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Forces raid four villages trespassed on national park land: Chiang Mai

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I seem to remember a similar happening in the exact same location a number of years ago. Didn't it get rather embarrassing due to an illegal road built by Newin's father-in-law. Someone refresh my memory.


"over 4,500 rai have been encroached upon by the Muser tribesemen who have set up four villages"

This could not possibly have happened without the knowledge of the Royal Forest Dept.

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We used to have that sort of riff raff messing with the land long ago in USA. We called them Indians and did our best to wipe them out. So what if it was there traditional homelands and way of life. Hmmm is this cultural imperialism by Thais? (see post about that)


Interesting how upland minorities such as the Lahu and the Karen are so often evicted from pubic lands whilst Thai-Chinese are so rarely evicted in a like manner: e.g., Phuket Yacht Club, Phi Phi Island, the CP Group and Boon Rawd in Chiang Rai, the Four Seasons Hotel in Mae Rim, Shinawats in Sankampeng.

did the latter posses narcotics and weapons and were they in national parks?


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"over 4,500 rai have been encroached upon by the Muser tribesemen who have set up four villages"

This could not possibly have happened without the knowledge of the Royal Forest Dept.

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This land mess has been going on with the rich and poor throughout the entire country during the past 34 yrs. I've lived here. 4500 rai is only a drop in the bucket.... All the power-mongers have 100's of thousands of rai up north ... some of which is sure to be illegal. Thank farq all my wife's land is chanote land. Seems alot of raids are indeed in the north and n east... Biased perhaps... Selective?


Interesting how upland minorities such as the Lahu and the Karen are so often evicted from pubic lands whilst Thai-Chinese are so rarely evicted in a like manner: e.g., Phuket Yacht Club, Phi Phi Island, the CP Group and Boon Rawd in Chiang Rai, the Four Seasons Hotel in Mae Rim, Shinawats in Sankampeng.

did the latter posses narcotics and weapons and were they in national parks?

Not narcotics but they have shown up armed or with police backing. And it ran the gamut from National Park to National Forest to Municiple Land.


We used to have that sort of riff raff messing with the land long ago in USA. We called them Indians and did our best to wipe them out. So what if it was there traditional homelands and way of life. Hmmm is this cultural imperialism by Thais? (see post about that)

Yes, many injustices are part of US history. I wasn't around then, but it is a reminder of how governments act and are judged by those in the future.

Interesting how upland minorities such as the Lahu and the Karen are so often evicted from pubic lands whilst Thai-Chinese are so rarely evicted in a like manner: e.g., Phuket Yacht Club, Phi Phi Island, the CP Group and Boon Rawd in Chiang Rai, the Four Seasons Hotel in Mae Rim, Shinawats in Sankampeng.

It will be interesting to see where this all goes. The mighty have fallen and history is a testament to that.

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