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On Friday the internet stopped working about 1PM. Thinking it was because of the problems in Thailand I thought no more about it. On Saturday seeing nothing on the news about the internet being cut I rung 3bb. To cut a long story short it was a problem at their end and they got it working again. The same thing has happened on both Sunday and Monday. When I turned the computer on no internet so I have had to telephone them twice more to get it working. Also before the internet went down on Friday my d/l speed was a healthy 12-13 now its about 3. My package is 3bb premier which I have had for over six years.

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The problem could be many things....a faulty line between your residence and upstream equipment, faulty equipment in 3bb's substation, 3bb bandwidth problems, etc...etc...etc. And of course the problem could be with your computer/router, but it's probably a 3bb problem. Time to call 3bb.


The symptoms sounds like a physical line has been damaged or a connection has become corroded or loose... Or a problem with a transceiver or repeater between you and the headend equipment.. Download a program called wireshark,it is open source and free to use.. Install it on a PC or laptop connected to 3BB internet service... Turn it on and then try upload or download a decent size file... Wireshark monitors and logs errors related to Ethernet packets.. If there is a problem with the connections these will show up CRC errors, if there is a problem with the equipment these will show up as FCS errors.. The errors packets will be red and so will the retransmitted packets... Without getting all into it most protocols use TCP which keeps track of packet sequence hence when it notices a packet is missing it will request it to be transmitted again from the source... This will slow down an otherwise fast connection because of all the retransmitting... It is like trying to talk to someone in another room,,they can't always hear you so you have to keep repeating what you said... To back up just a little when the equipment receives a bad packet it simply discards it... In the case of high level equipment like a Cisco router the router that is will shutdown an interface that is receiving a lot of error packets... In some cases it will bring the interface back online automatically when the errors subside and in some cases you have to login to said router to manually turn the interface back on...and of course a power cycle will do the same.... So once you have identified line problem based on a large amount of retransmitted packets good luck getting 3BB to address it...but with the information gleened from Wireshark it should be easier to convince them to look into it...

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The symptoms sounds like a physical line has been damaged or a connection has become corroded or loose... Or a problem with a transceiver or repeater between you and the headend equipment.. Download a program called wireshark,it is open source and free to use.. Install it on a PC or laptop connected to 3BB internet service... Turn it on and then try upload or download a decent size file... Wireshark monitors and logs errors related to Ethernet packets.. If there is a problem with the connections these will show up CRC errors, if there is a problem with the equipment these will show up as FCS errors.. The errors packets will be red and so will the retransmitted packets... Without getting all into it most protocols use TCP which keeps track of packet sequence hence when it notices a packet is missing it will request it to be transmitted again from the source... This will slow down an otherwise fast connection because of all the retransmitting... It is like trying to talk to someone in another room,,they can't always hear you so you have to keep repeating what you said... To back up just a little when the equipment receives a bad packet it simply discards it... In the case of high level equipment like a Cisco router the router that is will shutdown an interface that is receiving a lot of error packets... In some cases it will bring the interface back online automatically when the errors subside and in some cases you have to login to said router to manually turn the interface back on...and of course a power cycle will do the same.... So once you have identified line problem based on a large amount of retransmitted packets good luck getting 3BB to address it...but with the information gleened from Wireshark it should be easier to convince them to look into it...

Many thanks to all for replying especially you montereyjp for your technical knowledge. Have downloaded Wireshark and done has you said. Whilst running it is coming up red whilst running and saying tcp retransmission, destination unreachable, duplicate ack. previous segment not captured, out of order, keep alive tcp (many times) keep alive ack is this a line fault?


You had to call them to reset the line, after power cycling (off/on) your own modem/router? Sounds very odd, indeed.

Yes correct but this morning connected no problem however still very slow, its very strange been running great for months until Friday.


yes it looks like issues with the line... it could also be EMI which could be caused by electric motors like from q blower fan or AC.. if your connection from 3BB is fiber then it wouldn't bs EMI unless inside it was being generated inside your place.. if it is a DSL connection it could be the punch down in the junction box got knocked loose by a tech who was punching down someone elses line... at this point I would get a 3BB tech to look at your wireshark trace.. lots of options for saving it... in the meantime systemically check and replace the connection / cables you have access to.. also the DSL router if you have a spare as I have seen interfaces go bad ie buffer memory or media converters... be sure to eliminate your pc as being the issue by trying a different one. ..but if you have multiple pc sharing the same connection and they are all slow then most likely not the issue. in anycase with the wireshark trace should help you get the attention of 3BB...

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I had a similar problem about a month ago. The 3BB technicians claimed the problem was with the line inside my condo building. I assumed that was just an excuse and kept reporting a problem for a week or so. Finally had the line inside the condo building replaced from the ground level connection with 3BB all the way up to my condo on the 15th floor (depending on how you count floors). The technicians were right. As soon as the new line was installed it was working at full throttle, so to speak. Since then no problems whatsoever.

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Mine has been up and down for the last few days.... some times fast as normal... some times dead slow... mostly on this forum though, so it just could be too much traffic.... for the TVF servers to bare! wink.png


I had a similar problem about a month ago. The 3BB technicians claimed the problem was with the line inside my condo building. I assumed that was just an excuse and kept reporting a problem for a week or so. Finally had the line inside the condo building replaced from the ground level connection with 3BB all the way up to my condo on the 15th floor (depending on how you count floors). The technicians were right. As soon as the new line was installed it was working at full throttle, so to speak. Since then no problems whatsoever.

Our house is single story so it would be a relatively easy fix if it was that. I am almost certain it is something to do with 3bb though because has I have said working great up to Friday.


Had this problem,

could not contect or really slow speed , called triple B

30 minutes alter fine

next day same thing,

they sent a tech ot the house and he tested my router/wifi box an could not conect with it so told me to get a new one

i did.

now seeing speeds of 11.5 mbps using speedtest.net

BUT it seems all my wesbites load very slow

I thought/think it was/is massive overload cause of the coup


Why not having 2 providers ? Would it break the bank ?

Sometimes having 2 providers via DSL/cable/fiber is a no-go as only one provider services an area....not uncommon in many areas of Thailand to include the big cities like Bangkok. Here in western Bangkok my first three years living here my choices of internet providers was TOT, TOT, or TOT vis ADSL. TOT had a lock on my area for phone and internet service. Then True put cable TV and internet (but not phone service) into my moobaan...I'm now with them. Whenever True goes down which is rare, I fire up a 3G connection via my smartphone hotspot to get me by until True comes back online.


3BB are f¥$>ing useless. Our internet starting getting slower and slower till eventually it went off. The technician came out and said it was a problem with the router and we have to buy a new one. Bought a new one from them for 750 baht and the problem was exactly the same. A different technician came round, checked outside in the street and fixed it in 5 mintes.


3BB are f¥$>ing useless. Our internet starting getting slower and slower till eventually it went off. The technician came out and said it was a problem with the router and we have to buy a new one. Bought a new one from them for 750 baht and the problem was exactly the same. A different technician came round, checked outside in the street and fixed it in 5 mintes.

Of course that first technician could have confirmed it was a bad router by simply checking with his test modem/router or using a line tester. Over the years the few times I've had a ISP technician come to my house they come with a test modem/router and/or line tester...or at least TOT and True did. I've had two routers/modems go bad in my lifetime....one due to lightning and one developing an upload problem. One modem was smoked when a lightning bolt hit my neighbor's home which was only meters away and blew a hole in their roof...at that very instant my modem (TOT provided), separate router, VOIP adapter, and two cordless phone power adapters were smoked...the lightning probably rode in on my phone/DSL line. TOT replaced the ADSL modem free of charge by giving me a combo modem/Wifi router. And the one time I had an upload problem with my True-provided cable Wifi router they confirmed the router was defective by using their test router and also gave me a new router free of charge.

Yea, the first technician deflected the problem. Preaching to the choir I know.


Check the attenuation of your connect. I had those 3BB folks to shift the internet line about 20 inch away from the power line for about a quarter mile. After that it worked


Call them? Go to their office....derr!

I have done that. Phoned them Saturday Sunday and Monday and the wife went to their office this morning and the promised to come today still waiting at 6.30pm.


I have been with 3BB for a number of years in Chiang Mai. Unlike what I suffered through with TOT, 3BB has always been prompt with call backs and sending out a technician the few times it has been necessary. Since the coup, I have lost service twice but it was restored within a few hours. My speeds have been slower at times and ThaiVisa seems to be one of the most susceptible to being slow.

I am not a Tech person, but I am just writing it off to the increased traffic currently taking place. I wouldn't get too excited or spend much on what may be unnecessary repairs or replacements until things calm down a bit. Whenever that may be. Just my un-technical opinion.


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3BB are f¥$>ing useless. Our internet starting getting slower and slower till eventually it went off. The technician came out and said it was a problem with the router and we have to buy a new one. Bought a new one from them for 750 baht and the problem was exactly the same. A different technician came round, checked outside in the street and fixed it in 5 mintes.

Never a truer word said. I had the router and my computer blamed issue three years ago by a 3bb tech, went out and bought a new one and had computer checked, no different and no problem with computer. Turned out it was a simple fix outside.


Call them? Go to their office....derr!

I have done that. Phoned them Saturday Sunday and Monday and the wife went to their office this morning and the promised to come today still waiting at 6.30pm.

Also when you try and speak to somebody in English like you used to be able to do with 3bb you get the instructions to press 1 for them to call you back. Out of six times I have rung them and pressed 1 they have called me back twice. I have been a customer of theirs for over six years. They are a complete shambles when anything goes wrong and would go out of business quickly in a competitive marketplace.


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I have been with 3BB for a number of years in Chiang Mai. Unlike what I suffered through with TOT, 3BB has always been prompt with call backs and sending out a technician the few times it has been necessary. Since the coup, I have lost service twice but it was restored within a few hours. My speeds have been slower at times and ThaiVisa seems to be one of the most susceptible to being slow.

I am not a Tech person, but I am just writing it off to the increased traffic currently taking place. I wouldn't get too excited or spend much on what may be unnecessary repairs or replacements until things calm down a bit. Whenever that may be. Just my un-technical opinion.

Yes I also have been a customer of theirs for many years and I also suspect the coupe being behind the problems. My main reason for posting was to find out if anybody else was or is having similair problems. If and when they do come and check the first thing I will do is get them to check the router before buying a new one.


It's a pity 3BB don't use telephone lines for their service. When I had other ISPs that used the telephone line you could simply listen to the line to hear if there was a problem.


It's a pity 3BB don't use telephone lines for their service. When I had other ISPs that used the telephone line you could simply listen to the line to hear if there was a problem.

... that's news to me, I can hook a telephone to that line and it works, and I still pay the 107THB/month for the land line.

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It's a pity 3BB don't use telephone lines for their service. When I had other ISPs that used the telephone line you could simply listen to the line to hear if there was a problem.

... that's news to me, I can hook a telephone to that line and it works, and I still pay the 107THB/month for the land line.

OK. But where I am in Phuket, 3BB merely provide a "dry" line - no power (-48V), no connection to the telephone exchange (central office), so no number.

In a way, you are lucky as you can simply listen to the line (after pressing 0 to get rid of the dialling tone) to determine if there is noise on the line.


Have just tested speed several times on Ookla ( I realize its not that accurate) And have d/l speed of 2.98Mbps and u/l speed of between 900- 1.00Mbps. Never in all the time I have had 3bb internet has the u/l speed been anymore than 500Mbps. It just gets stranger.


It's a pity 3BB don't use telephone lines for their service. When I had other ISPs that used the telephone line you could simply listen to the line to hear if there was a problem.

Why listen to the handset? I use the ADSL diagnostics of my router to read out the attenuation. After the relocation of the line it went from 58dB to 6dB down.


3bb tech's came today. The problem was that some idiot cut the line on Friday and it would seem that they had not joined it properly so they tried again today. Now my speeds are maximum 5Mbps d/l and 1 Mbps u/l and he said that that is the correct speed for my package. He said that the d/l speeds of up to 13 was a mistake by 3bb and has now been corrected. I strongly suspect that without my knowledge I was converted to the normal package not the premier for some reason..

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