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Having a beer with the security guard at my apartment


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He was the one that asked for the beer then asked me to sit with him so my encouragement was minimal.

I'm a pretty easy going bloke but the security guard asking you to get him a beer when he's supposed to be working? F that for a game of soldiers.

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I sincerely hope most of the negative responses were meant to be sarcastic - if they were sincere then you folks have to loosen up a bit. They shared a couple beers, big deal. What a bunch of up tight, namby pamby old ladies.

Spot on but not strong enough.

A guy had a beer with another guy..................

Love all the negativity here, like it's a serious crime to have a beer with the people around you.

I drink with my staff.

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This sounds harsh where we come from, but the likely reason they were looking may be less to do with the beer and more to do with a resident (a 'higher up') mixing at an overly friendly level with a worker (a 'lower down'). In this society there tends to be a disconnect along the lines of what was mentioned earlier. Just avoid making a habit of it, maintain some distance.

Edited by daveAustin
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When I lived in Bangkok and Nontaburi the security guards would offer me beer on my way in knowing that I would do the next beer run sometimes. NO ONE ever in said anything about it and the other residents sometimes would do the same thing. Granted it was usually soewhat later in the evening but when the shops shut down early.....

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Please do not do it again because you are sending a very wrong signal to him telling him its ok to drink while on duty. I personally feel that it maybe all right if he is a management or maintenance staff but definitely not a security guard.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

encouraging someone who is working to drink on the job, you do know the guy could get fired don't you ?

Spot on!

Some residents where I stay give the guards some food from time to time, which is entirely up to them. Equally, buying a guard a bottle of beer or whatever is fine BUT it is not acceptable for them to drink it whilst on duty.


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I live in an all thai building only farang is me I don't drink but more than once shared a meal and chat in broken thai from me broken english from him. Got to know who to steer clear of in neighborhood and which ladies put out. So it worked out for me. His wife even cooked me some great thai food.

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what a bunch of miserable gits. The guy shared two beers with the man, they weren't on a drinking marathon.

For all you know the security guard could be based at a booth outside and his job is to check people

going in and out. Which he could still do, but with the enjoyment of some company for an hour.

so with the curfew his night would be very quiet.

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This sounds harsh where we come from, but the likely reason they were looking may be less to do with the beer and more to do with a resident (a 'higher up') mixing at an overly friendly level with a worker (a 'lower down'). In this society there tends to be a disconnect along the lines of what was mentioned earlier. Just avoid making a habit of it, maintain some distance.

All my Farang friends wives are ex bargirls, and my wife completed university. When we get together, she is happy to sit and chat with the wives. But again, Mrs Possum was brought up with a normal working class family, so maybe that's the difference.

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If there's any thieving tonight you are public enemy number one.

You probably are anyway as you're drinking with someone that is supposed to be working.

I cant believe you said that and others following that line of thinking. SECURITY is an illusion and always has been an after the fact solution to a crime. " He went that way officer, he's wearing jeans and a white tank top and purple sneakers carrying a television and a scooter. .

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encouraging someone who is working to drink on the job, you do know the guy could get fired don't you ?

it is not acceptable for them to drink it whilst on duty.

In Thailand, it is. Nobody cares about that stuff here.

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This was not the wisest thing to do, but then again you have asked on here if we think it was ok. The answer from me is absolutely not. You compromised the entire safety of all the people living in that area under the responsibility of that security guard. What do you think the chances are that he had a good 4 hour kip between 1am and 5 am, all beer induced. Fire, theft, attack, whatever the incident. What you did was well meant but was the wrong time absolutely, you could have done it on his night off. This is nothing to do with being a 'decent human being' or a 'kind bloke'. I used to buy two bags full of beer and whiskey every single day at 5pm for the builders who were building my house - AFTER work had finished. If I lived in the apartments and was paying a monthly fee for security I would be pretty pissed off at your actions. Stupid is as stupid does.

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Drinking beer/alcohol is for the free time not while working so the guard can sure get in to trouble for that!

If you would have bought M150, a coke or anything else without alcohol would have been accepted by the others living in the building and the guard would still be happy!

There have been many times I have given food and/or drinks to guards and workers because it makes them happy and if you ever need a hand they sure help you!

But never alcohol while they are working!

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The OP has obviously not seen a security guard DIC with a whistle, plastic handcuffs and a nightstick, not a pretty sight.......................sad.png

But in seriousness, it is not a good idea to encourage, by acceptance, anyone drinking on duty especially if involved with security.

It is even less wise to do so in front of the people he is employed to protect. Never cr@p on your own doorstep, and if you have to, make sure you don't slip in it..................thumbsup.gif

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If the guard is called up about the drinking, all he will have to say is that the tenant bought it and wanted to have a drink with him and he won't be fired.


As you said, yours is a humble opinion, but sadly I think not a correct one. A security company would drop him in a heartbeat if a resident complained. Ten a penny and very cheap to hire. The guy would be out of a job!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

If there's any thieving tonight you are public enemy number one.

You probably are anyway as you're drinking with someone that is supposed to be working.

I cant believe you said that and others following that line of thinking. SECURITY is an illusion and always has been an after the fact solution to a crime. " He went that way officer, he's wearing jeans and a white tank top and purple sneakers carrying a television and a scooter. .

Is that the way they do it in Canada?

In my home country, and every other country I can think of, security is preventative. What you describe above is a witness statement.

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