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Looking for a new location to move in Thailand. Any suggestions?


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Just down the road from you--Bang Chang--- still nice & quite, reasonable priced Beach locations sale or rent.,its still my favorite beach town--just don't get down there to enough. but If you want to take the big Leap---The Issan Leap-- Udon Thani, there is over 3,700 high rise apartments under construction at the moment--90% are sold--- 81% sold to BKK owners. 2nd university just finished. Internet--real good.

I assume you mean 3700 high rise units :)

Why are Bangkok people buying? Speculation? Thaksin regime heading home?

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Just down the road from you--Bang Chang--- still nice & quite, reasonable priced Beach locations sale or rent.,its still my favorite beach town--just don't get down there to enough. but If you want to take the big Leap---The Issan Leap-- Udon Thani, there is over 3,700 high rise apartments under construction at the moment--90% are sold--- 81% sold to BKK owners. 2nd university just finished. Internet--real good.

I assume you mean 3700 high rise units smile.png

Why are Bangkok people buying? Speculation? Thaksin regime heading home?

As the 'great flood' (that never was) hysteria was ramping up, more and more Bangkokians with cash were filling up the hotels (and there wasn't a whole lot of hotels) and I guess they started looking at rentals and discovered, 'Hey, it's (relatively) cheap up here.' It's only a 1 hour flight or an 8-hour drive (if you stop for kwetiao and a piss) so they started buying up the outside the ring-road plots and prices went up. The developers latched on and started buying the (already high) inside the ring-road plots for at least half a dozen condo projects.

I think that the 90% sold is a bit of developer hype but I know a few foreigner 'long-timers' that have invested in some units, hoping to flip them before the completion to top up their meager pensions.

Back on-topic; anyone know what's the average going rate for a rai of land in the Ban Chang area?

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Living in Thailand for 14 years? Start traveling! Only way to find out.

Only limitation: If you have to work for a living, obviously you will have to stay where the Jobs are and therefore a good part of Thailand will remain "out of reach" for you.


Yeah I've lived here for 14 years. I've been all through Thailand but just as a holiday or weekend get away. Not to research a place to live. I have places in mind but just wanted to hear peoples suggestions? I can learn a lot from them. I've never really considered moving from Rayong until now. Work is not an issue.

Thanks for all the posts!!!!

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Just down the road from you--Bang Chang--- still nice & quite, reasonable priced Beach locations sale or rent.,its still my favorite beach town--just don't get down there to enough. but If you want to take the big Leap---The Issan Leap-- Udon Thani, there is over 3,700 high rise apartments under construction at the moment--90% are sold--- 81% sold to BKK owners. 2nd university just finished. Internet--real good.

I assume you mean 3700 high rise units smile.png

Why are Bangkok people buying? Speculation? Thaksin regime heading home?

As the 'great flood' (that never was) hysteria was ramping up, more and more Bangkokians with cash were filling up the hotels (and there wasn't a whole lot of hotels) and I guess they started looking at rentals and discovered, 'Hey, it's (relatively) cheap up here.' It's only a 1 hour flight or an 8-hour drive (if you stop for kwetiao and a piss) so they started buying up the outside the ring-road plots and prices went up. The developers latched on and started buying the (already high) inside the ring-road plots for at least half a dozen condo projects.

I think that the 90% sold is a bit of developer hype but I know a few foreigner 'long-timers' that have invested in some units, hoping to flip them before the completion to top up their meager pensions.

Back on-topic; anyone know what's the average going rate for a rai of land in the Ban Chang area?

I don't believe the developer hype for a second. 90 percent sold my arse. Look at Pattaya Condos going up everywhere. Who will buy with the current political problems in Tland, deflated world economy, problems in Russia, overinflated prices and the list goes on. A bubble if there ever was one. And there is no way I can believe Bangkokians are going to move to Isaan to avoid the floods. Let's get serious they will go to a beach resort like Cha Am or Chonburi if anything and then there is Hua Hin, Phuket, etc. The units are being driven merely by speculation similar to the US bubble which too will break. Sure some of the owners may be from Isaan living in Bangkok but you can bet the vast majority are pure speculation.

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I guess the smoke pollution doesn't bother those recommending places in the far north? Certainly crossed it of my list of habitable places of an otherwise charming area. I remember after an aborted house hunting trip I couldn't wait to get back to Bangkok from Chiang Rai for breathable air--seriously. In case one has never been there over the course of a year, the smoke pollution season lasts for months and the bad air is plainly visible and causes widespread health problems. I recall one year it sent about a half million people to the hospital. In the worst times of year you are told to avoid exercise and stay indoors with all doors and windows tightly shut. Not for me, but I guess some people learn to tolerate it, certainly the locals do.

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I'm in a similar situation to the op.

I have been living in Bang Chang for the past 2 years, but I have had a lot of ill health since I came here. Last Saturday night I spoke with a Dr that works at BKK Rayong Hospital. I asked him about the pollution and air quality here and he informed me that " Its very bad" and advised me to move away from this area of Rayong, Mattaputt and Bang Chang............Once again the government is doing a great "COVER UP" about the problem.

So I am moving >>>> Not yet sure, but the wife comes from Korat, so that is an option because she owns a house there, she can also return to her work as a teacher, but there are always problems in the air. It seems her Ex husband is upset if we move back to Korat.. He is a high profile Thai and will no doubt loose face if the other Thai's see his wife has chosen an old Aussie.

My loss is the fact that I love the beach and water.wai.gif

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Khon Kaen is the place to be,, It's got everything you need,,,shopping, plenty of bars and restaurants,, but sadly no beach.

but they are already in the process of building a pool theme park, which will be great for the kids.

Also like every where In Thailand,, the land in Khon Kaen is getting very expensive.

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