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Sympathy Or Their Own Fault?


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I would do it, Karma will pay you back big time.

There is too much selfishness in this world as it is, I think we all in Thailand own something back as what a great place to live and enjoy and we are getting it for 20% the cost of our own country.

Wow, what a dumb post. Sorry. Karma? Is that like the the story of the guy in the sky who watches over all of us?

We foreigners owe Thailand exactly FA. We pay to play. Matters not what our currencies buy us here. We don't owe the Thais anything because their country is relatively uncompetitive and poor. Where do you get these strange notions?

If you are so smart why do you not understand the simple equation of Newton's third law of ... For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction?

Also my soulless fellow human - If you stay in a friend house for a week till you get a place to stay where it suits your lifestyle - do you not think you own this friend?

The tricycle and the MB are the two objects exerting force in Newton's third law; or are you trying to construct an analogy between falang and Thai cultures?

The only way your statement about a friend's house would make any sense at all is if Thailand paid for your food, your rent, your laundry, your transport, and all your other expenses until you find that place that suits your lifestyle.

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Your first instinct was one of human kindness and compassion for another human being, not learned capitalist fascism. Yes he had another kid at 62, but are we to punish him further for being uneducated and misguided?

Of course the Benz owner will take the money, and charge interest on late payments. Most likely he'll borrow from a loan shark and have sleepless nights for the next 3 years. The Benz owner will revel in the lottery of life and assert his higher class position, relishing the opportunity to put the boot in on the poor, brown-skinned gardener.

I've done similar acts of kindness here, and do smaller acts regularly. It doesn't deprive my family, as one poster suggested. No, it rewards us with love, happiness and positivity.

How about this, do you have a PayPal account? We all donate 50 Baht each. It will take 160 people - so easy for ThaiVisa. You then pay the Benz owner directly and tell the gardener it's a present from all of us at ThaiVisa. Who knows, this could be the start of something wonderful. I'm happy to make the first small donation.

Come on guys, 50 Baht! That's not even the cost of a beer!

Let's do it and make this guy's day.

What do you say?

Nice thought Kenny but it would never work on this site or any other for that matter. Bowerboy brought this up and it's up for him to decide how he deals with this.

Have we all really become that selfish that we couldn't use a little kindness and our supposed intelligence to collaborate. Well, in that case, post this story on a crowdfunding website and send me the link to donate.

Kenny, It's not about being selfish,unkind or lack of intelligence. bowerboy brought this up and he's looking for a way to resolve his conflicted feelings about what to do. Money doesn't appear to be the issue for him and a group of people donating to this cause dosen't really help him. If asked to donate I would be right there with you.

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This might sound crazy but why not offer the family jobs. The gardner could do any outside work for you the daughter could clean your house.

Just make it a part of the deal that the kids have to go to school every day.

That after school or on weekends she comes and cleans the house or does odd jobs like laundry.

Do not pay them more than the mother is making though or you may end up supporting them full time

A gift of 8k baht really will not help solve their problem as it will go to a guy that surely does not need it.

I think if you do this it will not only help the family but also if you talk to others like yourself you may be able to get the old guy back on his feet. Also the kids will learn how to work for money and not be bums.

It doesn't sound crazy to me. It's a brilliant idea.

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You are like me in a way, I live in a village full of poor, a friend of the family has a daughter 10yrs she was so ill taken to the local little hospital did nothing really for her just said fever, after she came back home after 5 days there I looked at her and took her temp, I said she has got that mossie fever Dengue and I got them in the car and took them to the private hospital in Khon Kaen they diagnosed it within 1 hour after blood tests kept her in for 4 days and she came out A1, 18,000baht I was very happy.

Do what you feel you should do and what will make you happy, go to the Marc lady and make her an offer she will take it.

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I would do it, Karma will pay you back big time.

There is too much selfishness in this world as it is, I think we all in Thailand own something back as what a great place to live and enjoy and we are getting it for 20% the cost of our own country.

Wow, what a dumb post. Sorry. Karma? Is that like the the story of the guy in the sky who watches over all of us?

We foreigners owe Thailand exactly FA. We pay to play. Matters not what our currencies buy us here. We don't owe the Thais anything because their country is relatively uncompetitive and poor. Where do you get these strange notions?

Your right your post is dumb. You obviously don't know what Karma is, but it's not about God or magic.

Your idea of humanity is obviously different then mine. You seem like a miserable person.

For the initial writer, do what you want, but do it for the right reasons. Not just to get something back.

If not for him, for his children. They have not a say in whose parents they have.

Back to the jerk, it shows your character when you pay attention and help to people that can not advance you.

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Help if you can.

I agree, just do it, its not a big thing financialy for you, i've done this myself,just two bits of advice from experience, don't expect the money back and tell him to keep quiet about it otherwise you will have a bunch of Thais come round each week with similar sob stories and when you refuse to help they get angry at you,why him and not me ?

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Your first instinct was one of human kindness and compassion for another human being, not learned capitalist fascism. Yes he had another kid at 62, but are we to punish him further for being uneducated and misguided?

Of course the Benz owner will take the money, and charge interest on late payments. Most likely he'll borrow from a loan shark and have sleepless nights for the next 3 years. The Benz owner will revel in the lottery of life and assert his higher class position, relishing the opportunity to put the boot in on the poor, brown-skinned gardener.

I've done similar acts of kindness here, and do smaller acts regularly. It doesn't deprive my family, as one poster suggested. No, it rewards us with love, happiness and positivity.

How about this, do you have a PayPal account? We all donate 50 Baht each. It will take 160 people - so easy for ThaiVisa. You then pay the Benz owner directly and tell the gardener it's a present from all of us at ThaiVisa. Who knows, this could be the start of something wonderful. I'm happy to make the first small donation.

Come on guys, 50 Baht! That's not even the cost of a beer!

Let's do it and make this guy's day.

What do you say?

I say you are PATHETIC. You want to pay for some stupid fool who could have killed his own baby. You talk about human kindness and compassion for a human being. Did the fool that could have killed his baby have any kindness / compassion ? Wise up. Let the fools learn the hard way.

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Your first instinct was one of human kindness and compassion for another human being, not learned capitalist fascism. Yes he had another kid at 62, but are we to punish him further for being uneducated and misguided?

Of course the Benz owner will take the money, and charge interest on late payments. Most likely he'll borrow from a loan shark and have sleepless nights for the next 3 years. The Benz owner will revel in the lottery of life and assert his higher class position, relishing the opportunity to put the boot in on the poor, brown-skinned gardener.

I've done similar acts of kindness here, and do smaller acts regularly. It doesn't deprive my family, as one poster suggested. No, it rewards us with love, happiness and positivity.

How about this, do you have a PayPal account? We all donate 50 Baht each. It will take 160 people - so easy for ThaiVisa. You then pay the Benz owner directly and tell the gardener it's a present from all of us at ThaiVisa. Who knows, this could be the start of something wonderful. I'm happy to make the first small donation.

Come on guys, 50 Baht! That's not even the cost of a beer!

Let's do it and make this guy's day.

What do you say?

I say you are PATHETIC. You want to pay for some stupid fool who could have killed his own baby. You talk about human kindness and compassion for a human being. Did the fool that could have killed his baby have any kindness / compassion ? Wise up. Let the fools learn the hard way.

great advice. make sure the kid you are so worried about lives in an even more poverty stricken state, that'll teach the little punk! LOL

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One things for sure if you pay it he will be back on his unfit motor bike riding around with his kids unprotected and damage somebody else's property and be unable to pay for it again. If i were the Merc owner I would do the same, why should they stand the loss.

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You are like me in a way, I live in a village full of poor, a friend of the family has a daughter 10yrs she was so ill taken to the local little hospital did nothing really for her just said fever, after she came back home after 5 days there I looked at her and took her temp, I said she has got that mossie fever Dengue and I got them in the car and took them to the private hospital in Khon Kaen they diagnosed it within 1 hour after blood tests kept her in for 4 days and she came out A1, 18,000baht I was very happy.

Do what you feel you should do and what will make you happy, go to the Marc lady and make her an offer she will take it.

Right on Shaurene! Your act of kindness will be paying rewards (of the soul) for the rest of your life.

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Your first instinct was one of human kindness and compassion for another human being, not learned capitalist fascism. Yes he had another kid at 62, but are we to punish him further for being uneducated and misguided?

Of course the Benz owner will take the money, and charge interest on late payments. Most likely he'll borrow from a loan shark and have sleepless nights for the next 3 years. The Benz owner will revel in the lottery of life and assert his higher class position, relishing the opportunity to put the boot in on the poor, brown-skinned gardener.

I've done similar acts of kindness here, and do smaller acts regularly. It doesn't deprive my family, as one poster suggested. No, it rewards us with love, happiness and positivity.

How about this, do you have a PayPal account? We all donate 50 Baht each. It will take 160 people - so easy for ThaiVisa. You then pay the Benz owner directly and tell the gardener it's a present from all of us at ThaiVisa. Who knows, this could be the start of something wonderful. I'm happy to make the first small donation.

Come on guys, 50 Baht! That's not even the cost of a beer!

Let's do it and make this guy's day.

What do you say?

I say you are PATHETIC. You want to pay for some stupid fool who could have killed his own baby. You talk about human kindness and compassion for a human being. Did the fool that could have killed his baby have any kindness / compassion ? Wise up. Let the fools learn the hard way.


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Most likely they are both scamming you. Amazing Gullible Farangs

This is almost certainly true. The penniless gardener and the rich Benz driver got together one afternoon over a beer and thought "what is the best way to scam 8,000 baht out of that stupid farang across the road?" an they came up with this. You have to admire the Thais for their genius.
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I wouldn't give them jobs because then its a hassle and I just want it to be unspoken and no ties if I do it at all.

I can definitely see the sense in the below too which is actually what is holding me back:

"You want to pay for some stupid fool who could have killed his own baby. You talk about human kindness and compassion for a human being. Did the fool that could have killed his baby have any kindness / compassion ? Wise up. Let the fools learn the hard way"

With the addition of the stupidity of having a baby in his situation anyway.

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I wouldn't give them jobs because then its a hassle and I just want it to be unspoken and no ties if I do it at all.

I can definitely see the sense in the below too which is actually what is holding me back:

"You want to pay for some stupid fool who could have killed his own baby. You talk about human kindness and compassion for a human being. Did the fool that could have killed his baby have any kindness / compassion ? Wise up. Let the fools learn the hard way"

With the addition of the stupidity of having a baby in his situation anyway.

Soooooooooo ... given your OP and your philanthropic intentions ... what have you decided to do?

If you have a Thai Partner ... what was their thoughts?

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8000 baht isnt a lot of money, but its a months wages for a normal Thai..

. car owners also need insurance, if the driver hasnt got insurance, why are the police not doing their job and charging the car owner for not having insurance?? ask to see everything in writing before just handing over the cash... If this is genuine and theyre not trying to scam you, then help the old fella... But i would be careful, like has been said, every time the old git does something stupid he´ll come running to you..He might be a nice happy fella but lacking in common sense will get someone killed.. Maybe if you donated a small baby chair with seat belt for his side car?? that would be seen as a good gesture?? i dont mind helping out a friend in need, but every Tom, Dick and Harry and soon you´ll have the whole neighbourhood coming with their poor sob stories

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You guys disgust me. You'd help Thais (who would NEVER help you) but probably wouldn't help your own kind.

No wonder they call us dumb farangs

Why you still here?If i hate my neighbours i should move to somewhere else.

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If you have the means for it, my advise is that you absolutely would do it.

But not anonoumsly, Hand over the money yourself but make sure he knows it's a gift and not anything else.

Even if the word of your generosity will be spread, you most probably will be met with a lot more humble respect from your neighbours and you will most probably make the Merc owner to feel ashamed.

DO NOT listen to all the cynics in here,

Even if the story isn't true, just what you say about them not even having enough food is enough reason.

Compassion is a human trait.

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I would do it, Karma will pay you back big time.

There is too much selfishness in this world as it is, I think we all in Thailand own something back as what a great place to live and enjoy and we are getting it for 20% the cost of our own country.

Wow, what a dumb post. Sorry. Karma? Is that like the the story of the guy in the sky who watches over all of us?

We foreigners owe Thailand exactly FA. We pay to play. Matters not what our currencies buy us here. We don't owe the Thais anything because their country is relatively uncompetitive and poor. Where do you get these strange notions?

wow what a dumb response

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Most likely they are both scamming you. Amazing Gullible Farangs

This is almost certainly true. The penniless gardener and the rich Benz driver got together one afternoon over a beer and thought "what is the best way to scam 8,000 baht out of that stupid farang across the road?" an they came up with this. You have to admire the Thais for their genius.

Do shut up! how many Thai Merc owners do you really think would stoop down to even talk to a poor gardener. Stupid comment.

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I must say that from a retribution perspective I am thinking that the 8,000THB could cover a lot of my sins over the last 10 years in Thailand!!

On the other hand I don't want the guy thinking that this piece of "good luck" warrants his poor choices in life and then he just carries on being irresponsible.

To be fair I had thought of giving him money in an anonymous way long before this happened becuase its clear they are desperate for money and he is actually a 'salt of the earth" type of guy and always cheerful and friendly despite his lot in life.

Wouldn't suggest to give him money. Not 8k in one sum.

But what can be wrong, giving them some food, fruit and clothing for the kids ?

Little by little. Let your Thai wife do it.

The Benz owner can see to himself how he can get 8k out of this poor fellow.


Guys like you make me want to vomit.

if compassion and understanding makes you sick what kind of human being are you.or are you not from planet earth

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Perhaps had baby because couldn't afford condoms? Really are some heartless types here. Surprise, surprise. If you feel good about it, do it. Try to make so he doesn't know you did help out. And do it because you want to, it's your money, it's your call. Not Karma, not man in the sky. Because it feels right. We never stand as tall as when we bend over to help another person in tough times. If you think it is scam, don't do it. I don't think it is, from what you have posted.

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Most of the Thai gardeners I see on Moobaans wouldn't even get out of bed for less than 300bht a half day.

His wife is working too, destitute on 900bht a day, are you sure?

As for the Merc owner, expensive car, best to park it in your driveway.

I would prefer not to say anything about people's intelligense, but I'm fairly tempted.

Find out what the real world is all about before writing ignorant replies.

The lowest salary to give a Thai person is 300TBH per day, so 2X300 TBH is 600TBH , BUT that is only registered employment with the labor office.

There IS NO set minimum wage outside the labor system.

It could be 50 TBH per day or even less for the poorest.

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It's karma . What goes around comes around. If you can do it and not impact your family then go with it. Be sure and keep it anonymous so it doesn't become a habit for a falang to get him out of problems but it isn't a lot of money and it could help another guy out. Should a 63 year-old man be having a kid? Definitely not but we have all thought with our dicks and not our brains on more than one occasion.

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Most of the Thai gardeners I see on Moobaans wouldn't even get out of bed for less than 300bht a half day.

His wife is working too, destitute on 900bht a day, are you sure?

As for the Merc owner, expensive car, best to park it in your driveway.

I would prefer not to say anything about people's intelligense, but I'm fairly tempted.

Find out what the real world is all about before writing ignorant replies.

The lowest salary to give a Thai person is 300TBH per day, so 2X300 TBH is 600TBH , BUT that is only registered employment with the labor office.

There IS NO set minimum wage outside the labor system.

It could be 50 TBH per day or even less for the poorest.

Have you ever tried to hire anyone? A lot of buildings and homes sit unfinished because labor at higher than minimum is not available. I pay more than 300 for temp labor. Not complaining but no one works that I know for under 300. Where are these 50 baht an hour workers? Nakon Nowhere where there is nothing to build or make or work on?

Edited by thailiketoo
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Most of the Thai gardeners I see on Moobaans wouldn't even get out of bed for less than 300bht a half day.

His wife is working too, destitute on 900bht a day, are you sure?

As for the Merc owner, expensive car, best to park it in your driveway.

I would prefer not to say anything about people's intelligense, but I'm fairly tempted.

Find out what the real world is all about before writing ignorant replies.

The lowest salary to give a Thai person is 300TBH per day, so 2X300 TBH is 600TBH , BUT that is only registered employment with the labor office.

There IS NO set minimum wage outside the labor system.

It could be 50 TBH per day or even less for the poorest.

I personally would welcome your offer to refer to talk about people's intelligence.

When I stay in Thailand, which is more time then when I live in the west, I stay at the gf's Parents Farm on the outskirts on Bangkok.

FOR A FACT ... the gf's father employs one full time farm worker to manage the fish ponds.

He works 6 days a week.

Paid Bt 6,000 a month, has had a modest place built for him to live rent free on the Farm, has his elec, rice and fish paid for. He walks out of his door and he's at work.

When the Boss hires in casual Farm workers to harvest the fish, it's Bt300 for a 1/2 day, plus drinks (Water, soy milk, milk coffee, Red Bull, bottle of Whisky) and sometimes food.

So as for ... "It could be 50 TBH per day or even less for the poorest." ... please, unless you are genuinely hiring Thai Labours, keep those sort of comments to yourself and don't show your ignorance.

Edited by David48
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