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Missing British Children In Thailand


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So I would think that for this mother in question to give up custody entirely there either was 1) something terribly wrong with her lifestyle or (2) she was paid off by the father to do so.


And this is based on your personal experience. In Canada. With a Canadian.

Or too much time listening to the harpies on TV?

Maybe, just maybe at the time of the custody hearing, she was in a real dark place in her life and loved her kids so much that she knew the best place was with their father and did not contest the award but rather endorsed it. Is that too much of a stretch or are all females that ever lived in Pattaya a totally lost cause?

I would sense that there was little or no acrimony in this custody award as the children were allowed to communicate freely with their mother while they were growing up in the UK. Furthermore, the father didn't appear to have any issues with them spending time 'alone' with their mother. He appears to have been blind-sided by her actions, that's all.

1) Yes it is you are correct. That is what I explained. Are you restating my facts? Or just unsure? Was I not clear? Or perhaps you're just trolling? I would doubt custodial laws vary too significantly anywhere around the world in developed nations anyways. And if you really want to argue this with me then you are spending too much time here. It's MY opinion...why do you care so much?

2) I really don't spend too much time on TV listening to yourself or other harpies...188 posts in almost two years for me...that's far far below your annual average of about 1000....about 10 times more in fact....perhaps you are simply more critical and love to have a forum to voice your opinions on too much? Nan, if you are insinuating that my opinion (and that's all it is here, opinion) is off base or an impossibility I would say you are quick to get on the defensive of this woman for some reason....happen to you perhaps?

3) You are so caught up in your own opinions and so quick to find fault with others that you did not fully comprehend what I had said or imagined what you thought I wanted to say? Or tried to read between the lines that were not there? Not sure, but I never said that the divorce was acrimonious. Where did i say that? Maybe she was in a dark place? Won't disagree. I didn't speculate, I simply said there must have been something wrong with her lifestyle which is quite a broad all encompassing comment, it could be anything really. And I was talking about custody. Full custody. You don't just give that up because you think the children are better off with the father ....you can give them to the father to raise and still have joint custody. Or do you not understand ? He can have the kids. They can both have custody. To give up full custody is a huge deal. But I would be willing to bet my left testicle that if the father got full custody, she got some cash (in some form or another) in return.

4) Females that lived in Pattaya a lost cause? When you say "lived", how long is that exactly? Grew up there? spent the majority of their adult life there? What? And all of them? Hmmmm...well, there's got to be a couple you could find to prove me wrong I'm sure but generally speaking....yes. Have you ever been?

5) You know, I just checked your profile to see where you lived and it doesn't say. Then I noticed beside Gender it says Male. Funny, I thought all along I was replying to a female poster for some reason?

Anyhow, I must run, I'm heading to Pattaya for the weekend! Happy trolling!

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There really is some rubbish talked on here. Money changing hands? In this thread alone you have 2 examples already - mine and timewilltell's - where obtaining custody cost next to nothing. In my case as it was by mutual consent and therefore through the Ampur and not the courts, it cost me 50฿. That's for the whole divorce, and there was nothing owed financially to my ex either. We had a solid pre-nuptial agreement, something that is recognised under Thai law.

I wouldn't believe everything a solicitor tells you. In the money-grabbing stakes, some are past-masters. If the mother agrees - and in my case she recognised that our child would be better off with me, in terms of education for example, and because she knew that she wasn't the best mum around (from previous experience) - then it is a relatively simple process. Go to the Ampur together, produce the divorce settlement paper, sign it, pay the 50฿, and leave.

Plus I wouldn't assume that the same stigma applies to single fathers in Thailand as you sometimes find in the West. Should it come to court, other that timewilltell, I personally know another farang who was awarded full custody. No money was paid to the mother or her family.

I also know a Brit who was indeed told by a Thai solicitor that money would have to change hands. True or not in that particular case, it transpired that some of the money was destined for the solicitor's pocket. He found out from his ex later. :(

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There really is some rubbish talked on here. Money changing hands? In this thread alone you have 2 examples already - mine and timewilltell's - where obtaining custody cost next to nothing. In my case as it was by mutual consent and therefore through the Ampur and not the courts, it cost me 50฿. That's for the whole divorce, and there was nothing owed financially to my ex either. We had a solid pre-nuptial agreement, something that is recognised under Thai law.

I wouldn't believe everything a solicitor tells you. In the money-grabbing stakes, some are past-masters. If the mother agrees - and in my case she recognised that our child would be better off with me, in terms of education for example, and because she knew that she wasn't the best mum around (from previous experience) - then it is a relatively simple process. Go to the Ampur together, produce the divorce settlement paper, sign it, pay the 50฿, and leave.

Plus I wouldn't assume that the same stigma applies to single fathers in Thailand as you sometimes find in the West. Should it come to court, other that timewilltell, I personally know another farang who was awarded full custody. No money was paid to the mother or her family.

I also know a Brit who was indeed told by a Thai solicitor that money would have to change hands. True or not in that particular case, it transpired that some of the money was destined for the solicitor's pocket. He found out from his ex later. :(


If you are referring to me about the "Rubbish" being spouted I can tell you i have gone through it for two of my children personally. The "Mutual consent " example you give would not be relevant in many cases if the Mother could sniff a few quid. I'm telling you now the advice of a reputable lawyer who advertises on this site and are Ex-pat owned was. If you want to be sure of the result Pay the money. Otherwise the judgement can go against you.

Don't be calling People liars , when you obviously know nothing about it yourself

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I'm wonder how hard he push her to this point as a mother I always find a middle way to go with my son's father to give our child the best as we can ....

Hope they can settle down and talk Otherwise kids will be just a victim

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  • 1 month later...

does anybody knows mr.Day do read thaivisa.com forum's?

there a few things i'd like to ask/tell him

- mr. Day, are you aware of this post your ex wife wrote on february 23rd, 2014 ---> http://www.humanrights.ago.go.th/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=2&topic=6444.msg8212#msg8212

- mr. Day, you finally realized thai police will not move a finger to rescue your daughters, despite the arrest warrant: they'll most probably help their fellow countrywoman to conceal them better.

-mr.Day, seems like you have no idea of how much is the sinsot fare for a white complexion-long nosed girl in thailand...
your ex-wife could get 100,000 THB reward NOW... or a milion (or more) in the timeline of 5-10 years

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  • 7 months later...

hopefully they are returned when she runs out of money, and that she has enough common sense (or moral, which seems unlikely however) not to sell them...

Ooy vay, are you on something? Is this what you did?.Ever think, as she is the Mother, that she loves her children so much, that she would do anything to be with them , incuding, ignoring the Courts order. Boy, get a fecken life.

Getting a court to award full custody to the father is rare in every non-mosleem country, including Thailand... so since this is the case, I safely conclude the mother has been deemed unfit to be a mother.

Now, I have seen plenty of desperate people do things I would consider insane, and I have seen drug-inflicted desperation drive people to do acts that to me seems from out of this world.

There are no facts in this story stipulating that she loves her kids, only that she has been deemed unfit as mother and now has deprived them of their father while taking them on the run.

A life in hiding is not a very charming life and definitely not a life for a 6 and a 10 year old, which makes it probably (however likely or unlikely) that she would have the same lack of proper judgement preventing her from making a decision that would harm them further.

Either you are very naive, you have non-disclosed information or your a troll..

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