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Bangkok forigners women never get attention from forigners like thai women?


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1.Consequences meeting western woman could ruin your life . ( my 3 marriages left me heart broken and penniless but ex's have everything after my hard work)

2.Western woman have to many rights against man .(Man should start fighting to get rights back)

3.I always wonder what western woman is looking in Asia.....( there is a plenty idiots in western world....)

4.There is more decent Thai woman then in western world . (With exception that if they will gain same amount of rights it will be similar scenario as in western world. )

5.I just can not trust western woman anymore.

Prefer to loose with Thai then win with western woman. (Reading many posts on different forums you can find growing hatred of western woman toward Asia woman.....)


Everyone (man) living in Thai knows this (: ...5555.

How many western couples live in Thailand on retirement compare to single man...... all ages??? and why?


"They did a segment on "A current Affair" of "today tonight "(Aust.) a few months back,apparently in place Australian women are out numbered 5 to 1 - or something like that ,in some places- aussie men.

However,after talking to the women in these areas,most of them said it wasn't the fact that they they couldn't find a man,it was that the men were...not nice.A matter or quality vs quantity, if you get my drift "

Is it means... all quality man going away to different countries ???? if so ..why?

Edited by gigman
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Difficult jobs like computer programmer, physicist . There will be a handful of women doing those jobs but if there is a cushy office job involving pushing buttons while chatting to mates then you can be sure that western women will have 90% of those jobs.

In all of my long life I have only ever seen one woman willingly pay for drinks in bar .

Why are women like this when they are over 59% of graduated ? They expect to find a stupid man to pay and sacrifice himself for her.

It seems to me that there are a handful of feminist trolls starting here and they have been allowed to start posts. Feminists are idealogical bigots who have caused damage to men and boys despite females being the favoured sex

i suggest perhaps you have lived too long.

i go out with people/women every week who have no problem buying a round.

the rest of your post is simply bitter.

Simply bitter? You mean when a ref makes a bad call that costs the game, the losing side should not be bitter.

Women's rights and equality is like a game where the referees (women) are always making a bad call. There are rules, of course, but the referees always get the nod despite the rules. It's men -vs- women, and the women ref the game. Their rules. That is what women's rights and equality really is: a game where the goal is always being moved, and a the foul rule changes constantly.

Now there are good referees and there are bad referees, but no matter the case, the referee gets to make the call, and the game makers will always agree with the referee's call.

There is nothing wrong with being bitter about a game that has rules which are constantly changing and always in favor of the other team.

The odd thing about women's rights and equality is that no two women can agree on the rules, and the game makers allow for each and every single women to make their own rules, and when things go bad, they have all the options to pull out of the bag of tricks.

Is ti any wonder that men who understand this get out of the league of teams with the bad referees and go and join another leauge of teams with more level playing fields and with more rewards?

It is simply damn difficult to play your heart out and not know if your efforts are going to be called back, yellow-carded, red-carded or what.

What is women's rights? No one knows. Not even women. And the same goes for women's equality. It seems that as time goes by and evidence becomes apparent, that these two words have been moved to the shelf of uselessness; just like welfare and government grants were years ago.

What began as a good concept is now turning into a free for all. How many people on health benefits and welfare really need to be on those? How many are just sucking the system dry. By the same token, it must be tempting for women to use their "rights" and enforce "equality" when the thought of being responsible, accountable, fair etc. is simply too much to bear and too much effort.

I think government and special interest groups are breeding a society of people (women in this case) who are being lead to believe that they are entitled tothings without any thought of effort in the value of earning those things... they simply think they are entitled and are not responsible for earning them.

And the rules are constantly changing.

Just a smaller view on a much larger problem.

So I wonder what you think about minority rights? Just change the "women/females" in your essay above, to "blacks" and you to an American Southern plantation owner ...or I am sure I can think of many other examples. But I think this one, gets the point across, no?

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Eh.. I've been in Thailand for 5 years now and soon after I had moved here I posted on here about Western guys approaching Western women in Thailand.

I didn't expect it because I knew that a high percentage of Western men would be coming to Thailand for Thai women or that they're probably interested in Asian women.

I came here with my Thai boyfriend that I met in NYC so I wasn't out looking for guys or anything.

To be honest, since I've been here-- Western guys seem to notice me a lot more here than back home and they've tried to chat me up a lot more too. I always seemed to attract Asian guys and since I like them then it was good for me.

Thai guys on the other hand - they love to stare and say "Hello" "Beautiful" "Tukatha" etc. but they don't try to talk to me very much and it's probably because they're scared to speak English or I'm too tall for them lol

Anyways, my advice would be to go for it. If you see a guy that you wanna talk to-- then try to talk to him. The worst he can do is say he isn't into it. Then you don't waste your time.

The world is full of people, there has to be someone who likes you! :D Plus I'm sure that if any of these *I ONLY DATE ASIAN WOMEN* guys met a woman of any race that gave them a good vibe and was beautiful in their eyes who made them feel good then they could switch their opinions of who they *ONLY* date.

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1.Consequences meeting western woman could ruin your life . ( my 3 marriages left me heart broken and penniless but ex's have everything after my hard work)

2.Western woman have to many rights against man .(Man should start fighting to get rights back)

3.I always wonder what western woman is looking in Asia.....( there is a plenty idiots in western world....)

4.There is more decent Thai woman then in western world . (With exception that if they will gain same amount of rights it will be similar scenario as in western world. )

5.I just can not trust western woman anymore.

Prefer to loose with Thai then win with western woman. (Reading many posts on different forums you can find growing hatred of western woman toward Asia woman.....)


Everyone (man) living in Thai knows this (: ...5555.

How many western couples live in Thailand on retirement compare to single man...... all ages??? and why?

I would guess that for some men here, all women have been a problem in your lives. So, with that history, WHY would you go to the ends of the earth, still trying to find MORE of them!!

If you had such a bad history with golf, for example, would you still be playing golf? But try to change to Asian courses first? Or change to something else, or give up sports totally?? Or only watch it on TV??

RE Question 3) I would say almost no Western women living in Thailand, came here looking for love. Maybe a few have found that, or also gotten into the same bad relationships as many Western men do here....just because they thought they would try it out, be open minded, and I guess a few have found good enough partners.

But if you really don't find success, over and over again, maybe one should move on to other things in life which can make a person happy. It certainly is possible to be happy without a live-in lover/marriage, and even without an active dating life (and I know you men have options to get the sex you claim you need, here, without the problems) ...so my question is ....why don't you just look for other things in life to make you happy?

If men are so much "stronger than women" then why can't you go without ...like many, many woman find ways to do, and still have productive and happy lives?

Edited by amykat
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Posted Yesterday, 22:40

I live in bangkok for 4 years and from what I see it seem to me that forigners guys who lives in thailand like to date thai woman more then woman from their own country or forigner as a same.

For dating for one night stand or marry.. So I guess because they live here because they like it here also asia women too.. Hardly to meet forignerswho dating foringer in another country... Maybe have some but most of forigners in thailand young- old like to go out with thai women more than us..

Yes you got it 100% correct as I see it. I would never in a lifetime spend the money to go and live in Thailand just to end up to take two steps backwards and date falangladies (again)....
I am deeply happy that i got away so to speak, and got the chance to find happiness in life here in Thailand. A happiness that falangladies from my point of view, never ever can give me... In my opinion, falangladys cant give anything at all fullstop.
personally I do not understand at all what they are doing here in Thailand, but I think it pisses them off really bad to see that guys actually have found happiness here..and found it without the "help" of the falanggirls....wink.pngwink.pngwink.png
Very good point Glegolo !
In my post you can read similar ...opinion of mine.
falandladies have in blood vampire genes ...... 5555...
One day.... they will suck each other.
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1.Consequences meeting western woman could ruin your life . ( my 3 marriages left me heart broken and penniless but ex's have everything after my hard work)

2.Western woman have to many rights against man .(Man should start fighting to get rights back)

3.I always wonder what western woman is looking in Asia.....( there is a plenty idiots in western world....)

4.There is more decent Thai woman then in western world . (With exception that if they will gain same amount of rights it will be similar scenario as in western world. )

5.I just can not trust western woman anymore.

Prefer to loose with Thai then win with western woman. (Reading many posts on different forums you can find growing hatred of western woman toward Asia woman.....)


Everyone (man) living in Thai knows this (: ...5555.

How many western couples live in Thailand on retirement compare to single man...... all ages??? and why?


"They did a segment on "A current Affair" of "today tonight "(Aust.) a few months back,apparently in place Australian women are out numbered 5 to 1 - or something like that ,in some places- aussie men.

However,after talking to the women in these areas,most of them said it wasn't the fact that they they couldn't find a man,it was that the men were...not nice.A matter or quality vs quantity, if you get my drift "

Is it means... all quality man going away to different countries ???? if so ..why?

Man, three divorces and you are still trying!!!

I admire your courage/persistence/stupidity!!

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In general I think western women have better reasons for staying in Thailand. They tend to have a more rounded experience of the place as a whole rather just aiming for the usual traps that so many guys fall into. This is a broad generalization of course, many are already in settled relationships when they arrive or are married though.

did you really.really want an answer to that question? why do you think foreign men came over here in the first place? to see the sunset? asian women have it all over foreign women, especially english and american women! many men don't want to get into an arm wrastling contest just to swap spit with a european woman! also we don't have to promise the asian woman that we will marry them! ALSO asian women smell better! they wash everyday, not just twice a week!

Mate ...good on you !!!!!

In my post I forgot about this qualities in Thai woman. Thank you.

My every woman including in Thailand (I am talking ..woman -means Thai) never ever allow me to start anything until she get shower ! but also i have in my old memory different scenarios from my previous world....if you get my drift..

I was considering my sex life over because of my past life with western world.

I was ashamed to talk about it with my ex wife's but my doctor after taking tests on "Testosterone " told me that this is mental problem.....no erection problem.

Now when all my past is over I am still normal and highly performing man thanks to real Thai woman . I am more happy then you can imagine...

Should I spoil everything looking after western woman????



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All this talk of 'feminists' reminds me of guys that fail to pull women then decide they must have been lesbians.

Sent from my GT-N7105 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

And all this cowtow to the "feminists" reminds me that some posters likely have a wife standing behind them, looking over their shoulder and telling them what to write smile.png

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I much prefer being surrounded by the molten femininity of the Thai women and their treatment of a man than the feminist/entitled attitudes of the woman in the US.

Average woman in US is now 164# versus about 100# here.

I wouldn't give up my wife for anyone else in the world.....

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All this talk of 'feminists' reminds me of guys that fail to pull women then decide they must have been lesbians.

Sent from my GT-N7105 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

And all this cowtow to the "feminists" reminds me that some posters likely have a wife standing behind them, looking over their shoulder and telling them what to write smile.png

Or we are still young, haven't ever been married and have been lucky enough to have grown up in a social group where everyone is well off, the women all work on keeping fit, they all dress well and they don't let themselves became fat as they get older.

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Since the thread is crying out for some generalisations, I would offer the thought that actually it is a win-win situation:

The tired ugly fat old western men have moved themselves and what remains of their self respect and post divorce finances to Thailand. They have taken themselves out of the dating market with western women, and are gleefully enjoying a second chance at happiness and self-fulfilment on a tight budget with their pliable and adoring younger Thai ladies. At the same time they are supporting the local economy and providing a social safety net for sick buffaloes.

Therefore they are no longer cluttering up the western dating scene by annoyingly and misguidedly hitting on the strong and self-reliant and opinionated western women who know exactly what they want and expect from a male partner, and who resent any attention from any male that does not appeal to them, especially the men with pensions and a lack of interest in badly fitting bra straps and blotchy white bingo wings....

This totally clears the field for the older western divorcees to have their unrestricted choice from all the young handsome tanned and sexy surfer dudes who are still left in western countries and who are desperate to become romantically wedded to an older western woman, eventually handing over at least 50 per cent of their total worth.

Where is the downside to this idyllic social contract? As I said, a Win-Win situation.

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A colleague of mine working in Vietnam for a number of years and was posted to Bangkok while I was working there also. she quit after 8 months as she was sick of the continued nil prospects of finding a boyfriend. She was mid 30s coming up to late 30s so naturally this was becoming a priority for her. She went back to the west and I don't blame her. Let's just say she was not my cup of tea, but she was far from unattractive.

It Is a fact that due to obesity issues in the west, Slim and pretty girls are getting fewer and far between and are like rare diamonds. Obviously one must be pretty tall, handsome with a decent sized pocketbook to stand a chance with the current limited offerings. So happy I married my beautiful Indonesian princess

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If we look at working age westerners (not pensioners), I think when these westerners generally move around the world, they do so in order to pursue a career of some sort. Ie, the motive is their career, and they are not moving in order to meet women from that specific country. As an example, I have never heard of an American moving to Germany because he really liked German girls. In other words, odds are women from any country will have equal chances meeting an expat who moved because of his career.

However, when western men (generally) move to Thailand, they rarely do so because they are pursuing a career, as let's face it, the career opportunities in Thailand are generally very limited. Many, if not most, move because they have been on holiday here, and found out they liked the girls (and perhaps the rest of Thailand too). They will take almost any job, as long as they get to stay in Thailand. Afterall how many western men had a dream of becoming a low paid english teacher in Thailand before they met a Thai girl?

Obviously most of these guys are not that interested in western girls, as if they were, they would have stayed in their home country where there are plenty of western girls and better job opportunities.

Please note I am speaking generally, I know there are plenty of exceptions to everything I have said above. I am just arguing that it makes a huge difference whether ones main reason for moving is a career in the new country or the girls in the new country. The former will generally like girls from all countries equally, while the latter will obviously prefer girls from the country he moved to.

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I've only been here six months so I speak from a limited pov, but I must say the Thai ladies I've been involved with seem a completely different species than the female falang. I dated around quite a bit at first but now have a 4 month relationship going and going pretty well I might add. It's simply nothing like anything I've experienced back home in the US. My Thai GF attends to my every need and I don't just mean sexual. She's completely uninhibited in bed and that's a delight for sure but there are the other multilevel dimensions, just as important. No, maybe more important. Recently I had a minor crash on my motorbike. She's a masseuse and this inaugurated a whole series of Thai massages to the affected areas which went on over a week even over my protests that I was fully recovered. The massages are of course a regular thing. She gives me a body scrub once a week. She'll hold my hand, notice that my nails are a bit long and presto out comes the clipper and file. This leads to an inspection of the toes and she'll go after them as well. We spend hours in bed talking and horsing around, just stupid goofy stuff, but I've never laughed so long and hard. She cooks up hot curries and feeds me. She takes me to temple and shows by example the Buddhist way of worship. Then there's her beatific smile while looking long and deep into my eyes, just holding me like a baby. Yah. Sounds like a honeymoon, no? and maybe it is. Maybe it'll all come crashing down like a house of cards some time further along but the fact remains no woman back home, at any point in our relationship, ever had such a total attendant regard for my well being, on all the levels: physical, emotional, psychological. And it seems to flow so effortlessly from this young beautiful Siamese cat-eyed lady. She was just born to it. I find myself thinking: where did this creature come from? I won't hunt the political, historical, cultural differences in search of causes. I'm just crazy happy and enjoying every minute of it. I hate sweeping generalizations and simply offer an imperfect experience. No way would I ever go back to the western style relationships I've had in the past.

Ya know, my Thai wife was just the same when I first starting dating her. And now 10 years later,

Ok I have to say it.....She's SAME SAME.

I like the part about the nail clippers, to this day I go thru a weekly inspection of my toenails & fingernails.

My mother said " She is the most wonderful lady I have ever been around in my life"

LEX....I hope you have good luck as i have had. I have a stunner with a brain and a heart.

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There is a simple answer to this one. Most Thai women are very comfortable manifesting the dignity within femininity. Most western women (notice I am not saying all) are very threatened by that quality. Many men like a woman who is less masculine than themselves.

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Before anyone calls me a loser for my comments, let me say I don't mind western women, I also don't think Asian women are tops

Western women are used to be put on a pedestal, they are used to getting attention, as a result their sense of entitlemebt is very high and their ego/expectations have also expanded big time

They go to Asia or thailand and although their.desirability may be still very high, or even higher, the number of men interested in them diminishes greatly for various reasons

What was easy in the past and an expectation, is now much harder

Or course they are not going to like it,

I doubt most will be able to handle it

Its like when western women when they reach early 30s,and are single, start realising their.attractiveness starts to.drop and they don't like it

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I can't speak for everybody but while in Phucket I was on the beach several western women in bikini's around and this Thai chick with a fantasic figure comes into view every farang heads turned to watch her some guys with girlfriends and wives drooling. I walk up to her and we started talking I find Asian women are easier to approach without fear of rejection. A western woman unless your famous have loads of cash or hung like a horse they tend to put you down. But if you are of larger size in the tool department they freak out Asian women are greatful for it.cheesy.gif

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I can't speak for everybody but while in Phucket I was on the beach several western women in bikini's around and this Thai chick with a fantasic figure comes into view every farang heads turned to watch her some guys with girlfriends and wives drooling. I walk up to her and we started talking I find Asian women are easier to approach without fear of rejection. A western woman unless your famous have loads of cash or hung like a horse they tend to put you down. But if you are of larger size in the tool department they freak out Asian women are greatful for it.cheesy.gif

That's because of the selection pool size and criteria

In Thailand there are few.foreigners, and.most are old, unattractive, the decent ones are fewer. Also farangs either have no standards or different standards and think the girls that Thais or other Asians find unattractive to.be attractive (and that's coming from the horses mouth),

Back in farangland, the women have a lot of choice, plus the media and society encouraging the women to think they are at the top of the food chain, their attitudes will stink

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You have lived in BKK all your trolling life. Foreign men often visit Thailand especially for the women. Not because they are better than the chicks at home, go to a Western university town and tell me the girls are not better than typical Thai fodder, it's because they are easily available. Everyone already knows this. Next...

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go to a Western university town and tell me the girls are not better than typical Thai fodder

Huh? Compare any Western university town with Bangkok and Bangkok will win by a mile - on looks and attitude. Thai women are much more beautiful percentage-wise than any Western country and on top of that they are not nearly as stuck up.


Edited by Ulysses G.
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Difficult jobs like computer programmer, physicist . There will be a handful of women doing those jobs but if there is a cushy office job involving pushing buttons while chatting to mates then you can be sure that western women will have 90% of those jobs.

In all of my long life I have only ever seen one woman willingly pay for drinks in bar .

Why are women like this when they are over 59% of graduated ? They expect to find a stupid man to pay and sacrifice himself for her.

It seems to me that there are a handful of feminist trolls starting here and they have been allowed to start posts. Feminists are idealogical bigots who have caused damage to men and boys despite females being the favoured sex

i suggest perhaps you have lived too long.

i go out with people/women every week who have no problem buying a round.

the rest of your post is simply bitter.

Simply bitter? You mean when a ref makes a bad call that costs the game, the losing side should not be bitter.

Women's rights and equality is like a game where the referees (women) are always making a bad call. There are rules, of course, but the referees always get the nod despite the rules. It's men -vs- women, and the women ref the game. Their rules. That is what women's rights and equality really is: a game where the goal is always being moved, and a the foul rule changes constantly.

Now there are good referees and there are bad referees, but no matter the case, the referee gets to make the call, and the game makers will always agree with the referee's call.

There is nothing wrong with being bitter about a game that has rules which are constantly changing and always in favor of the other team.

The odd thing about women's rights and equality is that no two women can agree on the rules, and the game makers allow for each and every single women to make their own rules, and when things go bad, they have all the options to pull out of the bag of tricks.

Is ti any wonder that men who understand this get out of the league of teams with the bad referees and go and join another leauge of teams with more level playing fields and with more rewards?

It is simply damn difficult to play your heart out and not know if your efforts are going to be called back, yellow-carded, red-carded or what.

What is women's rights? No one knows. Not even women. And the same goes for women's equality. It seems that as time goes by and evidence becomes apparent, that these two words have been moved to the shelf of uselessness; just like welfare and government grants were years ago.

What began as a good concept is now turning into a free for all. How many people on health benefits and welfare really need to be on those? How many are just sucking the system dry. By the same token, it must be tempting for women to use their "rights" and enforce "equality" when the thought of being responsible, accountable, fair etc. is simply too much to bear and too much effort.

I think government and special interest groups are breeding a society of people (women in this case) who are being lead to believe that they are entitled tothings without any thought of effort in the value of earning those things... they simply think they are entitled and are not responsible for earning them.

And the rules are constantly changing.

Just a smaller view on a much larger problem.

So I wonder what you think about minority rights? Just change the "women/females" in your essay above, to "blacks" and you to an American Southern plantation owner ...or I am sure I can think of many other examples. But I think this one, gets the point across, no?

Less than 4% of the population of the South owned slaves. What are you on about? Lincoln was losing the war from Northern apathy. No one gave a damn about what was going on in the South. Lincoln only used the slaves angle to generate interest, and that came years after the war began.

Regarding people with darker skin than mine, I wonder what their intentions are. I wonder what their motivations are. I wonder how they feel about being a part of a Republic.

I wonder at the amount of people who want to use their sking color as a means to be entitled to special considerations, special handouts, special grants, and to be special in general.

I wonder at people who can't responsibly answer a legitimate question, and rather instead bring up the skin color issue.

People in the USA, in particular, are a good litmus test on narcissistic behavior, and the ever changing rules they indulge in to avoid the truths and facts that would lead to a solution of many woes.

And this "point" you mentioned... I have no idea what you are talkling about. What "point"?

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