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Paypal euro to baht exchange rate more expensive then from baht to euro?

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Just found something interesting out

Transferring 400€ from my eu paypal to Thai account gives me today a rate of 16445 baht some satang

But sending 400€ back from Thai account to eu pp removes from my Thai paypal in total 18494.26 thb

That's a diffrent of 2000 baht transferring same amount in the other direction

From this diffrent of 2000 baht

We have to remove around 3,5 Procent paypal fees from total amount , but the diffrence of 2000 baht is still much higher for sending same amount from Thai to eu then via versa, so where the rest of the diffrent

Is coming from sure baht is lower then euro , but transferring same amount back should give me around same amount!

Or and I don't know or not recognized it , pp fees from Thai to eu maybe higher then 3,5 Procent of total amount!?

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Outside of Thailand the baht is basically un-used/a minor currency/it's not a major currency. So, when converting baht to a major currency it costs more via fees and/or a worst exchange rate. But when you are selling your Euro to buy baht and since the Euro is a major currency that can be used in many locations around the world, used to settle trade transactions, is a major reserve currency, etc., it is a more valuable/used currency/you get a better rate.

P.S. PayPal exchange rates suck, regardless of which currencies you are exchanging....they are usually worst in the 2 to 4% ballpark depending on which currency pair is being exchanged and which direction you are exchanging. While their direct/upfront fee may be low to free their exchange rate sucks. When converting baht to a foreign currency, do it at a Thai bank as you get a lower selling rate (which is a good thing for buying another currency such as the Euro) than selling rates offered outside of Thailand when the baht is less valuable/not used.

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The only good thing about paying with PP is that your purchase is secured in case the vendor

default on the bought itmes in any way, PP will recover the money back for you, other than that,

take it or live it....

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