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Army occupies Thai-Lao border to cut off Red escapes


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hahahaha, no where to run, no where to hide, finally the reds will have to face justice for all their calls to arms and their own "state". If the army now get the money and pay out the rice farmers I can see all the reds being turned in and losing their supporter base totally apart from the died in the wool war mongers.

Very stupid what you write here. If you believe that the army idiots can resolve any problem in Thailand you are totally wrong.

1st Rule of Thaskin's Law

You must never admit that the Thai Army has done more in 2 days to solve Thailand's problems, than my PTP Party has done in the last 6 months

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1st Rule of Thaskin's Law

You must never admit that the Thai Army has done more in 2 days to solve Thailand's problems, than my PTP Party has done in the last 6 months

What have they done exactly beside taking away freedom and disrupting everybody's life ?

People like you as well the too many others that are cheering a military coup should be give an extended chance to learn what it is really about.

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1st Rule of Thaskin's Law

You must never admit that the Thai Army has done more in 2 days to solve Thailand's problems, than my PTP Party has done in the last 6 months

What have they done exactly beside taking away freedom and disrupting everybody's life ?

People like you as well the too many others that are cheering a military coup should be give an extended chance to learn what it is really about.

We know what its about.

The army are the only ones competent enough to get anything done. Game is over. Thaksin loses. Chalerm and others arrested. Lao border closed. Thank god for the troops, real men instead of con men and cheaters like Shinawatra Chicom Swindlers.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Im not up to date, is Mr. Jatuporn still threatening civil war and treating general Prayuth as his subordinate or he came to his senses already? I hope he is not shitting himself now as he has shown to be a very courageous speaker. Thai army has honour and cannot be bought with money.

Thai army has honour and cannot be bought with money.

This is the biggest joke I have ever heard !

So you need to learn more about Thailand. They are the true guardians of this country. They are not doing it for self interest but for the nation as a whole. Some of you guys are so negative about Thailand, why are you still here?

I guess this is the kind of thing you have to say when you're posting with your business identity. The question is, did you type it without cracking up? I know I couldn't.

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1st Rule of Thaskin's Law

You must never admit that the Thai Army has done more in 2 days to solve Thailand's problems, than my PTP Party has done in the last 6 months

What have they done exactly beside taking away freedom and disrupting everybody's life ?

People like you as well the too many others that are cheering a military coup should be give an extended chance to learn what it is really about.

We know what its about.

The army are the only ones competent enough to get anything done. Game is over. Thaksin loses. Chalerm and others arrested. Lao border closed. Thank god for the troops, real men instead of con men and cheaters like Shinawatra Chicom Swindlers.

Shame they couldn't have gone into action a bit sooner and allowed people to vote freely in the elections. Maybe supported the police in clearing various government buildings and major intersections of gun wielding protesters. It's amazing how just a little while ago the constitution and the right to protest seemed tremendously important. They've served their purpose now I guess.

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Could be very inconvenient to tourist's who's laos visa would expire that day,or had onward transport to Bangkok for a flight,just more nails in the coffin that Tourism to Thailand is becoming.

True. They might thus consider doing a visa run to Vietnam or fly out of Laos via Vietnam or China if they're properly prepared. Vietnam's Ho Chi Minh and Hanoi airports can take away a lot of the travelers that would otherwise have gone to/via Thailand.

AA flies Vientiane to KL, promo fares as low as USD55 still available within a week.


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Look closely and think out of the box. Why no mention about catching PDRC members? They were the ones pushing for revolution, breaking laws, had warrants? Is all forgiven now Suthep got what his masters wanted? Clearly shows who owns the army here. Hint: it isn't the majority of people here, it is the "bags of cash Paragon types" behind the scenes.

Because they were not the ones threatening civil war if the military took over.

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1st Rule of Thaskin's Law

You must never admit that the Thai Army has done more in 2 days to solve Thailand's problems, than my PTP Party has done in the last 6 months

What have they done exactly beside taking away freedom and disrupting everybody's life ?

People like you as well the too many others that are cheering a military coup should be give an extended chance to learn what it is really about.

We know what its about.

The army are the only ones competent enough to get anything done. Game is over. Thaksin loses. Chalerm and others arrested. Lao border closed. Thank god for the troops, real men instead of con men and cheaters like Shinawatra Chicom Swindlers.


Oh... wait... its only been just under 36 hours. :/

This is the start of the coup not the end game. If you think its the end game youre living in a land of unicorns, sunshine and rainbows.

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hahahaha, no where to run, no where to hide, finally the reds will have to face justice for all their calls to arms and their own "state". If the army now get the money and pay out the rice farmers I can see all the reds being turned in and losing their supporter base totally apart from the died in the wool war mongers.

So please tell me, assuming that your hypothesis is correct, where will the army get this money from?

More plunder?

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Could be very inconvenient to tourist's who's laos visa would expire that day,or had onward transport to Bangkok for a flight,just more nails in the coffin that Tourism to Thailand is becoming.

True. They might thus consider doing a visa run to Vietnam or fly out of Laos via Vietnam or China if they're properly prepared. Vietnam's Ho Chi Minh and Hanoi airports can take away a lot of the travelers that would otherwise have gone to/via Thailand.

AA flies Vientiane to KL, promo fares as low as USD55 still available within a week.

Yep. Actually, there are more and more flight connections to Laos, and indeed to Cambodia, Myanmar and Vietnam that no longer require transiting via Thailand. Thailand used to be "the" hub say 20-25 years ago when these countries were just opening up and emerging from prior civil war etc. but nowadays their economies are taking off and they are becoming destinations in their own right. There are numerous flight options from Europe to Vietnam, that no longer stop in Thailand. Air France some years ago flew Paris-Bangkok-Ho Chi Minh and then later on started flying Paris-Bangkok-Phnom Penh, whilst Paris-Ho Chi Minh started to be flown non-stop. Nowadays, Air France has reduced frequency on the Paris-Bangkok route from 7 down to 3 or 4 weekly flights and Paris-Ho Chi Minh runs 5 times weekly I believe. While Air France no longer flies to Phnom Penh, I think Qatar Airways now flies from Doha via Ho Chi Minh to Phnom Penh, rather than Bangkok (which it used to). Although Lufthansa stopped flying to Ho Chi Minh altogether, it has also reduced flight frequencies to Bangkok over the years, from a daily (or more) flight from Frankfurt and a separate flight from Munich down to now only one flight per day from Frankfurt and no more connections from Munich, with a smaller aircraft type than was previously operating.

Myanmar has every chance of attracting as many airlines and becoming a serious competitor to Thailand as a regional aviation hub. Although Laos and Cambodia are smaller with few flights outside the region, it's about time that there are more airlines operating directly to Cambodia rather than flying via Thailand. Indeed there are now a lot of non-stop flights from China and an increasing number of flights from Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar, not to mention Malaysia and Singapore.

The 2008 Bangkok airports takeover was already a wake up call, and now there is a lot of capacity being added from Vientiane to regional cities. Indeed, unless you are flying with THAI and intending on catching another flight in it's network onwards from Bangkok, you might as well fly on Vietnam Airlines, if for example you're heading to Australia or even Indonesia, Lao Airlines or a Chinese carrier if you're heading to China (generally via Kunming but there are now flights to Guangzhou too) and you can even reach Singapore and Seoul directly from Vientiane.

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I am positive, I believe things will get better.

Of course, but for whom? Not the majority of voters in Thailand.

Absolutely and unequivocably they will be the ones to benefit. The voters in the north will not have to worry after leaving the polling booth that their vote has been opened & read by the local village head man..

Are you saying things will get better for the PTP red shirts. They are the minority 48%?

In this country that is a minority don't know what it is in your country.

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hahahaha, no where to run, no where to hide, finally the reds will have to face justice for all their calls to arms and their own "state". If the army now get the money and pay out the rice farmers I can see all the reds being turned in and losing their supporter base totally apart from the died in the wool war mongers.

dreamer. this will strengthen the pheua thai resolve

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Security tightened at border crossings


Saitaku checkpoint

Security at several border checkpoints were strengthened on Friday following the military coup on Thursday.

NONG KHAI: -- Soldiers were assigned to the checkpoint bordering Laos at Thai-Lao Friendship Bridge in Nong Khai’s Muang district. Thai citizens were prohibited from crossing the border to Laos but Laotians were allowed to return home through the checkpoint.

Thais, Laotians and other foreigners presenting their passports were permitted to cross into Thailand as were patients requiring medical treatment on the Thai side of the border.

Trucks carrying goods in and out of the country have to pass through two checkpoints and face strict screening to prevent any movement of those banned by National Peace and Order Maintaining Council from leaving the country.

The measure was put in place after reports that some politicians might try to sneak out of the country.

The Suranaree Task Force has ordered a three-day closure of Saitaku checkpoint in Buri Ram's Ban Kruat district to prevent security-related offenders and politicians leaving the country.

The measure would also prevent smuggling of weapons in and out of the country. The closure will be in place until Sunday.

The checkpoint in Sa Kaew's Aranyaprathet district is still open for crossing and the border markets on both sides were as crowded as ever. However, screening for people and vehicles is stricter.

Sa Kaew deputy police commander Col Benjapon Rodsawat said that the number of border crossings following the coup was normal though the number of foreigners travelling through the checkpoint to Thailand had probably reduced due to uncertainties about the political situation.

"We have informed tour guides that the situation is normal and safe so that they will tell the foreigners," he said.

Meta Lorcharoenwattanachai, a trader in Rongklua market on the Thai side of the border said he had received several phone calls from Cambodian friends asking if the checkpoint was closed following the coup. He told them that the checkpoint is open as usual.


-- The Nation 2014-05-23

"Screening for vehicles is stricter at the Aranyaprathet crossing". Ha! How many vehicles have ever crossed that border?! The Cambodian customs there are nuts, they don't allow Thai vehicles to cross into their territory except with special permission so for all intents and purposes only pedestrians and carts cross that border, not vehicles. Probably the only vehicles that can actually cross are owned by Thai and Cambodian customs and even then they are usually restricted from venturing too far inside each other's territory.

I know that Thai and Cambodian vehicles can cross at other checkpoints and go further inside their respective countries. However, Cambodia really needs to reform their customs procedures and follow the 2001 GMS cross-border vehicle agreement, especially in light of the upcoming AEC. In Europe and North America, you can drive across an international border with none of this BS you have here in this part of the world.

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So which is it?

"Traffic across the border was allowed to continue with severe restrictions. Thai commuters were not allowed to leave the country, and foreigners were not permitted to enter. Soldiers at the checkpoint said they were ordered to stay until a change was announced by the central command."

If Thai's are not allowed to leave, and foreigners are not allowed to enter, then how can it be claimed that traffic across the border was allowed to continue?

Edited by atsiii
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Police state; never mind the 'criminals' supported & voted the gov into power, via the ballot box. Never mind they are no more or less crooked than the next or previous bunch. This is a rehearsal in microscosm of what Obama plans for the USA. He is only one good false flag op away from martial law. When democracy falls in the USA, it will fall everywhere. Hitler, Hirphito, MUssolini & Stalin all believed ultimate power comes from the barrel of a gun. It took the deaths of millions to prove them wrong.

May I suggest that you write your posts before you have the 12 Singha beers.

That way you might have a better chance to make yourself understood.

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Could be very inconvenient to tourist's who's laos visa would expire that day,or had onward transport to Bangkok for a flight,just more nails in the coffin that Tourism to Thailand is becoming.

If you have their names, I will send all six persons inconvenienced a nice letter of apology.

BTW "...the coffin that Tourism to Thailand is becoming." Tourism is not dead/dying, and certainly not turning into a coffin.

In any case, I think he means, "Tourism Authority Of Thailand" and NOT "Tourism to Thailand." Perhaps "marko kok prong" as he calls himself, should take a look at what the various Tourism organisations in other countries do. I think he will find that the TAT is one of the World's leading promoters of tourism and wins numerous awards world wide, from the travel industry.

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The Trans-Asia Hiway from the port of Danang crosses from Laos at the Mukdaham border. It is a fast route for containers from China & sundry other parts. They go to Myanmar, then further westwards, some into Thai, & vice-versa. This is an ASEAN set-up, so if the traffic is interfered with, the repercussions would go wide. Possibly, really desperate, fleeing VIPs need only garb themselves as truck drivers to 'escape', that is, if they grudge the 500B for a rowboat to cross the Mekong.

ASEAN is linked by treaty, commercially, to the BRICS trading bloc. This is a serious competitor to the rival bloc, which uses the US dollar for international deals. Now, who would be interested in sowing discord & mayhem within ASEAN to rescue their failing currency? Could it be the same powerful nation that trashed & smashed Iraq, Libya & Syria for similar commercial reasons?

As for tourism, with 20 million-plus Chinese fun-seekers in the pipe, who needs Westerners? Whatever, I devoutly hope Thai can escape international entanglements w/out harm.

Edited by OldgitTom
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Could be very inconvenient to tourist's who's laos visa would expire that day,or had onward transport to Bangkok for a flight,just more nails in the coffin that Tourism to Thailand is becoming.

If you have their names, I will send all six persons inconvenienced a nice letter of apology.

BTW "...the coffin that Tourism to Thailand is becoming." Tourism is not dead/dying, and certainly not turning into a coffin.

In any case, I think he means, "Tourism Authority Of Thailand" and NOT "Tourism to Thailand." Perhaps "marko kok prong" as he calls himself, should take a look at what the various Tourism organisations in other countries do. I think he will find that the TAT is one of the World's leading promoters of tourism and wins numerous awards world wide, from the travel industry.

Well why not travel up to Kok Prong and have a word with Marko?, its in Phetchabun, take Rambo Soul with you too.

Its deep red shirt country so best to go in daylight and hold hands, or take a few young Army conscripts.

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You all make me laugh condoning this military intervention. Red shirt, yellow shirt, pink shirt with polka dots, who cares, it is a coup d'état !!!! It is clear evidence the country is not a democracy but a dictatorship, SIMPLE! The people have a right to protest within the law. Trouble causers should be arrested by the police. The police should have overall control of the civilian population via orders given by the elected government. SIMPLE! NO not here folks the police are governed by the military, the military choose who and how to govern the country. The place is and always has been a military dictatorship. And although neutral towards any particular party i can only comment on hard facts and "like it or not" when Thaksin was ousted no can can argue the country was not, at the time on an upward spiral economically. An elected government not partial to dictatorship is not allowed to succeed here folks. SIMPLE!

YOU make me laugh suggesting that the Police should be in charge of the country through direct orders from the elected government. In most countries yes. Here? I don't think so!

Election fraud? State sponsored terrorism? MASSIVE corruption from the PTP and the Police?

Ring any bells with you?

Dont be so naiieve!

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I crossed Friday afternoon at 3pm at the Nongkhai border from Laos and did not notice any military presence or anything out of the ordinary. I wasn't looking for such mind you but it seemed business as usual to myself as I crossed with others who were in Vientiane for new Visas.....

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Looks like the army has it's eye on Red-suppression again. But with 14 October 1973, 6 October 1976, and lately, 2010 in its resume, it will be careful to not repeat those mistakes. The focus of the world is on Thailand now, and many Thais are potential journalists with recording devices in their pockets or bags. Look for restraint but look also for the yellows to be given the reigns of government again, but not before rules of polling are "democratically adjusted."

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Hope that there will be no violence and the transition will be smooth.

Thanks for the Army and all the service men who have been trying to keep Thailand a safe place.

I wish people in Thailand the best of luck.

I not read a more stupid post here before. The generals will throw back Thailand to the level of Myanmar. No tourism, production is down because of curfew, exports are going down. Stupid generals never knew how to run a country.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Hope that there will be no violence and the transition will be smooth.

Thanks for the Army and all the service men who have been trying to keep Thailand a safe place.

I wish people in Thailand the best of luck.

I not read a more stupid post here before. The generals will throw back Thailand to the level of Myanmar. No tourism, production is down because of curfew, exports are going down. Stupid generals never knew how to run a country.

I can see that you are a very narrow minded person. I am sorry.

Edited by ikurauni
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Police state; never mind the 'criminals' supported & voted the gov into power, via the ballot box. Never mind they are no more or less crooked than the next or previous bunch. This is a rehearsal in microscosm of what Obama plans for the USA. He is only one good false flag op away from martial law. When democracy falls in the USA, it will fall everywhere. Hitler, Hirphito, MUssolini & Stalin all believed ultimate power comes from the barrel of a gun. It took the deaths of millions to prove them wrong.

May I suggest that you write your posts before you have the 12 Singha beers.

That way you might have a better chance to make yourself understood.

Joe twelvepack posting from his cave high in the Ozarks laugh.png

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Police state; never mind the 'criminals' supported & voted the gov into power, via the ballot box. Never mind they are no more or less crooked than the next or previous bunch. This is a rehearsal in microscosm of what Obama plans for the USA. He is only one good false flag op away from martial law. When democracy falls in the USA, it will fall everywhere. Hitler, Hirphito, MUssolini & Stalin all believed ultimate power comes from the barrel of a gun. It took the deaths of millions to prove them wrong.

May I suggest that you write your posts before you have the 12 Singha beers.

That way you might have a better chance to make yourself understood.

Joe twelvepack posting from his cave high in the Ozarks

I think he just needs a hug. (And a few days off the sauce.)

Probably just bought the entire DVD set of "Preppers" and watched them all back to back.

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Why bother to cross the border???

In the hot season there are places in the Mekhong river were you can nearly walk from Thailand into Vientianne without getting your feet wet or being spot by any control

Exactly! One time I went for a visa run and on arrival at the Thai consulate I was informed that I was in Laos illegally; I didn't even know.

Thais and Lao's go in and out of each country regularly with out ever going through immigration. In my case I had asked a cyclo driver to take me to where I can get into Laos. He took me to a long tail which took me across the river to what used to be immigration. I looked around the building but there was no where to stamp in.

As it turned out that was the way they used to do it before the friendship bridge so I had to reverse the process and re-enter the legitimate way. This was the Savankhet crossing not Vientiane.

So if I could enter Laos by accident I'm pretty sure someone on the run could figure our a way of crossing the river without going anywhere near an immigration station.

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