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Are you "domesticated" enough?


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Since we run a restaurant now, a few miles away from the house, the missus doesn't have much time anymore for cleaning the house so I do things myself . It is mostly small work cleaning kitchen etc. The bathroom I always cleaned myself already since I'm pretty picky if I see some dirt I want it clean.

She likes to joke sometimes to her friends like : ooo I have such a clean husband, good saa-mee etc. Basically we just share tasks

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I do exactly the same Costas. My missus works and by the time she gets home, the washing , cooking and cleaning is all done.I do all my own diy, electrics, computers, gardening, ETC myself (seen enough Thai electricians to know that i NEVER want one in my home). I only once tried to do the ironing though, and i failed miserably, (never tried again. Maybe it takes a female brain to know just where those darn creases are supposed to go ) smile.png .

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Mmm , don't see everything in black and white. The BF goes out to work, I need a bit of peace and quiet and quite frankly we would snd each other mad after a few weeks, and it's good for him to earn some money.

So I am perfectly happy to venture forth to Tesco, take care of the dog and do some cleaning, and of course interior design.

Maybe I'm a doormat ( seems the in word on TV at the moment) , but am perfectly content rearranging the antiques and deciding on fabrics for the cushions.

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Mmm , don't see everything in black and white. The BF goes out to work, I need a bit of peace and quiet and quite frankly we would snd each other mad after a few weeks, and it's good for him to earn some money.

So I am perfectly happy to venture forth to Tesco, take care of the dog and do some cleaning, and of course interior design.

Maybe I'm a doormat ( seems the in word on TV at the moment) , but am perfectly content rearranging the antiques and deciding on fabrics for the cushions.

Peter, you don't sound a doormat to me.

I wish, I had your flair in interior design and choosing fabrics.

Have you got a nice collection of antiques?

Used to collect in the past.......gave them all to my daughter, before I left for Thailand.

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No Honey ... I not play Thai Visa.


I'm sleepy now ... laugh.png


David, You are my hero.

Is there, a Best husbands award?

I would definitely nominate you.thumbsup.gif

Mate, MissFarmGirl and I are a Team.

Neither of us shirk the responsibilities.

She does a lot of the 'Face Time' or contact time with the boys (TWINS), aged 4 months now.

I do did a lot of the back end support. I'm back in Australia for the moment.

Her job was harder then mine as she woke every two hours through the night and fed the kids and every 4 hours for nappy changes.

I got to sleep through most of that unless there was a problem that was easier for two to handle.

All the above, in that post was true ... but I got sleepy all by myself ... no need to have help from her.

I worry I bore the Forum sometimes with showing the kids off.

But, if you want, you can see them here. I'm just a proud Dad.

Interestingly, I asked MissFarmGirl if her Father ever helped her Mum with the kids during the early years?

He's ex-Navy, alpha male etc. No, not a chance, was womans work was the reply.

That said, he did indicate to me (through body language, neither of us speak a common language) he was proud that I hopped in and eased the work load.

I'd be washing nappies, he'd fix a problem on my car ... no cost. It's all good.

washing nappies..???

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I do exactly the same Costas. My missus works and by the time she gets home, the washing , cooking and cleaning is all done.I do all my own diy, electrics, computers, gardening, ETC myself (seen enough Thai electricians to know that i NEVER want one in my home). I only once tried to do the ironing though, and i failed miserably, (never tried again. Maybe it takes a female brain to know just where those darn creases are supposed to go ) smile.png .

Ahhhh......cooking......not good at it.

Keep promising to myself to start............one day........

At the moment is either take away, or go out for dinner.

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Who irons laundry, doesn't it drip dry anyway, on the hangars ? (Sign of a fomer single-man !)

I enjoy cooking (farang-style) 3/4/5 times per-week, for the kids, it's fun so long as you don't have to do it !

But the maid does the washing-up/sweeping/mopping, I never did like that, and now I don't have to.

Which is why I spent so many years working flat-out, seven days a week, so we could retire & I could enjoy the other things in life too.

And I don't feel even a little bit guilty ! Time for a cold beer, on the terrace, i think ! Cheers ! rolleyes.gif.pagespeed.ce.hZ59UWKk-s.gif

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We are both on holiday in LOS at the moment but my Thai wife lives with me in the UK.

I am probably the laziest husband in the county. I never cook, clean or wash up. I iron some clothes occasionally but not more than about ten minutes worth and empty the washing machine upon request. Oh, and I smooth over the duvet once or twice a week. Fortunately it's all offset by taking the rubbish out.

My part of the deal is that I pay for everything and I'm content with that and so is my wife particularly as she retains all her income. I earn far more than her so we call it quits. Job done.

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Mmm , don't see everything in black and white. The BF goes out to work, I need a bit of peace and quiet and quite frankly we would snd each other mad after a few weeks, and it's good for him to earn some money.

So I am perfectly happy to venture forth to Tesco, take care of the dog and do some cleaning, and of course interior design.

Maybe I'm a doormat ( seems the in word on TV at the moment) , but am perfectly content rearranging the antiques and deciding on fabrics for the cushions.

Peter, you don't sound a doormat to me.

I wish, I had your flair in interior design and choosing fabrics.

Have you got a nice collection of antiques?

Used to collect in the past.......gave them all to my daughter, before I left for Thailand.

Not too much- silver, C 17th porcelain, some nice boxes, pictures- anything I could put in a suitcase .

Loads of stuff in storage in London- maybe there for a while

Thanks for compliment - all the best.

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Who irons laundry, doesn't it drip dry anyway, on the hangars ? (Sign of a fomer single-man !)

I enjoy cooking (farang-style) 3/4/5 times per-week, for the kids, it's fun so long as you don't have to do it !

But the maid does the washing-up/sweeping/mopping, I never did like that, and now I don't have to.

Which is why I spent so many years working flat-out, seven days a week, so we could retire & I could enjoy the other things in life too.

And I don't feel even a little bit guilty ! Time for a cold beer, on the terrace, i think ! Cheers ! rolleyes.gif.pagespeed.ce.hZ59UWKk-s.gif

Cheers, Ricardo, I'm doing exactly the same thing now............tastes deliciousthumbsup.gif

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I lived alone for quite a while back in the Netherlands. So I can do it all if I want too.

However I make more mony in an hour as a cleaning lady. The gf works too ao when possible we hire someone to clean.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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whatever happened to living the dream?....u guys are as p**sy whipped here as u were back in farang land

Don't worry.......we had our "moments" in the past.

Time to settle down.

One day you will reach our age, and I hope you have the good memories we have now.

So have you been "domesticated"?

Well, I am housebroken, but that is as far as domestication seems to get now. Since we have retired, my wife does almost everything for me, our livelihood, and around the house. She not only does the shopping, cooking, cleaning, washing and ironing; but she also does the minor gardening, plumbing, electric, painting, and carpentry work. When we have guests, she is the consummate hostess, when we do not have guests, she serves my drinks and meals in my man-cave. She washes, waxes, checks the oil and air on my bike, and cleans my boots and leathers; she packs my bags for trips, makes airline, train and hotel reservations; she pays all the bills, arranges ISP, cable TV; and she negotiates issues with the landlord, neighbors, and merchants--and she is not Thai. So, I have to agree with HughJass.

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I had a full time job when I was married to my Brazilian woman in the Netherlands. My job required me to go for a few days away and then stay home a few days. When I came back from a long flight and car-drive I didn't see a bed in more then 24 hours. Still she insisted me to play hide and seek with the kids, when she cooked I had to do the dishes or I had to go shopping for my favourite food, as she never bought it for me.

She managed to sit there, watch the news on tv and let me do the dishes.

Now it is the opposite. My lovely darling doesn't want me to do the dishes or do chores in the house. But I'm working outside, building a concrete pond and have some minor business here and there... We don't have any kids to raise and we don't want any, as we both have already grown up kids from our previous marriages.

I cut the 'gras' and do a lot of outside work. Also I fix most of the things going wrong or broken. I don't want anybody if possible to do it for me. Not because of the money, but because after the "fixing" I have more work to clean the mess they leave then the actual fixing itself. I can do that myself.

In the beginning I cooked food for the both of us, but she's too much Thai to try foreign food. And as I like her food very much, she does all the cooking. Sometimes I make one of my favourite brazilian dishes.... and have to eat them alone. sad.png

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whatever happened to living the dream?....u guys are as p**sy whipped here as u were back in farang land

Don't worry.......we had our "moments" in the past.

Time to settle down.

One day you will reach our age, and I hope you have the good memories we have now.

So have you been "domesticated"?

Well, I am housebroken, but that is as far as domestication seems to get now. Since we have retired, my wife does almost everything for me, our livelihood, and around the house. She not only does the shopping, cooking, cleaning, washing and ironing; but she also does the minor gardening, plumbing, electric, painting, and carpentry work. When we have guests, she is the consummate hostess, when we do not have guests, she serves my drinks and meals in my man-cave. She washes, waxes, checks the oil and air on my bike, and cleans my boots and leathers; she packs my bags for trips, makes airline, train and hotel reservations; she pays all the bills, arranges ISP, cable TV; and she negotiates issues with the landlord, neighbors, and merchants--and she is not Thai. So, I have to agree with HughJass.

So your a lazy bar steward...? thumbsup.gifsad.png

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whatever happened to living the dream?....u guys are as p**sy whipped here as u were back in farang land

Don't worry.......we had our "moments" in the past.

Time to settle down.

One day you will reach our age, and I hope you have the good memories we have now.

So have you been "domesticated"?

Well, I am housebroken, but that is as far as domestication seems to get now. Since we have retired, my wife does almost everything for me, our livelihood, and around the house. She not only does the shopping, cooking, cleaning, washing and ironing; but she also does the minor gardening, plumbing, electric, painting, and carpentry work. When we have guests, she is the consummate hostess, when we do not have guests, she serves my drinks and meals in my man-cave. She washes, waxes, checks the oil and air on my bike, and cleans my boots and leathers; she packs my bags for trips, makes airline, train and hotel reservations; she pays all the bills, arranges ISP, cable TV; and she negotiates issues with the landlord, neighbors, and merchants--and she is not Thai. So, I have to agree with HughJass.

Wow......does she ever have time to go to bed with you?

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She breaks stuff and I fix it, thats about it. Oh, I cut the grass.

As her lazy son (19) does sod all but lay horizontal I have made it clear "If you cannot get him to stand up and help out, don't ask me"....

Feel so much for you.

My wife has 2 sons, 15 and 16, exactly the same as your wife's son and daughter.

Just got a phone call from the school, he's been fighting, have to be there at 10:00 tomorrow.

I try to keep away, that's why I got them in a boarding school.

Mr Costas, you should be proud of your son for fighting, as long as he is not starting it or bully anybody. I never had any kids of my own, but my parents never got angry with me for fighting, quite often, other parents brought their kids to my home with black eyes etc, my parents had to accept it as they knew they would be wasting their time giving me a row. They also accepted it when I was the one coming home with a black eye, and that happened a few times too.

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I also enjoy bakng and cooking etc when the mood takes me, nicest part is I dont have to clean up the Kitchen afterwards, wife just says "you done ?, out please, I want clean !" and she cleans it all up. I dont have any problem with that at all.

I cook all my own stuff too thumbsup.gif, she deals with the mess...............facepalm.gif ..................laugh.png

I cook all my own food as Mrs Possum works, and I always clean up after myself. But if she is there and I start to peel potatoes, she has got to do it for me, if she sees me cooking, she has got to take over.

When I was a school teacher, my wife did all my ironing for me also.

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She breaks stuff and I fix it, thats about it. Oh, I cut the grass.

As her lazy son (19) does sod all but lay horizontal I have made it clear "If you cannot get him to stand up and help out, don't ask me"....

Feel so much for you.

My wife has 2 sons, 15 and 16, exactly the same as your wife's son and daughter.

Just got a phone call from the school, he's been fighting, have to be there at 10:00 tomorrow.

I try to keep away, that's why I got them in a boarding school.

Mr Costas, you should be proud of your son for fighting, as long as he is not starting it or bully anybody. I never had any kids of my own, but my parents never got angry with me for fighting, quite often, other parents brought their kids to my home with black eyes etc, my parents had to accept it as they knew they would be wasting their time giving me a row. They also accepted it when I was the one coming home with a black eye, and that happened a few times too.

Possum, I agree with you 100%.

But let's try not to deviate too much from the original questions.

I know it's my fault.......I started it.

But I would still like to hear your answer as If you are "domesticated" or not.

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whatever happened to living the dream?....u guys are as p**sy whipped here as u were back in farang land

Don't worry.......we had our "moments" in the past.

Time to settle down.

One day you will reach our age, and I hope you have the good memories we have now.

So have you been "domesticated"?

Well, I am housebroken, but that is as far as domestication seems to get now. Since we have retired, my wife does almost everything for me, our livelihood, and around the house. She not only does the shopping, cooking, cleaning, washing and ironing; but she also does the minor gardening, plumbing, electric, painting, and carpentry work. When we have guests, she is the consummate hostess, when we do not have guests, she serves my drinks and meals in my man-cave. She washes, waxes, checks the oil and air on my bike, and cleans my boots and leathers; she packs my bags for trips, makes airline, train and hotel reservations; she pays all the bills, arranges ISP, cable TV; and she negotiates issues with the landlord, neighbors, and merchants--and she is not Thai. So, I have to agree with HughJass.

Wow......does she ever have time to go to bed with you?

Of course she does, when I go out at night, she goes to bed. When I come home at 3 or 4, she is sufficiently rested--proper planning and scheduling my Greek friend; you just have to be smarter than the problem.

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I had a full time job when I was married to my Brazilian woman in the Netherlands. My job required me to go for a few days away and then stay home a few days. When I came back from a long flight and car-drive I didn't see a bed in more then 24 hours. Still she insisted me to play hide and seek with the kids, when she cooked I had to do the dishes or I had to go shopping for my favourite food, as she never bought it for me.

She managed to sit there, watch the news on tv and let me do the dishes.

Now it is the opposite. My lovely darling doesn't want me to do the dishes or do chores in the house. But I'm working outside, building a concrete pond and have some minor business here and there... We don't have any kids to raise and we don't want any, as we both have already grown up kids from our previous marriages.

I cut the 'gras' and do a lot of outside work. Also I fix most of the things going wrong or broken. I don't want anybody if possible to do it for me. Not because of the money, but because after the "fixing" I have more work to clean the mess they leave then the actual fixing itself. I can do that myself.

In the beginning I cooked food for the both of us, but she's too much Thai to try foreign food. And as I like her food very much, she does all the cooking. Sometimes I make one of my favourite brazilian dishes.... and have to eat them alone. sad.png

My missus won't let me do whores in the house either... oops sorry chores whistling.gif

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She breaks stuff and I fix it, thats about it. Oh, I cut the grass.

As her lazy son (19) does sod all but lay horizontal I have made it clear "If you cannot get him to stand up and help out, don't ask me"....

Feel so much for you.

My wife has 2 sons, 15 and 16, exactly the same as your wife's son and daughter.

Just got a phone call from the school, he's been fighting, have to be there at 10:00 tomorrow.

I try to keep away, that's why I got them in a boarding school.

Mr Costas, you should be proud of your son for fighting, as long as he is not starting it or bully anybody. I never had any kids of my own, but my parents never got angry with me for fighting, quite often, other parents brought their kids to my home with black eyes etc, my parents had to accept it as they knew they would be wasting their time giving me a row. They also accepted it when I was the one coming home with a black eye, and that happened a few times too.

Possum, I agree with you 100%.

But let's try not to deviate too much from the original questions.

I know it's my fault.......I started it.

But I would still like to hear your answer as If you are "domesticated" or not.

Yes, I am very domesticated, I lived by myself a lot back in Scotland, and my house was always clean and tidy, it had to be because of the girls I brought home when I was working as a musician, but if I'm honest, it probably would have lacked a womans touch.

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I will help my wife do all of those jobs as soon as she works as many hours as I do each week, but so far she has a much lighter workload than me in her role as "domestic engineer" and she is pretty happy with the deal she's got.

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I had a full time job when I was married to my Brazilian woman in the Netherlands. My job required me to go for a few days away and then stay home a few days. When I came back from a long flight and car-drive I didn't see a bed in more then 24 hours. Still she insisted me to play hide and seek with the kids, when she cooked I had to do the dishes or I had to go shopping for my favourite food, as she never bought it for me.

She managed to sit there, watch the news on tv and let me do the dishes.

Now it is the opposite. My lovely darling doesn't want me to do the dishes or do chores in the house. But I'm working outside, building a concrete pond and have some minor business here and there... We don't have any kids to raise and we don't want any, as we both have already grown up kids from our previous marriages.

I cut the 'gras' and do a lot of outside work. Also I fix most of the things going wrong or broken. I don't want anybody if possible to do it for me. Not because of the money, but because after the "fixing" I have more work to clean the mess they leave then the actual fixing itself. I can do that myself.

In the beginning I cooked food for the both of us, but she's too much Thai to try foreign food. And as I like her food very much, she does all the cooking. Sometimes I make one of my favourite brazilian dishes.... and have to eat them alone. sad.png

I am absolutely hopeless at fixing things, my wife built the fences outside, and also the dogs kennels, and guess what, they have never used them, they always sleep under the cars. Sorry Mr Costas, there I go a bit off topic again, I will just finish off by saying I never ever do manual work, never have done and never will.

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I do the same exact thing you do....but I don't iron or even send the clothes out for ironing. My wife does that. I do not believe in ironing anything at my age and life position. I don't mind doing the house work and I do not consider it a woman's job. I do, however, feel a bit unfulfilled and constantly look for something "productive" to do. Sooooo....now I am building a house.....by myself.....so far. I've got the time....so why not. I've done construction for over 30 years. I just like to stay busy. I find that Thailand is a rather boring country. I do not understand how Thai people live here and have such "nothingness" in their lives. It boggles my mind.

Those are my thoughts regarding your question.


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I do the same exact thing you do....but I don't iron or even send the clothes out for ironing. My wife does that. I do not believe in ironing anything at my age and life position. I don't mind doing the house work and I do not consider it a woman's job. I do, however, feel a bit unfulfilled and constantly look for something "productive" to do. Sooooo....now I am building a house.....by myself.....so far. I've got the time....so why not. I've done construction for over 30 years. I just like to stay busy. I find that Thailand is a rather boring country. I do not understand how Thai people live here and have such "nothingness" in their lives. It boggles my mind.

Those are my thoughts regarding your question.


Paul, I envy you, for having the skills to do something so difficult but rewarding, as to build a house.

As I am a "boring", accountant, and worked hard in my life, never had the opportunity to build or make something.

But, it's never late..........still young........I'll let you know, when I start my next project.

Good Luck, with your house and please post some pictures when finished.

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