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American Breakfast in CM


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Where can I get a good American breakfast in Chiang Mai.  I'm like craving a Denver Omlette with bacon and linked sausages on the side, toast w/ butter, strawberry jam, and a good strong cup of coffee with cream. 

I eat Thai about 99% of the time, but sometimes these cravings just show up like a long lost relative.  When I first got here 6 years ago or so I had breakfasts at a few different places but was generally rather unimpressed.  For instance, take ham.  Ask for a side of ham and you get this paper thin piece of pork.  I want a slab of ham.  Like 3 or 4 ounces.  Price isn't the issue.  I'll shell out the bucks if the meal is good.  Just need to know where to go?

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Chiang Mai Expats Club (CEC) has a Coffee Morning social gathering twice a month on the first and third Friday of the month, 10 am - 12:00 noon at River Market Restaurant -- run by the same folks at The Dukes. They offer a breakfast buffet that's a great value at 220 baht for CEC members and still a good value at 270 baht for non-members.

The buffet includes a nice omelette (maybe not as cheesy as a Denver omelette, but pretty close), nice thick pieces of ham, great thick, peppery sausage links, and a sausage gravy to die-for. There are biscuits that aren't quite American-style. Really more like British scones. There's other stuff, too, including fried rice that's got lots of veggies and eggs. I've come to like a plate of that fried rice with the American style sausage gravy ladled on top. Talk about fusion cuisine! All very low cal, I'm sure.

I should probably mention these Coffee Mornings are about much more than just food. Usually about 50 people gather and talk. It's a great opportunity to meet new people and for newcomers to ask questions about expat life.

You'll have to wait a while for the next CEC Coffee Morning, though. It won't be until Friday, July 18, at 10 am. Normally, there would be a chance to chow down, American-style (with Thai touches) on Friday, July 4, but River Market is planning a little community celebration on that day and the normal CEC Coffee Morning is cancelled.


That sounds good.  I'll drop that on my calendar.  Thanks much!


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The little cafe by Rimping in the new Maya mall has a nice breakfast set going:   Two eggs, sausage, ham, toast, orange juice, and coffee for a whopping 59 baht.    


i think that would be the Aji Japanese restaurant - unless 2 places share one space? i've seen the signs on the tables for the 59 Baht breakfast. anyway for other than breakfast, Aji is a fantastic new place with very tasty meals at very affordable prices. but more than 59 Baht of course.


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The little cafe by Rimping in the new Maya mall has a nice breakfast set going:   Two eggs, sausage, ham, toast, orange juice, and coffee for a whopping 59 baht.

i think that would be the Aji Japanese restaurant - unless 2 places share one space? i've seen the signs on the tables for the 59 Baht breakfast. anyway for other than breakfast, Aji is a fantastic new place with very tasty meals at very affordable prices. but more than 59 Baht of course.

its not a all day breakfast think they finish serving breakfast at 10.30????
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From what the poster was asking for I don't think 59 baht would even pay for the ham.

Nancy is rite the Buffet breakfast at the River Market fills all the OP requests. The sausage's are real sausage there is also bacon.

they are gearing up for a fourth of July celebration on the 4th other wise they would have one then also. They are on the first and third Friday of the month. Nancy was right on with it being a social affair.  The ones I have attended have all been great.


Sunee's next to Verachie court puts on a good omelet and the best fried potatoes I have had in Thailand. I always order the bacon so I do not know about the ham. She also has a side of sausage that is real good. Around 110 baht.

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Yeah, like I said, money isn't the issue.  I want to walk out and say to myself, "Man 'o Man -- Now that was one heck of bangup breakfast!!!  I don't think I'll need to eat for a week." 

Socializing would be nice to.  Heck I've lived here for six years.  You'd think I'd get to know some of the locals.  It would be nice to put some TV Avatars to human faces and names, and to get to know some of the CEC members.  Especially over a tasty breakfast.  Anywho...I done got it on my calendar. 

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The little cafe by Rimping in the new Maya mall has a nice breakfast set going:   Two eggs, sausage, ham, toast, orange juice, and coffee for a whopping 59 baht.    


i think that would be the Aji Japanese restaurant - unless 2 places share one space? i've seen the signs on the tables for the 59 Baht breakfast. anyway for other than breakfast, Aji is a fantastic new place with very tasty meals at very affordable prices. but more than 59 Baht of course.




That is indeed it.  I was  there looking for a coffee one morning and noticed the sign.   Great value and they do have bigger options.

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Difficult to find, but worth the effort. Google "sausage king, chiangmai" they have a map at their website


here ya go :)


and the rimping 59 baht breakfast at maya mall is good !



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The 59 breakfast is great value but I never feel good afterwards. The ham and sausage is awful and the juice has too much sugar. They only give enough butter for one of the slices of bread. Fried eggs means raw white so omelette is the way to go.

Up the road Boat offers less for similar price but substitutes the rubbish meat for a little bacon, better to get fried eggs here, otherwise too dry.

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I'm not a coffee drinker, but the only complaint I hear with the breakfast buffet at the CEC Coffee Mornings is that they set out little tiny coffee cups. If you ask at the bar, they can come up with a real mug that you can use for the coffee. They're mismatched, freebie mugs that look like sale reps have given them, but at least they hold the proper amount of coffee for breakfast.
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I have search everywhere for a good western breakfast in Chiangmai and have yet to find one. fortunately I am a chef so cook my own, suggest you do the same. The rimping supermarket is the best sorce for the ingredients. Dukes however do very good American food but not sure if they do breakfast.

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There are plenty of good Western breakfasts available in Chiang Mai and especially if you include the places that do British breakfasts as well. I am guessing that you like to cook, but some of us rather not - hence this thread. 

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Bake and bite. The best. Bar none. End of subject.period. Take it to the bank. Run don't walk.

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Butter is Better gives them a run for their money IMO.  Blueberry pancakes with bacon and eggs.  Awesome.

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The 59 breakfast is great value but I never feel good afterwards. The ham and sausage is awful and the juice has too much sugar. They only give enough butter for one of the slices of bread. Fried eggs means raw white so omelette is the way to go.

Up the road Boat offers less for similar price but substitutes the rubbish meat for a little bacon, better to get fried eggs here, otherwise too dry.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

You saying its "great value" and then saying its awful etc etc. Classic case of you get what you pay for so where's the "value"


I don't believe anyone could do a reasonable cooked breakfast under 120 baht +  and make money. 

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Chicken Fried Steak Breakfast



Maybe something like this ????


For starters that is


I know that some people would love this breakfast, but those 'sunny-side up' eggs just about make me want to gag. 
I've learned one phrase for eggs:  ow kai suk suk maak.  And I still sometimes get them runny at which point I smile and politely ask to talk with the English speaking waitress and tell her to have them cooked until you can bounce them off the grill.   That must be some oddity I inherited from my father who absolutely hated runny eggs.  If fact, I like my sauces on the side in a small bowl and the only runny thing I want on my plate is melting cheese.  But thanks for the picture and suggestion.  I'm sure someone would love to eat that pictured breakfast. 





Well, you are surely welcome........ and many someones seem to like it.....  some choose eggs over, or over easy, or even scrambled.   But to each his own.  

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Chiang Mai Expats Club (CEC) has a Coffee Morning social gathering twice a month on the first and third Friday of the month, 10 am - 12:00 noon at River Market Restaurant -- run by the same folks at The Dukes. They offer a breakfast buffet that's a great value at 220 baht for CEC members and still a good value at 270 baht for non-members.

The buffet includes a nice omelette (maybe not as cheesy as a Denver omelette, but pretty close), nice thick pieces of ham, great thick, peppery sausage links, and a sausage gravy to die-for. There are biscuits that aren't quite American-style. Really more like British scones. There's other stuff, too, including fried rice that's got lots of veggies and eggs. I've come to like a plate of that fried rice with the American style sausage gravy ladled on top. Talk about fusion cuisine! All very low cal, I'm sure.

I should probably mention these Coffee Mornings are about much more than just food. Usually about 50 people gather and talk. It's a great opportunity to meet new people and for newcomers to ask questions about expat life.

You'll have to wait a while for the next CEC Coffee Morning, though. It won't be until Friday, July 18, at 10 am. Normally, there would be a chance to chow down, American-style (with Thai touches) on Friday, July 4, but River Market is planning a little community celebration on that day and the normal CEC Coffee Morning is cancelled.

It must have changed,
Last time I went it was English cut bacon, no ham, no biscuits, no gravy, the usual Thai attempt at scrambled eggs (stir fried in oil in a wok).
Sausages and bread was good, but English style.
More of an English breakfast IMHO.
The Thai food was totally inedible. Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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Sausage King - off by the side road after the lotus at Meechok junction. Difficult to find, but worth the effort. Google "sausage king, chiangmai" they have a map at their website.


No American breakfast there, English breakfast with choice of English or American cut bacon.
Don't get me wrong, the English breakfast is good, but it ain't American.

Thai food is inedible, don't let your gf order any, she won't eat it.
Staff appear Burmese, no Thai staff as far as I can see, so hardly surprising they can't cook Thai food.
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