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Regular nose infections


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Every few months my nose becomes infected by something similar to a pimple or boil, but inside the soft tissue of my nostrils. Because the infection is inside the nose tissue, it is not possible to squeeze the infected pus out, as one might do with a facial pimple. So the end of my nose becomes an embarrassing red colour and painful for a week or two until the infection dies down.

I do suffer from hay fever and regularly have rinititus, where nasal fluid literally pours out of my nose. As a result, my nose itches a lot and I have to rub it regularly.

Without further medical knowledge, I am assuming that my nose tissue is becoming infected on a regular basis, maybe by my dirty fingers??

Would my condition benefit from snorting salt water (or some other liquid) to clean the inside of my nose? I'm tired of walking around with a big red area on the end/side of my nose....

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In the past I often got herpes inside the nose.

But the time it shows its "flower" was always shorter than 1-2 weeks. maybe 3-7 days.

Maybe yours is the same?

As well the few days before I was always very tired which doesn't happen with a pimple.

daily 1 gram of Vitamin C helped.

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I have had this before and its to do with sinusitis. I think its got something to do with swollen membranes on the turbinates.

I have spent years trying to calm down my sinuses and have been about 80% successful. I noticed that I only get that sort of swollen symptom when I blow my nose too hard. If I can refrain from that I don't get it at all. Maybe not just your nose but also around the eyebrows I have had the same. Whereas 3-4 years ago when I had bad sinusitis it would happen a lot but now very rarely and probably just a small bump around the eyebrow.

You will need to keep the allergy/sinusitis in control in order to combat the nose infection.

I have a friend who practices NAET and it has helped me a lot, though unfortunately I don't see her that often, as she lives in Germany. I had never heard of it before but it really seems to work.

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Hi Simon..

Had something similar..in my case it was to do with working in a/c all day..guessing it dried out the soft tissues..which then let infection in...it stopped when on holidays at a non a/c house

the only solution I found was ocean swimming and snorting the salt water right up into my sinusus..

however a few weeks ago read something on the 'net' about placing bowls of rock salt around the house...so placed about 5 small saucers of rock salt in my room..gotta say works extremely well so far..smile.png

Edited by Douggie Style
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From my experience I would advise against antibiotics for this kind of thing. I went down that route and was just getting stronger and stronger ones without curing the cause and felt 50 times worse. Too many places for the bacteria to float around in there out of reach of the blood supply.

Decongestants can also have a rebound effect.

You need to improve the airflow so the bacteria can't thrive.

Neti pot with saline solution, lots of exercise (reduces size of turbinates), Chinese medicine, NAET etc

If it persists you might want to check for physical obstructions such as polyps.

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This is very likely a chronic staphylococcus infection resulting in a carrier status. Best option here would be to see an ENT, have a culture done (nasal swab) and treat it based on the outcome of that. Staph bacteria can be quite resistant to drugs so it is important to get a diagnosis of the specific one; usually Staph aureus but the culture will also show sensitivity to antibiotics so specific treatment can be selected.

Hand washing is extremely important in your case as the infection can spread quite easily.

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