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I recently resigned from my job after 5.5 months ...they had just got me 1 year single entry permit which is valid untl Feb 2015...I arrived on a non b in January....

I also had a work permit,,, I know usually everyone says you have to leave within 7 days, but they have delayed reporting for one week so i got 2 weeks to exit.

first questions related to one time before I was in a similar position i think, and went to the thai consulate in KL and i think they were saying why are you applying for a 2 month visa when you have until another 6 months for example - who who does HR notify when you leave the labour department or immigration or both?

Does my relatively new visa definitely get cancelled and does this register with immigraton - or could I just stay until the work related visa expires?

If not would I have a problem getting touristt visa??? will i get a 2 month tourist visa? I have a vaiety of work visa tourist visas over the last few years....but not like loads of back to back tourist visas ....usually they are mixed up with jobs,,,,,

Last but not least, if i do need and get a tourist visa -where are they relatively straightforward to get with my above background ? I have been to KL a million times and though i have been most of the others (was point blank refused in pnom penh - said why did i go to Cambodia and not Sing or KL!!) I would like to try visit somewhere else if I can,....

thanks in advance for any suggestions

This might be pinned somewhere....

But if anyone can give me feedback would be appreciated....


You apparently don't have a visa. You have an extension of stay from immigration. The date you job ends your extension also ends and you have to leave the country or apply for a 7 day extension and pay 1900 baht to get 7 days to leave the country. There is no 7 day free grace period.

You employer or you need to cancel your work permit. You would need to cancel your extension of stay (and re-entry permit) at immigration with a letter from your employer stating the date your job ends. You would then need to leave the country or apply for the extension.

You should not have a problem getting a tourist visa.


Thanks for the reply - having looked at my passport more clearly yes it an extension of stay plus a single re-entry permit

...I came in on a non b and then they processed my work permit and the extension to stay runs along side that i presume>?

But when a job finishes how are you meant to be instantly gone outside of Thailand at that point in time? - assuming not working any notice?

I thought that is why there was the 7 day period before you had to be out of Thailand?

If not, then if they have cancelled my work permit as of last friday the 19th I am automatically overstaying from that point and now??

If I dont do anthing and just leave the country lets say next weekend is it going to flag up on immigration computer that I am overstaying even though in passport it says feb 15 2015?

I am in some dispute with the employer, so it is not easy to get help from them about this. The labour department get told about the work permit ... do they then automatcally cancel the extension of stay with immigration?


The 7 free days went away years ago.

Your extension may of not been canceled yet. I have seen no recent report of the labor ministry notifying immigration.

The problem you may have is the valid re-entry permit in your passport. The embassy or consulate where you apply for the tourist visa may ask you about it.


Yes I think that was a problem before another time at the embassy .... so in reality if it is has been cancelled already, then I should have left Thailand already or got an extension for 7 days already?

If it isn't cancelled what to do at KL for example...should i go to immigration here first and get it revoked or amended before I leave for a new visa? Or could I take an employers letter to the consulate in KL informing them i no longer work for them?

' As you are aware, the Company is charged with informing the Thai authorities that you no longer work for XXXXX co. Once ‘Work Permits’ have been revoked, as you know, the recipient has to leave Thailand within 7 days unless further employment is found. To give you some leeway we have decided not to instigate the cancellation of your work permit until a week today, 24th June 2014. This will give you time to leave Thailand by the 30th.

This is what I got from my employer, but from a western guy is not in HR.......but it reinforced the wrong impression I had about the 7 days....

Sorry for all the questions, I have been here for years but it never seems straightforward!


If you have a letter from the employer stating the date you job ends you should do it the correct way and have your extension and re-entry permit canceled by immigration..


Similar situation.

I resigned and had previously had the 1 year extension arranged by the lawyer. I waited a month or two and then decided to switch to a TR visa, i didnt leave within 7 days and nothing correlated on the computer that the WP had been cancelled prior. You have to remember whilst they have a PC that takes your picture do you really believe immigration and work department have the efficiency to share information... contrary to thaivisa it doesnt happen..

When I left via Sungai Kolok the immigration officer didnt even bat an eye. Note i didnt have a re-entry permit (they wanted another few k for that) so you'd have thought the immigration officer would say you know you lose this if you exit, but nowt..

At Kotat bhora I applied for a TR visa, they did briefly question things, but I showed them a letter stating I had resigned and they did issue the TR and never asked why i didnt leave within 7 days it more focus on the eligibility of a TR visa, and kotat bhora is pretty strict.

You'll be fine..


Currently immigration and labour office are not connected. But if a person returns to Thailand again to start working and applies for a work permit and extension of stay both the labour office and immigration might check the details of the last employment and see that something is wrong and start asking questions.


I'd be interested to know if anyone has had any negative impact of not cancelling their visa, I suspect it happens quite a lot as I understand it whilst the company can cancel your work permit the visa is yours.

The last time I left a job I went with the company lawyer to cancel the work permit, the 7 days grace had started as soon as the employment office had been notified. Note that it was the notification date and not my last official date so if they wait a month after you leave you are regarded as still working for them.

The downside was that they didn't tell me when they had told the unemployment office so when I went to cancel the work permit it was 7 days later and I got a same day exit stamp.

Luckily I had another visa with a different government office so rather than leave same day I had to do a mad dash across town to get that one updated, there was some paperwork I needed so I'd recommend you get copies of any paperwork connected with cancelling your work permit.


A visa (entr) does not need to be cancelled, only an extension of stay (if based on employement).

There is no 7 day grace period, you have to leave the country the same day as the employement ends or apply and pay for an extra 7 days. (If you fall under the One Stop Service Centre you do get 7 days to leave without the need for paying for it)..


When I changed jobs I went to the labour office to cancel my work permit and during the process they asked me when I was leaving the country to get a new non B and I replied in a few days time ( I think 3), To save me the hassle of going to get a seven day extension they kindly dated my receipt of cancellation to the date that I was leaving Thailand. If you can cancel your work permit and leave on the same day I would have thought your old visa is automatically cancelled when you leave ( unless you have re-entry I guess). Also if you are leaving the country and intend to return the labour office provides a letter or receipt of cancellation of work permit which should be self explanitary to where ever you go for your new visa.

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