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Ex-PMs Thaksin Shinawatra, Yingluck Shinawatra to establish government in exile

Lite Beer

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No western country or country in security council will recognize this exile government.

If you read statement form these countries they only condemn coup and not reject junta.......

For remember Taksin is not welcome like leaders in USA, when he come in Europe authorities told him to shut is mouth

It doesn't matter what another country says, it matters what they do. If the right hand is moving, you should watch the left, because that's what's really happening. Furthermore, the Carlyle Group, the Giant Banks and the IMF operate outside of the law and don't recognize international boarders. They make their own rules and they own the politicians in the countries you mentioned. Prepare to be assimilated!

Edited by Echo Tango
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It doesn't matter what another country says, it matters what they do. If the right hand is moving, you should watch the left, because that's what's really happening. Furthermore, the Carlyle Group, the Giant Banks and the IMF operate outside of the law and don't recognize international boarders. They make their own rules and they own they politicians in the countries you mentioned. Prepare to be assimilated!

And the Trilateral Commission. You forgot the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderberg Group. We won't mention the Knights (shhhhh) Templar, or the Jooooooz right?


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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Government in exile is a fantasy. Even so, I don't think I'd want my lawyer spouting off about it while I'm in custody of the military.

Loose Lips....Sink Ships!

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A government in exile is the right step. It will show to the whole world, that the military dictatorship has no legitimacy. The government in exile must also keep the seat in the UN, another proof that the junta has no legal right and is illegal.

Might have more weight if the one's trying to do this...were not this lot.

Sent from my LG-P970 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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No western country or country in security council will recognize this exile government.

If you read statement form these countries they only condemn coup and not reject junta.......

For remember Taksin is not welcome like leaders in USA, when he come in Europe authorities told him to shut is mouth

What "this" exile government are you talking about? The one that Thaksin and/or Yingluck and/or any Shinawatra haven't set up and haven't threatened to set up and haven't commented on? That exile government?

Can you provide some details about "this exile government"? No, of course not. It's a rumour spread by Thai Visa based on a statement by a person who three days ago and two weeks ago and months ago and years ago was consistently and uniquely trashed by Thai Visa users as a lying, know-nothing mouthpiece with no authority - but who (literally) overnight became a paragon of truth and virtue to Thai Visa users.


I just react to this news ok, and give some light on why this exile gov could not recognize in the world. I know is just speculation from a poor lawyer who search a certain popularity with this..............

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Wow, talk about bad timing. I wouldn't want to be YS in detention right now.

Not if we think of it as a case of giving from one hand, slapping with the other and then saying "sorry, sorry, I forgot about your situation Yingy, but everything has a cost. Your younger and stronger than I am and they really just want Shinawatra blood."

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No western country or country in security council will recognize this exile government.

If you read statement form these countries they only condemn coup and not reject junta.......

For remember Taksin is not welcome like leaders in USA, when he come in Europe authorities told him to shut is mouth

It doesn't matter what another country says, it matters what they do. If the right hand is moving, you should watch the left, because that's what's really happening. Furthermore, the Carlyle Group, the Giant Banks and the IMF operate outside of the law and don't recognize international boarders. They make their own rules and they own the politicians in the countries you mentioned. Prepare to be assimilated!

Oh the Borg is coming soon ?

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Wow, talk about bad timing. I wouldn't want to be YS in detention right now.

Not if we think of it as a case of giving from one hand, slapping with the other and then saying "sorry, sorry, I forgot about your situation Yingy, but everything has a cost. Your younger and stronger than I am and they really just want a Shinawatra sacririce."

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I just react to this news ok, and give some light on why this exile gov could not recognize in the world. I know is just speculation from a poor lawyer who search a certain popularity with this..............

I want to answer this because you are the first one today to react this way - properly, in my opinion. And thank YOU for replying at all. I wish a lot more posters felt that way, but unfortunately they believe Mr Amsterdam's tongue is the world gold standard for truth and for dependability.


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A government in exile is the right step. It will show to the whole world, that the military dictatorship has no legitimacy. The government in exile must also keep the seat in the UN, another proof that the junta has no legal right and is illegal.

Excellent way to stop a civil war and have the US maintain peanuts in Military aid.

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Dont these stupid cun** ever give up more money than you could ever believe well into middle age. Why not enjoy this wonderful world and its foods, people and places. No, must keep working to get more and more status and money, I can never understand this mentality. The Thai elite the richest in the graveyard.

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Might be a naive question, as I really don't know, but what are the benefits to Shinwatra for creating a government in exile? I mean, why do they want to do it? Its not like they can do anything in TH with it? Is it just for symbolic purposes??

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Thaksin at the Council of Foreign Relations. Birds of a feather, flock together......Tik-Tok Thailand!

A good file photo, but he lose confidence of the international community since few years........

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Has anybody seen any comment attributing that yingluck has made any such statement, or whether she has after the event, agreed to this arrangement.

Somehow I doubt that she would want any further involvement unless pushed (ordered) to by bb. Maybe wrong.

No, because so far this is just something coming from Robert Amsterdam.

Yingluck is busy, please leave a message etc.

If this was to become a reality, cannot imagine she will resist - shopping in exile sounds like her thing.

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Thaksin at the Council of Foreign Relations. Birds of a feather, flock together......Tik-Tok Thailand!

A good file photo, but he lose confidence of the international community since few years........

So he doesn't have a Rolodex? You don't think he's still talking with his homeboy's? I think they see an opening and they're going to go for it! There's a big deference between the talking heads in the "international community," and the people that are "really" in charge. Tik-Tok!

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Ah,hubris...thy name is Thaksin!

I've been coming to/living in Thailand ever since the campaign that led to Thaksin's election.

I saw him as a Thai Carnegie or Gates.....a man who made his billions and decided enough was enough, and would devote the rest of his life to improving his country (especially the many have-nots).

The first term, he had a coalition government, and pushed through many sensible and much-delayed reforms (30 baht health insurance, OTOP). There was an air of excitement and the country was developing rapidly. I had many long discussions with other farang who didn't care for him. I would answer their objections with "he is not responsible to us...but to his electorate." The second term he won an absolute majority, and the mask began to drop. The abuses came more often, and I stopped defending him, and began apologizing for my own stupidity. He was arrogant, possessed of overweaning pride, and (as we later found out) greed and corruption. If he had only ended that TV appearance in which he bragged about selling his family's telecommunications interests to Temasek (the sovereign wealth fund of Singapore) and not paying taxes, with something along the following lines..."despite that, I will put one-third of my profits in a fund to improve education, health and conservation in this country." No demonstrations, derogatory songs about the square-faced man, nor any coup would have succeeded. Finally, the 80% getting milked by the elite would use their minds and breathe free.

But Thaksin had two tragic flaws - avarice and hubris. So sad...The people needed (and still need) a good, creative leader who would make Thailand a more egalitarian, educated country, full of opportunity for all. A leader who would have clean hands and speak truth to power. In short, Thaksin could have ascended the heights, but instead, he's still playing in the muck. The results...eight wasted years and more to come. With Asean integration on the doorstep, this could not have come at a worse moment.

Excellent point.

The thing *I* have learned in a misspent life is that the rich people are exactly the ones who never, ever have enough. And yes Bill Gates, I'm looking at you. Yeah, you're a good guy this week, inoculating kids, but you will NEVER stop taking money for your semi-broken operating system and you will NEVER give any of it back, even in free support, say.

People like Thaksin who got to the top of the money through... er, even-more-questionable means that the completely amoral and unethical Gates will use those same tactics and invent others, because they want more, more, more and there is not such a thing as "enough". The "self-made" rich man is a lifetime addict to accumulation, and he will never stop. Like Gates, Thaksin has given away lots of money and set up foundations and education and all. He set up Otop and a terrific medical programme, and village funds that mean Isan people don't spend the winter in Bangkok any more.

I'm not blind to his achievements. But he can't stop accumulating, and therefore he never will, and if it's a fight between accumulating more or doing some good.... well, it's no fight at all, not at the time.

Right, Bill? Right, Warren?

Plus, as a bonus, you are right about Thaksin's personality and his need, his total need, to dominate and get his way. Kind of like an army general, actually. It destroyed him just as it has destroyed all the generals who made coups in the past 30 years and this one is absolutely toast.


One tiny difference is that Thaksin mostly spent the country's money, not his own.

While some of the Windows versions were atrocities, they did not result in that many a casualty as someone's infamous

war on drugs.

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Let me see An Non thai telling thai's that a fugitive and his deposed sister are going to start a government in exile. If I got this correct according to the Knucklehead who made the announcement to the world. Thaskin has been on the run for god knows how many years and now he is basically declaring war on Thailand and Thai people, Because if he tried this his Sister is at present a guest of the Military and at present they hold all the cards The Junta leader can revoke her passport and his Request an arrest where ever he is bring him back to Thailand an excute him for treason. They could hold Yingluck for treason try her and if found guilty excute her also. And anyone else involved in the plot. A person of other country interferring with the government of another country can be held and tried for crimes against that country. If I were Amsterdam I would find a rock and crawl back under it. Thai's don't play games Especially involving there Country or hasn't he read any Thai history?

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[snip] [snip] . Pity the arrogant Americans and the other Western puppet nations and Singapore and Malaysia and the Philippines and Vietnam and China and Hong Kong and Japan and India and the United Nations and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and Brunei and Taiwan and South Korea and the Asian Human Rights Commission cannot see the truth and sense in that instead of their coup must inly be bad blinkered narrow minded vision. Like democracies there are good and true ones and bad ones that do not carry out the majority wishes (like USA and UK as two shining examples of corporate money led power raping true democracy). Likewise there are also good and bad coups and this one IMHO is a good one with honourable intentions, unlike many of the simply stealing power permanently ones we have seen elsewhere in the world. So USA bloody well <deleted>, stop interfering and open your eyes and minds before your big mouth and see the sense in what is happening here in the circumstances this country is going through right now.

I think we should have a more complete list, do you not? It needn't be fully complete but more representative, don't you think?

I'm also a little unclear on how following the specific US law of policy towards countries switching to a military junta is "interfering". Are you suggesting the US should have no foreign policy? If not, what? Note the US never gave orders or instructions to Thailand, only stated what it hopes will happen. And don't we all hope for what the US hopes? I sure do:

John Kerry (with a long face):

I urge the restoration of civilian government immediately, a return to democracy, and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, such as press freedoms. The path forward for Thailand must include early elections that reflect the will of the people.

What in there do you not hope for, and why?

Also, the USA is not, and never has been a democracy. On purpose. It was debated at length and (irony alert!) the majority decided against it, so case settled long before you and I had any say.


Yep no problem you adding to the list, though I referred to the USA in particular as they are one of the worst culprits of this interfering these days. Cannot say I am able to endorse your fuller list as my knowledge of some of your quoted nations is a bit sketchy on my own admittance and why I would not have included most of them, But you get the general jist of what I meant I hope.

Of course all countries should have a foreign policy but they will get criticised when it has a lot of bad foreign policies within it and particularly being so imperialistic in nature like the USA are right now (and the UK were too back in their hay day and just as bad and evil). Sure the USA are starting to interfere with Thailands situation with already some minor sanctions and I am sure they will start more bloody intolerable bully boy actions before long.

"I urge the restoration of civilian government immediately, a return to democracy, and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, such as press freedoms. The path forward for Thailand must include early elections that reflect the will of the people."

The offending word there is the one I have underlined, as this shows gross ignorance of the situation here right now, What a disaster that would be if they followed the Kerry idiot's ill founded ignorant blinkered advice and had elections immediately. Crazy. Don't you think that the Junta also want the restoral of proper democracy too and the whole reason they have invoked a coup. Sorry but I back the whole concept of this coup and its reasoning and it seems a great number of folk support it too through this difficult time. Sure they need to curtail some minimal human rights temporarily as surely is totally understandable in the current circumstances. Once again I think the Junta is doing a great job at the moment and hope they will continue to do what is right and honourable in the interest of Thailand, and importantly not any self enriching morons like Thaksin.

If the USA is not a democracy then why do they spout off so much about being the home of democracy and all that propaganda. Total hypocrisy. You know I, as with many folk over the World used to respect and admire the USA but now I think they suck big time by their Corporate run extreme right wing Government run corruption and a total disrespect for true people power democracy and the arrogance and hypocrisy, so very much like the psyche of Thaksin who also puts money and corporate power above people. BTW I am British and used to love my country but I cannot say I do now as it is another corporate run USA puppet nation and sadly almost as corrupt as the USA too.

Edited by rayw
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A government in exile is the right step. It will show to the whole world, that the military dictatorship has no legitimacy. The government in exile must also keep the seat in the UN, another proof that the junta has no legal right and is illegal.

Might have more weight if the one's trying to do this...were not this lot.

Sent from my LG-P970 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Not sure about that, depends who else is on board.

I'm thinking someone moved to the UK in a hurry, for a reason.

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Ah,hubris...thy name is Thaksin!

I've been coming to/living in Thailand ever since the campaign that led to Thaksin's election.

I saw him as a Thai Carnegie or Gates.....a man who made his billions and decided enough was enough, and would devote the rest of his life to improving his country (especially the many have-nots).

The first term, he had a coalition government, and pushed through many sensible and much-delayed reforms (30 baht health insurance, OTOP). There was an air of excitement and the country was developing rapidly. I had many long discussions with other farang who didn't care for him. I would answer their objections with "he is not responsible to us...but to his electorate." The second term he won an absolute majority, and the mask began to drop. The abuses came more often, and I stopped defending him, and began apologizing for my own stupidity. He was arrogant, possessed of overweaning pride, and (as we later found out) greed and corruption. If he had only ended that TV appearance in which he bragged about selling his family's telecommunications interests to Temasek (the sovereign wealth fund of Singapore) and not paying taxes, with something along the following lines..."despite that, I will put one-third of my profits in a fund to improve education, health and conservation in this country." No demonstrations, derogatory songs about the square-faced man, nor any coup would have succeeded. Finally, the 80% getting milked by the elite would use their minds and breathe free.

But Thaksin had two tragic flaws - avarice and hubris. So sad...The people needed (and still need) a good, creative leader who would make Thailand a more egalitarian, educated country, full of opportunity for all. A leader who would have clean hands and speak truth to power. In short, Thaksin could have ascended the heights, but instead, he's still playing in the muck. The results...eight wasted years and more to come. With Asean integration on the doorstep, this could not have come at a worse moment.

Excellent point.

The thing *I* have learned in a misspent life is that the rich people are exactly the ones who never, ever have enough. And yes Bill Gates, I'm looking at you. Yeah, you're a good guy this week, inoculating kids, but you will NEVER stop taking money for your semi-broken operating system and you will NEVER give any of it back, even in free support, say.

People like Thaksin who got to the top of the money through... er, even-more-questionable means that the completely amoral and unethical Gates will use those same tactics and invent others, because they want more, more, more and there is not such a thing as "enough". The "self-made" rich man is a lifetime addict to accumulation, and he will never stop. Like Gates, Thaksin has given away lots of money and set up foundations and education and all. He set up Otop and a terrific medical programme, and village funds that mean Isan people don't spend the winter in Bangkok any more.

I'm not blind to his achievements. But he can't stop accumulating, and therefore he never will, and if it's a fight between accumulating more or doing some good.... well, it's no fight at all, not at the time.

Right, Bill? Right, Warren?

Plus, as a bonus, you are right about Thaksin's personality and his need, his total need, to dominate and get his way. Kind of like an army general, actually. It destroyed him just as it has destroyed all the generals who made coups in the past 30 years and this one is absolutely toast.


One tiny difference is that Thaksin mostly spent the country's money, not his own.

While some of the Windows versions were atrocities, they did not result in that many a casualty as someone's infamous

war on drugs.

I would take any version of Windows over anything Thaksin had been involved in, at least it would not stink.

And it sounds like Wanda4 has stumbled across Chalerm's stash of ear medicine.

..........................."Like Gates, Thaksin has given away lots of money"............................ ie. it's the ear medicine talking ! whistling.gif

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Goodness me, is Thaksin out of his mind? What a statement to make whilst key party members are held by the military, and what a ridiculous plan overall.

So, first the Shinwatras destroy Thailand despite Thaksin stating he wants unity. And now they want to try an involve a neighboring Asean country to host this nonsense government. It can all only go one way, conflict in which the poor Thai people will suffer whilst he and his band of idiots try and "govern" from "afar". He will claim its for the good of Thailand but it is very clearly a desperate attempt to cling on to the Golden Goose, and he will do at at the expense of Thai lives, for sure.

They are done in politics, time to give it up and let the system and the Thai people sort it out.

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Thaksin at the Council on Foreign Relations. Birds of a feather, flock together......Tik-Tok Thailand!

Oh my. So near, but yet so far. Yes, definitely CFR. But Thaksin doesn't run the world. Here are the photos that prove who do. Go ahead, deny it but this is photographic proof TWICE as strong as yours:



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Good, at last some positive news.

The Bangkok elitist military royalist oligarchy will now have to deal with the government in exile on a daily basis while it sends out to its supporters (the majority of the population) information on how to resist this facist takeover.

The generals think their proxies can run the country successfully even after two years of Abbhisit's efforts failed.

This is just adding more fuel to the fire for PTP's supporters.

I would not be at all surprised if there was a civil war in Thailand and the Reds slaughter the lot of them.

Thaksin himself supplies these elements of sedition for some years now, not like it's a new thing.

The country was not successfully run by either side's proxies, that too been going on for a while.

I would actually be surprised if there will be a civil war in Thailand, but then my definition of civil war

is more like Syria's situation and such, as opposed to "same same but a little bit more". If it comes to

that - no one wins. Reds slaughter the lot of them - my my, aren't we bloodthirsty.

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A government in exile is the right step. It will show to the whole world, that the military dictatorship has no legitimacy. The government in exile must also keep the seat in the UN, another proof that the junta has no legal right and is illegal.

Since you were planning on moving to the PPI, how's the chances of Thaksin setting up say, on Clark air base?

A government in exile might also show the world Thaksin has no legitimacy.

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As others have pointed out, this announcement will give the military an incentive to hold her and other family members longer which will serve two purposes:

1 It will make the Junta look worse and Thaksin look better.

2 It will remove some of his less obedient followers from the decision making process. His sisters will be much more useful as martyrs than as functioning (or dysfunctional) members of his government in exile.

All in all, a shrewd but ruthless move on his part.

to be a martyr on has to perish ones flame.

anyone can be a martyr. every single person who has died for any cause can easily be resurrected as a martyr. you simply need to be dead. im curious on whose ass thaksins hand/s will be up.?? speaking of, wheres chalerm in all this... durnk?

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Well this confirms that the Shiniwatra's were lying to the public for years when they repeatedly stated that Yinguck was not taking direction from Thaksin.

Now that the army knows their plans, it will be simple to detain Yingluck indefinitely. Thaksin extends his apologies prematurely for throwing Yingluck to the dogs.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The banner should read "Thaksin and Yingluck the comedy duo appearing daily".

Yes indeed, and they will be a comedy duo, that is until the first foreign nation recognizes them wink.png Should the U.N., E.U., U.S., Japan or another major country recognize them as the rightful leaders of a government in exile, then the comedy will not be so funny for those military leaders who put themselves out on a limb. If they do indeed set up a government in exile then I think that the U.N. would likely be the first to recognize them and start sanctions against Thailand wai2.gif

Too true,, now all he has to do is win some local support from the people,, lets say for example the farmers.

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