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Problem with a neighbours aggressive dog


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Hi all,

Probably not the right place for this topic, but couldn't find anywhere else to post it.

I live in Soi Khao Talo, Eakmongkol 4 and am having problems with a neighbour and his 2 dogs. We have 3 small dogs - Yorkshire Terrier, West Highland Terrier and Scottish Terrier. I would like to think that we are responsible dog owners. Our 3 get the run of the front of the house (inside the gate) most of the day and if they start to bark at people or the usual bunch of soi dogs going past, I will bring them in the house as I don't want to piss our neighbours off.

Our problem stems from one of our neighbours, a Thai family that live diagonally opposite us on the other side of the soi. They have 2 dogs, not sure of the breed but one of them is very aggressive towards both us and our dogs when we take them for their evening walk. They are always on leads, and kept close to us at all times. Most evenings when we walk past the house, his gate is open and as soon as we approach, it comes out snarling and barking. We pick our dogs up and try and inch our way past but he still comes at us. On one occasion, I was walking two of them on my own, and the dog pretty much pressed me up against a wall. The man from the house was standing watching me. I asked politely... chuay duay krup, to see if he would control his dog i.e. get it in the house but he just kept saying ... mister, not bite. There is always a first and I again asked for help he just shrugged his shoulders and smiled at me. I have seen his attempts to control this dog, he is scared of it and will not try and pick it up or handle it.

Tonight things got worse, we walked our dogs and both his dogs came after us. My missus picked up one of the dogs and his dog came at her, snarling and barking. I saw the neighbour had his front door open, so asked if he would come out.... the usual silence and nothing. When we were finishing the walk... we do a circuit (to the end of our soi, down the next one and then back down to ours), the neighbour approached on his bike and asked what i had shouted to him while he was hiding in his house. My missus explained that we were simply asking him to help control his dog. He was angry and said for us to control ours. I explained that my missus was afraid of his dog as it is very aggressive, he said to keep away from his house. If we take a different route, we will still have to pass by his house, and I don't see why I should change things to appease this sad excuse of a man. I then said what about when his dog comes up to our gate during the day and barks like crazy. He did not have an answer, just kept saying his dog didn't bite, and that we had better not hurt his dog. I have no intention of doing do, hurting him is a different matter. He was then shouting at my missus, and she held me back from popping him on the nose (I know this doesn't solve anything).

Anyway, getting to the point of the story, is there anything I can do from a legal perspective about this. My missus seems to think we can only do something if the dog actually bites somebody. I will be taking my phone with me in the future to film these acts of aggression. Just wondered if anybody has an idea where we stand on this.



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Your neighbor dogs are just naturally protecting there territory! The worst thing you could do is pick the dog up as the neighbor dog will have no problem attacking you.. Its a Dog eat Dog world deal with it!

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The Thai way is to bait the unwanted dogs, bit you seem too much of a dog lover to go that route. I believe there is a place in the local Or Bor Tor, that deals with dogs, you may need others to verify the agrssive nature of the dogs to get a result.

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First of all it is "maiting" season and dogs are more aggrssive than usual.

Do not lift up your dog and do not let it bark back.

Use a stick if it gets to close even I do not enjoy hitting a dog sometimes protecting your smaller dog is a matter of life and death. After a while the other dog will learn that you have a stick and it will hurt to get close. But be aware if YOU are scared of the other dog things will just get worse trying to hit it.

You can also bring the water fun filled with lemon water and give him a nice cool bath he will not come back from more. Dogs hate lemon water.

Article 381: Illegally torturing animals (dogs)
An imprisonment of not over 1 month, or a fine of not more than 1,000 bath, or both
The Public Health Act, B.E. 2535 (A.D. 1992)
Article 73: Violate local rules (conventions, metropolitan regulations, principles, etc.)

<Thai language removed - Admin>

Source https://www.facebook.com/PattayaAnimalCoalition/

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Basically there is not a solution, if they bite and you can prove who the owner is yes you have recourse but then it will still go on.

Whist you have this there will always be a problem of 1 kind or another.

"Our problem stems from one of our neighbours, a Thai family that live diagonally opposite"

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electronic repellers are available on EBay about $10. If the dog is deaf your out of luck. A stick is a good idea but as the owner warned you leave my dogs alone soooo if he sees you hitting the dog you have made an enemy and this enemy will have lots of friends. Sounds like you live in a small village. Your in a minority there and they hate taking advice from foreigners.

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On one occasion, I was walking two of them on my own, and the dog pretty much pressed me up against a wall.

Hi Peter,

Dogs are great at reading body language. It would help if you were more "dominant"; stand your ground, make your frame powerful (shoulders raised, arms wide, head high) and don't show any fear. Works for me - most notably when rushed by a pack (4 or 5) during my time in India - they stopped about 15 feet away and just let me walk right past them. He will soon get the message that you're the boss.

This will only work if you are confident though and may not be suitable for your situation. It's just my two cents in the subject. I hope you can resolve the issue whichever course of action you take.

Edit: Reading my post back I just thought I'd add that I'm not wishing to come across condescending, just pointing out that they are really good at judging how people react to their behavior.

Hope it doesn't read that way.

Good luck.

Where I used to live they were some soi dogs like your neighbor's dog, I used to act dominant like the above poster says and they would run off also it helps to carry a few small stone's and throw them at them if they get too close.

Or even better get some pepper spray and when your neighbor is not looking spray the dog when he gets close, the dog will soon learn not to go near you or your dogs and you will get the last laugh...

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I have seen pepper sprays and Tazers for sale could be used against dog or owner if he gets aggressive or make your own with chilli water in a water pistol, use this and the dog will not come near you again, can also be used on the owner in an emergency. I personally would not let any dog or owner dictate to me where I could or could not walk on a public street

I agree with the above poster about the bullcrap of Thais having friends we also have friends or enough money to buy a few for the night

Edited by pitchag
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Dogs are great at reading body language. It would help if you were more "dominant"; stand your ground, make your frame powerful (shoulders raised, arms wide, head high) and don't show any fear. Works for me - most notably when rushed by a pack (4 or 5) during my time in India - they stopped about 15 feet away and just let me walk right past them. He will soon get the message that you're the boss.

The problem is already a lost cause

I explained that my missus was afraid of his dog as it is very aggressive, he said to keep away from his house.

Walk the dogs one at a time as usual but with said stick/umbrella (umbrella is good because it is not a weapon). When passing neighbors house stay on the opposite side of the street. Do not pickup your dog. The dogs have to sort out their own relationships. After they have done this it will more or less sort itself out. Unless one is a Chihuahua cheesy.gif

Last resort water pistol with a mixture of water an household ammonia.

There is a dog in my soi who always barks when i pass. Late-ish one night I was walking home when he thought he would try it on. Which resulted in me chasing him home. Now every-time....

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When you come into Ekmongkol 4 at the 7/11 there is huge sign .. all in Thai I must admit, but it deals with Dog ownership in the Estate. Get your wife to read it, this might give you an option of seeking an official remedy. Although I doubt it given the ability of the Estate Management to do anything well.

I also live in Ek4 and my house was once surrounded by barking dogs but it seems to have settled a few loud harsh words directed in their houses direction. a few rocks thrown and just letting them know you are around when the owners let them out.

My experience so far is that Thai owners love to own dogs but have no idea how to control them nor do they care if the neighbors are disturbed by their dogs bad habits.

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Ah the bi weekly annoying Thai neighbours dog thread.

Good luck.

This was a simple request for advice from people who have been in a similar situation. If you have nothing constructive to add, why bother replying....

Ah, the usual jaded cynic with nothing to add and his predictable reaction. Stoneyboy, it's a forum. It's intended for people to ask advice and exchange ideas. I agree with pattayapete. You added nothing to the discussion. Does it make you feel better to look down your nose at others? Skip the post if it bores you.

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First of all it is "maiting" season and dogs are more aggrssive than usual.

Do not lift up your dog and do not let it bark back.

Use a stick if it gets to close even I do not enjoy hitting a dog sometimes protecting your smaller dog is a matter of life and death. After a while the other dog will learn that you have a stick and it will hurt to get close. But be aware if YOU are scared of the other dog things will just get worse trying to hit it.

You can also bring the water fun filled with lemon water and give him a nice cool bath he will not come back from more. Dogs hate lemon water.

Article 381: Illegally torturing animals (dogs)

An imprisonment of not over 1 month, or a fine of not more than 1,000 bath, or both

The Public Health Act, B.E. 2535 (A.D. 1992)

Article 73: Violate local rules (conventions, metropolitan regulations, principles, etc.)

<Thai language removed - Admin>

Source https://www.facebook.com/PattayaAnimalCoalition/

Good post

the upside is the dogs have not attacked your dogs or bitten you or wife. Dont pick the dogs up, but be ready to protect them.Also lemon water is good, pepeer spray more expensive, and not good in windy conditions. If all else fails get a zapper.

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A few drops of vinegar to the dog's face with cure him. If the neighbor sees you and flips out, just tell him a little splash of water isn't going to hurt his dogs. He's not going to go smell or lick his dog's face to see it it was anything other than water. Smell is a dog's universe, and getting tagged with vinegar sends him a strong message.

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