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What % of your acquaintances and friends turned out to be doormats and were taken advantage off by t


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None ,my friends are all normal ,decent human beings married to normal decent Thai women .they didn"t marry the first woman that told them how hansum they were just before they agreed a price for the night . grow up op.

Anyone who believes that things are as simple as you state is dumb & delusional.

PS. Personally I am glad that life is a bit more exciting than your boring illusion.wink.png

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Its just so much easier to write 'doormat' when describing this type of 'man'.

Than spineless, emotionally deficient, gormless, feeble minded etc etc etc.

'Doormat' nails it in one go, don't ya fink!

Doormat is a perfect word for someone who has no boundaries. He/she is so focused on pleasing others, they they allow themselves to used and abused. Many males are raised to be doormats to women BY women. "Women and children first" "Never hit a woman" "If mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!" "Girls just wanna have fun" Well, guys do too. And if a woman touches me in a hostile manner, she will be hit - hard. It's about time that men defend themselves and stop being such wussies. Doormat could mean "hen-pecked", but I prefer MANGINA. Then there are the "white knights" out there, who will KILL a fellow male to "save" any female from getting what she deserves. Disgusting. I call them "captain save-a-hoe."

Edited by risky11
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Western men give 100 times more respect to Thai women than they deserve, they should worship you and give you sex ever hour if you want, they are third world women from a feudal country who have found a short in life - you.

they are ALL very greedy, only want your wealth for them and their greedy families, they should be very grateful indeed to meet a man from a first world country, no matter how old he is

Even I can hear the hounds baying to reply to this one!

What you probably meant to say is-

Generally, I personally have learned not to trust Thai women. It is sad how often their mothers use them to fetch money for them. They might not be working as bone fide prostitutes, but in many ways their families prostitute them by encouraging them to marry or date a farang with money. The Thai people in general are egocentric and do not easily fall in love in the true sense as much as they look for material security, and this has been verified by social psychologists who have researched Thai culture. Read Suntaree Komin, Ph.D. on the internet. She is a Senior Fulbright Scholar and a member of the Thai Royal Educational Patronage Society. She is Internationally respected and the leading expert on the psychology of the Thai people. Dr. Komin is Thai.

So you name me one developing nation whose people do not fit this criteria?

England? Essex?

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Western men give 100 times more respect to Thai women than they deserve, they should worship you and give you sex ever hour if you want, they are third world women from a feudal country who have found a short in life - you.

they are ALL very greedy, only want your wealth for them and their greedy families, they should be very grateful indeed to meet a man from a first world country, no matter how old he is

Even I can hear the hounds baying to reply to this one!

What you probably meant to say is-

Generally, I personally have learned not to trust Thai women. It is sad how often their mothers use them to fetch money for them. They might not be working as bone fide prostitutes, but in many ways their families prostitute them by encouraging them to marry or date a farang with money. The Thai people in general are egocentric and do not easily fall in love in the true sense as much as they look for material security, and this has been verified by social psychologists who have researched Thai culture. Read Suntaree Komin, Ph.D. on the internet. She is a Senior Fulbright Scholar and a member of the Thai Royal Educational Patronage Society. She is Internationally respected and the leading expert on the psychology of the Thai people. Dr. Komin is Thai.

So you name me one developing nation whose people do not fit this criteria?

England? Essex?

It's the punters who are taking advantage of prostitutes

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Western men give 100 times more respect to Thai women than they deserve, they should worship you and give you sex ever hour if you want, they are third world women from a feudal country who have found a short in life - you.

they are ALL very greedy, only want your wealth for them and their greedy families, they should be very grateful indeed to meet a man from a first world country, no matter how old he is

Even I can hear the hounds baying to reply to this one!

What you probably meant to say is-

Generally, I personally have learned not to trust Thai women. It is sad how often their mothers use them to fetch money for them. They might not be working as bone fide prostitutes, but in many ways their families prostitute them by encouraging them to marry or date a farang with money. The Thai people in general are egocentric and do not easily fall in love in the true sense as much as they look for material security, and this has been verified by social psychologists who have researched Thai culture. Read Suntaree Komin, Ph.D. on the internet. She is a Senior Fulbright Scholar and a member of the Thai Royal Educational Patronage Society. She is Internationally respected and the leading expert on the psychology of the Thai people. Dr. Komin is Thai.


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100%, but I had only one friend.

oh wait, we are no longer friends.

so 0%.

Thats a good point.

When ever my doormat mate gets a Princess from beach road or a blow job bar and I call her a whore, he calls me cynical and refuses to speak to me.

Until she kicks him in the googlies anyway!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

By their 'special' girlfriend?

I'd hazard 80% of mine!

Why do you feel the need to be a troll? Me thinks you have to much time on your hands.

Get a life!

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Its just so much easier to write 'doormat' when describing this type of 'man'.

Than spineless, emotionally deficient, gormless, feeble minded etc etc etc.

'Doormat' nails it in one go, don't ya fink!

Doormat is a perfect word for someone who has no boundaries. He/she is so focused on pleasing others, they they allow themselves to used and abused. Many males are raised to be doormats to women BY women. "Women and children first" "Never hit a woman" "If mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!" "Girls just wanna have fun" Well, guys do too. And if a woman touches me in a hostile manner, she will be hit - hard. It's about time that men defend themselves and stop being such wussies. Doormat could mean "hen-pecked", but I prefer MANGINA. Then there are the "white knights" out there, who will KILL a fellow male to "save" any female from getting what she deserves. Disgusting. I call them "captain save-a-hoe."

I see a lot of parents becoming 'doormats' to their children too.

I'm firm but fair with children and girlfriends.

I say what I mean and mean what I say.

Not been bitten by either! Or my dog.

I think Ill be renaming my mate Captain save a hoe.

Its a perfect description of his 18 epic years here, banging his head against a wall,

And yet he is very educated.

But the perfect doormat all the same.

I think he will eventually end up hating women and go the lady boy route.

Thank you for your reply.

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If your overweight, smelly, ugly, mean and an alcoholic. I'd say your chances of being taken advantage of by a Thai lady are about 99 percent. Why else would they be with you?

Thats a good point.

None of my doormat friends are in that category.

Most are educated and well groomed.

Which is why its hard for me to understand and I can't bite my tongue, when I see what doormats they become.

What compounds it for me is these are the most subservient girls I've ever come across.

Once in the first week you sort out whose the boss and how its gonna be ( firm but fair).

I find its a dream honeymoon period.

My thoughts are they were unable to be players in UK.

Or they have no natural defences against pussy juice.

When it gets ingested, it envelopes them like a drug initially, but with far more serious consequences. Especially financially.

They didn't have self esteem in the first place!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

By their 'special' girlfriend?

I'd hazard 80% of mine!

Why do you feel the need to be a troll? Me thinks you have to much time on your hands.

Get a life!

Well thats been the highlight of your day.

You have managed to string a sentence together.

Full of humour , wit and a powerful punch line.

Your dad must be proud of you.

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If your overweight, smelly, ugly, mean and an alcoholic. I'd say your chances of being taken advantage of by a Thai lady are about 99 percent. Why else would they be with you?

Thats a good point.

None of my doormat friends are in that category.

Most are educated and well groomed.

Which is why its hard for me to understand and I can't bite my tongue, when I see what doormats they become.

What compounds it for me is these are the most subservient girls I've ever come across.

Once in the first week you sort out whose the boss and how its gonna be ( firm but fair).

I find its a dream honeymoon period.

My thoughts are they were unable to be players in UK.

Or they have no natural defences against pussy juice.

When it gets ingested, it envelopes them like a drug initially, but with far more serious consequences. Especially financially.

They didn't have self esteem in the first place!

"Most are educated and well groomed" -??

my heart bleeds for these poor well educated men who are beguiled by these cunning temptress she-vixens.......

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5 pages worth and nobody has yet said: He who pays the piper calls the tune" which I would've thought de rigueur in the first week of any farang/Thai relationship.

... to which a desirable Thai female might say: Drop dead Charlie -- I'll have a guy with more money than you by the end of the day.

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5 pages worth and nobody has yet said: He who pays the piper calls the tune" which I would've thought de rigueur in the first week of any farang/Thai relationship.

... to which a desirable Thai female might say: Drop dead Charlie -- I'll have a guy with more money than you by the end of the day.

Once in the first week you sort out whose the boss and how its gonna be ( firm but fair).

I find its a dream honeymoon period.

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5 pages worth and nobody has yet said: He who pays the piper calls the tune" which I would've thought de rigueur in the first week of any farang/Thai relationship.

... to which a desirable Thai female might say: Drop dead Charlie -- I'll have a guy with more money than you by the end of the day.

Once in the first week you sort out whose the boss and how its gonna be ( firm but fair).

I find its a dream honeymoon period.

Let me guess: You are saying that it should take about one week to establish that you are the boss and how it's gonna be?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

None ,my friends are all normal ,decent human beings married to normal decent Thai women .they didn"t marry the first woman that told them how hansum they were just before they agreed a price for the night . grow up op.

I've yet to meet a white foreign guy married to a nice Thai lady.
Met plenty with hookers and gold-diggers firmly attached.

Easy cure, partners are not invited to our group meetings.
Leave them behind or don't come.

You are spending too much time in Nana, its turned you into a jaded clown...who is wrong to boot...

Edited by Stradavarius37
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5 pages worth and nobody has yet said: He who pays the piper calls the tune" which I would've thought de rigueur in the first week of any farang/Thai relationship.

... to which a desirable Thai female might say: Drop dead Charlie -- I'll have a guy with more money than you by the end of the day.

Once in the first week you sort out whose the boss and how its gonna be ( firm but fair).

I find its a dream honeymoon period.

Let me guess: You are saying that it should take about one week to establish that you are the boss and how it's gonna be?

I'm a bit 'different' from most.

Lived a very unorthodox life style.

I decide what I want.

Then plan how to achieve my goal.

Its basicly an uncomplicated chess game with a child that's playing draughts here.

I can't see how you can lose in a relationship in Asia.

Your holding a hand of aces and shes playing with 5, 7 and 9's.

Its impossible to lose once you know their culture and game.

If a girl survives a week with me.

We have chemistry.

And she has a good sense of humour.

We normally begin a honeymoon period lasting 6 months to 4 years.

We live together 24-7

I explain, I say what I mean and mean what I say.

Most importantly with women , children and dogs. The word no means NO!

I will not fall madly in love.

I will not get married.

I do not want another child.

If she has children they are welcome to stay for a holiday, but not permanently.

If she doesn't raise her voice to me I will not raise my voice to her.

After one demonstration of how many decibels louder my voice can be, its unusual it happens twice.

They can hit me for free once.

After that its equal rights.

When were play fighting and they get spiteful, I give an extra 10% back.

By the time a year or 3 later they want to hit me, they have a good idea of my character and so far in 18 years I've never been assaulted.

Fridays is party night with a friend.

If they leave, they know I'm already heading to Fillys for a welcome break.

All above non negotiable.

I demand sex 3-4 times a day so a girl has her 'work' cut out.

Amusingly there friends assure her my libido will die down in a few weeks.

If they get passed the 6 months period it normally means they have a high libido too and it lasts a few years.

Then they start on about getting married and buying a house for their future.

I then remind them about our initial agreement.

Comparing themselves to my friends girlfriends who are married.

Understandably, they start getting mildly depressed about not getting there own way.

I make no attempt to get them to stay.

If 20K a month, private medical,shopping in Singapore, eye catching company car,aint enough.

They are welcome to leave.

And eventually do.

I help them pack and where possible help them.

Plenty of fish in the sea for both of us.

Hind sight is a wonderful science.

I had a wonderful 7 years with a beautiful girl I loved very much. ( 7 years, 24-7 is a long happy relationship in anyone's book.)

She left for the above reason.

And her natural libido was a lot lower than mine.

I should have bought a house for her in her name and put a 25 year mortgage on it.

I feel we would still be together now.

Far better to have loved and lost than switch to a lady boy though, I feel!

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Well per the post one above, if you've the female Thai milk sop who will put up with that nonsense, all the more to you.

Some Thai girls might say: If I wanted to get into a relationship like that, I can just find myself a Thai guy who will have a lot more money than you do.

Edited by JLCrab
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When your libido dies there will be no one around for you

My western girl friends said the same 20 years ago.

And that did concern me years ago.

But now ive met guys here in their late 60's still getting it up without Viagra.

And then there is Viagra!

Then their is my other passions I will be able to concentrate on which take a sideline now as I have to get my fixes each day.

Sailing, Diving, spear fishing. God willing!

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3 of my male friends have had relationships with a Thai. 1 is so burnt he can't even look at a woman, 1 was reported to police by her for abuse. She crawled back to him when he won lotto. That's all over now and he is broke and broken. The 3rd. Came home from work only to find the house cleared out and she was gone. It was 2 years to the day. She got her residency. I would have to say 100%. Still waiting for my ex husband to get burnt. Should be soon

I hope you are not wishing this. Best to heal your heart and move on and in the end you will see he did you a big favor by leaving. It's happened to me also at home you will feel free when you can really let go. By the way karma came her way with in 10 years but she has 2 children and all I can feel is sadness for her and especially her children.

I am not hoping this to happen. I just think it will one day. I will be very sorry for him but it was his choice.

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