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Educational to Non-Ed Visa Change

My filipina GF has an educational visa, for which we paid 26,000 baht(good for 15 months and no 1,500 baht charge every three months). It expires September 11,2014. In the meantime, she enrolled at Burapa University, which offers students the opportunity to obtain a non-immigrant(non-ed) visa, good for one year, for 1,500 baht. The immigrant officer dealing with student visas, tells me she can renew her visa before it expires. I tried to explain that we want to change, not renew the visa, (for obvious reasons), but either they will refuse to do it(irregardless of whether we supply the proper forms from the university) or she didn't understand me.

Can this miscommunication (on either of our parts) be resolved so she can get the non-ed visa or are we locked in?

My initial reaction is to have my GF bring in the forms from the university and see what happens.

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