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Rosetta stone


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After living in Thailand for a year I picked up a satisfactory amount of the language. I would like to keep learning at it and I am considering purchasing the rosetta stone vol 2 in Thai. I have seen a lot of mixed reviews on this item. Does any body have any feedback on this item?

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I looked into this a few weeks ago and it doesn't seem like a Thai version of Rosetta Stone is even sold anymore, so that could be a indication that it wasn't very good but not necessarily.

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No one has ever learnt a language using Rosetta Stone. If you want to put the work in then Linguaphone do the most comprehensive course available, used at SOAS (School of Oriental & African Studies, London University) on their undergraduate Thai course.Not cheap, not easy but good.

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Having foolishly spent a good deal to time with this priogram I can confidently say do not waste yout time or money. Reasons:

1. Pronunciation is terrible - even after listening to a passage many times and reading what was being said I still could not make out the words. At this point my speaking, reading, and listening ability was pretty good. Some passages were just incomprehensible even knowing exactly what was being said.

2. There are at least two if not more speakers. The female is adequate but at least one of the males spoke extremely fast. I got the feeling he just did not care if the listener could understand or not. Very sloppy editing.

3. Many, many words, while gramatically correct, are words that are seldom used in conversation. Much time would be wasted learning words that would be of little value knowing, other than to provide a few chuckles to the Thai person to whom yu were speaking.

4. Many of the phrases did not accurately match the image. A few were flat out wrong.

5. As a previous poster stated, no one learns a language by this method. It would take an excruciating amount of time to learn to properly associate the words and phrases with the images. The only way to achieve any progress is to already be good at reading Thai. This is an absurd way to learn a language.

I just tend to be a glutton for punishment and gradually got some amusement at how bad this program is. I also get a kick out of seeing how effective a massive marketing campaign can make a sucess of such an obviously flawed product. There are any number of programs that will give a far greater return on your effort.

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I've tried Rosetta Stone for Thai on it's absolutely not worth the money ("it sucks").

Thai is a language that is difficult to pronounce and read. Every course should start with these two skills.

Rosetta stone doesn't help you in any way with those skills.

I've also tried it for Japanese and I thought it was much better.

Edited by kriswillems
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  • 4 months later...

It's true, you can not learn Thai ONLY with Rosetta Stone, BUT if you have some basic knowledge already

I find it very useful.

It is not sold anymore because it works Only with the older, now outdated version of the basic software (used for all languages)

and does not use the full screen of todays displays.

I am still using it among other Thai learning courses. If you need some material send me a message with your skype or LINE ID or email adr.

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