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Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi Airport extension plan 'suspended by junta'


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spidermike007, on 03 Jul 2014 - 11:38, said:

Let us hope this has to do with the Generals uncovering improper contracts, funding, etc. We all know how the contract process works here. They seem to be tired of the corruption, and business as usual. Maybe they see this as a way of avoiding the bloated contracts that are part of the cockroaches getting tens or hundreds of millions of baht in payoffs. Lets hope.

or they want to make sure that they get their cut of the tea Money.

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Interesting to note that that so reliable media medium Khaosod has used an archived image the depicts the yellow shirts occupation of the airport

I wonder why they should do that, surely not an attempt to distort the truth is it?

Oh and another question who owns the greater majority of the land surrounding Suvarnabhumi Airport ?

Now there regarding the land ownership question being clarified we may well be able to understand why the proposed expansion is being halted.

Thai Summit seems to own the majority of the land in the area. Certainly south and east of the airport.

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A month ago prayuth says there would be redevelopment of bangkok airports. Now his commision suspends suvanna indefinitety. That's for the benefit don muang, which is owneed by airforce.

Shurly suwanna needs urgent development, as it's lacking capability. Don muang was just redone after the floods and not many passengers use it

I think its possible that the headline is misleading (again). It implies that the big J have arbitrarily cancelled the planned extension. But the subsequent verbiage suggests that a new plan is required because the old one is not "transparent", which implies it is riddled with opportunities for corruption.

Or it could be that the big J are indeed canceling it, but doing it nicely by requesting a new plan.

Who really knows these days....and who really knew in the old days. TIT after all.

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Some of the usual suspects focus on trivia. So what if it's archival image...those events set in place the problems facing Thailand today and not one of those responsible has been held accountable. And who cares who owns the land. The airport has to expand if it is to remain competitive. Some of you see shadows instead of opportunities.

Sounds like another 'usual suspect' with sour grapes. Sad to be you.

It's very important who owns the land and what he might beset to gain by yet another very 'convienant' project. Perhaps the land might eventually default to the crown, wouldn't that be sad.

Not to smart taksin is a business man and business men gain normal

Taksin gave pebble media the junta takes media from pebble so who have something to hide ?

The junta have only bad things to say about taksin family but nothing is all bad

They control media why

Can you stop Thais to have different opinions and wishes for there country

Couldn't the army have worked together with the government under marshal low in specific areas

Haw the army know haw to run the country and where have it ever succeed

Generals are not the smartest men in the world that's why they follow orders in connection what is the chance of corporation outside the army even for years back

And if this is all little bit right then it's out of our hands and better build the airport big and hope the tourist come back to this magnificent country where they can have the best holidays in Asia and hope the Thai army starts respect Thais and all the tourist there save there money to spend here

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Some of the usual suspects focus on trivia. So what if it's archival image...those events set in place the problems facing Thailand today and not one of those responsible has been held accountable. And who cares who owns the land. The airport has to expand if it is to remain competitive. Some of you see shadows instead of opportunities.

Sounds like another 'usual suspect' with sour grapes. Sad to be you.

It's very important who owns the land and what he might beset to gain by yet another very 'convienant' project. Perhaps the land might eventually default to the crown, wouldn't that be sad.

...way beyond idiotic. Planning for that airport started 40 years ago. Get a grip on reality instead of seeing conspiracy at every turn.

See my other post about "friends of the Government." (By that I mean the government of the last several years.) IT MAY WELL BE VERY IMPORTANT who owns any land needed for said expansion. Do not say it is not important unless you have information to the contrrary and then please share it with us, if it is not a state secret.

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Some of the usual suspects focus on trivia. So what if it's archival image...those events set in place the problems facing Thailand today and not one of those responsible has been held accountable. And who cares who owns the land. The airport has to expand if it is to remain competitive. Some of you see shadows instead of opportunities.

Sounds like another 'usual suspect' with sour grapes. Sad to be you.

It's very important who owns the land and what he might beset to gain by yet another very 'convienant' project. Perhaps the land might eventually default to the crown, wouldn't that be sad.

Not to smart taksin is a business man and business men gain normal

Taksin gave pebble media the junta takes media from pebble so who have something to hide ?

The junta have only bad things to say about taksin family but nothing is all bad

They control media why

Can you stop Thais to have different opinions and wishes for there country

Couldn't the army have worked together with the government under marshal low in specific areas

Haw the army know haw to run the country and where have it ever succeed

Generals are not the smartest men in the world that's why they follow orders in connection what is the chance of corporation outside the army even for years back

And if this is all little bit right then it's out of our hands and better build the airport big and hope the tourist come back to this magnificent country where they can have the best holidays in Asia and hope the Thai army starts respect Thais and all the tourist there save there money to spend here

Huh???? You lost me either 2 or 3 times it the first line. ( I am not sure what you even said.) And went down hill from there on!

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There is nothing "trivial" about emotive headlines and images. They start wars with such propaganda.
They are patently being used to bend readers perception.

Nor is it only about the land per se. The NCPO are going after the lice who have been raping the public purse item by item,

And so far are doing a damn fine job..Go get the b...t..ds.

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Maybe they should also look into phase 1 and prosecute all those who swindled money out of that as well...

Other posters have already suggested that this may well be behind the decision. Wait for further announcements. They have a lot going on right now and seem to be managing somehow to keep all the balls in the air.

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Some of the usual suspects focus on trivia. So what if it's archival image...those events set in place the problems facing Thailand today and not one of those responsible has been held accountable. And who cares who owns the land. The airport has to expand if it is to remain competitive. Some of you see shadows instead of opportunities.

Sounds like another 'usual suspect' with sour grapes. Sad to be you.

It's very important who owns the land and what he might beset to gain by yet another very 'convienant' project. Perhaps the land might eventually default to the crown, wouldn't that be sad.

Not to smart taksin is a business man and business men gain normal

Taksin gave pebble media the junta takes media from pebble so who have something to hide ?

The junta have only bad things to say about taksin family but nothing is all bad

They control media why

Can you stop Thais to have different opinions and wishes for there country

Couldn't the army have worked together with the government under marshal low in specific areas

Haw the army know haw to run the country and where have it ever succeed

Generals are not the smartest men in the world that's why they follow orders in connection what is the chance of corporation outside the army even for years back

And if this is all little bit right then it's out of our hands and better build the airport big and hope the tourist come back to this magnificent country where they can have the best holidays in Asia and hope the Thai army starts respect Thais and all the tourist there save there money to spend here

Maybe you were not here when Thacksin was in power, he controlled the media, totally. TV was restricted to it's criticizing. near nil debates so what's new ??

Seems like you have only bad things to say about the army. The government you are talking about did not govern as sworn to do, hence the problems.

The army are running the country 100 times better than PTP they are actually governing.

This general is smarter than the whole of the disgraced government, We all hope for a more prosperous Thailand, maybe we can hope and let them clean it up.thumbsup.gif

Edited by ginjag
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Maybe they should also look into phase 1 and prosecute all those who swindled money out of that as well...

Other posters have already suggested that this may well be behind the decision. Wait for further announcements. They have a lot going on right now and seem to be managing somehow to keep all the balls in the air.

Agree, there is no hurry other than checking those who tender for further work and if any connections to work done in phase 1, maybe some of the contractors who were paid for work in phase 1 should be made to come back and finish it...

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Oh dear what is going on with you guys that are so big on small issues.

But I just love the archive photo and the guys RED socks. Maybe he is a Liverpool supporter or Jataporn himself.

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Some of the usual suspects focus on trivia. So what if it's archival image...those events set in place the problems facing Thailand today and not one of those responsible has been held accountable. And who cares who owns the land. The airport has to expand if it is to remain competitive. Some of you see shadows instead of opportunities.

When the airport was first mooted, ownership of the surrounding land was the subject of widespread comment - all 'well connected' names close to Mr. T. While the actual land that the airport is built on was not so owned, the value of the surrounding land shot up after the project was announced - as commonly happens when such a large new facility is established given demand for logistics hubs etc.

Ironically the gain has already been banked and given the size of the site, an airport expansion should be possible without much if any additional land being needed.

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Mr. Mekhanin said the panel advised the airport authorities to "reconsider" the plan and make it more transparent.

Now that statement makes lots of sense and would probably answer many of the questions raised on this topic.

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Lets hope NCPO is not penny wise and pound foolish as the next few years will see supercharged growth in tourists as more people get more affluence. Aviation experts are projecting a 6.3% growth in travelers next 5 years with an additional 300 million travelers and the bulk will be from China. More than 8,000 new planes will be fielded next few years and most bought by airlines in Asia. NCPO are not expert in this field and should not made decision without seeking expert opinions.

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Some of the usual suspects focus on trivia. So what if it's archival image...those events set in place the problems facing Thailand today and not one of those responsible has been held accountable. And who cares who owns the land. The airport has to expand if it is to remain competitive. Some of you see shadows instead of opportunities.

When the airport was first mooted, ownership of the surrounding land was the subject of widespread comment - all 'well connected' names close to Mr. T. While the actual land that the airport is built on was not so owned, the value of the surrounding land shot up after the project was announced - as commonly happens when such a large new facility is established given demand for logistics hubs etc.

Ironically the gain has already been banked and given the size of the site, an airport expansion should be possible without much if any additional land being needed.

That is just incorrect. The land was purchased in 1973 and the site had been under consideration since 1962. I very much doubt that Thaksin played any role in that ( and not even his most rabid critics could claim it). The last time the army came out they used allegations of corruption at the airport as part of the justification, supported by a campaign by The Nation. Every single claim made in that series of articles was proven to be false and The Nation had to concede as much in the retractions it was forced to make.

Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.

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Mr. Mekhanin said the panel advised the airport authorities to "reconsider" the plan and make it more transparent.

Now that statement makes lots of sense and would probably answer many of the questions raised on this topic.

That's right & that's the bit tweedle dee and tweedle dumb couldn't get earlier. thanks for posting.

Time for some transparency, the days of old box head and his Thai visa verbal support crew are over. Of course it will take a lot longer for this to penetrate their extremely thick skulls.

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Some of the usual suspects focus on trivia. So what if it's archival image...those events set in place the problems facing Thailand today and not one of those responsible has been held accountable. And who cares who owns the land. The airport has to expand if it is to remain competitive. Some of you see shadows instead of opportunities.

When the airport was first mooted, ownership of the surrounding land was the subject of widespread comment - all 'well connected' names close to Mr. T. While the actual land that the airport is built on was not so owned, the value of the surrounding land shot up after the project was announced - as commonly happens when such a large new facility is established given demand for logistics hubs etc.

Ironically the gain has already been banked and given the size of the site, an airport expansion should be possible without much if any additional land being needed.

That is just incorrect. The land was purchased in 1973 and the site had been under consideration since 1962. I very much doubt that Thaksin played any role in that ( and not even his most rabid critics could claim it). The last time the army came out they used allegations of corruption at the airport as part of the justification, supported by a campaign by The Nation. Every single claim made in that series of articles was proven to be false and The Nation had to concede as much in the retractions it was forced to make.

Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.

I believe you are correct, but wasn't it Mr Thaksin and his government around 2005 promoting the "Aerotropolis" idea around Swampy. Many wealthy people joined the "landrush" soon after.

A place where communities and factories would coexist all under the harmonious roaring of Airbuses and Dreamliners.

The only problem with that idea was half the existing communities near the airport were suing for noise pollution and other pains.

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I am of the opinion that the Junta are trying to root out corruption here and that is why the project has been suspended. I know first hand how things operate there. This is hopefully a good thing provided any "funny money" dosent find its way into other persons pockets!!!

Looking at the planned development it seems that a remote concourse will be constructed to allow the additional passenger throughput. I don't see that any additional land take outside the current airport perimeter would be required.

Basically the planned expansion is required and appears to be good for the Airport and Thailand. I hope the project is restructured/retendered and goes ahead soon otherwise Thailand will lose their edge in this market.

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A month ago prayuth says there would be redevelopment of bangkok airports. Now his commision suspends suvanna indefinitety. That's for the benefit don muang, which is owneed by airforce.

Shurly suwanna needs urgent development, as it's lacking capability. Don muang was just redone after the floods and not many passengers use it

I think its possible that the headline is misleading (again). It implies that the big J have arbitrarily cancelled the planned extension. But the subsequent verbiage suggests that a new plan is required because the old one is not "transparent", which implies it is riddled with opportunities for corruption.

Or it could be that the big J are indeed canceling it, but doing it nicely by requesting a new plan.

Who really knows these days....and who really knew in the old days. TIT after all.

The second article, posted 3h after the original one explain it all - don muan is going to be developed, and swampy is scraped for a few years.

As an airforce airport there is a bigger chance of corruption than any othe airport, that's exactly why it was chosen

Edited by londonthai
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A month ago prayuth says there would be redevelopment of bangkok airports. Now his commision suspends suvanna indefinitety. That's for the benefit don muang, which is owneed by airforce.

Shurly suwanna needs urgent development, as it's lacking capability. Don muang was just redone after the floods and not many passengers use it

Used both Don Mueang and Suvarnabhumi very recently and neither were busy and that was during daytime. Couldn't see a need for any development at BKK. Has anyone found BKK busy in the recent past? Airside shops were quiet and the shuttle bus was near empty too. It appears that at present you would be pushed to find a significant queue.

Tell me LT how is the suspension of BKK going to benefit DMK?

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A month ago prayuth says there would be redevelopment of bangkok airports. Now his commision suspends suvanna indefinitety. That's for the benefit don muang, which is owneed by airforce.

Shurly suwanna needs urgent development, as it's lacking capability. Don muang was just redone after the floods and not many passengers use it

I think its possible that the headline is misleading (again). It implies that the big J have arbitrarily cancelled the planned extension. But the subsequent verbiage suggests that a new plan is required because the old one is not "transparent", which implies it is riddled with opportunities for corruption.

Or it could be that the big J are indeed canceling it, but doing it nicely by requesting a new plan.

Who really knows these days....and who really knew in the old days. TIT after all.

The second article, posted 3h after the original one explain it all - don muan is going to be developed, and swampy is scraped for a few years.

As an airforce airport there is a bigger chance of corruption than any othe airport, that's exactly why it was chosen

"As an airforce airport there is a bigger chance of corruption than any othe airport, that's exactly why it was chosen."

Please explain why that is so and where is your justification? Are you saying the major carriers are going to relocate to DM and if so did I miss that news article?

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