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I Drive With Revenge In Mind

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I am in Laos at the moment on vacation, and Ok there is less circulation , but they do drive slower which helps a bit..

But driving in Thailand for me is mega dangerous I hate it, but have to out of necessity...

Be safe out there..

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While the original post was somewhat tongue in cheek (although not entirely!) I DO ABSOLUTELY believe that there are definitely situations you can cause a crash by not driving in the expected manner (remember no one can see if you are Farang or Thai due to blacked out windows)...and the expected manner is to do something utterly stupid and inconsiderate! Perfect example is seeing a car zooming up behind you in the fast lane and then you trying to move over to the slow lane to let him through only to see him swerving into that lane to undertake you! The considerate thing to do is move out of the fast lane however you are likely to cause a crash that way. The safe and inconsiderate way is to stay in the fast lane.

Am I right or wrong?

Also I am absolutely CONVINCED that the autonomy that blacked out windows provides is a deciding factor in the lunacy and total lack of thought and consideration that you see on the roads here..

Second highest death toll rate in the world (fact)...can you name me any other country where blacked out windows are legal?

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OP, hope you have an old banger, because you will not last long.

But most important is your life and wellbeing than the car.

With this attitude you will be going to the hospital soon.

What are you saying here?

Because others are bad drivers we should be the same?

Because others take drugs we should take also?

No, it doesn't work like that.

Please don't forget Kiplings poem. 'if' by rudyard kipling

If you can keep your head when all about you

Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,

If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,

But make allowance for their doubting too;

If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,

Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,

Or being hated, don't give way to hating,

And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream - and not make dreams your master,

If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;

If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster

And treat those two impostors just the same;

If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken

Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,

Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,

And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings

And risk it all on one turn of pitch-and-toss,

And lose, and start again at your beginnings

And never breathe a word about your loss;

If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew

To serve your turn long after they are gone,

And so hold on when there is nothing in you

Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!"

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,

Or walk with kings - nor lose the common touch,

If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,

If all men count with you, but none too much;

If you can fill the unforgiving minute

With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,

Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,

And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!

Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936)

He made some lovely cakes as well,especially his apple pies,exceedingly good.

And adding a monkey to otherwise very plain handbags, was an excellent commercial move.

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I, for one, think that if you are committed to driving like that, you should put a little red light in the front of your car, and hire yourself out as a taxi driver. That way you could make a little extra money on your way to work because thats exactly how most taxi drivers drive here. Just kidding...

Seriously though, maybe its time you took a short vacation. You are not going to change the way these maniacs here drive, and I find its best to keep Jai Yen whenever Im driving. Back home, we always say that the worst drivers on the road were Asian women who were new to the country and new to the roads. They just dont have the situational awareness that most others do. And here in Thailand we are in the epicenter of a growing middle class where they can buy cheaper cars to use as road weapons against us road veterans.

I can only tell you that you are lucky to have a car which gives you a layer of sheetmetal between you and the homicical maniacs behind the wheels of buses and taxis. I spend 2 hours a day in gridlocked Bangkok traffic driving my GF to work on my trusty Honda Click which I find to be the perfect urban assault vehicle. Its easy to flick in between cars while lane splitting, and gets 110mpg to boot. I dont wear any body armor which I hope does not prove to be a mistake, but sometimes I drive overly aggressively when a drivers does something stupid.

Heres a video I recorded of my daily commute in Bangkok traffic. In it, there are examples of almost all the traffic offenses you cited that others drivers do that make you angry. Taxis and baht buses pulling in front and abruptly stopping, pedestrians walking blindly across the street, people turning left from the right lane, blocking intersections, and much more fun. My GF has an iron constitution, she is the bravest woman I have ever met to ride with me every day.

Buy a dash cam.....

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I have always maintained,that as falang's who have been taught to drive properly,we are at less risk of an accident than kon Thai,if you are prepared for their lunacy it help's i have [touch wood], yet to have an accident but i have had a lot of close shaves,motor sai's overtaking you when you are clearly indicating to turn the most,my main gripe is if they hit you as the falang you are held responsible,and on this i am prepared to make a stand,as with usual Thai thinking they just see it as winning a number and a chance to make money,in 2 years of driving i reckon i have saved 30 plus lives through being slow and anticipating what they are going to do,the worst thing for me is the motorsai turning left from a soi,never ever do they look ,last year i saw a young girl hit by a cane truck ,she pulled out without looking,there was a big clump of mud in her way so she just swerved out to avoid it,bits of her and the bike flew out from under the truck,i was behind it,but a way back,as it screeched to a halt,i managed to see a clear road ahead and kept going,shaking as i arrived in town,i told my wife when i got home she just shrugged and said it was the trucks fault as he have to care motorsai,really with this mentality ,what can you ever do,the have made a little shrine there, and now people go to talk to her pee[ghost],to try and get a lucky number, Buddists?,not in my book.

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I thought the OP was funny, as I never believed he was totally serious. But he's right about Thais' driving, and Thailand does have one of the highest number of road deaths per capita in the world.

Don't forget that Thailand also has the world's 3rd highest gun murder rate per capita in the world and some of it is due to road rage. Be careful out there.

(Links to road and gun death rates posted too many times here to do it again.)

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I am still waiting for the first producer that makes nice real-time movies about the traffic in Bangkok. Driving around in Bangkok is better then going to the movies, going to the Zoo or any other theatre.

I won't drive a car in that circus though, i get to much aggravated if i have to wait for all those people who can't controll their car properly or are superselfish. On a motorbike i can easy avoid them so that's my favorit transport.

I noticed that lately (last 2 years) people start to use their horns, i have an extra loud horn on my bike which i only use in emergency.

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I have been Driving for 43 years, 39 of them as a professional Wagon Driver, i don't care what anyone else is doing as long as i am driving correctly, its up to other people if they want to be idiots, I don't even react to any thing any more.

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I have been Driving for 43 years, 39 of them as a professional Wagon Driver, i don't care what anyone else is doing as long as i am driving correctly, its up to other people if they want to be idiots, I don't even react to any thing any more.

Really ?

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I have been Driving for 43 years, 39 of them as a professional Wagon Driver, i don't care what anyone else is doing as long as i am driving correctly, its up to other people if they want to be idiots, I don't even react to any thing any more.

Really ?

Thongkorn appears to have a death wish.

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^ I hardly that that you're an authority.

Rather than qibble about who or what an authority is, may i suuggest that if you disagree with a point I've made about driving in Thailand, why not put your argument forward?

Edited by wilcopops
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I had someone overtake me tonight (we were both in cars) on a normal 2 way road with bikes all around and heavy traffic.

there was no way to get any further than the gap I had left in front of my car as, as I said, heavy traffic after that and on coming traffic... I was amazed that he overtook me just to get in front of me and no further.

He had green number plates what is this for? some kind of government car trying to escape Thailand?

Stay away from those cars as far as possible, they have the worst drivers at the wheel! These are cars registered as limousines, e.g. by hotels, airports, etc. Those guys drive all day every day and think they are the champions of the road and close to qualifying for Formula 1.

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