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And that's the difference between a liberal and conservative. The Conservatives think God made them do it and the Liberals think the Devil made them do it.

Anything so I don't have to accept responsibility for my own behavior!

You want to take responsibility for your own gay behaviour?

Remember that what you expect from others, they can expect from you.

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And that's the difference between a liberal and conservative. The Conservatives think God made them do it and the Liberals think the Devil made them do it.

Anything so I don't have to accept responsibility for my own behavior!

Though I agree that conservatives will bring the "religious" influence in it, I don't think liberals do.

God and the Devil both being religious supernatural entities , and conservatives being aligned with the Christian movement are more inclined to make such associations.

Homosexuality is a natural condition, that occurs in a certain percentage of the population all through human history. In the Hellenistic world of the Greeks and the Romans and other cultures it was an accepted practice, it was only with the Christian era that it became a stigma.

Though I am heterosexual, I am sadden to see my gay brothers and sisters having their lives compromised by such bigotry. not only because I am a nice guy, but because it is to my advantage.

It could just as easy happen to any part of my family,or friends, and I could not wait until it happens to me, to become enlighten such as Dick Cheney did when he found out his daughter was gay, who in my opinion is properly named being a conservative and a real Dick.

With the influence of Christianity diminishing, we can hope to see such attitudes go the way of the " Whites only water fountains, and hope Islam lifts it's self out of the dark ages also.

As the great Christopher Htichens said in his book "Religion Poisons Everything"

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I think many politicians advocate what appeals to their base in public to get or stay elected but that advocacy has nothing to do with their true belief or orientation.

Take Dick Cheny who became a same sex believer magically after leaving office. There are so many examples.

Accordingly, political rhetoric is just that, not to be believed and certainly not a window into the politicians soul.

Cheney became "compassionate" towards lesbians because of his daughter.

But in Oklahoma we have someone who believes gays should be stoned ... and not in a good way.

On Tuesday, a website based in Oklahoma, MooreDaily.com, ran a story featuring Facebook conversations from a Republican candidate for the Oklahoma House of Representatives. Scott Esk, who is running in Oklahoma’s 91st District, made a number of posts last summer critical of homosexuality and stating that “we would be totally in the right” to execute gays by stoning them. He stated during the Facebook conversation that while he is a libertarian, and stoning gays to death is kind of against those principles, he feels that it would morally be the right thing to do by God, and that it is a shame that this nation ignores things that are worthy of death.



All I can say is that I haven't been stoned for a long time, but years ago, I liked to get stoned and have sex.

Maybe that's what that guy needs.


I lived in the RGV [ Rio Grande Valley ] for almost a decade. It is almost 75% Hispanic and the rest of it is 'we' gringos. It has been my experience that many of the guys are bisexual there. I lived in Mexico for a spell and that was definitely true. Either for pleasure or extra pesos. Made no difference.

The GOP is just backward on their thinking and will do anything to win power. I do think that the platform lives in the last century and believe that scapegoating gays, immigrants, border crossers, will win elections. Many of them, as in the rest of the nation are not political pundits, followers or give a damn. I do think they go by commercials, hearsay, friends, family loyalty, and religion. The religious right is strong in Texas and of course the Bible is their book to pound. We should all know that story.

I have a first cousin living in the Hill Country of Texas and he was shocked when I argued against him on his philosophy against Obama.........and wanting to secede from the union. What happened to him??

The state is so large they actually do think it is an independent country and not a part of the whole.


GoNavy, welcome to the forum, but please be aware that you should not be posting in bold. Use it for special emphasis only.

You are right about Texas. I interviewed someone here in Thailand for a job and I asked him what nationality he was and he said "Texan". He didn't think it was funny when I followed up by asking him if the passport he carried was Mexican.

It's an interesting state (or state of mind).

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