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Bangkok forigners women never get attention from forigners like thai women?


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I live in bangkok for 4 years and from what I see it seem to me that forigners guys who lives in thailand like to date thai woman more then woman from their own country or forigner as a same.

For dating for one night stand or marry.. So I guess because they live here because they like it here also asia women too.. Hardly to meet forignerswho dating foringer in another country... Maybe have some but most of forigners in thailand young- old like to go out with thai women more than us..

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Yep, he's spot on. Just that some people can;t handle not being at the top of food chain anymore. Many flights out every day.

If you line up 100 random Asian women and 100 random caucasian women, the Asians will always average about 7/10 between them. The caucasians, 4/10 average. For me, anyway.

I'm sure all those women really value your opinion, Lloyd.

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if she's a caucasian woman and attractive, most guys here just figure they have no chance or that she already has a boyfriend - they don't want the rejection .. even attractive women in the US have this issue, guys are intimidated by them because they have already been rejected by similar attractive white women and figure why bother..

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Another inflammatory post removed. The forum rule below for those who don't know.

11) Do not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people or any other group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

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...protocol carries over first of all.....

...secondly....hard to guess or know 'what you are into'.....(Thai guys....Thai women....???)

...thirdly.....hard to compete with Thai women who are known to say and do whatever it takes to 'snatch a guy'...especially a foreigner...

...lastly....why not 'make the first move'....???

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For what its worth I know a couple europeans that met their girlfriends here and they are other europeans as well. Its all a matter of taste. But you're also in asia... why not date a thai guy? Now thats even more rare. Usually the expat girls I see are always with other farang men.

Edited by bangarang
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OP is clearly Asian. You can tell by the grammar errors. Not the fact that there are errors in general, but the TYPE of errors specifically. Foreigners rarely mix up singular/plural for example.

When was the last time you heard a Western woman say "foreigners guys" or "asia women" ?

Wise up. You all are being trolled by a Thai lady.

And out come the language experts already: Who really cares if its a troll or not ? its a valid question - If you think its a troll why would you feel so compelled to respond instead of simply moving on to another thread ?

On Topic:

Possible reasons are:

1) Some guys come here for the Women - thus are not interested in Caucasian women.

2) Some guys have been burnt at home - thus are not interested in Caucasian women.

3) Some guys have personality defects - they are subconsciously (or even consciously) aware of this and avoid contact with anyone who may drag them out of their 'asian-dream-world', one in which they are charming and the laughs are charged at a few baht per minute.

4) Some guys are well aware of the stigma attached to being in Thailand - There may be an assumption that a Western lady may not be so accommodating to open or flirtatious conversation with someone they may consider a sex pest.

5) Laziness - It may take more work to 'charm and seduce' an attractive western lady.

And from a personal perspective:

I have a number of Western female friends: All in relationships or not my type... One of them has a little difficulty attracting a 'long-termer' but she's interested in someone 10 years her junior and is not happy to settle for something more realistic - the 50 year old. Added to which, in a country where a 50 year old can get a 20 year old why may he go for a 40 year old woman?

The last time I chatted with an attractive western lady of potential she was very bitter about Thai women, her moaning was quite a turn off. She'd lost her Ex BF eight months previously to a Thai lady. Needless to say, the conversation didn't last long, I was however at the time single and open minded.

Fact of the matter is: There are many attractive Western ladies in Thailand and there are many men who are still open minded enough to enter into a healthy relationship with them.

If someone has closed themselves off to one race or culture.... i.e. if a chappy decides he's going to completely avoid Western ladies I see something wrong in that... Everyone is individual, why would someone close them self off based on some ill-conceived notion of what she may or may not be like just because of her nationality or skin colour.

Perhaps some guys can never tolerate equality and just want a slave....

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Well unfortunately to say, but thailand is a country where losers especially old, ugly, poor have a decent chance of scoring with a woman thats better then the exact reciprocal of themselves.

Why would they go for a Caucasian women

I quite like Asian woman, so I guess I'm a loser too

Happy to admit to that! Or else it would be highly hypocritical

One thing I always wonder is if a Caucasian women works or chooses to work in Thailand for medium to long term,

How do they handle the lesser attention when it comes to dating, women don't handle lessening of attention in nay respect very well

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If you line up 100 random Asian women and 100 random caucasian women, the Asians will always average about 7/10 between them. The caucasians, 4/10 average. For me, anyway.

Some really great looking random Asian women from places like: Pakistan, Iraq, New Guinea, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen or Oman

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It is men who have been the personal slaves of women doing dirty dangerous difficult jobs while women stay in safety in the home , men who have kept women alive .

Maybe there should be equality in things that women are in better positions too , death age, workplace deaths, homeless

Today 50% of graduates are female but women never pay fair share

Edited by parmo2
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Instead of pretty much all of the posts above, it would be FAR MORE interesting to hear from Caucasian women here who have dated Thai men.(which, when one thinks about it, is the essence of a topic like this). Is it as bad as people think it is?

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