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Aviation - Steps planned to tackle problem of unruly passengers


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Steps planned to tackle problem of unruly passengers

The Nation

DOHA: -- Governments are urged to work together with the airline industry towards a balanced package of measures to effectively deter and manage the significant problem of unruly air passenger behaviour.

Such behaviour includes committing physical assault, disturbing good order on board or failing to follow lawful crew instructions.

"This resolution confirms the determination of airlines to defend the rights of their passengers and crew. Everybody on board is entitled to enjoy a journey free from abusive or other unacceptable behaviour. Many airlines have trained both ground staff and cabin crew in procedures not only to manage incidents of unruly behaviour but also in measures to prevent them. But a robust solution needs alignment among airlines, airports, and governments," said Tony Tyler, IATA's Director General and CEO.

The resolution on the unruly passengers was reached at the International Air Transport Association (IATA) 70th Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Doha yesterday.

The adoption of the AGM Resolution follows a Diplomatic Conference called by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) at which governments agreed to modernise and strengthen the Tokyo Convention 1963. The result, known as the Montreal Protocol 2014 (MP14), provides a more practically effective deterrent to unruly behaviour by extending the legal jurisdiction for such events to the territory in which the aircraft lands.

"Governments have recognised that unruly passenger behaviour is a serious issue and we applaud the adoption of MP14 at an ICAO Diplomatic Conference earlier this year. Now, governments must ratify what they have agreed to," said Tyler.

The definition of unruly behaviour is wide and includes non-compliance with crew instructions, consumption of illegal narcotics, sexual harassment, and physical or verbal confrontation or threats. In 2013, the number of incidents of unruly behaviour voluntarily reported to IATA by airlines reached some 8,000 cases. Intoxication, often resulting from alcohol already consumed before boarding, ranks high among factors linked to these incidents. Other causes include irritation with another passenger's behaviour, frustration with rules such as smoking prohibitions or use of electronic devices or emotional triggers originating prior to flight.

Reflecting the broad number of factors associated with unruly behaviour, the Resolution's core principles on unruly passengers take a wide-ranging approach to the issue. In addition to calling on governments to ratify MP14, the core principles include calls for:

- Airlines to ensure that they have in place corporate policies and appropriate training programs for cabin crew and ground staff to enable them to prevent or manage disruptive passenger behaviour, including at check-in, during security search, and at the gate.

Governments and airlines to raise awareness of the consequences of unruly behaviour

- Airports and airport concessionaires such as bars and restaurants to implement procedures that could help prevent unruly behaviour on flights.

"Each incident of unruly behaviour marks an unacceptable inconvenience to passengers and crew. A united and balanced approach to the prevention and management of unruly passengers by governments and industry is vital. Governments should adopt all the legal powers at their disposal to ensure unruly passengers face the appropriate consequences for their actions. Airlines, airports, and others must work together to implement the right procedures and train staff to respond effectively to such instances," said Tyler.

-- The Nation 2014-06-03

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Air Marshalls are required

The name of the game is revenue, and when you have airline that charges for every

thing now, even for using the loo, than air Marshals do also cost money...

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Air Marshalls are required

Yes and arm them to the teeth because one more Rambo wannabe (licensed to enforce the law in which country??) in the airplane flying over and between different countries will make everything so much better.

2807128-609773-security-guard-taking-aimPut your seat in a fully upright position for landing Bozo!

Edited by Suradit69
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Simply make it known that anyone found guilty of causing trouble on a plane will be barred from flying on any airline for life, period. Once people realise the convenience of quick travel has been taken from them it may make people think twice before kicking off

Edited by PiPiFFS
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Simply make it known that anyone found guilty of causing trouble on a plane will be barred from flying on any airline for life, period. Once people realise the convenience of quick travel has been taken from them it may make people think twice before kicking off

I would think the perpetrators don't fly that much anyway. Most frequent flyers have access to as much alcohol as they want at the lounges yet I've never seen an unruly passenger in the lounge.

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Simply make it known that anyone found guilty of causing trouble on a plane will be barred from flying on any airline for life, period. Once people realise the convenience of quick travel has been taken from them it may make people think twice before kicking off

End of discussion, this is it!

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I notice at a lot of Chinese airports, there are no bars such as in Kunming Airport, Yantai, Jinan, Wuhan etc. Also flying Chiang Mai to Kunming on China Eastern, there is no alcohol served on board.

I know that Capital International Beijing airport has some nice bars and lounges where you can buy grog, but they are very expensive.

Maybe the Chinese are on to something-never seen any trouble on a flight in China.

Edited by Elfin
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I wish they would place a locking cage door at the front of the economy cabin. I'm sick of seeing economy passengers moving their way through the business cabin to use the bathroom. Stay in your designated zones people, there's a reason I paid extra $$$$ for my ticket, you cretin.

And if the plane goes headlong into a mountain, you lot get it first!! thumbsup.gif

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I think it is not only alcohol that plays a role in unruly behaviors in airplanes. The majority of people that use alcohol, use it to relax and deal with anxiety of flight appropriately. I like the idea of banning people temporily from flying after being flagged, then a gain amore stringent approach might just be to take a finger after each problem. After a half dozen such incidents these people couldn't hold a drink before their flights, problem solved.

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I wish they would place a locking cage door at the front of the economy cabin. I'm sick of seeing economy passengers moving their way through the business cabin to use the bathroom. Stay in your designated zones people, there's a reason I paid extra $$$$ for my ticket, you cretin.

And if the plane goes headlong into a mountain, you lot get it first!! thumbsup.gif

Well at least they would be leaving this mortal coil with class and dignity and a nice glass of ice cold Bolly...drunk.gif.pagespeed.ce.hfErN2aQEE.gif


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I think it is not only alcohol that plays a role in unruly behaviors in airplanes. The majority of people that use alcohol, use it to relax and deal with anxiety of flight appropriately. I like the idea of banning people temporily from flying after being flagged, then a gain amore stringent approach might just be to take a finger after each problem. After a half dozen such incidents these people couldn't hold a drink before their flights, problem solved.

I think its to do with fact that they let the peasants fly on airplanes, if they increased the price of the seats to a point that these people couldn't afford the tickets, one suspects far less unruly behavior would be evident, I blame the low cost airlines for this...

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I wish they would place a locking cage door at the front of the economy cabin. I'm sick of seeing economy passengers moving their way through the business cabin to use the bathroom. Stay in your designated zones people, there's a reason I paid extra $$$$ for my ticket, you cretin.

And if the plane goes headlong into a mountain, you lot get it first!! thumbsup.gif

Flying into the side of the mountain doesn't make much difference who goes in first. ;)

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I think it is not only alcohol that plays a role in unruly behaviors in airplanes. The majority of people that use alcohol, use it to relax and deal with anxiety of flight appropriately. I like the idea of banning people temporily from flying after being flagged, then a gain amore stringent approach might just be to take a finger after each problem. After a half dozen such incidents these people couldn't hold a drink before their flights, problem solved.

I think its to do with fact that they let the peasants fly on airplanes, if they increased the price of the seats to a point that these people couldn't afford the tickets, one suspects far less unruly behavior would be evident, I blame the low cost airlines for this...

Years ago, flying was a lot more expensive. People travelling use to dress up and appreciate the fact they were doing something special.

People on the plane would dress nicely, wear clean clothes, shower prior to the flight, behave nicely and you'd never see an unruly drunk. It was pleasant.

Economy travel was pleasant.

A few years back everything changed and I made sure any flight over 90 minutes I would book business class, just for the extra space away and to get away from the circus show of inconsiderate people in the back.

On flights longer than 12 hours I'm looking for either a really good business class or occasionally I splash out and go one better. Life's too short to put up,with drunk and selfish individuals.

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i think that a lot of air rage is caused by the lack of air rotation in the cabin.once i left my jacket in the plane, walked back inside, smelt the air inside and decided that the jacket was not worth it. plus fresh air does tend to sober you up faster. what do you guys stinch?

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