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Police suspect that dead Hong Kong tourist overdosed on beer in Phuket


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Chang beer has formaldahyde (spelling...) in it (the scientific name for embalming fluid), which...er.... no it's not a joking matter.




If I owned Chang I would be sueing your ass off and when I am finished with you you would not have a pot to piss in

Complete and utter BS and if you challenge me show me a source

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I have no link and no proof, however, I basically never get a headache, have not had an aspirin since I was a teen, and Chang has given me a headache at least twice. Add that to numerous other persons I have talked to claiming that Chang gives them headaches and I don't need any more proof for myself. Several people later told me it has Formaldehyde in it but they could be wrong. I don't really need to know, Leo is only about a dime more expensive and if it were possible to OD on Leo I don't think I would be typing now. Cheers!

Do you feel comfortable specifying which beer you would rather OD on in a thread were some unfortunate did leave this world.

Have some sympathy for heavens sake, the poor lads family may read this.

Sorry but I do not see how a conversation about beer brands could be painful to any of those with a loss.

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Perhaps an alternative caption would have been "overdosed on alcohol".

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning:

Mental confusion, stupor, coma, or person cannot be roused.



Slow breathing (fewer than eight breaths per minute).

Irregular breathing (10 seconds or more between breaths).

Hypothermia (low body temperature), bluish skin color, paleness.

If untreated:

Victim chokes on his or her own vomit.

Breathing slows, becomes irregular, or stops.

Heart beats irregularly or stops.

Hypothermia (low body temperature).

Hypoglycemia (too little blood sugar) leads to seizures.

Untreated severe dehydration from vomiting can cause seizures, permanent brain damage, or death.

Even if the victim lives, an alcohol overdose can lead to irreversible brain damage. Rapid binge drinking (which often happens on a bet or a dare) is especially dangerous because the victim can ingest a fatal dose before becoming unconscious.

The type alcoholic beverage makes no difference. It's the quantity, alcohol content, physiology of the person and time frame of ingestion, etc.

RIP young man.

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What autopsy? Check the bladder. If it exploded because he could not pee, then ok, he overdosed on beer. Surreal! smile.png

Interesting hypothesis. Can you furnish examples or a source that can support this?

RIP to the young man who is dead.

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Chang beer has formaldahyde (spelling...) in it (the scientific name for embalming fluid), which...er.... no it's not a joking matter.


I've heard this rumour Simon but never seen any evidence to substantiate it. What's your source of information on this?

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The most common preservative in beer,wine,cider etc, are sulphides,it is generally these that give you a headache /hangover,and of course it depends on the quantity consumed,in fact before i left Australia they were marketing a powder which once added to a bottle of wine,blocked or dissolved the sulphides,there fore allowing one to drink with no headache the next morning,if you check out a label on an imported bottle of cider you will see it states'contains sulphides'.I try to drink Carlsberg here ,when i do i notice the difference to Singha next day.

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More likely something was mixed in one of the beer cans. I hope they will check and test each can and also do an autopsy to determine the root cause. Just too young to die.

"......autopsy to determine the root cause......"

With all due respect to the deceased RIP, maybe it was root beer?

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A good number of Asians have a very low tolerance for beer,

Had to fix this. In my experience, I've had a few occasions where some of my Asian drinking partners would get flushed and start slurring even after a single beer....Put a bottle Brandy or Whisky in front of them and it goes a bit Sally Gunnell (<deleted> ugly, but just keeps on going...)

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What autopsy? Check the bladder. If it exploded because he could not pee, then ok, he overdosed on beer. Surreal! smile.png

Or had a kidney stone blocking the urethra.

Most alcohol overdoses involves the deceased choking on their own vomit.

The body senses the overload of the poison and starts to convulse. It's the inability of the deceased, usually due to being unconscious, due to intoxication, to clear their airway that sees them choke on the fluid and die.

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Must be Chang beer, it has pesticides in its ingredients.

I don't think it's right to make such a statement without proof. I drink Chang beer and now you have me extremely worried. I'm sure this will make others feel the same.

Care to back up your allegation against Chang Beer?

Edited by ChiangraiTony
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  • 1 month later...

Must be Chang beer, it has pesticides in its ingredients.

Urban myths raise their ignorant heads. Many parts of the world have lower health and safety rules, such as the USA

US: Lower Health & Safety Rules which ARE fully enforced.

Thailand: Higher Health & Safety Rules which are NOT enforced at all.

Which do you think are better?

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Of all alcoholic drinks beer I would think the least toxic if drank even in large amounts. This is not one of those cases where he has been poisoned by toxic pesticide in the room. A report from some time back two women died somewhere in Thai from a toxic room, wasn't completely convinced as to the truth of that story but who knows TIT.

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