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NACC to propose anti-corruption packages to junta


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Hey as long as they are rooting out corruption, how about bringing the fire truck debacle

back to life and bring that to a conclusion... To the best of my knowledge, the trucks are

rotting away in Laem Chabang port somewhere...

And jail all who purchase or support the purchase of GT200 too.

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I'm not so sure that purchasers can or should be jailed, unless it can be proved that they received a kickback or knew the devices were ineffective. You'll probably just net some unlucky middle manager who signed a purchase order. The best you can probably hope for is a malfeasance charge... if they even have that here.

The responsible party in the GT200 scandal has already been busted.

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However, NACC cannot pursue any examination of activities or decisions of the NCPO, the real government of Thailand, that can overrule any decision of the interim government (ref. Globe, "Junta leader likely to act as interim PM of Thailand," July 2-8, 2014) and no doubt continue to do so with the National Assembly when it is elected.

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Put an indelible mark on the forehead of corrupt people.

I'm tempted to add: "If the person is a politician, give them a mark by default." But there might be an honest politician somewhere in Thailand, yet to be discovered. If he is found, build a statue of him.

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Only when they serve sentances such as they do in China to corrupt officials and business will the issue be resolved. Setting a few examples will go a long way and there is nothing like a death sentence to deter vs a slap on the risk or no action.

Even the death sentence hasn't stopped corruption in China anymore than the death sentence has stopped murder in the USA.

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This really surprises me. I thought they were going to spell out in detail what corruption was and then identify the severe penalties for doing it. Like if you are found steeling from the people then all of your personal assets will be taken over by the government, you go to jail and you are barred for life from taking a public position. That would make sense.

In stead they are just listing all the places that have major corruption.

Funny approach. Guess corruption is fine in any area not placed on the list.


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Only when they serve sentances such as they do in China to corrupt officials and business will the issue be resolved. Setting a few examples will go a long way and there is nothing like a death sentence to deter vs a slap on the risk or no action.

Even the death sentence hasn't stopped corruption in China anymore than the death sentence has stopped murder in the USA.

With petty, egotistical little people the reality from the norm sometimes takes a while to sink in. The death penalty is a little harsh but prison sentences with bite should be enough to deter if space in the media devoted to exposing the ongoing life of corrupt officials in prison. Could probably make a Thai soap about it - would be a change from the normal girlie screaming and small dicked male posturing with firearms and cheating on everyone they meet. Equally life like anyway.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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Great to see they're buying Natural Gas fueled buses for BKK.

Next maybe we'll get NGV song teaws for Chiang Mai!! The intersection outside MAYA is often black with diesel fumes as the red vans move off at the lights. bah.gif

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Only when they serve sentances such as they do in China to corrupt officials and business will the issue be resolved. Setting a few examples will go a long way and there is nothing like a death sentence to deter vs a slap on the risk or no action.

Even the death sentence hasn't stopped corruption in China anymore than the death sentence has stopped murder in the USA.

I would agree with you that capital punishment does not stop murderers. I would dare to say that the mind of a murderer, child molester, or rapist is a bit different than a hi-so corrupt official. I would love to see the their face when the bars slam shut behind them for 25 years hard time at the Bangkok Hilton or a governor being marched to the gallows. I think the these things would have a much higher impact on the Thai culture than we think. China has been executing people for a really long time and those people are much more used to it than the Thais. We all know that even when the death penalty was active in Thailand, it was only given to the people who didn't have the money to pay their way out of it. When you start executing people for capital crimes regardless of their social status.....that would get their attention.

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Only when they serve sentances such as they do in China to corrupt officials and business will the issue be resolved. Setting a few examples will go a long way and there is nothing like a death sentence to deter vs a slap on the risk or no action.

Even the death sentence hasn't stopped corruption in China anymore than the death sentence has stopped murder in the USA.

Maybe not, but sure as hell it has slowed a lot of people down !

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Only when they serve sentances such as they do in China to corrupt officials and business will the issue be resolved. Setting a few examples will go a long way and there is nothing like a death sentence to deter vs a slap on the risk or no action.

Even the death sentence hasn't stopped corruption in China anymore than the death sentence has stopped murder in the USA.

With petty, egotistical little people the reality from the norm sometimes takes a while to sink in. The death penalty is a little harsh but prison sentences with bite should be enough to deter if space in the media devoted to exposing the ongoing life of corrupt officials in prison. Could probably make a Thai soap about it - would be a change from the normal girlie screaming and small dicked male posturing with firearms and cheating on everyone they meet. Equally life like anyway.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

All property and money must be confiscated on conviction.

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Only when they serve sentances such as they do in China to corrupt officials and business will the issue be resolved. Setting a few examples will go a long way and there is nothing like a death sentence to deter vs a slap on the risk or no action.

Even the death sentence hasn't stopped corruption in China anymore than the death sentence has stopped murder in the USA.
Good point and I agree.......
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I saw it reported in the other paper that the Junta had approved the 350 bn water project exactly the same as proposed by the previous Govt.

Considering that the PTP ALWAYS took a 40% cut according to Thai Visa resident experts, i suggest that the NACC would be well advised to start looking at those responsible for approving this project without taking the 40% corruption out.

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Only when they serve sentances such as they do in China to corrupt officials and business will the issue be resolved. Setting a few examples will go a long way and there is nothing like a death sentence to deter vs a slap on the risk or no action.

Even the death sentence hasn't stopped corruption in China anymore than the death sentence has stopped murder in the USA.

Maybe not, but sure as hell it has slowed a lot of people down !

Sorry, but that is simply not true.

Check this link (please note these are FBI data, not vague assumptions by some tree-hugging, peace-loving NGO or other) : http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2013/09/16/u-s-murder-rate-higher-than-nearly-all-other-developed-countries-fbi-data/

... from which I quote :

The 2012 murder rate — 4.7 murders per 100,000 people — was significantly higher [in the USA] than in most other wealthy nations.

The comparable rate is 0.4 in Japan, 0.8 in Germany, 1.0 in Australia 1.1 in France and 1.2 in Britain, according to figures compiled by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.

(2012 are the latest figures available by the way)

Clearly in the US it's almost 5 times more than in Germany, Australia, France and Britain... I know how strong the pro-gun lobby is in the States, and also how vocal the proponents of the death penalty are, but statistics repeatedly prove them wrong. Not that they would give a damn, of course, since they have all the powerful lobbyists required to enforce their agenda in Washington (both Congress and White House) anyway.

Ah... the subtles ways of demockracy...whistling.gif

Edited by Yann55
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