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Unofficial Tv Phuket Pissup


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come on !!!!!!!!

thats only three people, must be more than that lurking that would be happy to attend


Well, for the next one I shall bring along toothfairy (whom I married recently) and my cousin is over from China. I have no doubt a few others will have worked up a thirst by then.

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ahem.....thanks a lot jdinasia! i dont get to log on too much these days, but will do after i move into MY NEW HOME! i think ive found a great place to live not far from you jd. goody. we may just be neighbours!

anyway, im up for a get together again. make it a sat night and im in.

and...yes...i can help arrange it ... if i must!

Good ... we can let Donna and Khall and Sir Burr organize :o
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Looks like I will be there that date too! Have tentatively confirmed (Incl. 2 friends visiting) in the other thread started! Looking forward to see some of you again!

Shell - come on - get your butt here!


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  • 3 weeks later...
So..um, what's happening?

Never been to a TV pissup B4.... is it on or not?

It's been dealt with on another thread, but please come: Sat 5th August, 7.30pm meet at the 2 Black Sheep, Patong.

No idea what it'll be like, as I've never been to one before. C u there.

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So..um, what's happening?

Never been to a TV pissup B4.... is it on or not?

It's been dealt with on another thread, but please come: Sat 5th August, 7.30pm meet at the 2 Black Sheep, Patong.

No idea what it'll be like, as I've never been to one before. C u there.


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