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Singing nun wins Italian television talent show


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Singing nun wins Italian television talent show

MILAN: -- A singing nun clinched the final of The Voice of Italy television talent show contest on Friday after winning millions of followers with her lively dance act and soulful renditions of lusty pop classics.

Wearing her black habit and a crucifix around her neck, Suor Cristina punched the air and thanked God for her victory, reciting an "Our Father" prayer to the puzzlement of organisers and audience.

"I want Jesus to come in here!" said the wholesome 25-year-old with a self-effacing manner, who was dressed in the sensible black shoes and ankle-length black skirt she has worn throughout the contest.

"My presence here is not up to me, it’s thanks to the man upstairs!" said Suor Cristina after winning out against a 28-year-old hard rocker with long curly hair who had performed "Stairway to Heaven".

Suor Cristina, a reformed rebel who used to sing in a band and now lives with fellow nuns in Milan, has won a record contract with Universal but she hinted she might shun a full rock’n’roll career.

"I will go back to my priorities -- prayer, waking up early in the morning, school service.. That’s fundamental for me to be able to begin something new later on," the Sicily native told reporters.

-- The Nation 2014-06-06

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