Watching the line of military-uniformed, poe-faced old toppies laying down the law, it was like being in a time warp. I can't help but think that these blokes are so out of touch with how things work these days. They might mean well, they might not, but one thing's for certain. They're out of their depth.

Well they would be anywhere else - love that 'poe-faced, old toppies' - got me laughing, first thing in the morning - classic!
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I'm gonna cancel the weekend orgy.

Let me guess. Send memo to both your hands and file the dvd's away ?


DVDs? What is this, 2004?

He's started one in 2004, still stuck in the repeat play loop.

Caannot help it if he is a bit slow....one of these days he will finish.

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I'm an old guy. dvd's still confuse me. occasionally I try to put the. on my turntable. then I remember.

what's the newer technology ?

Eight track cartridges.(sound only).

Please post fotos. Is that like a cassette tape....cos I already got them in the car wink.png

If you've got these then you are at the cutting edge of technology, though i hear that Philips have invented a smaller tape called a cassette. It'll never catch on.post-129261-0-65491300-1400810163_thumb.post-129261-0-91390100-1400810195_thumb.

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Joking right.

More than 500 people still at yellow protest site right now.

That's because Thai people have a thing for laws or rules - they don't like to follow them!

I asked some friends about the curfew - no idea - most told me when they saw uniforms on TV they switched off!

They communicate via social media And don't care what the army says!

Would laugh my balls off if they blocked Facebook! That would really get Joe Soap's attention!

This is probably one of the few things that would get any attention from the vast Thai public. What would they do with their time, if not able to look at all the inane messages and pictures being sent to/from their 'Smart Phones' every blxxdy second. they would go insane!

Maybe, just maybe, people would start to TALK to each other again; but I very much doubt it!

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