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Foreigner allegedly arrested for buying 'Peace please' T-Shirt.


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Why not arrest the vendor for selling the inflammatory t-shirt instead of a tourist looking for a souvenir? Thailand, proof that life can go on even in the absence of logic and common sense.

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Why make political statements in a country where a) you cannot vote, cool.png the locals might not like you getting involved, and c) it makes you look like a total ****?

the guy an idiot,none of his damn business and deserves to be immediately deported

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Therefore a Thai student, tourist, or any other nationality for that matter should be deported for buying a "give peace a chance john lenon shirt" at or near a UK political rally?

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There is a weird thing I've noticed- at least it's weird for me- of people more or less saying that unless you're born in a country then you have zero rights so you should just shut up and be grateful. Doesn't matter if you work in that country, have family, pay taxes, whatever- no right at all.

Yet it's only really with expats in Thai that I've come across this. You meet foreign bankers in New York, or students in London, or whatevers in wherever and they'd be utterly confused by the idea that because they've moved to a different country they have to surrender all rights- they'd see it as a fairly extreme political viewpoint.

And to be honest if I was at a protest in the UK and there was a student from Russia next to me, I'd think he was legitimately concerned and involved in the protest as a resident of the country.

I'm not saying if people don't want to get involved they should. Or even that it's advisable to get involved. It's the people saying that you shouldn't even have opinions or views on any political or social situation- that you surrender all rights the moment you leave your home country, no questions asked.

And often the same people use this forum to mumble and complain about being treated like "second class citizens". rolleyes.gif

A thoughtful post, you are correct. In London there have been many demonstrations- for example after the terrible rape case in India ,trying to free the aljazeera journalists etc. Many of the demos are to do with world wide human rights.

Personally I feel it is all to do with education, a lack of feeling that Thailand is actually part of the world. I would certainly not expect kids here to know about dates of battles in the UK, but I would hope they would know about the holocaust for example- that is sadly lacking .

I personally would never think I am a second class citizen, I live here because I actually like this country- for all its many faults - and never feel I should try and apply Western values. Things will change- but let the Thais sort out their own problems.

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Anyone notice this in the headline?

And these comments in the article? Or were "we" in such a hurry to make silly comments "we" couldn't be bothered getting a bit more information?

He was taken away by soldiers along with the other two Thai women, who were holding placards with anti-coup messages.
Earlier around 5.10 p.m. a large number of soldiers have seized control of the roads near Victory Monument, following the spreading of news about calls for anti-coup protests there.
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So does this mean we can't buy that Nazi clothing either? sad.png

Only if you are Thai.

Or a Nazi.

Ignorance. Thais do not even understand what a swastika is.

but this guy does ... Amazing how often the Nazi issue is inserted by TV posters.


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I understand the army for arresting the foreigner for buying the shirt as they do not want foreigners involved or taking part or even causing or being part of Thailand's political problems and instability. Furthermore I must applaud the Chief and commander of the Army. I think that the army is doing a wonderful job and I was very happy to see this for the peace of the country and to bring order to the country. I believe that how the Army and the chief in command is dealing with the situation is best. They have a very hard job and they have been working around the clock to protect the people of Thailand and their guests in their country. Please do not criticize the army the are trying their best. And dear readers please do not make any bad comments about the army or the Kingdom of Thailand. Remember that we are guests here and we should respect their wishes and respect their culture and traditions. Thailand is a beautiful place to visit and live, just remember to go on with your holidays and your business's and every day lives enjoy the beauty of the country and your stay here. Please be kind. If you do not have anything good to say then do not say anything at all. I know that there are people that are happy what has happened and there are people that are angry what has happened but remember something everything in Thailand will get better. Have faith and believe. I love Thailand. It is very rich in history and culture. Maybe you all need to take some time to see the beauty that Thailand has. Go see the Thai cultural shows such as Nong Nooch Gardens and the beauty of the waterfalls in Kow Yai. look at the greenery in Nakorn Ratchasima. Go to different provinces and see the many different sites. Do not just look at Bangkok and Pattaya and Phuket these are all tourist traps go and surround yourself with the real beauty in Thailand and see how much Thailand has to offer you. I highly recommend travelling through Thailand. Go to Museums find the galleries. there is much more to Thailand than just sun and sand and much more than the seedy nightlife. Go embrace Thailand. I think you will love what you find here.

Good Luck , Happy Holidays and to the people that live here the locals and foreigners, live your life in peace. enjoy your lives and your families and try to have good times you do not need to think about all the things going on here about the political situation. Everything will be okay be happy go on with your lives.

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Thailand for Thais. Thais will sort their own problems out. Thailand needs neither support, nor recognition, nor advice from anywhere in the International community.

So will Thailand and it's people please stop producing T-shirts, placards and any other possibly political incorrect material where the slogans are written in ENGLISH .

I'm a foreigner and I want no part of your country's political shambles, so please stop trying to involve me.

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Bottom line... Here they try to keep the populous as stupid as possible by keeping them poor, uneducated, and fed propaganda and mobile phones to keep them occupied with shiny objects

They don't want us (any foreigner, especially educated and independent) to be involved because possibly the 'smart' lemmings (and maybe even some not so smart lemmings) will catch on and rise up.

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I understand the army for arresting the foreigner for buying the shirt as they do not want foreigners involved or taking part or even causing or being part of Thailand's political problems and instability. Furthermore I must applaud the Chief and commander of the Army. I think that the army is doing a wonderful job and I was very happy to see this for the peace of the country and to bring order to the country. I believe that how the Army and the chief in command is dealing with the situation is best. They have a very hard job and they have been working around the clock to protect the people of Thailand and their guests in their country. Please do not criticize the army the are trying their best. And dear readers please do not make any bad comments about the army or the Kingdom of Thailand. Remember that we are guests here and we should respect their wishes and respect their culture and traditions. Thailand is a beautiful place to visit and live, just remember to go on with your holidays and your business's and every day lives enjoy the beauty of the country and your stay here. Please be kind. If you do not have anything good to say then do not say anything at all. I know that there are people that are happy what has happened and there are people that are angry what has happened but remember something everything in Thailand will get better. Have faith and believe. I love Thailand. It is very rich in history and culture. Maybe you all need to take some time to see the beauty that Thailand has. Go see the Thai cultural shows such as Nong Nooch Gardens and the beauty of the waterfalls in Kow Yai. look at the greenery in Nakorn Ratchasima. Go to different provinces and see the many different sites. Do not just look at Bangkok and Pattaya and Phuket these are all tourist traps go and surround yourself with the real beauty in Thailand and see how much Thailand has to offer you. I highly recommend travelling through Thailand. Go to Museums find the galleries. there is much more to Thailand than just sun and sand and much more than the seedy nightlife. Go embrace Thailand. I think you will love what you find here.

Good Luck , Happy Holidays and to the people that live here the locals and foreigners, live your life in peace. enjoy your lives and your families and try to have good times you do not need to think about all the things going on here about the political situation. Everything will be okay be happy go on with your lives.

Can we embrace the girls too ??????

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Bottom line... Here they try to keep the populous as stupid as possible by keeping them poor, uneducated, and fed propaganda and mobile phones to keep them occupied with shiny objects

They don't want us (any foreigner, especially educated and independent) to be involved because possibly the 'smart' lemmings (and maybe even some not so smart lemmings) will catch on and rise up.


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He was arrested for BUYING the shirt...not WEARING THE SHIRT. Now that is total BS...

He was arrested for 'protesting' by displaying the T shirt - it was not being worn.

He was one of 3 people arrested for protesting - since released.

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