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US cancels military exercise, visits after Thai coup

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restore to the people of Thailand both the principles and the process of democratic rule.

Have these muppets been on the moon for the past 13 years or what?

Yingluck was elected, the coup leaders were not. Were you unaware of this?

Was the election not just a little bit rigged ?Or was it fair and square ?

Let's see, it was monitored and declared legitimate, the international community consider it fair, Abhisit resigned as head of his party for the crushing loss without blaming fraud, and even one of Suthep's advisers, when pressed, said the outcome was legitimate. I'd say it was fair and square. Do you have any evidence to the contrary?

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As an American citizen, I am so ashamed of my government. Please understand, this does not reflect the American peoples wishes. We continue to provide aid to countries who hate us, but go after our friends. Shame, shame, shame.

No one. is narrow minded enough to think all Americans support their own Govt. Don't worry about your Govt, they will do what they do and most Thais will give it little thought.

Met many lovely and decent folk from the USA. The people are not merely defined by their own corrupt and incompetent leaders.

This present coup in Thailand could be used as a blueprint for when the U S people get fed up enough with the present US governmemt ,

Too many shenanigans , too much corruption and incompetence same as Thailand ! Time to shake it up a little !

Was it not Thomas Jefferson who said :The tree of liberty must be refreshed by the blood of patriots and tyrants ?

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restore to the people of Thailand both the principles and the process of democratic rule.

Have these muppets been on the moon for the past 13 years or what?

Yingluck was elected, the coup leaders were not. Were you unaware of this?

Was the election not just a little bit rigged ?Or was it fair and square ?

Let's see, it was monitored and declared legitimate, the international community consider it fair, Abhisit resigned as head of his party for the crushing loss without blaming fraud, and even one of Suthep's advisers, when pressed, said the outcome was legitimate. I'd say it was fair and square. Do you have any evidence to the contrary?

Just asking !

I also was under the impression that there was a certain amount of illegal vote buying ,as well as a certain rice scheme put in place destined to favor rice growers and favoring farmers so they be certain to vote the right way .At the expense of the Thai taxpayers .

Was there some of that going on and more ?I am not saying I know this for sure or have any proof ,again just asking !

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Yingluck was elected, the coup leaders were not. Were you unaware of this?

Was the election not just a little bit rigged ?Or was it fair and square ?

Let's see, it was monitored and declared legitimate, the international community consider it fair, Abhisit resigned as head of his party for the crushing loss without blaming fraud, and even one of Suthep's advisers, when pressed, said the outcome was legitimate. I'd say it was fair and square. Do you have any evidence to the contrary?

Just asking !

I also was under the impression that there was a certain amount of illegal vote buying ,as well as a certain rice scheme put in place destined to favor rice growers and favoring farmers so they be certain to vote the right way .At the expense of the Thai taxpayers .

Was there some of that going on and more ?I am not saying I know this for sure or have any proof ,again just asking !

There are always claims of vote buying and I'm sure there was some going on, but no credible evidence that one side did it more than another or that it influenced the outcome of the election. I didn't follow the campaign but I'm sure there were generous promises on both sides, just like elections in the west.

I'm not defending Yingluck's performance, but I think the voters should have been the one's to determine whether she should stay in office or be removed.

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As an American citizen, I am so ashamed of my government. Please understand, this does not reflect the American peoples wishes. We continue to provide aid to countries who hate us, but go after our friends. Shame, shame, shame.

No one. is narrow minded enough to think all Americans support their own Govt. Don't worry about your Govt, they will do what they do and most Thais will give it little thought.

Met many lovely and decent folk from the USA. The people are not merely defined by their own corrupt and incompetent leaders.

This present coup in Thailand could be used as a blueprint for when the U S people get fed up enough with the present US governmemt ,

Too many shenanigans , too much corruption and incompetence same as Thailand ! Time to shake it up a little !

Was it not Thomas Jefferson who said :The tree of liberty must be refreshed by the blood of patriots and tyrants ?

"too much corruption and incompetence same as Thailand !" Not quite the same, but I certainly share your anger/disappointment. There is a process for cleaning house in the U.S. which does not involve a coup but hopefully will rid us of the plague.

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Interesting perspective.

Thai Coup Stings Western Meddlers:


This will give an idea of the perspective:

"With an army of deeply entrenched US-funded NGOs masquerading as human rights, press freedom, and pro-democracy advocates, the US has been busy subverting and attempting to overthrow indigenous institutions across Southeast Asia either in support of US proxy regimes already in power, or to pave way for disruptive "color revolutions" seeking to install them. "

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I didn't realise America had Democratic Principles! They normaly bomb the shit out of People they don't like whistling.gif

No big deal then, Thailand won't miss these exercises, and when there is democracy herecheesy.gif it can start all over again. clap2.gif

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