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KPI releases study on different Thai election methods


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The system which the PRC seems to be putting forward for 'full' democracy in Hong Kong would seem to be suitable for Thailand. Every citizen gets one vote in his/her constituency with complete voting freedom and secret ballot. Two suitable candidates (one will almost always have a majority) would be selected, in each constituency, by the existing government or some other senior authority - this could even be the King/Privy Council in Thailand. Problem solved!

This would be much better than the idea which was being floated during the airport seizures, which involved disenfranchising any citizen who does not have chanote property.

There are a lot of places in rural Thailand where the government stopped issuing chanote many years ago. It makes land transfers more difficult let alone voting.

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Reading that it really sounds as if everyone should win. It's simple, if you don't get enough votes you don't get any power. And what they really miss out is the fact that while voters should have a choice of candidates. the winning party should be looking after all voters, not just their party supporters.

Children playing politics.

True they have been in the habit of electing people who only look out for their party. If they don't the repercussions will be damaging.

One check and balance system that could be put in is the way the States elect their president. It is completely separate from who has the most seats in the house or the Senate. It is up to the whole country to elect the president.

This system does have it's draw back with the electoral college and the Supreme Court. But the two have only managed to over ride the vote of the people twice to the best of my knowledge.

Also they could put a minimal time for serving in the Cabinet of two years. This would go a long way to stop some of the back room deals.

When it is all over and done with the most important thing is that they have a government working for the people instead of themselves or people in Dubai.

The perfect system I doubt will ever come up.wai.gif

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