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Can this Possibly be True ?

Gonzo the Face

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In an Thailand English language newspaper, read on line this morning, regarding the Rice Scam Possibility/Problem, it was printed that the losses for the rice scheme/scam would be between 500 and 700 Billion Baht. For a moment just accept that as being close.

If the population of this country , growing a little, is now estimated at 70 Million persons, ,,,,,, would that not equal approximately 10,000 baht for every man, woman and child in the country ????? 10,000 baht for EVERY PERSON in the country ??? ! ! ! ! !

To me thats pretty shocking...... I do hope my math is wrong..

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The Alternative Agriculture Group says there are 5 million farmers (farms?) in Thailand. So that's 100,000 to 140,000 baht per farmer (farm). (I'm sure the figures can be worked and massaged even more.) Wonder if we'll ever know the true cost.

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Forbes may want to do a amended up to date list of Thailands millionaires/billionaires. For the past decade it appears that funds skimmed from most of Thailand's taxpayer funded projects were probably harder to count than stores of rice which are presently being chased/followed

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At least farmers in the West pay taxes for their subsidies. When did you ever hear of a Thai farmer paying tax?


I don't know of any Thais who pay income tax.

Which is probably why we foreigners pay so much for wine and cheese and other stuff we love.

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At least farmers in the West pay taxes for their subsidies. When did you ever hear of a Thai farmer paying tax?


I don't know of any Thais who pay income tax.

Which is probably why we foreigners pay so much for wine and cheese and other stuff we love.

Everyone who works for a real company and earns enough pays the income tax.....and all pays the taxes if they buy something in real shops. And all pay the tax on alcohol.

It is not as bad as in the west but people pay.

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Putting things into maybe a better prospective.......


Lets play a little thought provoking game. Again accept the losses to come out to around 700 Billion Baht. Thats a good chunk of change. Where could it all have gone ???

Well lets just say that the group or cabal that helped disburse this amount funds totaled about 10,000 persons. Now thats quite a good size club. But lets see, if we divide up the 10,000 chosen ones by the number of provinces in Thailand that would average [10,000 / 77 provinces ='s] approx 130 persons per province. That may seem like quite a few insiders, but just for the heck of it, lets say its a low number and double it and make it 260 persons , average in each province.

Now lets redo the numbers. If we have 260 persons in each province and 77 provinces , that would be approximately 20,000 fine upstanding community interested individuals. Please keep in mind these fine folks are not all politicos, but rather just those involved in some way in the rice scheme/scam.

If the losses [to some] /gains [to others] [want to be stating things fairly]..... were 700 Billion and were divided equally among the chosen multitude, that would, lets see, 700,000,000,000.00 divided by 20,000 , would approximate 35,000,000.00 Baht each, of course thats plus or minus a few satang, each.

Now for the pinnacle of the game.... and most important question....... could/would you lower your good self to such a level , to be able to live on that amount for a couple years for part time work???

Inquiring minds want to know! !

Accepting of course that the bigger fish got more and the minnows got less....

Edited by Gonzo the Face
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Wake me when you want to talk serious money. I don't get out of bed for chump change.

Gonzo, you're not the only one to wonder who has siphoned off the money and into whose pockets it has gone. Maybe the junta should station a man at each luxury car dealership and have spies at the casinos in Macau and Sydney.

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