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Can't stand the idiocy of LOS anymore! Guidance for Cambodian business (O) visa needed.

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TheSiemreaper that last point, number 7 about permanent residency status do you have any links or is all under the table? I know you can even get a passport if you pay enough to the right person but this sounds like a good one. I also have looked for long time to maybe set up office but I give up in Thailand on that as said before by others, its amazing stupid rules and BS. In Sihanoukville I also believe there is a tax free zone as they are serious about bring in company to set up business there. And dont forget you can lease/buy land on 99 year contract.

It's official though I can't remember which Prakas it's in - you should be able to find it easily enough the sum $25,000 is listed in Riel rather than USD.

I don't think the tax free zone is up and running in SHK yet but it has been proposed.

You can buy land easily enough if you use the right company structure (the 51% Khmer owner gets 0% of voting stock and no entitlement to propose, dispose or get paid from company assets) - the whole 99-year lease thing isn't necessary.

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Well it certainly looks like a great place to start a business.

How ever I am retired and want no part of that. I have a retirement Visa here in Thailand and it is no problem to keep up. In fact their are companies that will do it for you. In short the Government is no problem to me. I don't try to do any thing but enjoy life. Have been to Siem Reap and Phnom Pingh and enjoyed them. But being a tourist is a completely different thing than being a permanent resident.

I hear all this talk about how easy the Visa is there but I see where a moderator who specializes in Visas says that Cambodia is toughening up on them. Medical we know is just basic how about shopping for Western type foods. I know in Sieam Reap I found a super market with western goods. But they were limited. I have a Thai wife and the food for her has to be Thai and she is dependent on her mother to cook it for her.

Also I in no way think that Cambodia will not have it's share of political problems the same as here in Thailand.

Bottom-line is what has Cambodia got to offer a retired person that is that better than Thailand? I have no desire to own a home or property. Been there done that.


Well it certainly looks like a great place to start a business.

How ever I am retired and want no part of that. I have a retirement Visa here in Thailand and it is no problem to keep up. In fact their are companies that will do it for you. In short the Government is no problem to me. I don't try to do any thing but enjoy life. Have been to Siem Reap and Phnom Pingh and enjoyed them. But being a tourist is a completely different thing than being a permanent resident.

I hear all this talk about how easy the Visa is there but I see where a moderator who specializes in Visas says that Cambodia is toughening up on them. Medical we know is just basic how about shopping for Western type foods. I know in Sieam Reap I found a super market with western goods. But they were limited. I have a Thai wife and the food for her has to be Thai and she is dependent on her mother to cook it for her.

Also I in no way think that Cambodia will not have it's share of political problems the same as here in Thailand.

Bottom-line is what has Cambodia got to offer a retired person that is that better than Thailand? I have no desire to own a home or property. Been there done that.


unless u drink or smoke cigs

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It depends on what you want from your retirement. If you were a budding historian, I'd think that the Angkor Temples of Cambodia would offer far more to that type of person than anything in Thailand (Cambodia has everywhere beat when it comes to old and interesting temples, the new ones aren't too shabby too). If you like a beer, then Cambodia has Thailand beat on the price front by a mile. If you want a quiet life, Cambodia has better equipped "quiet life" spots than Thailand (whereas Thailand excels in big city life). And so on...

I'm not retired. But I can work from anywhere on the planet (pretty much). I choose Cambodia because I like it much more than Thailand. Basic medical care here is fine. High-end medical care is crap. Dentistry is better and cheaper here than in Thailand. The news of visa crackdowns has been greatly exaggerated; much fanfare but little/no actual action. My rent and bills here are far cheaper than the equivalent in Thailand. Western services in Siem Reap are growing apace and are much cheaper than in Thailand. There are plenty of Western goods in town (though they are annoyingly split between all the supermarkets making shopping a more complex affair than necessary). Western food is cheaper and generally better than in Thailand at the low and mid-market price points; the high-end is improving constantly and will one day catch up too. I do visit Bangkok regularly (every 3-4 months) to pick up some of the things I can't get in Cambodia but there's no desparate shortage of most of the things I need. And the Khmer people are genuinely friendly, rather than carrying fake plastic crocodile smiles like they do in LoS.

I've been around all of South East Asia and the only place I'd rather be than here is Malaysia. However, the high investment required for a long-term Malaysian visa isn't justifiable to me just yet. I'm not ready to commit to one place for the whole of the rest of my life.

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If you want a quiet life, Cambodia has better equipped "quiet life" spots than Thailand (whereas Thailand excels in big city life).

your surely dreaming Where??? >>>

there are hundreds , if not thousands of small towns/villages throughout Thailand that are far better ( try and get a good meal outside the main cities in Cambodia) and as quiet as anywhere in Cambodia


your never more than a few hours to a big city

If you were a budding historian, I'd think that the Angkor Temples of Cambodia would offer far more to that type of person than anything in Thailand

as long as your willing to pay to visit them every day you do visit them

Been to Bagan> although not as impressive as Angkor Wat, there are thousands of Pagodas an Myanmar and Thailand have quite a lot of history

To each his own. i lived in Thailand for 24 years an moved up to PP in 2008-09 and traveled all over Cambodia between 2002-last year and came back to Thailand to live and make my home

Its a nice place to visit but living,,,, nope


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If you want a quiet life, Cambodia has better equipped "quiet life" spots than Thailand (whereas Thailand excels in big city life).

your surely dreaming Where??? >>>

there are hundreds , if not thousands of small towns/villages throughout Thailand that are far better ( try and get a good meal outside the main cities in Cambodia) and as quiet as anywhere in Cambodia


your never more than a few hours to a big city

If you were a budding historian, I'd think that the Angkor Temples of Cambodia would offer far more to that type of person than anything in Thailand

as long as your willing to pay to visit them every day you do visit them

Been to Bagan> although not as impressive as Angkor Wat, there are thousands of Pagodas an Myanmar and Thailand have quite a lot of history

To each his own. i lived in Thailand for 24 years an moved up to PP in 2008-09 and traveled all over Cambodia between 2002-last year and came back to Thailand to live and make my home

Its a nice place to visit but living,,,, nope

I'm not shitting you in the slightest; I've already seen your commentary - it appears that you're ill equipped to deal with Cambodia; for those of us who aren't. It's way better in Cambodia than in small town Thailand. Way better.

A $20 fee to see one of the 7 wonders of the world? It's cheap at 10 times the price. We're all hoping it will go up - there won't be much left for future visitors if visitor numbers keep climbing the way they are. I'd like to see prices of a lot of things go up here in Cambodia - to keep out people who bitch about paying $20 for a temple pass and 50 cents for a beer too.

Bagan may be the most utterly boring place on earth. It's spectacular to see it the first time and then you realise... every single temple is the same, a shell nothing more. Mrauk U in Myanmar is much, much better than Bagan.

You are also stunningly unaware of all the wealth of temples in Cambodia you don't have to pay to see (try Koh Ker the ancient capital - it's ****ing incredible).


like i said, to each his own

btw koh Ker is $15 ( ( got in for 10) I have been around Angkor many many times in the past 12 years

i have also been to Banteay Chhmer, Banteay Srei, Sambon Prei Kuk, Preah Vihear, Phanom Santuk & Lots of smaller temples all over including many around Battambang.

I deal with Cambodia fine, own land with the gf in Kep and Svay Rieng

Who is this, "We're all hoping it will go up" none of my friends that live an work in sr want it to go up,

You like living there, fine, but please don't play down the other countries

I asusme u live either in SR or PP.

go live in a small town like Sispohon or Kampong Thom or Stung Treng and than tell us all how great it is whistling.gif


Siem Reap is a small town; it only has 80,000 permanent residents. That's a small town back in the UK and it's tiny compared to China where I used to live. Your friends in Siem Reap may not be hoping that things go up but many of the new professional expat class are. Siem Reap is gentrifying and that's good news for those of us who make a decent living. I'd rather pay a bit more and live in a town with better facilities. The good news for the cheapskates is that much of Cambodia will still be pleased to take them in - they can always go and live in some of those rural villages you're recommending.

And who's "playing down other countries"? Small town life here is better than Thailand. Big city life is better in Thailand. Horses for courses. Get over yourself.

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