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Smoking in Chiang Mai


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The few smokers that I know are quite considerate. They step out onto the sidewalk e.g. before lighting up. I did too, when I smoked for a few decades.

The smokers on this thread put up infantile, asinine, posts like a child deprived of his candy bar.

Sad, but what rational, adult, reason exists for smoking? The physical addiction is not really very strong - it's more a mental issue.

For some the physical addiction of nicotine is greater than heroin or cocaine, so your conjecture is flat wrong... Typical TV expert...

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I think a lot of Millennials were raised on the joysticks of video games, and not outside in the elements. They seem extra sensitive to the smoke. They should actually look in the mirror and figure out why they are the laughing stock of HR Departments across the globe, and why they have a negative net worth. If you live here in March and April; you are basically smoking a pack a day. The oldest company on the New York Stock Exchange is Lorillard; a tobacco company. It yields over 4%...if you can't beat 'em; join 'em. The American/Canadian/ and Euro-Trash chicks would average 90 KG if it weren't for the ciggies.

The people that have given themselves Type II Diabetes are way more costly to the healthcare system.

Please don't piss my grandma off......

I give a damn about the healthcare costs of anybody, but I don't like to sit in a smoking area for diff. reasons, caused smoke bother me and this is the point you missed. sick.gif

To your trash comment: If all smokers would stop to smoke and instead to move their asses, then they would stay in good health with a proper weight. giggle.gif

The same is with all drinkers and not only alc, also all this sweet oversugered bullshit and don't forget all the unhealthy fastfood.

But there would be then another problem quick 50% or more of the hopitals could be closed and a lot of insurances would having economical problems.wacko.png

Don't forget all the Doctors and nurses a lot would be unemployed very sad.sad.png

The main problem is, a lot of smokers missing 1 important word in their vocabulary


but this is not only about smoking this is a general problem in our world,

Lack of tolerance.

Carpe diem wai2.gif

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Many laws in Thailand are ignored, so that is not going to protect you. This is not Canada and most likely you are going to be exposed to cigarette smoke pretty regularly.

Not only would he be exposed to the smoke, he would also be exposed to many who complain they cannot light up in a restaurant.

Can't say as I have heard any complaints other than on Thai Visa. They have people who complain to have some thing to do. Also the ones who want every thing like back home.

For sure know that there is not that many smokers here in Chiang Mai.

98% of the Europeans in CM smoke. I counted!! 555

This is a very unqualifiied comment.

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The few smokers that I know are quite considerate. They step out onto the sidewalk e.g. before lighting up. I did too, when I smoked for a few decades.

The smokers on this thread put up infantile, asinine, posts like a child deprived of his candy bar.

Sad, but what rational, adult, reason exists for smoking? The physical addiction is not really very strong - it's more a mental issue.

For some the physical addiction of nicotine is greater than heroin or cocaine, so your conjecture is flat wrong... Typical TV expert...

I think you're both right - it's highly physically addictive, but overcoming it is mostly a mental rather than physical thing.

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The few smokers that I know are quite considerate. They step out onto the sidewalk e.g. before lighting up. I did too, when I smoked for a few decades.

The smokers on this thread put up infantile, asinine, posts like a child deprived of his candy bar.

Sad, but what rational, adult, reason exists for smoking? The physical addiction is not really very strong - it's more a mental issue.

For some the physical addiction of nicotine is greater than heroin or cocaine, so your conjecture is flat wrong... Typical TV expert...

You are meant to believe that it is nearly impossible to stop buying this product. But millions have, my fellow TV expert.

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With the famously filthy air in the north, how can anyone complain about a little whiff of tobacco smoke?? What's so much worse is the several month's long smokey season that comes every year, the constant smoke belching of motorcycles, diesels and the inconsiderate burning of garbage all over the country................that will do you more damage than a casual whiff of tobacco smoke IMHO.

I'm a smoker and I try my best to be considerate of others by never smoking indoors [even in my own house] and will take a puff down in the carbon monoxide filled parking garage down under the superstores and still get dirty looks from the passers by.

And all the hype about 2nd hand smoke issue, I think is highly overrated, but I do spare as many as I can of my deadly 2nd hand smoke, especially children..

Bottom line........................CM [and Asia in general] is so full of smoke that you shouldn't bother coming if it bothers you, or stay in a clean hotel like the 'Downtowner' where all rooms are smoke free.

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Ive noticed its the Given Up lot that makes the most Fuss. Frankly, a pain in the Bum.Had a Meal in or regular outdoor place, and a guest at our table of non smokers spotted someone light up well away from us. When he had finished boring us all with Health Issues, i asked if he had given up. or never smoked.Given Up..Cant recall ever hearing Rants from those who never smoked.Id sooner sit with a Smoker than a Golfer, now they can really upset me.Playing the Air Putter.biggrin.png

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The few smokers that I know are quite considerate. They step out onto the sidewalk e.g. before lighting up. I did too, when I smoked for a few decades.

The smokers on this thread put up infantile, asinine, posts like a child deprived of his candy bar.

Sad, but what rational, adult, reason exists for smoking? The physical addiction is not really very strong - it's more a mental issue.

For some the physical addiction of nicotine is greater than heroin or cocaine, so your conjecture is flat wrong... Typical TV expert...

He's not wrong at all. Its hardly noticeable coming off it.

Read Allen Carr's "easy way to stop smoking" before shooting off false facts.

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With the famously filthy air in the north, how can anyone complain about a little whiff of tobacco smoke?? What's so much worse is the several month's long smokey season that comes every year, the constant smoke belching of motorcycles, diesels and the inconsiderate burning of garbage all over the country................that will do you more damage than a casual whiff of tobacco smoke IMHO.

I'm a smoker and I try my best to be considerate of others by never smoking indoors [even in my own house] and will take a puff down in the carbon monoxide filled parking garage down under the superstores and still get dirty looks from the passers by.

And all the hype about 2nd hand smoke issue, I think is highly overrated, but I do spare as many as I can of my deadly 2nd hand smoke, especially children..

Bottom line........................CM [and Asia in general] is so full of smoke that you shouldn't bother coming if it bothers you, or stay in a clean hotel like the 'Downtowner' where all rooms are smoke free.

As a smoker i had every excuse in the world as well. Goes hand in hand with nicotine addiction. Disease of denial etc.

Lets see how you view it if you ever kick it.

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One study finds no "clear" link. Gee, that tells us - nothing.

The tobacco CEO's that swore before congress that they believed smoking was not addictive also had some studies.

There are plenty of studies to show similar results.

Just consider what percentage of people grew up in a house with at least one smoker, or worked with a smoker, or shared confined spaces with smokers regularly?

If second hand smoke was so horrendous vast tracts (50%+) of the adult population would be dying of lung cancers. Only 30%, of all lung cancers are attributed to smoking anyway.

That's because they suffered the fate of my smoking friends and had not only lung cancer, who grew up in an age of ignorance, were not discouraged to smoke, and smokes were cheap.

My ex-smoking friends, now passed away when they were in their late fifties and early sixties, had tongue cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer, throat cancer. The photos on those cigarette packets are not photoshopped!

Why do you think the biggest hospital in all of Indonesia, is the Cancer hospital? It's there because it's needed.

For goodness sake, admit that smoking is a fool's game and stop waffling on! w00t.gif

I am talking about 2nd hand smoking......

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Most places I go are non smoking. Loads of them.

My wife has a very sensitive nose.

You'll find these days they have smoking rooms but they are only allocated on request. Normally they aponk a bit of smoke, but so do smokers so we don't give a toss.


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How can anyone complain about foul smells when foul smells are the norm all over Asia. Rotting fish, chillis, open garbage everywhere, burning anything anywhere at any time, smoke belching vehicles, dead animals, open markets, open sewers etc etc. Asia is a stinking continent and an occasional little whiff of 2nd hand tobacco smoke ain't going to kill you.

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How can anyone complain about foul smells when foul smells are the norm all over Asia. Rotting fish, chillis, open garbage everywhere, burning anything anywhere at any time, smoke belching vehicles, dead animals, open markets, open sewers etc etc. Asia is a stinking continent and an occasional little whiff of 2nd hand tobacco smoke ain't going to kill you.

No it ain't. But it is still unpleasant to the non smokers around them in those situations, so a little respect wouldn't go astray (ashtray).

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How can anyone complain about foul smells when foul smells are the norm all over Asia. Rotting fish, chillis, open garbage everywhere, burning anything anywhere at any time, smoke belching vehicles, dead animals, open markets, open sewers etc etc. Asia is a stinking continent and an occasional little whiff of 2nd hand tobacco smoke ain't going to kill you.

No it ain't. But it is still unpleasant to the non smokers around them in those situations, so a little respect wouldn't go astray (ashtray).

I have no problem with non-smokers not wishing to be exposed when they are eating, or in an environment where smoking is not permitted. I smoke in neither.

But where it is expected, I take exception to the tired old litany of stupid dirty looks, constant tutting and murmured moans, and do everything I can to blow smoke in their direction for being d***heads.

If you don't like places where people smoke (and are allowed to), just **** off, it's quite simple.

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Did I really read 138 replies to my question? Yes I did, and it’s all good. Learned a lot about conditions in Chiang Mai from the people who would know - boots on the ground.

I don’t think smoking is just a first world issue. Davao City among others has banned smoking in all public places, even outdoors, and enforced it. Of course they still have pollution from cars, trucks and heavy industry, which they should be trying to reduce. But it occurs to me that those things produce benefits for everyone, even those who don’t smoke. I don’t think we can say the same about enabling the frequent and convenient access of drug addicts to their fix. Unless you consider killing off a sizable percentage of the population a couple of decades sooner a benefit to society (population control, perhaps?).

But I realize most of Asia does not emulate North America. A lot of people there smoke, and change will come slowly in places where people hesitate to stand up for their rights. Some 46% of Thai men smoke according to world bank data (doesn’t say how much or how often) compared to only 3% of Thai women. Plus a lot of smokers are in denial about their drug habit and the harm it does to themselves and others, and this seems to be universal. (some of the flamers gave me a laugh, and it’s always fun when people start throwing the N-word around, that’s N for Nazi)

It’s too bad I can’t get a better sense of Asia’s smell from youtube videos. Still, Chiang Mai looks like a good place to live by Asia standards. It sounds like there is a fair bit of consideration for non-smokers, though could be better. Plus inexpensive, and it’s good that there is an expat community there. If I do decide to visit Asia I would definitely consider checking it out, though I probably wouldn’t stay beyond January due to the intense heat and air pollution. Overall it sounds kinda dicey. I’m leaning towards Brazil for my next trip = expensive, but better the devil you know.

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How can anyone complain about foul smells when foul smells are the norm all over Asia. Rotting fish, chillis, open garbage everywhere, burning anything anywhere at any time, smoke belching vehicles, dead animals, open markets, open sewers etc etc. Asia is a stinking continent and an occasional little whiff of 2nd hand tobacco smoke ain't going to kill you.

No it ain't. But it is still unpleasant to the non smokers around them in those situations, so a little respect wouldn't go astray (ashtray).

I have no problem with non-smokers not wishing to be exposed when they are eating, or in an environment where smoking is not permitted. I smoke in neither.

But where it is expected, I take exception to the tired old litany of stupid dirty looks, constant tutting and murmured moans, and do everything I can to blow smoke in their direction for being d***heads.

If you don't like places where people smoke (and are allowed to), just **** off, it's quite simple.

Agreed, if it's in a smoking area.

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How can anyone complain about foul smells when foul smells are the norm all over Asia. Rotting fish, chillis, open garbage everywhere, burning anything anywhere at any time, smoke belching vehicles, dead animals, open markets, open sewers etc etc. Asia is a stinking continent and an occasional little whiff of 2nd hand tobacco smoke ain't going to kill you.

That is faulty logic. So you wouldn't complain if you were exposed to nulear radiation based on what you say. One little wiff won'tkill you,just light you up. 555

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At the end of the day, being a wet smoker (only when I drink) showing a little consideration to others while they are eating is no big deal. Most places in CM are smoke free anyway, or they have a smoking area. When sparking up if I notice someone nearby eating its easy enough to ask, or just wait until they have finished their meal.

However, getting bad attitude or being TOLD not to smoke, if in a smoking area, will only be ignored while I happily puff away. smile.png

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The worst is when people just smoke away with out a care for the kids around them.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

That's the worst is it?

You've led a sheltered life then.

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The worst is when people just smoke away with out a care for the kids around them.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

That's the worst is it?

You've led a sheltered life then.

Ok then smart guy, what's worse with regards to passive smoking? Smoking around kids is right up there.

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The worst is when people just smoke away with out a care for the kids around them.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

That's the worst is it?

You've led a sheltered life then.

Ok then smart guy, what's worse with regards to passive smoking? Smoking around kids is right up there.

Oh,, so we're doing the list of smoking "offences" are we?


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The worst is when people just smoke away with out a care for the kids around them.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

That's the worst is it?

You've led a sheltered life then.

The worst type of inconsiderate smoking.

Not talking about worst thing in the whole world.

Personally I liked clubs better when they were all dark and smokey- so you couldn't smell the BO and farts. I can't stand the stink of rave type clubs now - minging.

But smoking around kids is very inconsiderate; especially other peoples; but smoking around your own makes you look like a terrible parent, selfish with no morals.

Feebley blowing it a but another direction doesn't make it any much better.

Go walk around a corner at least ya lazy selfish bums.

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