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What do Thai's mean when they say someone got sick because the weather changed?


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I've gotten symptoms, but not from the weather. I'm actually having issues with an old autoimmune disease that has come out of remission. So, it can appear that I have a virus, but I do not. Several of the Thai's I know have said "Oh, you're sick because of the weather change. Rainy season is here" when they have noticed my symptoms. When I went to rent a bike, the vendor was closed. He business neighbor told me he stayed home due to the illness from the weather changing. It sees this is a common belief or actual occurrence.

Can someone explain? I've never had allergies or the like so I'm not well versed in this weather related stuff. Are there different weather illnesses here? My mom always told me that germs cause colds, not the weather so I'm a bit intrigued. Plus, reading your posts will give me something less upsetting to read while I'm in bed. I can't look at the news anymore!

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Well when there is weather like a thunderstorm will come soon, but actually it doesn't come, than I feel it a little bit.

But sick....no.

Maybe it is just higher moisture in the air......

In Europe it can be felt, when it has -15 degree and it changes to +15 in a few hours many people feel it unpleasent.

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Old wives tale. Their great great grandma told great grandma, grandma told them the weather makes you sick. Not only the weather but the rain too!

I had a conversation about this with a Thai, and they told me it's because the waters dirty. I said to them, but the water you shower with is dirtier. Should of saw the confusion in their face...

Edited by Puyai
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I know I get a lot of issues with allergies during season changes. Eating more healthy, and more regular exercise have been key to staying not ill the past few months. Chock it up to their bodies not being able to adjust fast enough because they've got weaker immune systems.

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Hi Ta! Quite possible your autoimmune condition is kicking up in part because the weather changed.

When I lived in New England, there certainly was a big run on colds whenever there was a sudden change. It wasn't so hard to see why. Many would be caught inappropriately dressed for conditions and subsequently fall ill. Not as extreme here, but same principle

So not entirely an old wive's tail. And a polite way to show sympathy by noting a possible cause or contributing condition.

Germ theory is likewise a partial explanation and doesn't even apply in many illnesses. Hope you feel better soon!

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Hi Ta! Quite possible your autoimmune condition is kicking up in part because the weather changed.

When I lived in New England, there certainly was a big run on colds whenever there was a sudden change. It wasn't so hard to see why. Many would be caught inappropriately dressed for conditions and subsequently fall ill. Not as extreme here, but same principle

So not entirely an old wive's tail. And a polite way to show sympathy by noting a possible cause or contributing condition.

Germ theory is likewise a partial explanation and doesn't even apply in many illnesses. Hope you feel better soon!

As I understand it though a cold, is a virus and is spread by contact (physical or airborne), so you won't get a cold from getting cold or wet, although you could develop a fever.

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I often feel kind of unidentifiably sick when I change environments suddenly - like coming to here. Even over the first month or so, I just expect it now. the constant humildity and heat add up to strange effec, even if you're not always aware of it happening. try drinking a ton more water than you normally might, because dehydration can have strange effects over a period of time. and let your body have time to build up immunity to little things you might not have at home.

Edited by John1thru10
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These are some of the things Thai girls have told me regularly:

  • Rain will make you sick
  • Maybe you're sick because of the weather
  • Don't shower too late, it will make you sick
  • Don't drink cold drinks or eat ice cream if you have a sore throat

I understood it from my ex who while a lovely girl wasn't educated to a high level, however I get it from all types of friends and girls I date even girls who are educated to a much higher level.

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I will not comment whether this is valid, only the background. Thailand is one of many SE countries influenced by both India and China. Therefore, many of their folklore will have similar origins. Also, the Thais themselves can make observations of the long train of time, and these may reinforce older traditions.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine there are 5 seasons, akin to the 5 elements, and resemble 5 elemental dispositions of the body. For example, rain, water, etc., nurtures dampness- a pattern of various disease states in the body. A disease, or not, is based on both the virulence of what would be attacking- perhaps heat, cold, dampness, dryness, etc., but also the strength of the qi- the immune system in defending. Therefore, it is quite possible that numerous similarly exposed people to an element, say dampness, would have varying degrees of responses. However, because dampness is a particular element, opposed to heat, they would manifest a fairly short list of related ailments.

Autoimmune conditions, in particular, are vulnerable to dampness. Dampness can either be caused by external factors, such as rain, living in a basement, extended periods of saturation, but also result from deficiencies of the body's intake, digestion, and elimination system. In TCM, they call this the Spleen/Stomach system. Therefore, people with various AI conditions may very well manifest problems associated with these states, and often not know why. I will give you one thing to consider: Have you noticed how the old people, those with broken bones, and indeed some with AI problems will often know when the weather will change, or rain is coming? It is simply a fact that changes in barometric pressure are processed not just topically by the body, but systemically. During Luna activities many women will swell or be uncomfortable.

TCM and the related traditions, like Ayurvedic Medicine observed the world far more intimately, and for greater periods of times than allopathic medicine or modern science has. It would be unwise to dismiss out of hand some of the observations they offer the modern world. BTW, autoimmune diseases are known to be subject to dampness, esp RA.

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Hi Ta! Quite possible your autoimmune condition is kicking up in part because the weather changed.

When I lived in New England, there certainly was a big run on colds whenever there was a sudden change. It wasn't so hard to see why. Many would be caught inappropriately dressed for conditions and subsequently fall ill. Not as extreme here, but same principle

So not entirely an old wive's tail. And a polite way to show sympathy by noting a possible cause or contributing condition.

Germ theory is likewise a partial explanation and doesn't even apply in many illnesses. Hope you feel better soon!

As I understand it though a cold, is a virus and is spread by contact (physical or airborne), so you won't get a cold from getting cold or wet, although you could develop a fever.

Viral exposure probably happens to you daily. Whether or not you take sick depends largely on the state of your resistance. After a chill, soaking, etc. you are much more susceptible.

Illness doesn't have single cause, any more than good health does.

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These are some of the things Thai girls have told me regularly:

  • Rain will make you sick
  • Maybe you're sick because of the weather
  • Don't shower too late, it will make you sick
  • Don't drink cold drinks or eat ice cream if you have a sore throat

I understood it from my ex who while a lovely girl wasn't educated to a high level, however I get it from all types of friends and girls I date even girls who are educated to a much higher level.

Well, not to be a smartares, but...

getting wet in the rain and going into the aircon will make you sick.

weather changes can bring on a lot of allergies, which make you feel bad.

#1 again...and then being in the aircon, which thai people might have on before sleeping :)

cold drinks and icecream usually have a lot of sugar, which will inflame a soar throat :)

it's not inexperienced.

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I've met quite a few asthmatics here. There is a reason why doctors send asthma sufferers to dry climates, not the tropics. This may have something to do with it. All my family and friends with asthma are sick right now.

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My Wife (Thai) says this all the time.

I believe it's nonsence.

It's not. It's nonsense.

I don't think it's nonsense,i never ''felt'" the weather in Europe but here i do. 30 minutes in the hot sun i'm finished for the day, when the weather changes to the rainy season i need a lot more sleep until i have adapted, i feel weak and down,only in the cold season do i feel comfortable but i also need an adjustment period of about a week.

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My Wife (Thai) says this all the time.

I believe it's nonsence.

It's not. It's nonsense.

I don't think it's nonsense,i never ''felt'" the weather in Europe but here i do. 30 minutes in the hot sun i'm finished for the day, when the weather changes to the rainy season i need a lot more sleep until i have adapted, i feel weak and down,only in the cold season do i feel comfortable but i also need an adjustment period of about a week.

That's not the weather, that's because your getting old.

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On crappy days when there are grey skies and it is overcast, the air pressure lowers and this can trigger low esteem in the body.

I used to get migraines for years but couldn't pinpoint the reason until I was told it could be the lower air pressure and sure enough after monitoring my attacks I realised that on dull / overcast days I am almost guaranteed to have at least a headache, possibly a migraine. I am 100% convinced after several years of monitoring the 'triggers' - that I found the cause.

So, yes the weather can have a drastic effect on some people health or simple well being.

Moving to sunny Thailand was a tonic - apart from a few horrible grey days in the rainy season but it's a small price to pay

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My Wife (Thai) says this all the time.

I believe it's nonsence.

It's not. It's nonsense.

Oh dear- the spelling little Hitlers are at it again.

Back to the OP - yes the boyfriend and most of family seem to complain whenever there is a change in the weather- nothing too serious just adds to the truly wonderfulness of living here.

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Some of you have been in Thailand too long if you think you can get sick from the rain. There might be some truth in people being more susceptible to catching a virus when they're cold as this lowers your immune system.

My son, who's two goes out in the rain all the time and has never been sick, maybe it's because I expose him to it and this has built up his immune system.

Anyone who does get sick from the rain must have been living in a bubble most of their life.

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