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Unbearably sad songs only


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I'm beggared if I'm gonna trawl through nigh on 150 posts just to see if my nomination has already been included (which it surely has) so I'm just gonna post it (maybe someone could figure out a way of making a "Top-Ten" miserable sad songs).

Anyway, here it is (Alone again, naturally):

Another that can "bring a lump to my throat (all the more through being currently "estranged" from my eldest son is:

The Living Years:

If ever a happiest song list is contrived, might I ask for this to be considered?

Boogie Wonderland:

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One that I'll bet a thousand Bhat has not been listed is this:

The Kick Inside (it's a conversation between a pre-aborted child and its carrying mother which, along with other Kate Bush penned songs leads me to believe her upbringing and "family/sibling relationships" were not [ahum] quite what we would call "conventional"):

Beautiful song (despite her apparent fkd-up upbringing) nonetheless:

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One that I'll bet a thousand Bhat has not been listed is this:

The Kick Inside (it's a conversation between a pre-aborted child and its carrying mother which, along with other Kate Bush penned songs leads me to believe her upbringing and "family/sibling relationships" were not [ahum] quite what we would call "conventional"):

Beautiful song (despite her apparent fkd-up upbringing) nonetheless:

Oops. Seems I mixed up my "Bushaphores".

The song she penned as a, soon to be aborted, embryo was in fact "Breathing" - not "The Kick Inside", as I stated (it's been awhile since I renewed the aquaintance I once held so dear with my vinyl record collection, is my excuse - that and the possible onset of dementia, perhaps sad.png .

The Kick Inside was a suicide-note ballad (written when she was only a mid-teen) which contains the, oft-repeated, chorus:

This kicking, here inside

Makes me leave you behind

No more under the sheets to "keep you warm"

Your sister I was born

You must lose me, like an arrow

Shot into the killer-storm

Make your own minds up as to her early sibling relationships.....I have.

Edited by Duggsie
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Strangely, this song gives me hope. Sorry there is no video of the author, Randy Newman singing it. I just heard it again this morning. Great stuff.

"Better Off Dead"

When you fall in love with someone
Who doesn't love you
Someone who treats you so badly
It ramifies your head
Someone who doesn't want you
But won't let you go
Someone who thinks you're crazy
And tells you so
Over and over
If this happens to you
You'd be better off dead

You might be surprised to learn how often it can happen
In a love affair
(And boy does it hurt)
You fall in love with someone for whom you really care
And they treat you just like dirt
They make you feel all fat and fumbly
Make you feel kind of dirty and flirty
Hey I'm talking to you
Didn't you hear what I said?

Better off dead
Than living with someone
Whose every word's like a knife that cuts through you
Better off dead
Than living with someone
Who just doesn't give a shit what happens to you
You know that it's wrong
But you go on and on and on
Better off dead
Better off dead
Better off dead

When you fall in love with someone
Who doesn't love you
You better run for daylight
Just as fast as you can (Little man)
Forget your foolish dreams and schemes that things will work out in the end
Put some real mileage between yourself and the object of your love my friend
Or become what you see
Yes, a loser like me
Someone who'd be
Better off dead
Better off dead
Better off

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Frank, thanks for putting those lyrics up for it gives me a chance to do the same, only it's a poem by W H Auden. I was very lucky in my final years at school because we had to study the poets and writers of the 1930s, no difficult Chaucer or Shakespeare, rather John Betjeman's ' Come friendly bombs, fall on Slough' was a typical piece we studied, (should have been Hull or Doncaster, but that's another story!)

One poem that has always stuck in my mind is Auden's 'Musee des Beaux Arts' poem, the essence being that whilst someone is suffering, someone else is laughing, our pains are subjective, whilst we mourn and grieve, others are oblivious and living their own lives with their own joys and pains.

Doctors tell patients they have cancer stage 4, innocent tourists are murdered on foreign beaches, civilians die in their thousands in wars in the Middle East, innocent students are shot dead in Bang Sue whilst going home on a motorbike.... but we carry on living our lives regardless, the nature of survival.

Musee des Beaux Arts
W. H. Auden
About suffering they were never wrong,
The old Masters: how well they understood
Its human position: how it takes place
While someone else is eating or opening a window or just walking dully along;
How, when the aged are reverently, passionately waiting
For the miraculous birth, there always must be
Children who did not specially want it to happen, skating
On a pond at the edge of the wood:
They never forgot
That even the dreadful martyrdom must run its course
Anyhow in a corner, some untidy spot
Where the dogs go on with their doggy life and the torturer's horse
Scratches its innocent behind on a tree.
In Breughel's Icarus, for instance: how everything turns away
Quite leisurely from the disaster; the ploughman may
Have heard the splash, the forsaken cry,
But for him it was not an important failure; the sun shone
As it had to on the white legs disappearing into the green
Water, and the expensive delicate ship that must have seen
Something amazing, a boy falling out of the sky,
Had somewhere to get to and sailed calmly on.
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A terribly sad song about a man driven to murdering his whole family on Christmas Eve 1929 in Carolina. The version by Dave Alvin is the best but is not on You Tube so here are the lyrics and the Wiki link to the story. .


The Murder of the Lawson Family

It was on last Christmas Evening
A snow was on the ground
In a home in North Carolina
Where the murderer he was found
His name was Charlie Lawson
And he had a loving wife
But we'll never know what caused him
To take his family's life.

They say he killed his wife at first
And the little ones did cry
"Please papa, papa, spare our lives
For it is so hard to die".
But the raging man could not be stopped
He would not heed their call
And he kept on firing fatal shots
Until he killed them all

And when the sad, sad news was heard
It was a great surprise
He killed six children and his wife
And then he closed their eyes
"And now farewell, kind friends and home
I'II see you all no more
Into my heart I'll fire a fatal shot
Then my troubles will be o'er."

They did not carry him to jail
No lawyers did he pay
He'll have his trial in another world
On the final judgment day
They all were buried in a crowded grave
While angels watched above
"Come home, come home, my little ones
To the land of peace and love."

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  • 2 months later...

Jerry Lee Lewis-----You Win Again (by Hank Williams)


George Jones-----He Stopped Loving her Today


You are right about the George Jones one Frank.

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