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Street dogs chasing me when I ride on my bicycle


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I'd be really curious to know how many TVers ride around town with hot dogs, sausages and dog biscuits in their pockets, not to mention stun guns / tasers and high frequency whistles. It would certainly keep those intent on visiting the new Thaivisa Lounge Bar on their toes.

Just worried that people arriving at the new bar on the 4th July will be searched at the door.

In case they came by bike........................tongue.png

Edit: Everyone would need to be searched as nobody is going to admit arriving by bicycle..............

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I jumped to this thread because I am currently dealing with the soi dog issue. I run a number of kilometers every day and generally have no problems. Yet 3 times in the past week I was nearly attacked. What I have learned in life and here in Bkk is generally what the guy in the first video advises- never turn your back, never run, and don't let them get in behind you. So I notice they often let me pass as if they are tricking me, then slide in behind me and close the distance. Wow! Requires constant vigilance. I've noticed a bunch do this. As I am going down a street, where I see a number ahead, I began rolling my arms during my jog, in circle, making myself appear large. As I close (but not too close in case it doesn't work) I let out a loud scream! Yea, i know, but it works each time- Hrmm, except once.

I decided to try those ultrasonic dog repellers. I ordered from Aliexpress (cheaper than DHGate) and since they were so cheap I got 4 for slightly more than one would cost on DHGate- enroute. I figure I will try them all and use the best for running, and keep others around house and in car. (My father in law is terrified of soi dogs; perhaps I'll give him the one I don't want to use :-)).

Warning, it is reported that not all dogs respond to this. Perhaps the older dogs have decreased hearing like the old geezers on TV. Wish me luck because shortly I am going to be a soi dog zapping mofo!

Remember, a pack of dogs can kill a man without much effort.

How many men killed by dogs in Thailand in the past 10 years?

Mother Nature Network article on the internet, the most likely animals to kill you, are 1) mosquitoes, 2) hippos, 3) deer, 4) bees, 5) dogs, 6) ants, 7) jellyfish, 8) cows, 9) horses, 10) spiders, and 11) rattlesnakes.

Thailand doesn't have rattle snakes.

Of course, statistically it may be correct that dogs are way down the list of threats in Thailand. I don't know about the others but I am not overly concerned about the dogs; they do not change my plans each day. But after three recent "bouts" of dogs slipping in behind me, I am concerned that one will take a pass at my Achilles- that seems to be where they are aiming for; the behavior, when I see it, is the same as when I note dogs going after a motorbike or car tire as it passes. Guns, sticks, poisons, etc., as others have commented on, seems seriously overboard for sure. In fact, it is foolish. But I am hoping the ultrasonic thingy may be enough to ward them off. Even if all dogs don't respond having some bolt may be enough to remove myself safely from the moment.

I think a man, having witnessed the dogs will at times go after him, would be a fool not to try and mitigate this. Relying on statistics instead of his own experience is just foolhardy. From bicycles to running there are some noninvasive tools that can help exit a scenario- I am hoping! If I find my plan works, I will update here and advise others which items worked- I ordered 4 different Ultrasound devices.

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I jumped to this thread because I am currently dealing with the soi dog issue. I run a number of kilometers every day and generally have no problems. Yet 3 times in the past week I was nearly attacked. What I have learned in life and here in Bkk is generally what the guy in the first video advises- never turn your back, never run, and don't let them get in behind you. So I notice they often let me pass as if they are tricking me, then slide in behind me and close the distance. Wow! Requires constant vigilance. I've noticed a bunch do this. As I am going down a street, where I see a number ahead, I began rolling my arms during my jog, in circle, making myself appear large. As I close (but not too close in case it doesn't work) I let out a loud scream! Yea, i know, but it works each time- Hrmm, except once.

I decided to try those ultrasonic dog repellers. I ordered from Aliexpress (cheaper than DHGate) and since they were so cheap I got 4 for slightly more than one would cost on DHGate- enroute. I figure I will try them all and use the best for running, and keep others around house and in car. (My father in law is terrified of soi dogs; perhaps I'll give him the one I don't want to use :-)).

Warning, it is reported that not all dogs respond to this. Perhaps the older dogs have decreased hearing like the old geezers on TV. Wish me luck because shortly I am going to be a soi dog zapping mofo!

Remember, a pack of dogs can kill a man without much effort.

How many men killed by dogs in Thailand in the past 10 years?

Mother Nature Network article on the internet, the most likely animals to kill you, are 1) mosquitoes, 2) hippos, 3) deer, 4) bees, 5) dogs, 6) ants, 7) jellyfish, 8) cows, 9) horses, 10) spiders, and 11) rattlesnakes.

Thailand doesn't have rattle snakes.

Not that many hippos either.

But they might just be hiding, you never know.

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I agree with this friendly approach. My dogs bark at people and I expect to be barked at by other dogs, but if stop and call them over in a calm pleasant tone of voice they seem to look on that favorably. They either come over for a sniff and a tail wag or act stuckup and walk away. I interperet aggression on the part of other riders as a sign of fear and weakness, and I am guessing the dogs do too.

I have waited patiently for some one to suggest the method tried, tested and works that I have used for the last couple of years around Mabrachan and district, those who occasionally ride out with me will verify my words.

Most of the time it is the habit of dogs to chase anything new or different in their territory and this can become a game or habit that they seemingly enjoy even after two years of 5 times a week on the same route.

I remember when I first was attractive to these many dogs I was sensibly scared and I am sure that my adrenaline was flowing to the extent that it made the problem worse.

Now I just speak with a pleasant and reassuring tone and presto they just seem to lose interest, the occasional newbie dog sometimes shows more aggression but I slow down and look him straight in the eye continue to speak in a calm and quiet manner, it seems the slower I go the less he wants to be aggressive.

I dont think that I have come up against a rabid, crazy dog yet and accept that in that case my tactics may not work but for the normal sort of Soi dogs and there are hundreds in the Mabrachan and Pong areas, I have never had a serious problem.

When in company of other friends whilst out riding on their first outings around Mabrachan, they have reacted in a scared, loud and aggressive manner hoping to frighten these dogs, it just doesn't and didn't work but calmly talking to them in a friendly way does seem to work, my co bikers have been converted and now employ a calm and controlled way of talking to these dogs who soon lose interest.

Dogs that chase cars bikes walkers will always do this IMO and need to be understood perhaps and responded to in the least menacing manner

Bit difficult to be nice and friendly when they are hanging on to your leg.

I have been bitten 4 times now, twice when walking and twice on the bike and have gone through the rabies anti tet injection thing.

Kicking them makes no difference so I have used the lock on the end of the chain I use to lock the bike.

Not a good solution for it is difficult to keep control while swing at one and when there is one on each side impossible.

Will try the spray bottle, see what I can find tomorrow.

I have had dogs all by life before I came here sometimes 5 or 6 at a time, if any of them had ever bitten anyone they would have been dead immediately, people come first before dogs.

Here they seem to get away with anything, people even drive around them when they are asleep on the road.

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On the soi I live on, there is one dog, a small "10 to 15 lb", shaggy matted hair, and blind with both eyes covered in green puss. I am the only farang down the soi and I am the only one she chases. She never tries to bite, just loves to run 6 inches away from my foot, and bark like crazy. I pass this dog several times each day, and I think that she must know the sound of my motorcycle. I have hit her with a small bamboo, and she will stop for a few days. There is a large red retriever type male dog who tries to protect me from this little bitch when he is around, great dog. I have tried fried chicken, sausage, chicken bones, and dog biscuits. The dog will stop and eat and then proceed to chase me again. I have stopped hitting her and just let her do her thing, hopefully I will outlive her.

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Dogs are pack animals - stop your bike and get off - approach the leader ( who will be easy to identify in most cases ) encourage it to come close, make a fuss and then sink your teeth in its ear as hard as you can - they will leave you alone after that I can assure you.

Good idea to have a bottle of disinfectant mouth wash at hand........

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Dogs are pack animals - stop your bike and get off - approach the leader ( who will be easy to identify in most cases ) encourage it to come close, make a fuss and then sink your teeth in its ear as hard as you can - they will leave you alone after that I can assure you.

Good idea to have a bottle of disinfectant mouth wash at hand........

And a glass eye to pop in after the dog removes your real one.

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Dogs are pack animals - stop your bike and get off - approach the leader ( who will be easy to identify in most cases ) encourage it to come close, make a fuss and then sink your teeth in its ear as hard as you can - they will leave you alone after that I can assure you.

Good idea to have a bottle of disinfectant mouth wash at hand........

And a glass eye to pop in after the dog removes your real one.

On this we are in complete agreement - in a thread marked by some incredibly silly 'advice' this must rank right up there with the silliest (and potentially the most dangerous) of the lot.

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Sometimes I chase dogs if I see them riding the bicycle but I never bite them.

Install those loud air horns on your bicycle, give it a nice blast when they come. Next time they wont even hear you go pass them. cheesy.gif

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Just stop and "talk" to the dogs. Dont show them any fear!!! Then they wont harm you!!

These dogs are very street-smart and chase you if you're afraid, not for anger but for fun.

Like they can smell it. I think it is some chemical you're transpiring when you're afraid.

If youre relaxed and not afraid, they'll be your friends and only bark for fun....

I know about this, because i've been a "dog-man" in all my life and know thai streeet dogs quite well.

If you use the Glock and poisening alternative, I think you will be the enemy of all human and dog communities including the now efficient police force.

Better you check your permission to carry a gun, now when the new orders are in force.

I can not belive you have a permission to carry concieledf and shot your "glock" in public streeets

RGDS Johan

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Distribute little snacks to them everyday. After a few days they will be trotting alongside your bike with tails wagging.

Then stop feeding them ... *k em!

Evil Dog Whisperer.

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The Glock seems a little extreme.

Salt in the face seems like a good option. If it gets eyes, nose or mouth I think you are guaranteed a safe ride and a very distracted dog.

Best non-aggressive option I can offer is treat them. Had a similar problem with 2 dogs yapping and chasing. For the best and quickest result, stop the bike and toss the treat to them. They may not instantly realise what's happening 'cos Thai dogs are usually treated like sh*t.

But they'll soon get the idea.

You may find they still come after you on your bike, but happily not nastily. Hoping to get a bit more.

If you go for the stop option, try and stop wherever the dogs normally rest. They'll get used to that as well and usually wait for you.

If it works, everyone's a winner. No jail time, happy cyclist and happy dogs.

Treats I use are chicken flavoured, cost 99 baht from tesco and I break them in half.

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect Thailand1403793158.955427.jpg

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Forget to take them with you one day and you'll have all the dogs chasing you and barking "where are our treats?"

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=Muggi 1968=

When i bycicle around here the dogs get more and more aggressive.

and many times chase me on bicycle and try to bit me....

(when the thai famelies forget to close their gates)

What can i do ???


Drive with a car around. thumbsup.gif

That is no answer it is just stupid. Why should he get a car? What right do the dogs have to be on the street? GROW UP.

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You from the US by any chance ?

Easy solution stop riding your bike and buy a car

What a stupid post.

It's not stupid. It is an example that any thread however innocuous can be turned into a USA bash. Some people have very fragile egos and massive inferiority complexes that can only be assuaged by mocking others in an attempt to shore up there own selves. USA bash, Thai bash and the grammar police - all the same kind of folks.

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You from the US by any chance ?

Easy solution stop riding your bike and buy a car

What a stupid post.

It's not stupid. It is an example that any thread however innocuous can be turned into a USA bash. Some people have very fragile egos and massive inferiority complexes that can only be assuaged by mocking others in an attempt to shore up there own selves. USA bash, Thai bash and the grammar police - all the same kind of folks.

If it is as you say then it is still stupid.

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You from the US by any chance ?

Easy solution stop riding your bike and buy a car

What a stupid post.

It's not stupid. It is an example that any thread however innocuous can be turned into a USA bash. Some people have very fragile egos and massive inferiority complexes that can only be assuaged by mocking others in an attempt to shore up there own selves. USA bash, Thai bash and the grammar police - all the same kind of folks.

If it is as you say then it is still stupid.

Calling a basheroo or GP stupid will only get you told you have no sense of humor because they can dish it out but are sensitive souls when it comes to taking it.

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It's not stupid. It is an example that any thread however innocuous can be turned into a USA bash. Some people have very fragile egos and massive inferiority complexes that can only be assuaged by mocking others in an attempt to shore up there own selves. USA bash, Thai bash and the grammar police - all the same kind of folks.

If it is as you say then it is still stupid.

Calling a basheroo or GP stupid will only get you told you have no sense of humor because they can dish it out but are sensitive souls when it comes to taking it.

I didn't call anybody stupid I called a post stupid. I still see no credibility in the post so stand by my original thoughts on the post that it is stupid.

Nothing you have said has / will make me change my mind on that. END OF DISCUSSION.

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