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Study examines growing trend of Thai women staying single


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clockman, on 02 Jul 2014 - 09:44, said:

And what about a large number of Thai men. Who want to be women! I see this every where now. Disturbing.

That's interesting. Why would people find gender diversity in others disturbing? Who does it hurt?

Edited by Jingthing
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And the fact that I get from many Thais is that they can't afford to get married as the Thai culture asks for a dowry. When a Thai man earning B 10-15k a month and then is expected to pay for everything, buy/build a house and pay B 100k in dowry and buy gold for another B 200k then it takes them 10-20 years to save the money. So why do they stay single!?

And the fact that some of us foreigners pay a hell of a lot more in dowry does not make the situation any better for the rest of us men. When the Thais read about some foreigners paying millions in dowry they start expecting everyone to pay like that!!!

Thai men don't pay these kinds of dowrys. If they do they are very small and for show. Don't listen to what the thai gals tell you.

Normal thai people I know of average background usually hand it over just for the day and its returned after the ceremony to the couple ....

Should be no need for any farang to part with cash to what is effectively buying the bride and compensating the brides family for loss of earnings. .

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What's the alternative? Marrying a drunken, philandering, violent loser earning a pittance with the IQ of an artichoke.

Wow, here we go again, the obligatory Thai male bashing from Thaivisas high class expat forum users.

I have seen many many similar threads from you Kurnell, where you seem to have a specific need to express your need for putting down Thai people, and Thai males in particular.

It is clear that you got your ego hurt during your childhood and now feel the need to stay here in Thailand so you can somehow repair it.

I recommend you see a psychiatrist.


Can you recommend a good shrink?

Unfortunately I do not know of any good shrink in particular, as I never had the need to visit one.

However, it seems like you suffer from a bad self image, damaged ego, which probably most shrinks would be able to handle with ease.

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"Men who like men accounted for 3 to 17 percent of the population."

What kind of meaningless statistic is this? 3-17% is an awfully wide range. And "like"? Shouldn't they determine if they are gay? Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Totally agree, where are the statistics on women who lick women....*like

Assuming Lesbians to be represented about the same % of population, that would mean 6% to 34% of the population is Homosexual or Lesbian. Factor out the rich and smart that aren't making babies. That would leave only the stupid and poor heterosexuals to marry and make babies. That leaves about 15% of the population making stupid and poor babies. Thailand is going to have to move some of the rich and smart class to the not so rich and not so smart middle class, and a lot of the not so rich and not so smart middle class, to the stupid and poor class to get the population growing again. Or Thai society and culture will disappear.

Can you imagine Thailand with no Thais? Only Expats, Cambodians, Burmese, and Tourists is the image that comes to mind. Yikes!! oc

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What's the alternative? Marrying a drunken, philandering, violent loser earning a pittance with the IQ of an artichoke.

How dare you insult an artichoke like that!!! If you go to the market you will see that artichokes are desirable and command a premium price. You should march yourself to the vegetable section of you nearest supermarket and apologize immediately.

I had the most wonderful artichoke and cream soup a few years ago at a posh restaurant, it was divine!!

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The mechanism is clear the world over: Women try to hook up at least one level up. With the increasing number of educated, middle class women who are looking for a Hi-So Mr Big comes a problem: Hi-So Mr Bigs are scarce by definition and as they already have women throwing themselves at them from every crevice, why would they ever get hitched, especially with a lower level dweller ?

In the meanwhile, the middle class men learn a new trick: let the women pay, after all they want to be all equal and independent. Make good giks, in other words.

And the Lo-So fellas get spat on the face. So the end result is loads of old maids. The middle class men should be happy, though, as they can now get a herd of paying giks, albeit a bit older ones. And they can always marry a country pumpkin if they choose to do so.

I bet the feminists didn't see that one coming. Or maybe they did. Evil creatures.

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What's the alternative? Marrying a drunken, philandering, violent loser earning a pittance with the IQ of an artichoke.

Wow, here we go again, the obligatory Thai male bashing from Thaivisas high class expat forum users.

I have seen many many similar threads from you Kurnell, where you seem to have a specific need to express your need for putting down Thai people, and Thai males in particular.

It is clear that you got your ego hurt during your childhood and now feel the need to stay here in Thailand so you can somehow repair it.

I recommend you see a psychiatrist.


Can you recommend a good shrink?

Unfortunately I do not know of any good shrink in particular, as I never had the need to visit one.

However, it seems like you suffer from a bad self image, damaged ego, which probably most shrinks would be able to handle with ease.

Crikey you do whine. You gotta be a woman...let me guess, with a Thai boyfriend??

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"Men who like men accounted for 3 to 17 percent of the population."

What kind of meaningless statistic is this? 3-17% is an awfully wide range. And "like"? Shouldn't they determine if they are gay? Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Probably somewhere between the 3-17%, say around 10%, which is the average % of people who are gay I believe in most countries.

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"Men who like men accounted for 3 to 17 percent of the population."

What kind of meaningless statistic is this? 3-17% is an awfully wide range. And "like"? Shouldn't they determine if they are gay? Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Probably somewhere between the 3-17%, say around 10%, which is the average % of people who are gay I believe in most countries.

That 10 percent international figure is extremely debatable because it's so hard to determine what makes a person "officially" gay plus add that people often won't be HONEST in self describing in the first place. Then there are the cultural differences, such as in macho countries like Mexico homosexual "topping" isn't even considered gay. Personally, I think evidence points to a MUCH LOWER rate than 10 percent of EXCLUSIVE and lifetime same sex orientation in males (globally). Female orientation is much more fluid (no Virginia, males and females are NOT the same), so even harder to pin down an accurate percentage. Case in point, the popular term college lesbians (straight upon graduation).

Edited by Jingthing
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"Men who like men accounted for 3 to 17 percent of the population."

What kind of meaningless statistic is this? 3-17% is an awfully wide range. And "like"? Shouldn't they determine if they are gay? Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Probably somewhere between the 3-17%, say around 10%, which is the average % of people who are gay I believe in most countries.

That 10 percent international figure is extremely debatable because it's so hard to determine what makes a person "officially" gay plus add that people often won't be HONEST in self describing in the first place. Then there are the cultural differences, such as in macho countries like Mexico homosexual "topping" isn't even considered gay. Personally, I think evidence points to a MUCH LOWER rate than 10 percent of EXCLUSIVE and lifetime same sex orientation in males (globally). Female orientation is much more fluid (no Virginia, males and females are NOT the same), so even harder to pin down an accurate percentage. Case in point, the popular term college lesbians (straight upon graduation).

There seem to be a few men that are gay in the 'temporary' category too. Eg. when I'm at the pub and a fella orders a Vodka Cruiser or similar, his mates shout gay!!

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And the fact that I get from many Thais is that they can't afford to get married as the Thai culture asks for a dowry. When a Thai man earning B 10-15k a month and then is expected to pay for everything, buy/build a house and pay B 100k in dowry and buy gold for another B 200k then it takes them 10-20 years to save the money. So why do they stay single!?

And the fact that some of us foreigners pay a hell of a lot more in dowry does not make the situation any better for the rest of us men. When the Thais read about some foreigners paying millions in dowry they start expecting everyone to pay like that!!!

What bull shit, how many farangs do you know who paid millions in Sin Sod ( dowry ). Talk sense or shut up.

Indeed - I personally know of Thais paying a few million (max 10), but never heard a first hand account of a foreigner doing the same

Sent from my GT-S7270 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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The mechanism is clear the world over: Women try to hook up at least one level up. With the increasing number of educated, middle class women who are looking for a Hi-So Mr Big comes a problem: Hi-So Mr Bigs are scarce by definition and as they already have women throwing themselves at them from every crevice, why would they ever get hitched, especially with a lower level dweller ?

In the meanwhile, the middle class men learn a new trick: let the women pay, after all they want to be all equal and independent. Make good giks, in other words.

And the Lo-So fellas get spat on the face. So the end result is loads of old maids. The middle class men should be happy, though, as they can now get a herd of paying giks, albeit a bit older ones. And they can always marry a country pumpkin if they choose to do so.

I bet the feminists didn't see that one coming. Or maybe they did. Evil creatures.

In a gender "equal" feminist society, the middle class males are the biggest losers, and the 1% hunks the real winners. Middle class women are in between. Thwy will throw themselves to the hunks, meanwhile dissing all middle class average guys, but will end up bitter and alone several times cause the 1% casanovas has a buffe of women to choose from.

Yes feminism is evil

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"Men who like men accounted for 3 to 17 percent of the population."

What kind of meaningless statistic is this? 3-17% is an awfully wide range. And "like"? Shouldn't they determine if they are gay? Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Probably somewhere between the 3-17%, say around 10%, which is the average % of people who are gay I believe in most countries.

That 10 percent international figure is extremely debatable because it's so hard to determine what makes a person "officially" gay plus add that people often won't be HONEST in self describing in the first place. Then there are the cultural differences, such as in macho countries like Mexico homosexual "topping" isn't even considered gay. Personally, I think evidence points to a MUCH LOWER rate than 10 percent of EXCLUSIVE and lifetime same sex orientation in males (globally). Female orientation is much more fluid (no Virginia, males and females are NOT the same), so even harder to pin down an accurate percentage. Case in point, the popular term college lesbians (straight upon graduation).

There seem to be a few men that are gay in the 'temporary' category too. Eg. when I'm at the pub and a fella orders a Vodka Cruiser or similar, his mates shout gay!!

MSM is not the same thing as sexual orientation. Also, many people are truly bisexual.

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And the fact that I get from many Thais is that they can't afford to get married as the Thai culture asks for a dowry. When a Thai man earning B 10-15k a month and then is expected to pay for everything, buy/build a house and pay B 100k in dowry and buy gold for another B 200k then it takes them 10-20 years to save the money. So why do they stay single!?

And the fact that some of us foreigners pay a hell of a lot more in dowry does not make the situation any better for the rest of us men. When the Thais read about some foreigners paying millions in dowry they start expecting everyone to pay like that!!!

What bull shit, how many farangs do you know who paid millions in Sin Sod ( dowry ). Talk sense or shut up.

Indeed - I personally know of Thais paying a few million (max 10), but never heard a first hand account of a foreigner doing the same

Sent from my GT-S7270 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Well you can take it from me there are thousands that have paid a dowry. + house + gold + took on kids + + +.

And a big % of them that have lost all.....................Stay safe and rent everything. ( some are lucky though)

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That 10 percent international figure is extremely debatable because it's so hard to determine what makes a person "officially" gay plus add that people often won't be HONEST in self describing in the first place. Then there are the cultural differences, such as in macho countries like Mexico homosexual "topping" isn't even considered gay. Personally, I think evidence points to a MUCH LOWER rate than 10 percent of EXCLUSIVE and lifetime same sex orientation in males (globally). Female orientation is much more fluid (no Virginia, males and females are NOT the same), so even harder to pin down an accurate percentage. Case in point, the popular term college lesbians (straight upon graduation).

There seem to be a few men that are gay in the 'temporary' category too. Eg. when I'm at the pub and a fella orders a Vodka Cruiser or similar, his mates shout gay!!

MSM is not the same thing as sexual orientation. Also, many people are truly bisexual.

Interesting. So if a guy is drinking a beer with a Cruiser chaser he likely bats for both teams?

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Can you recommend a good shrink? You gotta be a woman...let me guess, with a Thai boyfriend??

Nope not a woman, duh...

I am being sincere, I really do think you have a problem with your self image, and your ego. You really should see a shrink, it could help you understand yourself better.

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