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I find it very frustrating that posters on here dont have the balls to contribute to a really serious and genuine concern or thread in this case, the content of the thread must be of concern to a great number of members.

They answer sometimes belligerently and antagonistically to threads that are spurious and without gravity but when they get the chance to discuss something really serious and important they fail miserably

Is it me or do posters here genuinely lack the testosterone or life experience to discuss subject matter that could give insight, information and reassurance just by the simple act of a sensible discussion.

Maybe I expect too much of the TV throng , maybe they are without substance, insensitive and shallow only happy when retorting in bitter and cynical ways to discredit some happy poster who was deluded in thinking that he could contribute in some worthwhile manner

Now if there are posters that are actually thinking up sensible and productive replies to this very serious thread I apologise and await with interest what you have to say

You know sometimes I think that TV is becoming just a low class version of Facebook

"I find it very frustrating that posters on here dont have the balls to contribute to a really serious and genuine concern or thread in this case, the content of the thread must be of concern to a great number of members."

Don't have the balls? You're being overly-dramatic and obviously think no one else has had the balls to deal with the inevitable without turning it into a public production on Thai Visa.

The FaceBook generation may feel the need to blather on and on about every boring aspect of their lives, but people who are nearing the age when they will soon die grew up in a different world. It's a reasonably important but personal topic and with anything important and personal, discuss with friends, family or with people who will treat the topic intelligently if you want to pretend to be so brave and macho. It isn't necessarily such a big deal unless you want to make it one. Do you really need to discuss everything in your life on the Internet?

"it will be the time to have the final drink with close friends and family then with the help of a suitable narcotic, bottle or two of the best Malt whisky, his favorite music say goodbye to this life in quality controlled conditions"

This is just childish soap opera. Does he think he's 007?

I have no problem with the prospect of death and, if necessary and if I'm capable, I might hurry it up, but I'll do it without all the drama and involve no one else in what could be an unpleasant as well as illegal event.

As Sheryl has said, it's illegal to do such things in Thailand, so getting specific about what someone is planning to do or someone has done with regard to euthanasia or assisted suicide is discussing something that is illegal, a violation of forum rules.

And talking about malt whisky & narcotics is just a silly melodramatic fantasy for virtually anyone who feels the need to end his life.

In your opinion and you are entitled to have one!

Now let me have mine but then again I realise that in your case of superior intellect and caustic verbiage I am simply peeing against the wind.

Threatening a breach of forum rules is the last hiding place of those who have no practical or informative comment to make.

Oh and you dont have to be bored, you can turn off the power switch or use the ignore button!


No, its against the law in Thailand.

But once you can no longer pay for treatment....

Thanks for the response... I'll presume you are correct.

Your second line, "But once you can no longer pay for treatment...." applies to the USA as well.

If you have never paid into Medicare or Social Security you will be refused treatment and support even though you are native born.

In Thailand, if you are married to a government employee you will be given medical care, and even medications. Foreigners included.

"If you have never paid into Medicare or Social Security you will be refused treatment and support even though you are native born.".

Not accurate from my experience. Hospitals cannot refuse emeregncy treatment due to an inability to pay.

There is a plethora (love that word) covering such matters. Google will help provide accurate information and numbers to call for further information.

Chapter IV.

Your Right to Emergency Medical Care


You have the right to receive emergency care at any licensed facility with an emergency room.

You have the right to be treated until your emergency medical condition is stabilized when you go to a hospital emergency room.

You have the right be informed by the hospital of your right to receive emergency services, without regard to your ability to pay, prior to being transferred or discharged.

You have a right not to be transferred from an emergency care facility against your will.

You have important rights when you go to a hospital's emergency room, regardless of your insurance status. California law severely restricts and regulates the ability of all licensed health care facilities with emergency departments to transfer and discharge emergency patients.1 These laws expand upon the important protections in the federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act ("EMTALA,").2 The federal protections under EMTALA and its regulations apply to all hospitals that participate in the Medicare program and apply to all patients that go to those hospitals, not just Medicare patients.

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Apropos the OP's question, has anyone investigated the availability of palliative care - hospices etc - in Thailand?

This has been discussed many times in this forum. Palliative care is the weakest aspect of medical care in Thailand and more than 50 years behind the times. Thailand does not have the sort of hospices/hospice programs that are common in the west.

It is possible, with some difficulty and special efforts, to arrange for proper palliative care as a hospital inpatient (you would need to be under the care of one of the few palliative care specialists in the country for this) but not at home.

Most Thai doctors and hospitals are reluctant to prescribe narcotics for outpatient use and will not allow other than oral forms in the home.

Hopefully this will change but progress on this has been very, very slow in Thailand.

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It is an interesting thread and one that is closely related to the thoughts of many whom have run out of insurance or the means of paying high medical bills ETC,. especially after they end up with a terminal illness or even a non terminal illness that makes them unable to either take care of themselves or pay others to do so.

My friend who is in his 80s and has a mind as quick as it was 30 years ago has a plan for the control of his life if He gets a permanently debilitating illness or in fact a terminal illness.

He has lived here for many years and when He first came here thought that his income and financial assets would provide for him and his family until he pegged out


Of course there are many like him and due to inflation the world economic situation and the exchange rate He is now realising that the odds are against him in paying his way through a debilitating illness, terminal or otherwise.

As He is now in his mid 80s and still firing on all cylinders He is becoming increasingly aware of the shortening odds on whether He will reach his 90s.

On the basis that He would not be able to settle the enormous bills asked for treatment of terminal cases or the long term support of a debilitating illness he has decided that at a certain point in his illness he intends to take his own life.

He tells me in a candid and straightforward manner that when He cannot take care of his toilet needs and the future is well mapped out it will be the time to have the final drink with close friends and family then with the help of a suitable narcotic, bottle or two of the best Malt whisky, his favorite music say goodbye to this life in quality controlled conditions, thereby not inflicting any financial or stressful situations onto his loving family.

Even with sufficient healthcare, I share similar sentiments as your describe; however, I think the idea that he will sit and have a drink with his loved ones is overdramatic and purely cocktail hour bravado.

The reality is making such a request of family and friends is sadistic and selfish. He is going to request the people that love him most participate? Come on, lets say he instead decided to jump off a building, cut his wrists, jump overboard with weights tied on his ankles, etc...does he really expect family members would stand idly by and not intervene?

The proper way for anyone to do this is to comfort your loved ones by following through on this decision alone.

You are so far "off the ball" with your perceptions and self righteous indignation that you may well need to read between the lines on my post to understand that all would have been taken care of and agreed prior to any drinks He may wish to share with the closest of his friends and family

I feel disinclined to respond other than to acknowledge that I have read your post and not ignored it but alas I cannot.

Needless to say the old chap would and is acting and planning with the best interests of his family and his own suffering and I applaud him for that.

Life or the existence of life at any cost and under the most extreme suffering is not tenable or viable for most clear thinking people especially when there are insufficient funds available.

A pity that your perception cannot give him a little credit for having a brain and the courage to take control of a situation where he would eventually have lost any control either over himself or his assets which would, conventionally in this land of smiles, soon be gobbled up by those in certain medical establishments who prescribe and diagnose not for the easing of the disease but for profit!

What are you talking about with all this mumbo-jumbo?

I simply said if someone cares about their loved ones then they would never subject them to witnessing ones own suicide.

It is callous and it only increases the risk of a failed suicide attempt when a loved one would impulsively wish to "save" him.


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