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Northern Gateway pipeline in Canada approved


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Northern Gateway pipeline in Canada approved

ALBERTA: -- Canada has conditionally approved a pipeline to bring oil from the Alberta oil sands to the country's Pacific coast over heavy criticism.

The 1,177-km (731 miles) pipeline project, known as the Northern Gateway, is expected to transport 525,000 barrels a day to Asia-bound tankers.

The move was expected after a review board recommended the pipeline in 2013.

But critics say Canada's conservative government is ignoring the objections of First Nations and environmentalists.

Ahead of the approval on Tuesday New Democrat Leader Tom Mulcair said multiple towns along the pipeline, 130 First Nations groups in British Columbia and hundreds of scientists were against it.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-27896552

-- BBC 2014-06-18

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first nations will do anything if it means they get royalties...our land our land,our ancestors,our heritage.bitch, sob ,whine and cry..''wait .....how much did you say''...''ok we'll do it''...kaa ching kaa ching....

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Maybe some of the leadership, wouldn't bet on the people being that way. Maybe you are First Nation. I'm Creek/Choctaw and adopted into Oglala Independent Nation. I'm not all that familiar with First Nations, but they seem to have been in the forefront of the battle, as have many of the Lakota. I do follow what is happening, both in Canada and in the States. Sometimes, just sometimes, enough is enough.

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It's no wonder most 1st world countries are struggling. There is always a bunch of do-gooders who are the real obstructionists when it comes to creating new wealth.

New wealth is how the countries became economic powers. Mine ore, make it into steel, process the steel into parts, manufacture something from those parts, and sell it. Many many new jobs are created, wealth is created, and the consumer and manufacturer have something they didn't have before. The government collects taxes and can flourish.

Today 1st world countries are spoiled and their people don't know where wealth comes from. They inherited it by being born into a wealthy nation, they don't know how it got that way, so they bitch if anyone wants to maintain the cycle by creating new wealth. Just try to open a new mine or drill for oil on government property after bidding on the oil as cash to the government. Try to do anything that creates new wealth, and fail.

Today we are just passing around existing wealth. I pay my accountant and he pays his secretary and his rent and his living expenses and we all pass around the existing wealth.

This is like a bunch of guys, all standing in a circle with their hands in each others' pockets, believing they will all get rich.

And the 1st world countries are all in decline. Canada could be one of the wealthiest nations on the planet if it would use it's farm land and other natural resources to create new wealth.

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I have zero sympathy for the moaners who are against "corporations" (which create new wealth and jobs and tax payments) but who themselves are skint. They are skint because during their lifetimes it never dawned on them where wealth comes from, and how to get some of it. Someone told them that anyone who makes a lot of money be it a CEO or anyone else is evil.

There's the old saying. "If you're so smart, why aren't you rich?"

There are precious few posters on this board who ever made themselves any real money other than working for someone who was creating new wealth.

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I have zero sympathy for the moaners who are against "corporations" (which create new wealth and jobs and tax payments) but who themselves are skint. They are skint because during their lifetimes it never dawned on them where wealth comes from, and how to get some of it. Someone told them that anyone who makes a lot of money be it a CEO or anyone else is evil.

There's the old saying. "If you're so smart, why aren't you rich?"

There are precious few posters on this board who ever made themselves any real money other than working for someone who was creating new wealth.

"There are precious few posters on this board who ever made themselves any real money other than working for someone who was creating new wealth." Boy you got that right. Most just want to make sure no one else create wealth because they could not. I have an acquaintance who is constantly complaining about the oil companies and the tax breaks (he believes Obama's garbage about this). It never occurs to him that whatever deductions the oil companies take keep the price of gas just a little cheaper. Take away these deductions and the consumer will pay for it at the pump. Ignorance is bliss!

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Some people value wealth in a different way rather than raping the earth and it's resources, destroying our food supply, poluting the atmosphere, buying elections, violating workers rights, back stabbing to 'get ahead'. I never made any 'real money' and I'm damn proud of it. I worked in wildland fire control, police and surveying for flood control, all benefiting peoples lives, more than I can say for the so called 'wealth creators' who don't create one bit of wealth except for themselves. Corporations don't create anything including jobs, don't pay taxes. It is the working/middle class that buys the products that do. When the middle/working class has no money, we see what the US today. I never wanted to be rich, the few I know are sorry individuals I wouldn't trust as far as I could throw with my left hand.

Well then, sub all of the dirty work out to China and see what they are doing to the environment. At least 1st world countries know how to put scrubbers on smoke stacks and have environmental regulations.

China is polluting the same planet that we live on. And they are doing it all over the world. The West should be doing this work itself, but as cleanly as it can.

When you give up, for life, every oil based product from medicines to plastic to tires to fuel for transportation, I'll believe you're serious.

Otherwise I'll think you're a hypocrite for using it but claiming you have clean hands because someone else produced it.

BTW you don't understand why the middle class is struggling. As recently as 1980 there were 300,000 good union jobs in Detroit Michigan in the auto manufacturing plants. Today there are about 30,000, with 90% of them gone and the city in ruins.

The auto manufacturers are in the business of creating new wealth. They support the miners and the steel mills and the tire manufacturers and the plastic manufacturers and create jobs, prosperity and all including employees pay taxes.

We've run them off. We'd damned well better try to get them back.

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I have zero sympathy for the moaners who are against "corporations" (which create new wealth and jobs and tax payments) but who themselves are skint. They are skint because during their lifetimes it never dawned on them where wealth comes from, and how to get some of it. Someone told them that anyone who makes a lot of money be it a CEO or anyone else is evil.

There's the old saying. "If you're so smart, why aren't you rich?"

There are precious few posters on this board who ever made themselves any real money other than working for someone who was creating new wealth.

It never occurs to him that whatever deductions the oil companies take keep the price of gas just a little cheaper. Take away these deductions and the consumer will pay for it at the pump. Ignorance is bliss![/size][/background]

Sorry amigo but thats not correct.

An oil company charges what the consumer will pay. An oil company, a Corporation, has one purpose: to maximize shareholder value. This is accomplished by maximizing revenues and minimizing costs.

Taxes are a cost so oil companies lobby for lower taxes (bribe lawmakers) to minimize costs. They also charge the maximum price for their product to maximize revenue. If you have looked at the record profits that energy companies are making these days you will begin to understand they are not your friend.

Thats Economics 101...I will refrain from using the belittling remark about ignorance since this forum should be good natured.

Edited by ClutchClark
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NeverSure, perhaps you misread what I wrote. One thing for sure, nobody forced corporations to 'oversea' all the jobs and nobody forced them to hide billions of money overseas so that they wouldn't have to pay any taxes. It's called greed and they screwed the people and country that made them. I agree 100% with a very big factor in the destruction of the middle/working class is the purposeful destruction of unions. I carried a Boilermaker union card for many years, my dad maintained his union membership in the railroad union even after moving into management. Even as management he refused to cross a picket line and forced plant management to come out to met with him. His trains never crossed the line. I certainly never said anything about giving up oil based products, in fact I'm an old hot rodder and would still be drag racing if living in the states. I worked in refineries and pipeline while attending college. I also know about the pollution they cause. I used to fish the Gulf of Mexico, you know where BP's greed caused 11 deaths and screwed the Gulf and the coast. Corporation CEO's and plutocrats could care less about working/middle class or the environment, all they are concerned with is wealth and power. Yes China is a huge polluter and they are world wide. While the US went around blowing up countries, people and making enemies, China quietly bought them. It doesn't look like they are doing that in Asia anymore. While many don't/can't understand, many indigenous people don't care for what the world has become or our way of life, they want their way of life. In some cases they are willing to fight for it.

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Canada could be one of the wealthiest nations on the planet if it would use it's farm land and other natural resources to create new wealth.

Canada is one of the wealthiest nations on the planet.

With its huge amount of land, vast natural resources, thousands of miles of salt water shoreline, Canada has just about 1/2 the GDP of Germany and 1/3 that of Japan. It's just more than 1/10th that of the US.

I'm not talking about per capita but rather the bottom line. If Canada would use its natural resources, it could be near the top regardless of population.


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