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4yr-old uses dad's passport as coloring book, gets them stuck in South Korea


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A Passport's main page is waterproof and ink-proof...

This is the case for my Swiss passport and it may also apply to your passport, but is it the same for the Chinese passport shown in the OP? Aside from that, the page next to the ID page with official information on it has also been defaced.

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It's all over the social networks. Do you need to feel important?

So, what you are saying is that if something is all over the social networks it's true and doesn't need to be scrutined and anyone doing it suffers from narcissism?

If so, I pass my duties to something more important.

Hmm...you are quick for a newbie.

Something suspicious about you.

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Lets face it. A passport is an identity document. It is one way of identifying that a person is a citizen of his or her country and has the right to be returned to it. It is really still possible to use this passport for identification and confirm with additional identifation documents or records who the person is and a call to the embassy of the person will confirm the validity. In my view this should involve a delay for extra checking if any suspicion is aroused but not stop the flight especially to his home country.

I believe in some countries defacing a passport is actually a punishable crime. My German passport actually belongs to the Federal Government of Germany, not myself.

Still funny as heck though.

Just curious,when you go back or into or out of Germany,do they still ask "your papers ,please", whilst dressed in a long leather coat and smoking a cigarrete.

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Lets face it. A passport is an identity document. It is one way of identifying that a person is a citizen of his or her country and has the right to be returned to it. It is really still possible to use this passport for identification and confirm with additional identifation documents or records who the person is and a call to the embassy of the person will confirm the validity. In my view this should involve a delay for extra checking if any suspicion is aroused but not stop the flight especially to his home country.

I believe in some countries defacing a passport is actually a punishable crime. My German passport actually belongs to the Federal Government of Germany, not myself.

Still funny as heck though.

Just curious,when you go back or into or out of Germany,do they still ask "your papers ,please", whilst dressed in a long leather coat and smoking a cigarrete.

They do when you are riding a motorbike too slow on the freeway.

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Lets face it. A passport is an identity document. It is one way of identifying that a person is a citizen of his or her country and has the right to be returned to it. It is really still possible to use this passport for identification and confirm with additional identifation documents or records who the person is and a call to the embassy of the person will confirm the validity. In my view this should involve a delay for extra checking if any suspicion is aroused but not stop the flight especially to his home country.

I believe in some countries defacing a passport is actually a punishable crime. My German passport actually belongs to the Federal Government of Germany, not myself.

Still funny as heck though.

Just curious,when you go back or into or out of Germany,do they still ask "your papers ,please", whilst dressed in a long leather coat and smoking a cigarrete.

They do when you are riding a motorbike too slow on the freeway.

I suppose that still leaves the option of jumping numerous barbed wire fences whilst make a break for Switzerland.

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Lets face it. A passport is an identity document. It is one way of identifying that a person is a citizen of his or her country and has the right to be returned to it. It is really still possible to use this passport for identification and confirm with additional identifation documents or records who the person is and a call to the embassy of the person will confirm the validity. In my view this should involve a delay for extra checking if any suspicion is aroused but not stop the flight especially to his home country.

I believe in some countries defacing a passport is actually a punishable crime. My German passport actually belongs to the Federal Government of Germany, not myself.

Still funny as heck though.

There should be a way for them to work it out on the border or airport.

All passports are the property of the respective government issueing it.

Under German law this defacement would actually be quite safe: Dad is not misusing his passport (being the person it was issued for), it's not a forgery or contains any forged statement, the only tricky part might be making some portions illegible or using the passport afterwards, but that was obviously not with intent to make false statements in legal relations. (And a 4-y-o obviously goes scott-free, at least as far as the law is concernded, might be different in North Korea).

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What are you talking about,, i look like that every morning when i look in the mirror.

Just turn up at the airport without shaving or a shower and then when the

customs people stare at you just look at them and say WHAT ?

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A Passport's main page is waterproof and ink-proof. With some alcohol he can wipe it clean very easy. This is an obvious Internet-joke. A 4-year wouldn't systematically overwrite the ID-data in the bottom either or keep all lines within the borders. And how convenient it is that user identity is all gone, including the main and secondary photo.

And usually, the passports bindings is so hard that you need at least one sturdy hand to even keep it open. Too many suspectful "errors" to make this a true story.

If it is an internet joke as you profess, it had the desired effect on me, great laugh, keep em comming.

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When I was organising for me Lao GF to come over to HK to get married, a lot of documentation was needed at both end.

Had about 70% done (a couple of months work). One day, my now wife's friend came over with her 2 year old. The nipper got hold of her passport and a pen and drew all over it.

Me GF needed to get a new passport and we had to redo about 80% of the documentation of the 70% we already had completed.

For both this post and the original, I blame the "adults". You know, the people who are physically, if not mentally, over 4 years old. A passport is one of the most valuable, important documents an individual will ever have. Not keeping it in a safe place is just plain dumb.

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Lets face it. A passport is an identity document. It is one way of identifying that a person is a citizen of his or her country and has the right to be returned to it. It is really still possible to use this passport for identification and confirm with additional identifation documents or records who the person is and a call to the embassy of the person will confirm the validity. In my view this should involve a delay for extra checking if any suspicion is aroused but not stop the flight especially to his home country.

I believe in some countries defacing a passport is actually a punishable crime. My German passport actually belongs to the Federal Government of Germany, not myself.

Still funny as heck though.

Just curious,when you go back or into or out of Germany,do they still ask "your papers ,please", whilst dressed in a long leather coat and smoking a cigarrete.

No idea, haven't been to Europe in ages. The last time I did go, the Germans did not stop me but the Brits more than made up for it.

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Guy where I was staying who was off home; walking past the cage with pet monkey in, monkey snatches passport out of his shirt pocket, stuffs it in his mouth, chews it up and spits it out! Hilarious. He didn't go home that day. lol

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Jeez, some of you lot can't take a joke. Whether it's true or not it is funny.

When i was five my mother was doing some sewing, making a cotton skirt. I was nagging her for some material to make a skirt for my dolly. She just threw a piece of material at me and - she told me this years later - i cut a perfect doll sized dress out of the middle of the front of her new skirt. She was mad, but it wasn't the end of the world.

I still can't even sew a button on a shirt..

Edited by Patsycat
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