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Suthep freed on bail for charges relating to 2010 killings


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These were trumped charges, and hopefully he and Abhisit will soon get their day in court and walk free, as for the insurrection I think he is guilty, but some how I think he will get of lightly.

As for the unlawful killing I can see a number of Red Shirt and PTP leaders including many of the Shinawatra's and Chalerm doing long time.

Nothing trumped up about it, those people really died ! Now then, either the army went trigger happy and were to blame or the minister in charge which was Suthep ordered the army to be fully armed and shoot to teach them a lesson. I am sure that Abishit was only looking on and probably just an accessory to the action, it was obvious that Suthep was the real leader and Abishit just a figurehead. This leaves Suthep out on a 'wing' as i guess the army are not going to cop the blame.

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alt=laugh.png> alt=laugh.png> alt=laugh.png> alt=laugh.png>

Hes still got a whistle round his neck. What a moron

Your'e always supposed to wear a Whistle for court

When he starts blowing it at the judges, the whole nation will rise up and defend him, i hope he realises this.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Suthep missed an earlier court appearance on the same charges as he was busy leading the anti-government campaign !!!

alt=w00t.gif> alt=w00t.gif> alt=w00t.gif> Too busy ??? Leading an anti- government campaign can not be an excuse. Not for 6 months ......

Amazing Thailand: it starts with the people !!

Only charged. He will not be convicted as you know there is no evidence to support the charges.

I agree with you that eh will not be convicted, but not because there is no evidence. There is ample evidence, but because the courts will be told by the RE not t convict him.

If that is the finding, then it is obvious that the army were trigger happy at the same time deliberately using live ammunition...................will they admit to this. blink.png

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These were trumped charges, and hopefully he and Abhisit will soon get their day in court and walk free, as for the insurrection I think he is guilty, but some how I think he will get of lightly.

As for the unlawful killing I can see a number of Red Shirt and PTP leaders including many of the Shinawatra's and Chalerm doing long time.

Nothing trumped up about it, those people really died ! Now then, either the army went trigger happy and were to blame or the minister in charge which was Suthep ordered the army to be fully armed and shoot to teach them a lesson. I am sure that Abishit was only looking on and probably just an accessory to the action, it was obvious that Suthep was the real leader and Abishit just a figurehead. This leaves Suthep out on a 'wing' as i guess the army are not going to cop the blame.

Whenever someone mentions these charges, their acolytes counter with, "How many were killed under Thaksin's drug purge?" as if the fact that the precedent has been set by the other guy, then it somehow absolves their own inhumanity. It all turns out to be such a school playground farce with this, "He hit me first"... and then he ran away.

Anyway, back on topic. The army has started handing out the 'Get Out Of Jail' cards already so normal service has (almost) been resumed.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

He is missing the Cheshire Cat grin that appears in so many of his press photos.

He is smiling on the inside. Victory! Victory! Victory!

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I just love the photo; Suthep's "nobody can touch me" grin gone, the stages gone, the 0-point-whatever percent of Thai nationals representing "all the people of Thailand" gone... All he has left is his stupid whistle to hold on to.

Would be nice to know if 7Eleven will be ordered to remove Suthep's pathetic book from their shelves and especially from the cash counters, since the sheer sight of him makes me wanna throw up whenever I pay for my soda and crisps...

Post 666 by the way - I knew it would turn out evil smile.png

Edited by catweazle
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I am always amazed at the cost of bail and fines. He has to show 600,000 in a bank for bail on premeditated murder, but I have to show 800,000 for a visa extension. Go figure. blink.png

You appear to have got off very lightly, you are aware of the double pricing policy for farangs surely.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Suthep missed an earlier court appearance on the same charges as he was busy leading the anti-government campaign !!!

alt=w00t.gif> alt=w00t.gif> alt=w00t.gif> Too busy ??? Leading an anti- government campaign can not be an excuse. Not for 6 months ......

Amazing Thailand: it starts with the people !!

Only charged. He will not be convicted as you know there is no evidence to support the charges.

I agree with you that eh will not be convicted, but not because there is no evidence. There is ample evidence, but because the courts will be told by the RE not t convict him.

What would you charge him with? Both him and Abhisit acted within law. It wasn't their fault that some deluded and mislead red shirt supporters have taken arms against their own state. 2010 wasn't a peaceful protest, it was well organized armed uprising led by a renegade general.

...including the unarmed people sheltering in a temple.? Eight dead

And the innocent young nurse who was only attending to a wounded person. That was outright murder. sad.png

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Suthep missed an earlier court appearance on the same charges as he was busy leading the anti-government campaign !!!

alt=w00t.gif> alt=w00t.gif> alt=w00t.gif> Too busy ??? Leading an anti- government campaign can not be an excuse. Not for 6 months ......

Amazing Thailand: it starts with the people !!

Only charged. He will not be convicted as you know there is no evidence to support the charges.

I agree with you that eh will not be convicted, but not because there is no evidence. There is ample evidence, but because the courts will be told by the RE not t convict him.

If that is the finding, then it is obvious that the army were trigger happy at the same time deliberately using live ammunition...................will they admit to this. blink.png

Should these use cap guns after rubber bullets failed, crowd control failed, police failed to do their jobs, hired cambodian hitmen in black? c'mon. They were told to go home, and instead fought with live ammunition as red hired civilians against the army, after repeated warnings. Why does that need reiterated so much?

At least view some videos in you tube. In another other place besides Thailand, there would have been scores more dead after directly attacking soldiers. They ask for it, got it, and they certainly deserved what they got.

Edited by gemini81
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As I recall. There was a televised debated which negotiated a resolution to the 2010 protests. The redshirts reneged on their promises to end the process and the government used the military to remove the protesters. Who clearly stated they would fight to maintain control of the area.

I can't see any charges would stand up in court, since they were bought by the last government.

The Attorney General presented the case to the court for consideration. The Court accepted the case in the knowledge that there was enough evidence to indict abhisit and suthep with charges of pre meditated murder.

Opposition leader Abhisit Vejjajiva and his deputy Suthep Thaugsuban appeared at the Attorney General Office Thursday to acknowledge indictment in their connection with the 2010 political upheaval in Bangkok.

The public prosecutor charged the pair with ordering the authorities to commit offences in killing people and premeditated murder during the political rally, led by the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship or Red Shirt faction.

Abhisit said an official indictment against them would need the court's approval since he and Suthep, both members of Parliament, were legally protected from trial or arrest during a parliamentary session.


Abhisit went on to say

Abhisit said all factions should respect the judicial system, .....................

and then said:

He said he would wait until the public prosecutor formally indicted them after which they would file a lawsuit against the Attorney General.

Ah, the Democrat Party way of respecting the judicial system, get indicted for murder and then try and sue the person who indicted you. Says a lot about their mindset whistling.gif

Edited by fab4
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Trust me. Nothing is going to happen to Suthep and his gang. The army is on the same side with them. This is just a show. This is their definition of the word 'neutral'. Just wait and see.

That's right. The Yellows and their corrupt cops and military official leaders obviously just want to take over the government. So many Thais ( and foreigners here too) are so damned gullible to fall for these gangsters and their talk of Democracy.

Good job your not. No sir, you won't be swayed from your total trust and belief in the "virtuous man on the run", Thaksin the Innocent.

He talks of democracy, like he does lots of things. Don't apply to him though, just like the law.

Of course you're not gullible - after all you're on the side of right, justice, democracy and freedom, as the reds and their glorious leaders so often demonstrate.

Red democracy - vote for us or will grenade and shoot you.

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Oh goody, we can rehash all about the 2010 riots again it would seem.

Anyway Suthep (with soldiers 'protecting' him) finally reported in to hear the charge of premeditated murder as private person just like Abhisit already did in December. With both accused thus charged the court can plan the next steps like asking prosecutor and defence council to produce lists of witnesses to be called, etc., etc.

Well at least no one has parliamentary immunity, so both this trial and the one against the UDD leaderscan finally really proceed thumbsup.gif

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Should these use cap guns after rubber bullets failed, crowd control failed, police failed to do their jobs, hired cambodian hitmen in black...c'mon get a clue. At least view some videos in you tube. In another other place besides Thailand, there would have been scores more dead after directly attacking soldiers. They ask for it, got it, and they certainly deserved what they got.

hired cambodian hitmen in black!!!

Are you seriously peddling that ultra nationalist crap as facts?

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But only charged from documents lodged by a crooked DSI under Tarit/Thaksin.

When the Judges see the lack of evidence, Tarit will be arrested for issuing falsified charges.

So, what you are saying is that now of these Thai people dies in the Army Crackdown??? Someone ordered the Crackdown!!! Unless you think that some 150 army soldiers took it upon themselves to open fire. If not the government at the time in control, that would be Abhisit and Suthep - then someone in the upper ranks of the Army took it upon themselves - Anupong Paochinda or Prayuth Chan-ocha (as he supported the crackdown).

But not to worry - as Thailand still can not take a single member of the PAD group to court for shutting down the airports - postponed again until December

They do not have to "take it upon themselves" the order just needs to be defensive in nature as opposed to offensive - an order such as "shoot any apparently armed protestor" would be offensive, and order of "shoot only to protect yourselves and your comrades" would be defensive. A soldier is not obliged to sit still and be blown to pieces or shot to death, like anyone else, they have a right to defend themselves. Trying to make it black and white is an attempt to make a lie out of a situation by forcing an answer that ill-fits a description of what happened. Being under live fire attack is not a black and white situation - and commanders on the ground can take control to protect their men - and rightly so.

The case, therefore, can only be, two fold: Was there an offensive order given; and did any soldiers act inappropriately : open fire when they (or their comrades) were not directly under threat or shoot unarmed or innocent protestors.

The former would constitute a righteous charge of officially mandated murder; the later would be down to the soldier involved.

IMO there is no evidence of the former - or it would have been aired long ago - and there is no interest in pursuing the latter (though that is the mostly likely scenario if any wrong doing was done at all wrt the army).

So you are saying that it is perfectly ok to murder an unarmed medical nurse who is attending to a wounded person. Or that it is ok to fire into a temple and kill unarmed persons who are sheltering in there. This sort of thinking was endemic with the SS during WW2. You should be shunned and ashamed. coffee1.gif

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As I recall. There was a televised debated which negotiated a resolution to the 2010 protests. The redshirts reneged on their promises to end the process and the government used the military to remove the protesters. Who clearly stated they would fight to maintain control of the area.

I can't see any charges would stand up in court, since they were bought by the last government.

The Attorney General presented the case to the court for consideration. The Court accepted the case in the knowledge that there was enough evidence to indict abhisit and suthep with charges of pre meditated murder.

Opposition leader Abhisit Vejjajiva and his deputy Suthep Thaugsuban appeared at the Attorney General Office Thursday to acknowledge indictment in their connection with the 2010 political upheaval in Bangkok.

The public prosecutor charged the pair with ordering the authorities to commit offences in killing people and premeditated murder during the political rally, led by the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship or Red Shirt faction.

Abhisit said an official indictment against them would need the court's approval since he and Suthep, both members of Parliament, were legally protected from trial or arrest during a parliamentary session.


Abhisit went on to say

Abhisit said all factions should respect the judicial system, .....................

and then said:

He said he would wait until the public prosecutor formally indicted them after which they would file a lawsuit against the Attorney General.

Ah, the Democrat Party way of respecting the judicial system, get indicted for murder and then try and sue the person who indicted you. Says a lot about their mindset whistling.gif

Looks like he's taken a leaf out of Thaksin and Tarit's playbook. Sue anyone who does anything against you.

Of course Thaksin takes it a bit further. Don't appeal and sue against conviction - run for it, much safer and avoids those other 15 court cases.

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As I recall. There was a televised debated which negotiated a resolution to the 2010 protests. The redshirts reneged on their promises to end the process and the government used the military to remove the protesters. Who clearly stated they would fight to maintain control of the area.

I can't see any charges would stand up in court, since they were bought by the last government.

The Attorney General presented the case to the court for consideration. The Court accepted the case in the knowledge that there was enough evidence to indict abhisit and suthep with charges of pre meditated murder.

Opposition leader Abhisit Vejjajiva and his deputy Suthep Thaugsuban appeared at the Attorney General Office Thursday to acknowledge indictment in their connection with the 2010 political upheaval in Bangkok.

The public prosecutor charged the pair with ordering the authorities to commit offences in killing people and premeditated murder during the political rally, led by the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship or Red Shirt faction.

Abhisit said an official indictment against them would need the court's approval since he and Suthep, both members of Parliament, were legally protected from trial or arrest during a parliamentary session.


Abhisit went on to say

Abhisit said all factions should respect the judicial system, .....................

and then said:

He said he would wait until the public prosecutor formally indicted them after which they would file a lawsuit against the Attorney General.

Ah, the Democrat Party way of respecting the judicial system, get indicted for murder and then try and sue the person who indicted you. Says a lot about their mindset whistling.gif

True, true. They should have asked to leave the country to watch the World Cup Football in Brasil, promise to come back after and jump bail. Just like that great example Thaksin.

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Should these use cap guns after rubber bullets failed, crowd control failed, police failed to do their jobs, hired cambodian hitmen in black...c'mon get a clue. At least view some videos in you tube. In another other place besides Thailand, there would have been scores more dead after directly attacking soldiers. They ask for it, got it, and they certainly deserved what they got.

hired cambodian hitmen in black!!!

Are you seriously peddling that ultra nationalist crap as facts?

Why can't he? You peddle crap that every terrorist act is carried out by Suthep's team to frame the peace loving reds and think people might swallow it.

He's more likely to be right than you.

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But only charged from documents lodged by a crooked DSI under Tarit/Thaksin.

When the Judges see the lack of evidence, Tarit will be arrested for issuing falsified charges.

So, what you are saying is that now of these Thai people dies in the Army Crackdown??? Someone ordered the Crackdown!!! Unless you think that some 150 army soldiers took it upon themselves to open fire. If not the government at the time in control, that would be Abhisit and Suthep - then someone in the upper ranks of the Army took it upon themselves - Anupong Paochinda or Prayuth Chan-ocha (as he supported the crackdown).

But not to worry - as Thailand still can not take a single member of the PAD group to court for shutting down the airports - postponed again until December

They do not have to "take it upon themselves" the order just needs to be defensive in nature as opposed to offensive - an order such as "shoot any apparently armed protestor" would be offensive, and order of "shoot only to protect yourselves and your comrades" would be defensive. A soldier is not obliged to sit still and be blown to pieces or shot to death, like anyone else, they have a right to defend themselves. Trying to make it black and white is an attempt to make a lie out of a situation by forcing an answer that ill-fits a description of what happened. Being under live fire attack is not a black and white situation - and commanders on the ground can take control to protect their men - and rightly so.

The case, therefore, can only be, two fold: Was there an offensive order given; and did any soldiers act inappropriately : open fire when they (or their comrades) were not directly under threat or shoot unarmed or innocent protestors.

The former would constitute a righteous charge of officially mandated murder; the later would be down to the soldier involved.

IMO there is no evidence of the former - or it would have been aired long ago - and there is no interest in pursuing the latter (though that is the mostly likely scenario if any wrong doing was done at all wrt the army).

So you are saying that it is perfectly ok to murder an unarmed medical nurse who is attending to a wounded person. Or that it is ok to fire into a temple and kill unarmed persons who are sheltering in there. This sort of thinking was endemic with the SS during WW2. You should be shunned and ashamed. coffee1.gif

Yesterday you accused me of interpreting your words to make my point. But's it's ok for you to do when it suits. No surprise you're a Thaksin supporter.

You put the words in to make a point that isn't pertinent to the case. No one condones murder. So how many allied PMs were tried for the innocents killed as a result of their orders?

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Suthep indicted on murder charges, granted bail

By Digital Content


BANGKOK, May 26 -- Thailand's public prosecutor has indicted Suthep Thaugsuban, secretary-general of the People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC), in connection with deaths and injuries of civilians in the crackdown on protesters in Bangkok's 2010 political upheaval.

Pol Lt Col Phichit Nonthasuwan, public prosecutor for special litigation, pressed the charge of premeditated murder against Mr Suthep, 64, in the Criminal Court today.

Mr Suthep is accused together with Abhisit Vejjajiva, then prime minister, in his capacity as deputy prime minister tasked with handling protesters.

The accused was then the appointed director of the Centre for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation (CRES) which handled the protest led by the United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD), the red shirts.

The crackdowns were ordered from April 7 to May 19, 2010. Ninety-eight persons were killed and many others wounded during the period. Red shirt demonstrators were protesting against the Abhisit administration.

Mr Suthep rejected the charge and the court will examine evidence in the case at 9am on July 28.

From the Office of the Attorney General Mr Suthep walked to the Criminal Court with dozens of police officers and soldiers escorting him there. Police and soldiers also stood guard at the court.

Sawasdi Charoenpol, Mr Suthep's lawyer, said his client prepared a bank account with over Bt600,000 to seek a release on bail.

Nanthasak Pulsuk, director-general of the Special Litigation Department of the Office of the Attorney General, said that the office did not oppose a release on bail and the decision would depend on the court.

The Court later approved the bail request, accepting the cash in the bank account as bail bond.

In related development, 25 PDRC leaders including Mr Suthep were indicted at the Criminal Court for insurrection and other seven charges in connection with the current anti-government protests.

The Court granted bail for them, accepting Bt100,000 each as collateral. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2014-05-26

Finally caught the guy and how someone who fails to show up for appearance in court, probably with a bench arrest warrant out for him, and accused of insurrection, which is probably one of the most serious charges possible, and in addition of premeditated murder during the demonstrations in 2010 get a "get our of jail" card is beyond imagination. Now we know how he spent some of money hand-outs he was given the past several months. His legal defense expenses. There would appear to be so much hard factual evidence against him, especially for the insurrection and his comments on stage, he should either see the inside of a Thai jail for many years, but guilty of insurrection also carries the death penalty.

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I found this in the 'Not The Nation', a letter from Sondhi to Suthep:

"Just remember, the hand that feeds you is the one that beats you with a stick,” Sondhi continued,” possibly referring to the high-placed person whose support was necessary to permit unarmed people to occupy an international airport with no interference from police or the military.

In closing, Sondhi expressed regrets for some of his own actions in handling the aftermath of the 2008 events, saying “I made the mistake of thinking I mattered, that I would be remembered for my sacrifice. And then I started barking, and was treated like a problem dog.”

Sondhi’s final advice to Suthep read “It’s best that men like you and me learn when to stop talking. But since I know you can’t possibly do that, you really should get the bulletproof car. Trust me on this.”

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Should these use cap guns after rubber bullets failed, crowd control failed, police failed to do their jobs, hired cambodian hitmen in black...c'mon get a clue. At least view some videos in you tube. In another other place besides Thailand, there would have been scores more dead after directly attacking soldiers. They ask for it, got it, and they certainly deserved what they got.

hired cambodian hitmen in black!!!

Are you seriously peddling that ultra nationalist crap as facts?

Why can't he? You peddle crap that every terrorist act is carried out by Suthep's team to frame the peace loving reds and think people might swallow it.

He's more likely to be right than you.

Why do you think there are curfews right now? Who are they trying to get and why try to keep the public safe?

The guy above has not a single local friend or acquaintance. Everyone knows those were hired thugs. And thats is the same reason we have curfews again and the borders are closed. I advise that dude above to take Thai language courses, make more local friends...the language us the culture and key to the people, and loads of Thai articles in Thai with all the evidence those were hired hands to create blood and create a scene.

You know, who was that guy that wasn't above murders for innocents in the war on drugs and in tak bai, but then we have a lot of guys on here sportin' a farm girl on their back on here huh, waiting for his pension along with that ol

carrot Thaksin is dangling all these years....just a few youtube videos away from anyone seeing how things went down in 2010; especially for our hired expat reds on here who arrived afterward.

Edited by gemini81
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So Thaksin has lost again.

He first thought they would cave in when he arranged for the murder charges to be brought against them but they had more character than he could imagine.

His problem there was that he judged them by his own standard for he knew if it had been him would have collapsed or run away.

Them he tried to get them included in his amnesty bill so they wouldn't have a chance to defend themselves in court and bring out all the evidence against him and his red leaders.

And the coup he worked so hard to arrange with the deaths and injuries his armed men caused. His insistence that Yingluck and the sad remains of his government refuse to resign to force the armys hand , that he thought would work in his favor has resulted in the rounding up of his paid goons and left Abhisit and Suthep free has come back to bite him and will bite him again and again over the next few weeks.

Now Abhisit and Suthep have plenty of time to go over the evidence in their defense to be sure they have every speech from the red stage, every phone in, every video and photo, all their witnesses organized, every link in the money trail back to the funder and instigator of the riots in place and in order so there can be no doubt of their innocence and no doubt where the real guilt lies.

Thaksin hasn't lost until the concept of one man one vote is removed. When that happens the country has lost.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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So, went to court on the murder indictment, then on the insurrection charges. Bail posted on both. BUT, they they put any restrictions, i.e.: Don't leave the country, or confiscate their passports? Or is the "petty cash" (for them) fine all they get?

What a question?

Please read the article on the previous page. Relevant sentence quoted below for your convenience-

"The court prohibits him from travelling abroad and if he wishes to travel, he has to get permission from the Court."

It's quite clear.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Suthep missed an earlier court appearance on the same charges as he was busy leading the anti-government campaign !!!

alt=w00t.gif> alt=w00t.gif> alt=w00t.gif> Too busy ??? Leading an anti- government campaign can not be an excuse. Not for 6 months ......

Amazing Thailand: it starts with the people !!

Only charged. He will not be convicted as you know there is no evidence to support the charges.

I agree with you that eh will not be convicted, but not because there is no evidence. There is ample evidence, but because the courts will be told by the RE not t convict him.

If that is the finding, then it is obvious that the army were trigger happy at the same time deliberately using live ammunition...................will they admit to this. blink.png

Should these use cap guns after rubber bullets failed, crowd control failed, police failed to do their jobs, hired cambodian hitmen in black? c'mon. They were told to go home, and instead fought with live ammunition as red hired civilians against the army, after repeated warnings. Why does that need reiterated so much?

At least view some videos in you tube. In another other place besides Thailand, there would have been scores more dead after directly attacking soldiers. They ask for it, got it, and they certainly deserved what they got.

The nurse asked for it?????? Is that what you really think?

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So Thaksin has lost again.

He first thought they would cave in when he arranged for the murder charges to be brought against them but they had more character than he could imagine.

His problem there was that he judged them by his own standard for he knew if it had been him would have collapsed or run away.

Them he tried to get them included in his amnesty bill so they wouldn't have a chance to defend themselves in court and bring out all the evidence against him and his red leaders.

And the coup he worked so hard to arrange with the deaths and injuries his armed men caused. His insistence that Yingluck and the sad remains of his government refuse to resign to force the armys hand , that he thought would work in his favor has resulted in the rounding up of his paid goons and left Abhisit and Suthep free has come back to bite him and will bite him again and again over the next few weeks.

Now Abhisit and Suthep have plenty of time to go over the evidence in their defense to be sure they have every speech from the red stage, every phone in, every video and photo, all their witnesses organized, every link in the money trail back to the funder and instigator of the riots in place and in order so there can be no doubt of their innocence and no doubt where the real guilt lies.

Thaksin hasn't lost until the concept of one man one vote is removed. When that happens the country has lost.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Absolutely. The military can try and break the back of people as much as it likes, but eventually there will be elections and whenever that maybe, there will be only one winner and we all know who that will be.

Edited by Mr Yim
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Suthep missed an earlier court appearance on the same charges as he was busy leading the anti-government campaign !!!

alt=w00t.gif> alt=w00t.gif> alt=w00t.gif> Too busy ??? Leading an anti- government campaign can not be an excuse. Not for 6 months ......

Amazing Thailand: it starts with the people !!

Only charged. He will not be convicted as you know there is no evidence to support the charges.

I agree with you that eh will not be convicted, but not because there is no evidence. There is ample evidence, but because the courts will be told by the RE not t convict him.

What would you charge him with? Both him and Abhisit acted within law. It wasn't their fault that some deluded and mislead red shirt supporters have taken arms against their own state. 2010 wasn't a peaceful protest, it was well organized armed uprising led by a renegade general.

...who was assassinated by a high velocity weapon.

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I just love the photo; Suthep's "nobody can touch me" grin gone, the stages gone, the 0-point-whatever percent of Thai nationals representing "all the people of Thailand" gone... All he has left is his stupid whistle to hold on to.

Would be nice to know if 7Eleven will be ordered to remove Suthep's pathetic book from their shelves and especially from the cash counters, since the sheer sight of him makes me wanna throw up whenever I pay for my soda and crisps...

Post 666 by the way - I knew it would turn out evil smile.png

get your facts right its 661...666 was for the film industry..soda and crisps...hiso..giggle.gif

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I just love the photo; Suthep's "nobody can touch me" grin gone, the stages gone, the 0-point-whatever percent of Thai nationals representing "all the people of Thailand" gone... All he has left is his stupid whistle to hold on to.

Would be nice to know if 7Eleven will be ordered to remove Suthep's pathetic book from their shelves and especially from the cash counters, since the sheer sight of him makes me wanna throw up whenever I pay for my soda and crisps...

Post 666 by the way - I knew it would turn out evil smile.png

Hay just for comparison how about we have a look at the photo of the great hero of you reds who was so good at bringing charges against the protesters but could not catch one of those who fired grenades and guns at then killing, how many is it, oh yes 28 now, and injuring over 700.


Yes Police captain Chalerm the big boss of CAPO when he was told to report to the general.

His front crumple zone looks like it's a bit out of joint.

Could it be he has realized he now has no chance of living his dream of being PM ?

Or could it be that the prospect of facing between 3 and 7 days without ear medicine has hit him hard ?

Possibly the early onset of the DT"s at the thought ?

Edited by Robby nz
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