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Ulysses Club Thailand formation and Inaugural Meeting


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Inaugural Meeting

Ulysses Club Thailand

Following recent discussions with a number of fellow motorcyclists in Chiang Mai, as well as regular consultation with members of the National Committee of Ulysses Club Inc, the Inaugural Meeting of interested potential members is being held. The Inaugural Meeting, to which all are invited to attend, will be held at:

Loco Elvis Restaurant

Moon Muang Road Lane 5,

Si Phum, Mueang Chiang Mai

Wednesday 25 June, 2014 @ 12 noon (finger food and VERY cheap Margaritas will be available)


At the Inaugural Meeting, it is planned to achieve the following outcomes:

· Discuss future activities of Ulysses Club Thailand in accordance with the expressed interests of attendees of the Inaugural Meeting. Also, to plan linkages with other Ulysses Clubs in our region

· Develop an understanding of the expectations of Ulysses Club Inc and the relationships between clubs

· Arrange a structure consistent with the Constitution of Ulysses Club Inc. It is proposed that the meeting elect/allocate the following office bearers:

  • President (essential)
  • Treasurer (essential)
  • Secretary (essential)
  • Recruitment Officer (highly desirable)
  • Quartermaster/Purchasing Officer
  • International Liaison
  • Web site Manager

· Adopt the Constitution of Ulysses Club Inc as a model, following which it is proposed that the Constitution be modified to suit the requirements of the Ulysses Club in Thailand

· Agree to submit a Club Logo to the National Committee of Ulysses Club for approval, said Logo to include an unchanged ‘Old Man Logo’ and be in English

· Approve application for sanctioning of Ulysses Club Thailand by National Committee of Ulysses Club and establish timeframes/allocate responsibilities for completion of the application

· Maintain minutes of the Inaugural Meeting

Ulysses Principles

It is important to reiterate the primary principles or purposes of Ulysses Club, upon which it was founded:

a. To provide ways in which older motorcyclists can get together for companionship and mutual support

b. To show by example that motorcycling can be an enjoyable and practical activity for riders of all ages

c. To draw attention of public and private institutions to the needs and views of older motorcyclists


Please note that residents of other countries such as Thailand are able to join the proposed Ulysses Club Thailand. Membership is available motorcyclists who have attained the age of 40 years and who hold a current motorcycle licence. Additionally, the spouse/regular companion of a member who has attained the age of 40 years may also be admitted as a member by application. Partners/companions under the age of 40 years are able to attend club rides and functions and are cordially invited to do so.

I look forward to meeting with everyone at the Inaugural Meeting and further progressing the formation of Ulysses Club Thailand. If you have friends/or are aware of fellow motorcyclists who would like to attend the Inaugural Meeting, please feel free to invite them along-they will be warmly welcomed! If you wish to inform me of any additional riders attending that would be greatly appreciated to assist with catering and to ensure that all are fully informed re the Ulysses Club.

RSVP: Friday 13 June, 2014

Yours in the fellowship of the road

Dave Thomson-Harry

<for info contact OP by PM>

Email: <contact by PM>

Location of Loco Elvis:

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Are you a motorcyclist over the age of 40 years?

Are you interested in:


*Social get-togethers

*Members benefits

*Being part of an international club with affiliations in many other countries

Membership is available motorcyclists who have attained the age of 40 years and who hold a current motorcycle licence. Additionally, the spouse/regular companion of a member who has attained the age of 40 years may also be admitted as a member by application.

If you are interested and would like additional information please contact:

David Thomson-Harry

Ph: <<<< Phone number removed for privacy reasons, use PM function to contact >>>>

Email: <<<< Email address removed per forum rules, use PM function to contact >>>>

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All comments gratefully received and the wit appreciated too!

The following information is provided should you be interested in pursuing the Ulysses Club Thailand further. It should be noted that although the club had its foundation in Australia it is now truly international with affiliated clubs in Europe, Asia, Africa and America.

Ulysses Club Inc.

We are a social club for motorcyclists over the age of 40. We are the largest organisation of this kind in Australia.

Membership of the Club is open to any person, subject to the National Committee approval, who has attained the age of 40 years and who holds a current motorcycle licence. Additionally, the spouse or regular partner of a member, who has also attained the age of 40 years may also be admitted as a member upon application.

There is only one kind of membership, full individual membership. Any type of bike is welcome.

What we're all about

By joining the club, a member can choose to attend any branch or a number of branches, branch rides and functions of their choice. As well, there are sister clubs in New Zealand, South Africa, Germany, Great Britain, Vietnam, Norway, Namibia, The Netherlands, Switzerland, The Kingdom of Cambodia, Zimbabwe and Botswana.

Ulysses Club has grown to 139 branches and 2 Special Interest Groups spread throughout Australia, and continues to grow. Our branches arrange rides and social functions for club members in their location.

You will receive a quarterly journal called Riding On, which contains information about your interests - bikes and bike related topics. But ultimately we are a social club so you get to see upcoming events, you can be part of a web site forum for members', share news and views and receive articles on topics that interest you.

Join the journey - each year, club members from all around Australia, as well as some from overseas, travel to the designated location for the Annual General Meeting and the AGM Event which has grown from a campover, meeting and meal of the early days, to a major event spanning 7 days, and incorporating involvement by major motorcycle manufacturers and suppliers putting on trade displays and test rides of the latest machinery, a Grand Parade through the town or city, several nights of various entertainment, Friday and Saturday night social events, a church service and of course the official meetings and ceremonies.

Throughout the year, members raise the club banner at rallies and odysseys around the country as a focal point where members and their friends can join in good companionship. Our "Old Man" logo, which has been preserved from it's original hand drawn form as our registered trademark, is recognisable throughout the country and club members wear it with pride.


One of the purposes of the Club is to enable members to get together for companionship and mutual support and one of the best ways to do this is on an organised branch ride. Members get a lot of enjoyment out of taking part in rides and socialising with other members with similar interests.

Most branches have organised rides and social outings one day every weekend or every second weekend, as well as mid week rides, of various length and duration, as well as the occasional weekend away.

There is no specific format for rides, length or appropriate destinations, each branch differs. A variety of rides is often most popular.

Why the name Ulysses?Ulysses describes the spark for adventure which you seek through motorcycling.The name comes from a poem of the same title by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. It tells how the great Greek hero Ulysses, now middle-aged and securely in charge of his kingdom of Ithaca, is getting bored with things around him and longs to go adventuring again with his shipmates of old. It describes very well the sort of person who still has enough spark to go on riding into middle and later years.
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Thanks for adding the links..these may be of assistance to those wishing to pursue the Ulysses Club further. It should be noted that the club has continued to grow and expand its horizons, and now has some 24,000 members in Australia as well as a number of affiliated international clubs as well, with the closest to Thailand being the Vietnam Club. The clubs in Australia, one of which I still belong to (the Warnbro Sound Wanderers), are very active and in many cases organize multiple rides, social events including dinners, coffee mornings, late night rides etc as well as regular maintenance days and charity work such as the Annual Toy Run at Christmas. Assistance is also given to injured bikers, those who have become ill, or those who have simply lost their social connectedness. Each club has its own unique character and way of operating, reflecting the personalities and interests of the membership. Riders own bikes of all descriptions, from large capacity sports bikes and cruisers to small commuters, something that I would be keen to encourage here in Thailand.

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what is the reason to keep an age limit above 40?

he Ulysses Club was formed in the Ulysses Club Inc. is a social club for motorcyclists over the age of 40 however the original suggestion for the club was for over 50's motorcyclists and was put forward in a letter by Stephen Dearnley published in the August 1983 issue of Bike Australia.
Stephen had initially responded to some comments by 'Wrench McTaggart', aka Grant Roff, who had suggested to an over 50's rider; "Hasn't anyone ever told you about growing old gracefully ..."
This drew two significant responses: one from Rob Hall, a reader at Albion Park NSW, who suggested the present name and motto for the club: the other from Peter Thoeming, then the editor of Bike Australia who sketched the logo and offered support from his magazine if Stephen could get the club off the ground. This was done at an inaugural meeting in Sydney on 6th December, 1983 when the five founding members approved a basic constitution and the Ulysses Club was duly formed.
The concept of over 50's only lasted three short months and from that point on Ulysses Club became a social club for motorcyclists over the age of 40. From that tenuous beginning it has never looked back and the club now boasts a large and extensive network of members throughout Australia and Internationally. in Australia and at the time recognized the needs for a social club for bike riders who did not fit, or want to be seen to fit into the 'bikie' genre of riders. Also, it was noted that 'older' riders lacked clubs which catered for their particular needs. which to quote from the club history goes like this:
Ulysses Club Inc. is a social club for motorcyclists over the age of 40 however the original suggestion for the club was for over 50's motorcyclists and was put forward in a letter by Stephen Dearnley published in the August 1983 issue of Bike Australia.

Stephen had initially responded to some comments by 'Wrench McTaggart', aka Grant Roff, who had suggested to an over 50's rider; "Hasn't anyone ever told you about growing old gracefully ..."

This drew two significant responses: one from Rob Hall, a reader at Albion Park NSW, who suggested the present name and motto for the club: the other from Peter Thoeming, then the editor of Bike Australia who sketched the logo and offered support from his magazine if Stephen could get the club off the ground. This was done at an inaugural meeting in Sydney on 6th December, 1983 when the five founding members approved a basic constitution and the Ulysses Club was duly formed.

The concept of over 50's only lasted three short months and from that point on Ulysses Club became a social club for motorcyclists over the age of 40. From that tenuous beginning it has never looked back and the club now boasts a large and extensive network of members throughout Australia and Internationally.

I am aware that this might seem to exclude some potential riders from membership, but I personally would not discourage like minded riders who fit into a younger age cohort from attending rides etc. If you have any ideas/interest etc please let me know, as I want the club to reflect the needs of interested riders in Thailand.
Cheers and thanks for your interest
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what is the reason to keep an age limit above 40?

To keep out the "loud pipes save lives" brigade.........

so no Harleys or other choppers too?

Actually neither position is correct. Club members ride every imaginable type of bike from very quick 1000cc plus sports bikes to cruisers including Harleys, touring bikes e.g. BMWs, smaller capacity commuters and even the odd scooter. Noise is NOT an issue, nor is telling others how/what to ride. There is a reciprocal regards for rider's safety, but my extensive riding experience with the club suggests that this allows adults to make informed choices as to the type of bike they ride as well as the manner in which they choose to ride. This policy worked well and encouraged membership from men and women, the latter of whom played significant roles in my local branch near Perth. We all have our opinions on road safety, and will probably never agree on the fine detail, but silence is not always golden, and audible visibility is a factor most informed bikers are well aware of.

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what is the reason to keep an age limit above 40?

Grow old disgracefully

growing old disgracefully already!

Like so many of us this is all too true, but many of us in Australia (24,000 approx) as well as overseas see real value in haring our PASSION for bikes with mates who also ride, some not as quickly as in the past, and others who take some catching, even by far younger riders.Age does not diminish the will nor the intent...just occasionally the capacity!

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hey celtica. thanks for your responses. appreciated.

i totally understand the philosophy behind the age limit.

i am not so far away from 40 but a i am not a very social person.

still, if you inform us here about the group rides or events, it should be nice as sure some might join this.

any motorcycle happenings in Thailand are welcomed.

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hey celtica. thanks for your responses. appreciated.

i totally understand the philosophy behind the age limit.

i am not so far away from 40 but a i am not a very social person.

still, if you inform us here about the group rides or events, it should be nice as sure some might join this.

any motorcycle happenings in Thailand are welcomed.

I am really happy to provide updates on all future Ulysses activities, including rides and any other events that are planned. I understand the reticence of some people to join clubs, in fact to be honest, I am not a 'clubby' myself, but when relocating to the west coast of Australia a number of years ago, was confronted by the reality of not knowing a single person, let alone having the local knowledge as to where to ride etc. The Ulysses Club, through its active members provided just such a medium through which I discovered WA, eventually learned how NOT to get lost every weekend when out riding far from home, and also was fortunate enough to meet a small number of men who I now rate as friends, not just riding companions. I would like to assure all that it is not my intention to form some exclusive group to the detriment of other riders. You will ALWAYS be welcome to attend any event, ride, whatever from my point of view, and I would love to see you along when it suits.

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what is the reason to keep an age limit above 40?

To keep out the riff raff like you KD!! smile.png

gotcha, it is open only for old riff raffs then!

anyway, i am not good on these club things.

i have my own motorcycle club called 'Lone Rider'laugh.png

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hey celtica. thanks for your responses. appreciated.

i totally understand the philosophy behind the age limit.

i am not so far away from 40 but a i am not a very social person.

still, if you inform us here about the group rides or events, it should be nice as sure some might join this.

any motorcycle happenings in Thailand are welcomed.

I am really happy to provide updates on all future Ulysses activities, including rides and any other events that are planned. I understand the reticence of some people to join clubs, in fact to be honest, I am not a 'clubby' myself, but when relocating to the west coast of Australia a number of years ago, was confronted by the reality of not knowing a single person, let alone having the local knowledge as to where to ride etc. The Ulysses Club, through its active members provided just such a medium through which I discovered WA, eventually learned how NOT to get lost every weekend when out riding far from home, and also was fortunate enough to meet a small number of men who I now rate as friends, not just riding companions. I would like to assure all that it is not my intention to form some exclusive group to the detriment of other riders. You will ALWAYS be welcome to attend any event, ride, whatever from my point of view, and I would love to see you along when it suits.

nice to know.

good luck on your generation celtica.

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what is the reason to keep an age limit above 40?

To keep out the riff raff like you KD!! smile.png

No comment on this one. LOL!!!

II2 and I are riding buddies and friends, he know's I'm only kidding.

On a more serious note, the club sounds interesting and it would be nice to belong to such a social club where the members are generally more mature (hopefully) and able to offer good advice and guidance to newer riders.

Having said that, you know that us bikers in Thailand are either skint or stingy (usually both) so the issue of membership fees might be an obstacle. What are the m'ship fees like? And what does a member get in return for that? Also, what about members who do not reside in the North? There are also lots of older bikers down here in Bangkok and hereabouts.

You have raised an issue that has also occurred to me, that being the geographic reality of the separation of north and south, or at least the distance between the two areas which would make it difficult/impossible for members from either end of the country to join in rides etc together. Cost would certainly be an issue for many, me included, so I have considered whether ultimately the club would be best served by having 'regional branches', but I am probably getting well ahead of myself even suggesting such a thing when the club is not yet officially formed! Re membership fees, they are $120.00 for 3 years, which provides access to all Ulysses events/club merchandise/annual events (In Australia), club discounts (again at this stage in Australia, but this is something that I have on my radar to look at in the future. I recognize that this may be an issue for some potential members, but it is out of my hands as this is a condition of membership (again, see the Ulysses web site). Any suggestions on any of these issues would be appreciated!

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Is this in competition to , or complementary to GT Riders?

I am aware of GT Riders, and have attended one of their meetings/get togethers so have some limited awareness of their role in the bike scene. The Ulysses Club is clearly focused on the needs/interests of riders over the age of 40 years and has a very well articulated social focus. It is NOT primarily a 'Bike Club', which may sound contradictory given that the focus of most/all activities includes the riding of motorcycles. This being said, the club has astutely avoided becoming another quasi-outlaw club, hence the banning of the wearing of rockers in addition to the club 'patch', the use of the term 'branch' not 'chapter' etc etc. I would hope that the club will be complimentary to GT riders, and that it may well share in joint activities etc from time to time, but this is probably too early a point in our history to really define how this might work itself out. Any ideas????

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That's terrific news! What Thailand needs is more older balding bearded rider's who love to attend rallies thousands of miles from home to collect an enamel badge celebrating the event. And I am not saying that in a bad way. smile.png

This is the Australian rally calendar. Some rallies may not be still on.

January 1st Weekend

NEW YEARS Rally NSW Wee Jasper [Tumut] BYO ? Is this still on ?

January 2nd Weekend

CAPITAL Rally ACT Brindabella [Cotter Dam?] catered

January 3rd Weekend

Hennings Annual Ride Day NSW/Vic boarder. Different Routes in different years.

PEANUT Rally Qld. Kumbia [Kingaroy] ? Is this still on ?

Summer Breakout Rally Tas [Judbury] BYO

January 4th Weekend Australia Day Long Weekend

Unapproachable Rally NSW Vic. Tintaldra [Corryong?] Pub (has shower for fee. BYO everything...)

Confusion Rally Vic Victoria river falls, Cobungra [] ??

COUNTRY AND WESTERN Rally NSW Gowrie [Tamworth] catered band ? Is this still on ?

February 1st Weekend

Lagoon Beach Rally Tas [Lagon Beach] BYO

February 2nd Weekend

KARUAH RIVER Rally NSW Dungog [Dungog] BYO

Vino Collapso Rally Queensland Dalveen [Warwick] Catered Band

Horseshoe Creek Rally NSW Kyogle [Kyogle] ? Is this still on ?

DEAD CENTRE Rally NO LONGER HELD Vic. Donald [Donald] Catered Band

February 3rd Weekend

NULLI-SECUNDUS Rally Vic. [Wahgunyah] Catered ? Is this still on ?

TIGER HUNT Rally Tas. [Exter] Catered Band ? Is this still on ?

February 4th Weekend

Backpackers Rally NSW [suttons Forrest] Belanglo State Forest BYO everything NO LONGER HELD

GUMNUT Rally Qld. Towomba [Towomba] Catered ? Is this still on ?

BROKEN BONES Rally Vic. [Moe] Catered Entertainment ? Is this still on ?

March 1st Weekend

EMU Rally Vic. Dunneworthy Common [Ararat] Catered Band ? Is this still on ?

ELLENBOROUGH FALLS Rally NSW Elands [Taree] Catered ? Is this still on ?

REDGUM Rally SA [Renmark] BYO ? Is this still on ?

TAS Rally . [Ouse] Catered AO! Coincides with Tas 8 hour day holiday weekend?

YOWIE Rally NO LONGER HELD NSW [Narrabri] Catered Band

March 2nd Weekend

COLD FLAME Rally NSW Pinch River [Jindabyne] BYO

PNEUMATIC Rally Vic. [barnsdale] BYO ? Is this still on ?

March 3rd Weekend

CHAUVINIST Rally NSW [Tooma] Catered ? Is this still on ?


March 4th Weekend

BLAZING SADDLES Rally Vic. Alpine region [moves around] Maybe catered, BYO to be safe?

Appila The Hun Run SA Appila [] Pub ? Is this still on ?

April 1st Weekend

Outfit Rally Vic. Barmah State Park [strathmerton]

RIDERS ON THE STORM Rally Vic. Rubicon [ALEXANDRA?] Band ? Is this still on ?

DOMINO Rally NO LONGER HELD Vic. [Warburton] BYO

April 2nd Weekend

IRONBARK Rally NSW [Orange] Catered ? Is this still on ?

April 3rd Weekend

BMW Rally Vic . [changes year to year]-ANZAC WEEKEND BYO to bring nothing ... changes

Autum Leaf Rally NSW Tumorrama [Tumut] Catered Band

Waterhole Rally Tas [Weldborough Hotel]- Pub ? Is this still on ?

April 4th Weekend

Valley Rally Qld [Linville]


April Easter Weekend

CANETOAD Rally Qld. [different each night]

Dingo Creek Rally Vic [Welshpool] ??

FINCH HATTON Rally Qld. [Mackay] BYO

Manilla Rally & Bike Show NSW [Manilla] Catered Band (one for the HDs)

May 1st Weekend

Brass Monkey Rally NSW Rydal Showground [Lithgow] Catered Band (no BYO Grog)

SWAGMAN Rally SA [Morgan] Catered Band

May 2nd Weekend

LOADED DOG Rally NSW [Tarago] Catered

Sidecar Owners Club of Sydney Rally NO LONGER HELD NSW Bendeela Pondage [Kangaroo Valley]

May 3rd Weekend

Great Escape Rally SA [Marrabel] ??

Ruptured Budgie Rally Qld Mingoola [Tenterfield] Catered

Stinger Rally Qld Mt Fox [ingham] ?? ? Is this still on ?


May 4th Weekend

Mt Hope Rally NSW [Cobar] Pub ? Is this still on ?

June 1st Weekend

NUMDUCK Motorcycle Rally WA [Dowerin] ??

Rallyman Motorcycle Rally NSW Grevillia [Koyogle] Catered, 'Entertainment'

June 2nd Weekend

Frozen Trout Rally Tas [] Your Choice ? Is this still on ?

June 3th Weekend

CASPER Rally NSW [Lithgow] BYO

June 4th Weekend

GOLDFIELDS Rally Vic. [st Arnaud] Catered, Bands

Christmas in June NSW [Captains Flat] BYO ? Is this still on ?

June Queens Birthday Weekend

ALPINE Rally NSW Alternate sites Brindabella or Yarongabilly [Tumut/Canberra] BYO

Winter Sun Rally NSW/Vic Mildura [ Mildura] BYO?

SAPPHIRE Rally NSW Warialda [inverell] BYO

BLACK DUCK Rally WA Lake Dumbleyung [] on WA Long weekend BYO ? Is this still on ?

July 1st Weekend

WINTER Rally NSW Nerriga [braidwood] Catered Band

July 2nd Weekend

&lt;deleted&gt; in the Bush Rally Qld, Mia Mia [Mackay]

RADIATA Rally SA Rennick [Mt Gambier] BYO

SHIVER Rally NSW [Cooma] BBQ, BYO grog ? Is this still on ?

July 3rd Weekend

APOLLO Rally ACT every 5th anniversary of moon landing (1969); Honeysuckle Creek [] BYO movies?

GREEN GINGER Rally SA [Renmark?] catered entertainment ? Is this still on ?

July 4th Weekend

IRONPOT Rally Qld. [Warwick] Catered ? Is this still on ?

Flat Black Possum Rally Tas [Triabunna] BYO ? Is this still on ?

August 1st Weekend


HAT Rally 2 or the Son of Hat Rally NSW [Araluen] BYO

THE BORDER RUN SA/WA Border / Eucla Pub

NOT the Brass Monkey Rally Tas [Cradle Mountain] BYO ? Is this still on ?

August 2nd Weekend

ICICLE RIDE Vic. [Laverton] night ride ONLY

OFF CENTRE Rally [various locations] every even year BYO Pub

SPIDER Rally NSW [Tarago] BYO ? Is this still on ?

BASTARD TOURERS Rallyex-Watagans Rally NSW [Morriset] Catered ? Is this still on ?

Drop Bear Rally Tas [bronte Park ] Your choice of BYO to 5 star ? ? Is this still on ?

Tinny Rally Qld Tingoora [Kingaroy] ? Is this still on ?

August 3rd Weekend

Alzhiemers Rally SA. [sedan] BYO

GRANDCHESTER Rally Qld. [GRANDCHESTER] ? Is this still on ?

August 4th Weekend

TTT Rally Thrashers Terrifying Trek NSW [Mittagong] BYO

September 1st Weekend

KINGS Rally NSW [Mossvale] BYO

MOUNTAIN Rally MOUNTAIN Rally Qld. [Kilcoy] Food available. ? Is this still on ?

Bit on the Side Rally Tas [Heybridge] BYO

September 2nd Weekend


Ghost Town Rally NSW Silverton [broken Hill] Pub


Gateway to the Rainforest Rally NSW Kyogle [Kyogle] Catered

WOMBAT Rally NSW [braidwood] Catered ? Is this still on ?

BUSHPIG Rally SA [snowton] BYO ? Is this still on ?

LOLLYPOP TREE Rally Vic. [ballarat] BYO ? Is this still on ?

September 3rd Weekend

THUNDER Rally NSW [Nundle] BYO

Celibration of Motorcycling Rally NSW [bomballa]

PLATEAU Rally NSW [Coffs Harbour] Catered band ? Is this still on ?

KOOLANOOKA SPRINGS Rally WA [Morawa] BYO ? Is this still on ?

September 4th Weekend


Once Bitten Humula N.S.W. Catered

October 1st Weekend

SA BMW club rally - they call it a different name each year. SA [different site] in odd years, BYO

CentreOZ Rally NT [Alice Springs] Catered Band

Somerset Dam Qld [Esk] BYO?

Oasis Paruna South Aust [Loxton] Catered Band

Golden Dragon Rally Vic. [?] Catered

Backwards Odyssey Vic [sheperton] ? Is this still on ?

October 2nd Weekend

RAGE Rally NSW [Capertee] Catered Bands NO LONGER HELD

October 3rd Weekend

KOSCIUSKO Rally NSW Gehi Hut [Kancoban] BYO

Red Back Rally SA. Overland Corner [] PUB

JamPot Rally SA. Barossa Valley [] Comercial Camp ground

THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Rally NSW [Tumbarumba] cook yourself? British Bikes preferd? ? Is this still on ?

NEW TRIUMPH Rally Vic. [Mt Beauty] ? ? Is this still on ?

SPAGHETTI Rally Vic. [Mt Buffalo] BYO ? Is this still on ?

PUMA Rally Vic. [balmoral] Catered ? Is this still on ?

Gawler Ranges Rally SA [iron Knob] Replaced by the SA Ranges Rally

October 4th Weekend

SA Ranges Rally SA Farina [Lyndhurst] BYO

Merriwa River Rally NSW [Mewrria] Catered, Bands

WHAT Rally FN Qld. [Ravenshoe] BYO

BORDER RANGES Rally Qld. [Rathdowney] Catered ? Is this still on ?

Footloose Rally ACT [Jugiong] ? Is this still on ?

November 1st Weekend

TROUT Rally NSW [Cabramurra] BYO

ROLLA COASTER Rally NSW [bingara] Catered Band ? Is this still on ?

BOGGY CREEK Rally Vic. [Warnambool] BYO, Alcohol Band ? Is this still on ?

FALLS Rally Vic. [Trafalgar] Catered ? Is this still on ?

The High Country Odyssey Vic. [Mansfield] ? ? Is this still on ?

November 2nd Weekend

FISH HOLES Rally Vic. [Portland] Catered Bands

CAVES Rally NSW [Wee Jasper] Food ? Is this still on ?

MAROKA Rally Vic. [boisdale] BYO ? Is this still on ?

Petal Point Rally Tas. [Gladstone] BYO ? Is this still on ?

November 3rd Weekend

Snowy Ride NSW Jindabine, Cooma, Adaminaby area [Threadbo finish] BYO, or catered, PUBs and motels!

IMBIL Rally Qld. [imbil] BYO

SUMMER Rally NSW [Nowra] Catered ? Is this still on ?

PENAL Rally Tas. [Tasman Peninsula, south?] BYO ? Is this still on ?

November 4th Weekend

Cavendish Rally Vic. [Ravenswood, Hamilton] ? ? Is this still on ?

Long Flat Pub Run NSW. [Wauchope] Pub ? Is this still on ?

SR500 Rally Vic. [Koetong] ? ? Is this still on ?

December 1st Weekend

CHRISTMAS Rally NSW [Nerriga] BYO? Bands ? Is this still on ?

MOONDYNE Rally Vic. [shepparton] Food ? Is this still on ?

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