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Visa agents cannot front for your annual retirement renewal.


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You know I recently read an interesting report about a couple who were

unlucky to have had a dishonest visa agent/job agent

The sad part is they did time in Thai prison for having a bad stamp

& the agent who falsified the stamp only had to pay a fine & say he wouldn't do it again.


it is your passport and your stamp, if someone wants to stay here and cannot get off their a-- for a visit to immigration once a year, get lost find another place to hang your hat.

Let's be perfectly clear about one thing.. the service we are discussing here is not a dishonest agent, it's a legitimate service.

Some people walk, others get a taxi... it's the same difference.

I suppose many people still equate visa 'service' with the old visa 'runner.' Back in the Good Ol' Days, you could take your passport to just about any travel agent in Thailand, pay some money, and get it back a week later with a brand new one-year visa, not even an extension. Same with a work permit. The government cracked down on these runners back around 2005+/-, shutting them all down. A lot of folks are unaware that there are now legitimate legal services to help foreigners deal with the ins and outs of Thai bureaucracy, not just visa related. These were things we needed to hire lawyers for previously, at much higher costs.

However, you can lead a horse to water...

Is it true that one of the conditions is that you have

to give the visa company power of attorney,if that is

true it would be a no no for me.

regards Worgeordie

As I understand it (and please don't quote me,) we sign a 'limited power of attorney,' a document that gives power of attorney only for the specifically issued purpose named in the document. It's not a total power of attorney in which they can buy a Lear Jet in your name and you'd be the one having to pay!

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Amazing! Now I think I ve seen everything on Thaivisa! Some people on here getting annoyed (or jealous?) because some of us choose to spend our hard earned cash the way we want to spend it, in this case by choosing the option of paying Rhys and his excellent staff to renew our Visa for us!

Personally, I would much prefer to play a leisurely 9 holes of golf while someone else does the legwork, thats my choice, and having done both the easy option and the hanging around in immigration option, I know which I will continue to prefer!

Funny how different views apply.

By not paying an agent and spending around 3 hours total a year in immigration I get to play around an additional 20 x 18 holes of golf at my favorite hackers course (Depending on what the agent cost is nowadays).I know which I prefer.

Wow- that must be a tight budget to be living on - but then that's whole 'nother thread.....!!!

Nothing whatsoever to do with budget simply money better spent as far I am concerned.

Just another 20x18 added to the other 150x18 that I play each year. Yes,I enjoy playing golf!

If its 'nothing whatsoever to do with budget' why do you state that by not paying an agent you can play another 20 rounds of golf?

If it's not a budget issue then you could both use an agent and get your 170 rounds in - but up to you.....

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"if someone wants to stay here and cannot get off their a-- for a visit to immigration once a year, get lost find another place to hang your hat."

Why oh Why, it's only money and ya can't take it with you.

Poor john

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"if someone wants to stay here and cannot get off their a-- for a visit to immigration once a year, get lost find another place to hang your hat."

Why oh Why, it's only money and ya can't take it with you.

Poor john

Individual choice springs to mind.
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I guess some of you "rich" guys can give Warren Buffett some pointers on how he can enrich his frugal lifestyle.

As I have already stated, it's your choice.

For some of us, including Buffett, it's a lifestyle choice not to spend money when we feel it isn't necessary.

But as someone else has written, by all means use the agents so that there will be less people scheduling online appointments or waiting in the very very early morning to get a time slot. ;)

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If its 'nothing whatsoever to do with budget' why do you state that by not paying an agent you can play another 20 rounds of golf?

If it's not a budget issue then you could both use an agent and get your 170 rounds in - but up to you.....

To clarify.

I consider the use of a visa agent a complete waste of my time and money for something I do very easily for myself.

If I choose I can use that money not spent on a visa agent to play 20 plus rounds of golf, go to the movies 30 plus times, give it charity etc etc. Whatever the case it's money better spent in my opinion.

Perhaps the use of the word "additional" was the problem that led to inference of a pauper like existence.

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  • 1 year later...

In Chiangmai how many days before my retirement Visa (Aug 11th) runs out can I apply for a renewal? My daughter is getting her Masters in English in Santa Fe, New Mexico and I promised I'd be there! Thanks; this is my first renewal of my retirement Visa...smile.png

If you have a "Visa" it cannot be renewed.

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In Chiangmai how many days before my retirement Visa (Aug 11th) runs out can I apply for a renewal? My daughter is getting her Masters in English in Santa Fe, New Mexico and I promised I'd be there! Thanks; this is my first renewal of my retirement Visa...smile.png

If you have a "Visa" it cannot be renewed.

If you have a 12-month extension of stay based on retirement that you previously obtained at an immigration office, they you can apply for another 12-month extensions of stay based on retirement up to 45 days before the previous extension of stay expires here in Chiang Mai province. Many people erroneously call this process renewing their retirement visa, when in fact what they're doing is applying for another 12-month extension of stay based on retirement.

For example, I retired to Chiang Mai in 2008 and my original non-imm O visa, issued in the U.S. has long since expired. I've been "extending my permission to stay" each year, not renewing that vintage 2008 visa.

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In Chiangmai how many days before my retirement Visa (Aug 11th) runs out can I apply for a renewal? My daughter is getting her Masters in English in Santa Fe, New Mexico and I promised I'd be there! Thanks; this is my first renewal of my retirement Visa...smile.png

Why not just get a new O-A visa while you're back in the US? Good for up to two years and you don't have to deal with the mess that is CM Immigration.

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In Chiangmai how many days before my retirement Visa (Aug 11th) runs out can I apply for a renewal? My daughter is getting her Masters in English in Santa Fe, New Mexico and I promised I'd be there! Thanks; this is my first renewal of my retirement Visa...smile.png

ast week in june,you can renew 45 days before old extension expires
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In Chiangmai how many days before my retirement Visa (Aug 11th) runs out can I apply for a renewal? My daughter is getting her Masters in English in Santa Fe, New Mexico and I promised I'd be there! Thanks; this is my first renewal of my retirement Visa...smile.png

If you have proof of an airline ticket out of Thailand, you can apply earlier than normal. Normal used to be 30 days before expiration, but is 45 days now.

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I would not take any of these reports literally.

Stepping into the realms of immigration procedures is like each person stepping into a parallel Universe, the faces and places maybe the same but a different endurance experience every time. When my dreaded 1 year extension is due I will go into the GT4 a few days ahead of my doomsday date and ask, what do I need to bring? When should I arrive? Will I require, blood, semen and urine samples if necessary, then play the games and leave the rest up to fate..

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I would not take any of these reports literally.

Stepping into the realms of immigration procedures is like each person stepping into a parallel Universe, the faces and places maybe the same but a different endurance experience every time. When my dreaded 1 year extension is due I will go into the GT4 a few days ahead of my doomsday date and ask, what do I need to bring? When should I arrive? Will I require, blood, semen and urine samples if necessary, then play the games and leave the rest up to fate..

High drama comedy award winner.

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I would not take any of these reports literally.

Stepping into the realms of immigration procedures is like each person stepping into a parallel Universe, the faces and places maybe the same but a different endurance experience every time. When my dreaded 1 year extension is due I will go into the GT4 a few days ahead of my doomsday date and ask, what do I need to bring? When should I arrive? Will I require, blood, semen and urine samples if necessary, then play the games and leave the rest up to fate..

High drama comedy award winner.

Humour to express the facts. No one knows what`s going to happen until they are there on the day.

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I would not take any of these reports literally.

Stepping into the realms of immigration procedures is like each person stepping into a parallel Universe, the faces and places maybe the same but a different endurance experience every time. When my dreaded 1 year extension is due I will go into the GT4 a few days ahead of my doomsday date and ask, what do I need to bring? When should I arrive? Will I require, blood, semen and urine samples if necessary, then play the games and leave the rest up to fate..

High drama comedy award winner.

Humour to express the facts. No one knows what`s going to happen until they are there on the day.

How true that is.

I was at the CEC business meeting this morning. Well yesterday morning. the British conciliate was there with a brief report. He said there had been conciliates meeting with the Chiang Mai immigration and Embassies meeting with the Immigration in Bangkok. They were pursuing the idea of different outside donations to help out. He said that online registration would be a good idea. How ever it would best be handled by an out side company to set it up. He also said that the Promenada would be willing to donate 200,000 baht to help out. Of course they would be hoping to get advertising.They could still use more out side money.

I had a few words with him after the meeting he mentioned that as it is now the staff from time to time have to pay for their supplies out of their own pocket. Also the online registration would have room for 30 people on it. He also mentioned that the budget was set by Bangkok not Chiang Mai.

I did not bother to get into all the other things that people accuse others of. The fact that here was a man who had meetings with them trying to improve the situation rather than place blame said that the Staff as I said earlier would from time to time have to buy supplies carried a lot of weight with me. I did tongue in cheek ask why Chiang Mai out of all the other provinces was having problems. He is as confused as us on that.

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I would not take any of these reports literally.

Stepping into the realms of immigration procedures is like each person stepping into a parallel Universe, the faces and places maybe the same but a different endurance experience every time. When my dreaded 1 year extension is due I will go into the GT4 a few days ahead of my doomsday date and ask, what do I need to bring? When should I arrive? Will I require, blood, semen and urine samples if necessary, then play the games and leave the rest up to fate..

High drama comedy award winner.

Humour to express the facts. No one knows what`s going to happen until they are there on the day.

How true that is.

I was at the CEC business meeting this morning. Well yesterday morning. the British conciliate was there with a brief report. He said there had been conciliates meeting with the Chiang Mai immigration and Embassies meeting with the Immigration in Bangkok. They were pursuing the idea of different outside donations to help out. He said that online registration would be a good idea. How ever it would best be handled by an out side company to set it up. He also said that the Promenada would be willing to donate 200,000 baht to help out. Of course they would be hoping to get advertising.They could still use more out side money.

I had a few words with him after the meeting he mentioned that as it is now the staff from time to time have to pay for their supplies out of their own pocket. Also the online registration would have room for 30 people on it. He also mentioned that the budget was set by Bangkok not Chiang Mai.

I did not bother to get into all the other things that people accuse others of. The fact that here was a man who had meetings with them trying to improve the situation rather than place blame said that the Staff as I said earlier would from time to time have to buy supplies carried a lot of weight with me. I did tongue in cheek ask why Chiang Mai out of all the other provinces was having problems. He is as confused as us on that.

Got to wonder about the idea of outside donations. Just think about how many times a day they collect thet 1900 Baht.

I do not know what it would be now but about 6 years ago an immigration officer told me how much was collected each day of the week as a way of telling me which days are busy and the numbers were very substantial. Perhaps the CM income is being sent to BKK?

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Got to wonder about the idea of outside donations. Just think about how many times a day they collect thet 1900 Baht.

I do not know what it would be now but about 6 years ago an immigration officer told me how much was collected each day of the week as a way of telling me which days are busy and the numbers were very substantial. Perhaps the CM income is being sent to BKK?

And how many times the 500 baht for the 'free' certificate of residence.

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A couple points:

1. Regarding Chiang Mai Immigration, some people are making "outside donations" now by using a visa service (I use one) - ANY visa service, and some people are complaining.

2. If anyone thinks they are going to get are already have any "inside" information about something like changes to how Immigration operates (also included, but off topic would be changes to a personal business because of a perceived special relationship with an owner of the business) is greatly overestimating their knowledge of how things in Thailand (and Asia) work.

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A couple points:

1. Regarding Chiang Mai Immigration, some people are making "outside donations" now by using a visa service (I use one) - ANY visa service, and some people are complaining.

2. If anyone thinks they are going to get are already have any "inside" information about something like changes to how Immigration operates (also included, but off topic would be changes to a personal business because of a perceived special relationship with an owner of the business) is greatly overestimating their knowledge of how things in Thailand (and Asia) work.

just digressing slightly,do visa services at prom,except credit/debit cards or is it just a cash transaction.just keeping my options open.
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just digressing slightly,do visa services at prom,except credit/debit cards or is it just a cash transaction.just keeping my options open.

true blue,

If you are asking me, I have no idea. I haven't been in Immigration at Promenada yet.

With any luck, it will all be sorted by the time I have to visit Immigration again.

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just digressing slightly,do visa services at prom,except credit/debit cards or is it just a cash transaction.just keeping my options open.

true blue,

If you are asking me, I have no idea. I haven't been in Immigration at Promenada yet.

With any luck, it will all be sorted by the time I have to visit Immigration again.

cheers for reply but it was a general question,for any one with any idea,
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Visa agents are the way to go unless you have time to waste, which I do not. For a small fee, you are in and out of immigration in 15 minutes. Money well spent.

However, 90 day reporting is laughable. I've lived and stayed long term in many countries over the years, and only Thailand has made me report in ever 90 days even though my visa is valid for 1 year.

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