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4yr-old uses dad's passport as coloring book, gets them stuck in South Korea


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That will teach him to leave that laying around. Wonder if countries using the chipped passports could still use it? Probably not.

George you have been posting some funny stuff lately, you should post more often.

Edited by krisb
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Lets face it. A passport is an identity document. It is one way of identifying that a person is a citizen of his or her country and has the right to be returned to it. It is really still possible to use this passport for identification and confirm with additional identifation documents or records who the person is and a call to the embassy of the person will confirm the validity. In my view this should involve a delay for extra checking if any suspicion is aroused but not stop the flight especially to his home country.

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Lets face it. A passport is an identity document. It is one way of identifying that a person is a citizen of his or her country and has the right to be returned to it. It is really still possible to use this passport for identification and confirm with additional identifation documents or records who the person is and a call to the embassy of the person will confirm the validity. In my view this should involve a delay for extra checking if any suspicion is aroused but not stop the flight especially to his home country.

I believe in some countries defacing a passport is actually a punishable crime. My German passport actually belongs to the Federal Government of Germany, not myself.

Still funny as heck though.

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Lets face it. A passport is an identity document. It is one way of identifying that a person is a citizen of his or her country and has the right to be returned to it. It is really still possible to use this passport for identification and confirm with additional identifation documents or records who the person is and a call to the embassy of the person will confirm the validity. In my view this should involve a delay for extra checking if any suspicion is aroused but not stop the flight especially to his home country.

I believe in some countries defacing a passport is actually a punishable crime. My German passport actually belongs to the Federal Government of Germany, not myself.

Still funny as heck though.

Yes but that is for Germany to charge. I think they may prosecute there if you deliberately tear up a passport as a protest but would be more likely to say "Is the kid still alive?" if you gave them this.

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A Passport's main page is waterproof and ink-proof. With some alcohol he can wipe it clean very easy. This is an obvious Internet-joke. A 4-year wouldn't systematically overwrite the ID-data in the bottom either or keep all lines within the borders. And how convenient it is that user identity is all gone, including the main and secondary photo.

And usually, the passports bindings is so hard that you need at least one sturdy hand to even keep it open. Too many suspectful "errors" to make this a true story.

Agree though the last part is not entirely true; my passport is so battered it stays open on its own. Immigration officials have a habit of completely over-extending the passport when they read it into their scanner.

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I wonder did he actually try to leave on this document?

That would be the go. Turn up and produce it.....straight face and all 555555

kids u just got to love em wink.png

Yeah, why not? If you really worry, just take a black felt-tip to your eyes, chin, etc.

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When I was organising for me Lao GF to come over to HK to get married, a lot of documentation was needed at both end.

Had about 70% done (a couple of months work). One day, my now wife's friend came over with her 2 year old. The nipper got hold of her passport and a pen and drew all over it.

Me GF needed to get a new passport and we had to redo about 80% of the documentation of the 70% we already had completed.

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sorry, but I do not believe it.

In the magnet strip all data is stored also. Not a picture, but name, pass number and a lot more. With any other official paper with his picture and name on, he should be able to identify. And also a message to his embassy would also suit.

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Almost got arrested on the Cambodian border on the way out of Thailand after my wife had put my trousers with the passport in a leg pocket trough the washing machine. All the visa stamps where gone. And I was in country on the last day of a 60 day extension of my 60 day tourist visa. Was held in an office for 2 hours and interrogated, until they confirmed that I had a valid visa, and let me cross the border and come back to spend the second part of my double entry 60 day visa...it probably helped that I was politely dressed, shut my gob and Wai'ed a lot, while letting my wife go into super polite mode and to all the explaining. The border police officer gave her a good bollocking for destroying my passport too :-)

those where the good old days. We live in my country now...

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