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Finally got K1 visa for Thai fiance- valid for only THREE weeks!

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After going through the lengthy process (about a year or more), including medical, interview, follow up after initial interview, my Thai fiance received her K1 visa with a deadline to enter the U.S. set for 3 weeks! I emailed the U.S Embassy in Bangkok requesting an extension and explaining the hardship this would cause, and they flatly, flippantly replied ....

No, Mr. xxx, we make it clear on all of our information that the visa is 6 mos. validity. Once the missing documents were sent to the Embassy for consideration and issuance, the visa is issued. We do not issue around applicant’s or petitioner’s travel dates.

But it was NOT valid for 6 months, it was only valid for POE for THREE weeks.

Now I'm down to canceling condo lease at last minute, making last minute travel arrangements and vacation from work (I'm in Bangkok myself right now and work remotely via internet), changing medical procedure plans, pulling her out of two schools in the middle of the semester, etc. I can find no recourse.


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Hmm? It seems to me that you should already have plans as to how you would be traveling to the US, and where you will be staying/working. In fact, I'm surprised you were not already established in the US at this time. Flying to BKK to escort your fiance to the Embassy is common practice, but not required. However, you state that you were planning to establish temporary residency in BKK? Jeez.

At this late date, buying one-way airline tickets should be possible, albeit more costly since you failed to plan ahead.

Not to seem too condescending, but you are like the 3rd TV member to recently complain about an "unjust" situation that you yourself are at fault for causing. Applying for a K1 visa is pretty straightforward (i.e. not rocket science) if you carefully read the instructions and provide all of the documentation requested. Some petitioners hire immigration lawyers to ensure that the process runs smoothly, but IMO, that's just a waste of money. There's no trick questions or burdensome requirements for the petition.

Anyhow, that's all irrelevant now. Congrats on getting the K1 for your fiance. With any luck you will be back in the US soon, perhaps even to enjoy the 4th of July celebrations.

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Thank you for the lecture. The purpose in posting here was to find out if someone knew

a) why the visa was issued for lest than four months (the normal is 6)

B) why the entry date deadline was issued for less than 4 weeks

but more importantly, how I might find a route to work with the unresponsive immigrant visa dept at the embassy.

I live here in Bangkok as well as America and since it has taken so long to get the visa issued there were MANY things the were done anticipating a 6 month visa (including medical treatment (she has a n elective procedure planned now in the coming 2 months), education (she is going to two schools), condo lease extension, etc, etc.

Let me give you a little lecture - if you can't help a poster, don't reply

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Hmm? It seems to me that you should already have plans as to how you would be traveling to the US, and where you will be staying/working. In fact, I'm surprised you were not already established in the US at this time. Flying to BKK to escort your fiance to the Embassy is common practice, but not required. However, you state that you were planning to establish temporary residency in BKK? Jeez.

At this late date, buying one-way airline tickets should be possible, albeit more costly since you failed to plan ahead.

Not to seem too condescending, but you are like the 3rd TV member to recently complain about an "unjust" situation that you yourself are at fault for causing. Applying for a K1 visa is pretty straightforward (i.e. not rocket science) if you carefully read the instructions and provide all of the documentation requested. Some petitioners hire immigration lawyers to ensure that the process runs smoothly, but IMO, that's just a waste of money. There's no trick questions or burdensome requirements for the petition.

Anyhow, that's all irrelevant now. Congrats on getting the K1 for your fiance. With any luck you will be back in the US soon, perhaps even to enjoy the 4th of July celebrations.

I'd have to disagree with this. The instructions from the embassy clearly state "Do not make travel plans prior to receiving the visa"

From the U.S. Embassy website:

Note: You should never pay for travel arrangements to the U.S. (i.e. airfare) without having an immigrant visa (including fiancé visa and adoption visa) in your possession. The U.S. Consulate General accepts no responsibility expenses incurred, if you do so. Provided a visa is approved, it may be issued within a few business days; however, we are unable to guarantee the issuance of a U.S. visa prior to specific travel date. You risk financial loss if you ignore this advice.

Source: http://bangkok.usembassy.gov/immigrant_visas/packets.html

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Thank you for the lecture. The purpose in posting here was to find out if someone knew

a) why the visa was issued for lest than four months (the normal is 6)

cool.png why the entry date deadline was issued for less than 4 weeks

but more importantly, how I might find a route to work with the unresponsive immigrant visa dept at the embassy.

I live here in Bangkok as well as America and since it has taken so long to get the visa issued there were MANY things the were done anticipating a 6 month visa (including medical treatment (she has a n elective procedure planned now in the coming 2 months), education (she is going to two schools), condo lease extension, etc, etc.

Let me give you a little lecture - if you can't help a poster, don't reply

Dear Pat335588 ... thank's for joining this morning ... welcome to Thai Visa (with this nick).

If you want the free help and assistance on offer here, I warmly suggest that you glean what you can from the members replies and not dis it out to them.

The guys, who probably have the knowledge will read your caustic retort and think ... nup ... pass.


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Looks like the Visa Validity is tied to the medical exam results, at least that was posted on a different embassy's blog. I will have to look on my wifes old passport and see when the date was valid til.

Most immigrant visa validity dates are tied to the validity of the medical exam results, but there may be other reasons why the visa validity date is shorter than you expect. Therefore, you must not assume that your visa is automatically valid for six (6) months, or one (1) year, or whatever your family member or friend received.

Also on the state department website which will be a maximum of 6 months from the date of issuance, it does not say you get 6 months.

With your visa, you can apply for a single admission at a U.S. port-of-entry within the validity of the visa, which will be a maximum of 6 months from the date of issuance.

Rather than emailing the embassy you should make an appointment and go talk to them. I found them very helpful and accommodating whenever I had questions. Just make sure to stay polite and not yell or be demeaning.

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Just checked the Wifes K1 visa and we did get it for 6 months, which was from the day of the interview. But in the annotation section it shows the K-1 Petition expires on April 18. But eh expiration date of the visa was til August. Are you sure you are looking a the correct date on the visa? MIne was from 2009, but I can't imagine they have changed much. Has an Issue Date, Expiration date, and then has a expires on in the annotation field.

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