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What is the pecking order in thai society? Just for fun nothing serious

ultimate weapon

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You forgot government workers. They get more respect because they have a steady job (income) with benefits. You forgot Thais married to a foreigner - their status always goes up a notch or two. I know because my Thai wife showed me off everywhere to her fellow government workers.

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You forgot government workers. They get more respect because they have a steady job (income) with benefits. You forgot Thais married to a foreigner - their status always goes up a notch or two. I know because my Thai wife showed me off everywhere to her fellow government workers.

Govt workers #4 or #7 or #8. Don't know which your wife might be.

Your wife might have shown you off because you are a hansum man. Or possibly because she was proud that she now had an ATM and they didn't.

I don't believe that marriage to a foreigner necessarily increases status, unless the foreigner is of a higher status according to the list. But that's just IMHO.

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To climb up the social-ladder: Use liberal amounts of Skin-Whitening cream or marry a Farang.


A whore who marries a farang is still a whore, however her husband becomes a man who married a whore.

ie, she stays the same, he goes down a notch.

Must disagree.

Farang building a 3 million mansion in Nakhon Nowhere, buying motorbikes for the 7 brothers of the wife, having regular sessions with all the village drunks and picking up the tab, he will soon rival the authority of the village-chief.

The wife will instantly become a "Madame" and will change her political orientation from "Red-Shirt" to "Yellow-Shirt".

The only thing that can bring an abrupt end to it all is, when Farang approaches "Madame" with a silly comment like "......there is something wrong with my ATM card, I not understand....."sad.png


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Nationalities list at U.S. first and Canada not mentioned. LOL. Must be because yanks are so embarrassed to have to wear Canadian flags on their collars and backpack to get accepted in most European countries. If a Canadian is asked if he is an American the fight is on.

I'm from the US and I have to agree with you, most Canadians I meet are very pleasant which makes them easy to distinguish from US. The exceptions being those from Quebec the closer you get to Montreal the worse they are. Are you from Quebec, perhaps Montreal?

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I am not sure why you haven't been flagged and given a warning for violating the rules..i once made a joke about Indians and Africans and i was ridiculed and flagged for racism..i was joking and you are serious here.

There is no order; people that set these standards have small minds that will always remain at the bottom. i personally don't know any thai's that truely believe theyre above me, they are confident in their small world but if taken out to the open waters and the quality of their character is seen then you can size up a man.

No pecking order good honest hard working people at top of list

lazy judgemental thieves at the bottom. Put yourself where you believe you belong, get a life and stop being like every other low class farang trash and stand out. Be you really well and don't worry about it.

I agree with you there should be no order and every man should "be judged by the content of his character" to quote Rev Martin Luther King, but every Thai person absolutely knows where they belong in the strict pecking order of Thai society. Even within a family if you are darker skinned you automatically drop a few rungs. You really should read about the sakdina system, otherwise you're bound to be disappointed by the way things work in Thailand.

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Thai within Thai is much the same as anywhere else. Class and money. You got to have class or the money don't mean jack.

I understand the falang position:

Scruffy beer guzzler with bar girl:

Conservatively dressed well mannered:

Corporate suit with driver and the many hundred in between.

What I don't understand is between Thai's that opens up friends, contacts and who you base your life around like anywhere else in the world.

What does the falang social standing reap other than a genuine smile or not and do I have to be polite.

Am I any worse off than those above or below???

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I hope I don't regret posting this...

Social status, 'pecking order' is complex in every society and always difficult to determine by anyone from another country. I think this is more how Thai people see it:

1. Royal family and their descendants

2. Highest ranking Armed Forces and Privy Councillors

3. Rich families with established business empires

4. High ranking Armed Forces, high ranking civil servants and politicians

5. Other wealthy and overseas/best Thai uni educated people who are associated with any of the above

6. Senior grade professionals including bankers, doctors, technicians, industrialists, other business people and professors

7. Middle grade professionals, Armed Forces, civil servants and politicians including doctors, technicians, industrialist, other business people and teachers

8. Salaried employees of all types ranked by wealth and position. Small business proprietors

9. Wage earners

10. Farmers

11. Unemployed and self employed in dubious professions

Thais are well aware of their status and that of other Thais. They cannot readily determine the status of foreigners and so unless the foreigner is known to clearly fit into one of categories above, tend to lump them all together (in one word or another). Thai language ability has no relevance to a foreigner's status. If a foreigner's status if not known as above, it is determined more by their dress, manners, behaviour and to some extent yes, by the status of their Thai partner (which is easy for another Thai to determine).

How do thais actually identify one another from their physical appearance? I know thais from different regions obviously look different but to just simply assume an issan thai as being low class and to assume he/she is working in some poverty job. That sounds so stereotypical.

Yes, everyone identifies another person by their physical appearance. Judging people on their appearance is another matter.

If you meant to ask whether Thais identify social status (solely) on physical appearance, then the answer is no, of course not. The pecking order is defined by other criteria including those I listed.

There was no mention in my post about "simply assume an issan thai as being low class and to assume he/she is working in some poverty job". In fact I never mentioned regions, or class, at all. There are people living in/from Isaan at every level of the pecking order (not sure about #1).

Back to the OP. It was an interesting question, and although I disagreed with his list, you would have to be deaf, dumb and blind (or in complete denial) not to recognise that there is a pecking order in Thailand and in every society. Trying to define it does not mean that you endorse/agree with it in principle. There was nothing judgmental in my post, just an observation.

Foreigners in Thailand are assessed by the same list as Thais. For retirees who did not work in Thailand before coming here it is particularly difficult for Thais to pinpoint where you sit in the list. In terms of status you will be considered at #11 until or unless you find some way to establish otherwise (assuming that you care at all, which is your choice) and as I said, you will likely be judged instead on appearance and demeanour (and partner). This seems to come as a shock to new arrivals who regard themselves as superior in every way to Thai people, adopting an old fashioned colonial attitude.

Don't assume that those friendly wais from restaurant and shop staff give you any meaningful status. That is Thais being polite and doing their job of making you feel comfortable (and to spend more money on the service or goods that they are offering to you). Flashing money around does not give you status either, at least not in the context of the hierarchy listed. Your wealth may give you power and it may or may not win you respect from some Thais, but it does not elevate your status.

I just wanted to know how a thai can tell the status of another thai which you say it's easy for them to determine. Is it the way they dress, act, speak etc?

I left out the military but suffice to say they are really high up but below the king and the royals which everyone else is of course.

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I'm in 100% agreement with a previous poster, who said (something like) that it depends on the person who judges. In addition, it depends on which area of Thailand. The pecking order in Bangkok may be very different from the pecking order in Phuket, Khon Kaen or Roi Et.

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All these lists keep leaving off Buddhist monks.. In case anyone has wondered, Buddhist monks bow or wai to no one, not even the Royal Family and everyone bows or wai's to Buddhist monks including the Royal Family. Don't know where that puts them on the pecking order, but there you have it. If you don't believe this, ask your wife or girlfriend.. Watch a religious ceremony with the Royal Family. Everyone wai's or bows to the monks. just saying.. coffee1.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

Op which one are you ?....my guess is 11 ?......simply because you referred to those personages from Africa or the middle east as farangs, if you were truly at one with your Thainess and a real TV cultural expert you will know that a farang is a personage from a western country. tongue.png

Maybe you yourself should bite your own tung??? Men from Africa are being called "falang nicko" by most thais.... or in some places "falang dam".....


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Op which one are you ?....my guess is 11 ?......simply because you referred to those personages from Africa or the middle east as farangs, if you were truly at one with your Thainess and a real TV cultural expert you will know that a farang is a personage from a western country. tongue.png

Oh someone got hurt here.

I do know that farangs are europeans or what the americans call white people yet i ranked them as the same ranking as someone from africa or the middle east. Rest assured i can tell the difference but that isn't important what is more important is why were you offended by this? Was it cause you think farang should be higher up the hierachy compared to africans or middle eastern ppl? I also remember i ranked middle class, farang with knowledge of thailand higher.

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Op which one are you ?....my guess is 11 ?......simply because you referred to those personages from Africa or the middle east as farangs, if you were truly at one with your Thainess and a real TV cultural expert you will know that a farang is a personage from a western country. tongue.png

Oh someone got hurt here.

I do know that farangs are europeans or what the americans call white people yet i ranked them as the same ranking as someone from africa or the middle east. Rest assured i can tell the difference but that isn't important what is more important is why were you offended by this? Was it cause you think farang should be higher up the hierachy compared to africans or middle eastern ppl? I also remember i ranked middle class, farang with knowledge of thailand higher.

Nah Soutpeel ... the OP is from Singapore, so, most likely not viewed as a Farang.

Who know where they rate in the ratings guide?

I do admire the work ethic of the Singaporians though.


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Op which one are you ?....my guess is 11 ?......simply because you referred to those personages from Africa or the middle east as farangs, if you were truly at one with your Thainess and a real TV cultural expert you will know that a farang is a personage from a western country. tongue.png

Oh someone got hurt here.

I do know that farangs are europeans or what the americans call white people yet i ranked them as the same ranking as someone from africa or the middle east. Rest assured i can tell the difference but that isn't important what is more important is why were you offended by this? Was it cause you think farang should be higher up the hierachy compared to africans or middle eastern ppl? I also remember i ranked middle class, farang with knowledge of thailand higher.

Actually I was taking the p*ss out of our esteemed, self proclaimed Thai cultural experts who infer such things and even suggest being called farang as some "badge of honour", term of endearment

So not offended orhurt in the least dear boy

Edited by Soutpeel
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Op which one are you ?....my guess is 11 ?......simply because you referred to those personages from Africa or the middle east as farangs, if you were truly at one with your Thainess and a real TV cultural expert you will know that a farang is a personage from a western country. tongue.png

Oh someone got hurt here.

I do know that farangs are europeans or what the americans call white people yet i ranked them as the same ranking as someone from africa or the middle east. Rest assured i can tell the difference but that isn't important what is more important is why were you offended by this? Was it cause you think farang should be higher up the hierachy compared to africans or middle eastern ppl? I also remember i ranked middle class, farang with knowledge of thailand higher.

Nah Soutpeel ... the OP is from Singapore, so, most likely not viewed as a Farang.

Who know where they rate in the ratings guide?

I do admire the work ethic of the Singaporians though.


Well, firstly you need to understand the ratings in Singapore as well. Maybe the OP could provide that for us.

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Op which one are you ?....my guess is 11 ?......simply because you referred to those personages from Africa or the middle east as farangs, if you were truly at one with your Thainess and a real TV cultural expert you will know that a farang is a personage from a western country. tongue.png

Oh someone got hurt here.

I do know that farangs are europeans or what the americans call white people yet i ranked them as the same ranking as someone from africa or the middle east. Rest assured i can tell the difference but that isn't important what is more important is why were you offended by this? Was it cause you think farang should be higher up the hierachy compared to africans or middle eastern ppl? I also remember i ranked middle class, farang with knowledge of thailand higher.

Nah Soutpeel ... the OP is from Singapore, so, most likely not viewed as a Farang.

Who know where they rate in the ratings guide?

I do admire the work ethic of the Singaporians though.


Well, firstly you need to understand the ratings in Singapore as well. Maybe the OP could provide that for us.

Sounds more like an "ai jek' with a chip on his shoulder.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Sounds more like an "ai jek' with a chip on his shoulder.

Agree RG, probably from a HDB

What is an AI jek?

I don't live in a HDB though. tough luck.

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Op which one are you ?....my guess is 11 ?......simply because you referred to those personages from Africa or the middle east as farangs, if you were truly at one with your Thainess and a real TV cultural expert you will know that a farang is a personage from a western country. tongue.png

Oh someone got hurt here.

I do know that farangs are europeans or what the americans call white people yet i ranked them as the same ranking as someone from africa or the middle east. Rest assured i can tell the difference but that isn't important what is more important is why were you offended by this? Was it cause you think farang should be higher up the hierachy compared to africans or middle eastern ppl? I also remember i ranked middle class, farang with knowledge of thailand higher.

Actually I was taking the p*ss out of our esteemed, self proclaimed Thai cultural experts who infer such things and even suggest being called farang as some "badge of honour", term of endearment

So not offended orhurt in the least dear boy

Oh i see but you can tell there were some hurt by it though.

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Op which one are you ?....my guess is 11 ?......simply because you referred to those personages from Africa or the middle east as farangs, if you were truly at one with your Thainess and a real TV cultural expert you will know that a farang is a personage from a western country. tongue.png

Oh someone got hurt here.

I do know that farangs are europeans or what the americans call white people yet i ranked them as the same ranking as someone from africa or the middle east. Rest assured i can tell the difference but that isn't important what is more important is why were you offended by this? Was it cause you think farang should be higher up the hierachy compared to africans or middle eastern ppl? I also remember i ranked middle class, farang with knowledge of thailand higher.

Actually I was taking the p*ss out of our esteemed, self proclaimed Thai cultural experts who infer such things and even suggest being called farang as some "badge of honour", term of endearment

So not offended orhurt in the least dear boy

Oh i see but you can tell there were some hurt by it though.

How can you tell then ?...as stated not offended or hurt in the least

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Nationalities list at U.S. first and Canada not mentioned. LOL. Must be because yanks are so embarrassed to have to wear Canadian flags on their collars and backpack to get accepted in most European countries. If a Canadian is asked if he is an American the fight is on.

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Nationalities list at U.S. first and Canada not mentioned. LOL. Must be because yanks are so embarrassed to have to wear Canadian flags on their collars and backpack to get accepted in most European countries. If a Canadian is asked if he is an American the fight is on.

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