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OBEC to quickly whip up plans to improve Thailand's education system


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Sounds more like brainwashing to me. Instilling patriotism,... like there isn't enough of that in Thai schools already which teach a revisionist, minimilist version of history that makes Thailand out to be a great superpower.

How about encouraging creative thinking, logic, and using modern educational techniques that don't use rote learning.

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whip up an education plan

"Whip up" The usual shoddy approach to anything by Thais. Not that it matters...it's just the usual Thai hot air to make it appear they're "on the job"



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It seems to me that the priorities for the education system that have emanated from this meeting, are geared toward pleasing the powers that be, rather than improving education standards to the level required in this century.

I'm sad to this. It's the second time in a week that announcements from public officials seem to be geared to please the powers that be, rather than suit the objectives of the particular body concerned. The first was the proposals from TAT for a new advirtising campaign that included a slogan that was pretty blatantly aimed to please their bosses, rather than appeal to potential tourists. Now this education proposal seems to be inwardly focused on nationalism.

I just hope the powers that be can see through the BS and quickly get public officials to address real issues, rather than sit back and enjoy/encourage the sucking up that seems to be going on.

I'd prefer that my daughter speaking English properly be a priority.

As an aside, it wasn't long ago that every pronouncement by public officials contained a reference to be ready for ASEAN. These days it all seems to be about nationalism/patriotism. I guess ASEAN doesn't matter any more?

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My partner is a foreign teacher in a Government School - no text books, leaking buildings, lifts not working, internet rarely working. Does that mean that the director will only get a new car from rorting every two years instead of every year???

As has been said by others, back to basics, reading, wrting, speaking English, actually having to pass exams would be a real good start.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The best thing that OBEC can do is to retire all the teachers over 50 thus freeing up promotion for younger and more modern teachers, set in place a new high quality teacher training university and then resign en masse as most of them are as much use to educating Thai children as a bicycle is to a fish (to put it politely).

With regard to your "retiring all teachers over 50"...........that's crap ! I taught for 9 years there. I saw many of the "younger teachers" , i've seen them smoking dope, binge drinking, and a lot more (westerners that is). Morality seems a thing of the past. I am 60 now and the Thai education system doesn't seem to want experienced teachers with morals, they would prefer the "backpacker" types who are younger, but don't in general give a shit whether the kids learn, or how they behave. The "everone passes" has to be addressed as well with only good students attaining passes. It doesn't matter what they say in Bangkok about improving education, the rural Thais will just carry on as they always have. They will still try to klone all the kids instead of trying to get individuals who are capable of independant thought. Discipline is virtually non-existant, honesty is an unknown word, the ability to actually speak and hold a conversation in English is something that only about 2% of students can manage to do. They have university English majors (Thai), who come to teach in schools and can't speak English. Every year they say that they will improve the standards, and every year NOTHING changes. Employ older, caring, more knowledgable foreign teachers who actually make the kids learn !!!

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Absolutely terrible.

Patriotism and all this bu...t

Poor Thailand, in few months/years it will be the pariah of the whole Asia, with an unaivodable economic collapse.

Thailand has going back to history 1000 years to the Middle Age. A country of robots with absolutely zero education, ready to parrot back pre-packaged programs. A complete destruction of the society.

Edited by max72
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More positive and most welcome news thanks to a real positive and hard working well intentioned military Government. Brilliant stuff with so much good news coming each week thumbsup.gif

Why couldn't the past elected Governments have done this as well and effectively ? We all know why greed and corruption with the previous uncontrolled sham political parties and exactly why the coup was in the end essential for Thailand. We hope all this corruption within the main political parties will be eradicated and put right before Thailand has the next proper true democratic elections later next year. I actually think this junta Government will achieve this too and within the quoted proposed time frame smile.png They certainly instil confidence to me and it seems most of the Thai people too.

Edited by rayw
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Once again the cynical brigade are in full voice, enlightening us all with their extensive experience in the LoS and "having seen it all before" No doubt you have seen many things over the years that have been disappointing and regrettable, I don't doubt for a second that you have seen many things that should have been prevented...

That being the case could we all please take a bit of a backseat and give the present government time to enact some real and meaningful change, both the UK and Australia have been struggling for years to modernize and improve their respective education systems. They started with half decent education systems but somehow successive governments (of both sides of the political fence) have managed to mismanage them, in some cases, almost to the point of collapse.

Do you really think this new government should have done more?

This present hierarchy are confronting issues that have been in place for generations, rampant corruption that has become endemic and institutionalized, an economy that has been systematically plundered for many years!!!

Please give them a break and take a chill pill, from where I am sitting the intent and progress seems genuine, time alone will tell whether it will be lasting.

Have a great day

The five stages of a dictatorship.

Stage One: Enthusiasm.

Stage Two: "Give them a chance"....

As you move into Stage Three and progress towards State Five, this could be classic.


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"................instilling morality codes and analytic skills"? - is Thailand finally entering the real world?

I am, at the same time, both gobsmacked and extremely encouraged by this development and can only hope that these words of enlightenment are truly put into practice.

As a cynical observer of years of Thai BS, I am tempted to dismiss this as yet more of the same but I sincerely hope my doubts are proved groundless.....................

followed by this useless piece of crap

"the subjects of history and civil duties"

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More positive and most welcome news thanks to a real positive and hard working well intentioned military Government. Brilliant stuff with so much good news coming each week thumbsup.gif

Why couldn't the past elected Governments have done this as well and effectively ? We all know why greed and corruption with the previous uncontrolled sham political parties and exactly why the coup was in the end essential for Thailand. We hope all this corruption within the main political parties will be eradicated and put right before Thailand has the next proper true democratic elections later next year. I actually think this junta Government will achieve this too and within the quoted proposed time frame smile.png They certainly instil confidence to me and it seems most of the Thai people too.

youve heard of "lip service" havent you?

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ha... they are competing against facebook... which has all the students mesmerized along instagram, stumble, and other social sites.. good luck with that...

i like the comment or retiring the corrupt teachers and administration... they keep pointing to the students needing improvement...but where is the Thai teachers responsibility in all of this?

again a lot of talk for no progress.

they talk now, because 2015 is coming and they are going to have to be force to follow the ASEAN standards, and with Singapore being in the lead...it will make this country lose face so badly...

so this will be very interesting situation as will many will come to the days that lie ahead in 2015...

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I'm sad to this. It's the second time in a week that announcements from public officials seem to be geared to please the powers that be, rather than suit the objectives of the particular body concerned.

You seem to feel there is a difference. You are not the only one but it is a lonely place.

The education reforms are working perfectly. No one important feels otherwise, from the Head General In Complete Charge, to the headmistresses of the small school in the far-off districts. Particularly pleased are the Head General, the head of Obec, the education ministry's pooyai and the teachers' unions. What is occurring in education is precisely what is wanted by them all. Sorry to intrude here with technical jargon, but "educators" refer to the current reforms as "getting a more secure snout into a bigger trough".

This is the huge mistake of almost all criticising posts by almost all Thai Visa posters, is that they feel for some reason that what is happening is outside the goal of the ministry/group involved. I haven't seen one development yet that was not a planned and wanted development.

For one thing, you should have read or listened to the Kamnan's speeches a little more. They were like Mein Kampf, gave away the entire plot. Those of you who supported the Kamnan, this is exactly what you asked for. There is no such thing now, and there will not be such a thing for a long time as doing the right thing. You have two choices - crudely put, yellow or red. There is no actual third way. If you're a proud yellow Thaksin hater, this is what you wanted. If you're a proud red buffalo Suthep hater, what you had before is what you want.

It hasn't and it won't happen any other way. So pick your side or just grimace and sit it out.

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how about just teaching children to think,ask a question etc etc.Most have no idea about the outside world.Maths is ok,you can be sure they know the value of a baht!

Because the morality classes "teach" students to shut up, listen and follow the advice of anyone older. And the morality teaching is being increased because patriotism.


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I was inwardly cheering and then i got to the bit about patriotism.........etc. and i inwardly slumped. What Thai needs lessons on patriotism they show exaggerated signs of that already,no need to increase the bullshit.

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Enthusiastically I clicked on this topic's link, to quickly be disillusioned having to read this: He also talked about the 2015 operation plan, saying the OBEC would focus on sharpening students’ analytic skills and instilling patriotism, honesty as well as religious principles, and love for the monarchy, in accordance with the policy of the National Council for Peace and Order.

How does "brainwash" mix with "analytic skills" ?

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But still not a whisper about every student passing every year. It was not always like that -- the policy was put in place for private schools, who were losing students when students were accountable for their own progress.

This corruption is insanely expensive, and why Thailand simultaneously has the largest education budget in SEA and the lowest result.

They use public taxes to subsidize private schools, and such schools get paid per student. Very little goes to classrooms and books and upkeep -- it is lining pockets.

No words from the junta on this issue -- never was before and never will be. Ten years of this educational "subsidy" has siphoned off more money than the rice scheme lost, by a large margin....

Give the junta a chance. As you say ten years of almost constant Shin rule has bled the system to the point where drastic measures need to be taken.

Thailand won't be rebuilt in a day.

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Enthusiastically I clicked on this topic's link, to quickly be disillusioned having to read this: He also talked about the 2015 operation plan, saying the OBEC would focus on sharpening students’ analytic skills and instilling patriotism, honesty as well as religious principles, and love for the monarchy, in accordance with the policy of the National Council for Peace and Order.

How does "brainwash" mix with "analytic skills" ?

It doesn't, which means it's all bullshit,they are starting to slip,good beginning though.

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It seems to me that the priorities for the education system that have emanated from this meeting, are geared toward pleasing the powers that be, rather than improving education standards to the level required in this century.

I'm sad to this. It's the second time in a week that announcements from public officials seem to be geared to please the powers that be, rather than suit the objectives of the particular body concerned. The first was the proposals from TAT for a new advirtising campaign that included a slogan that was pretty blatantly aimed to please their bosses, rather than appeal to potential tourists. Now this education proposal seems to be inwardly focused on nationalism.

I just hope the powers that be can see through the BS and quickly get public officials to address real issues, rather than sit back and enjoy/encourage the sucking up that seems to be going on.

I'd prefer that my daughter speaking English properly be a priority.

As an aside, it wasn't long ago that every pronouncement by public officials contained a reference to be ready for ASEAN. These days it all seems to be about nationalism/patriotism. I guess ASEAN doesn't matter any more?

I agree with the sentiment. I always keep in mind that many government chiefs are the results of the very education system they are trying to change. I have to assume this is the best that they can do...and the best plan they come up with for this year.

My hope for change is not in the Thai as administrators but in the Thai as parents. When parents say as you do, "I prefer my daughter speaking English properly..." then change will occur in this country's education system in all subjects that are of concern for the parents (including parents who happen to be government administrators). I, for one, am beginning to see parents getting involved at the local school level.

As regards the reference to the focus, I would say that ASEAN is still a major issue but the new government seems to want the Thai to hold on to their Thai identify. That's only my limited view from the rooftop.

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how about just teaching children to think,ask a question etc etc.Most have no idea about the outside world.Maths is ok,you can be sure they know the value of a baht!

Maths is far from Ok.

A friend of mine recently asked me if I could help out his daughter with her English and possibly some mathematics as well (he speaks English, but it is not his first language).

She is nine years old and you can have a conversation with her in English quite easily. But I discovered that her reading and writing skills are non-existent. Simple words like 'dog' and 'cat' left her staring in to space.

I thought that I would test her maths skills and wrote down, what I considered to be simple sums, on a piece of paper, fell at the first hurdle, just looked at the paper like it was crawling with maggots.

First one,

15 x 9 =

Deafening silence...... made it simpler,

15 x 10 =

Still nothing, so I wrote down,

9 x 10 =

Got that one, but it took a while.

I asked why she could work out 9x10 but not 15x10, and she told me that they hadn't got that far in maths class yet and she turned over one of her notebooks to show me the back of it.

It contained, in all its glory, a 25 Times Table.

So, instead of being taught the basic fundamentals of the decimal system, they are expected to memorise 625 results instead.

Which bright spark had that idea?

To say that the Thai educational system needs a bit of an overhaul, is like saying that ground zero could have done with a lick of paint.

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It seems to me that the priorities for the education system that have emanated from this meeting, are geared toward pleasing the powers that be, rather than improving education standards to the level required in this century.

I'm sad to this. It's the second time in a week that announcements from public officials seem to be geared to please the powers that be, rather than suit the objectives of the particular body concerned. The first was the proposals from TAT for a new advirtising campaign that included a slogan that was pretty blatantly aimed to please their bosses, rather than appeal to potential tourists. Now this education proposal seems to be inwardly focused on nationalism.

I just hope the powers that be can see through the BS and quickly get public officials to address real issues, rather than sit back and enjoy/encourage the sucking up that seems to be going on.

I'd prefer that my daughter speaking English properly be a priority.

As an aside, it wasn't long ago that every pronouncement by public officials contained a reference to be ready for ASEAN. These days it all seems to be about nationalism/patriotism. I guess ASEAN doesn't matter any more?

I agree with the sentiment. I always keep in mind that many government chiefs are the results of the very education system they are trying to change. I have to assume this is the best that they can do...and the best plan they come up with for this year.

My hope for change is not in the Thai as administrators but in the Thai as parents. When parents say as you do, "I prefer my daughter speaking English properly..." then change will occur in this country's education system in all subjects that are of concern for the parents (including parents who happen to be government administrators). I, for one, am beginning to see parents getting involved at the local school level.

As regards the reference to the focus, I would say that ASEAN is still a major issue but the new government seems to want the Thai to hold on to their Thai identify. That's only my limited view from the rooftop.

I can't wait that long, i have taught my son, 6yrs old, English,now i am teaching him to read it, his teacher is amazed. Thai identity,that's important.......not.

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