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Thai Facebook users suggest death penalty in cases of rape and murder


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I am attaching the following which was actually a response to another post on Thai Visa:

" I agree that "execution is too good for this guy." Yet, there is much more at stake here than just this guy. Public execution which I support much more so than execution behind closed doors (such public executions shouldn't become a circus though - no selling ice cream, beer and t-shirts, for instance) may deter others in a way that life without parole never would. Why should the state pay for his lifelong incarceration? He has forfeited his right to live.

In my opinion - having personally witnessed over 500 murder trials and thousands of other criminal cases in the 1980s - a "free" society that is too lenient is also randomly accepting of this kind of outrageous conduct among its populations. "As long as it doesn't happen to me or my family..." - so this rationale goes. The threat of violent public execution - the guillotine actually was considered a "humane" instrument and I would support such a humane solution - Fear, unfortunately, and execution do prevent criminals and criminal types or anti-social, pathological people from carrying out their depraved acts. Nothing else will. Yes, we all would love to live in a world without killing, murder, rape, war, etc. but the world will never rid itself of the sickos...

Is capital punishment effective? I have heard many argue that it is not. Yet, if society executes rapist/murders, one thing is certain: he won't do it again.

The choice: treat them as if they are mentally ill and thus can be rehabilitated or -- kill them. Life in prison? Why? That implies some hope for these depraved individuals, but who cares if they can be cured or not. I don't. You cross certain lines as a member of society and you die. No excuses, no mercy. Too many have been freed after parole boards were told 'he's fine now' and, voila, he commits an even more dastardly deed. I say "he" because it is almost always a male perpetrator. I once told a group of fellow journalists "it is liberals like you who are partly responsible for the level of violent crime in this country." Of course they vehemently denied that they were in any way responsible."

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By advocating the death penalty, the group hopes to prevent such a tragic incident from repeating itself in future. To many sick people in the world it will happen again and again nothing surer need to put all the sickie’s to death while in their pree teens so they never grow up to be adults and commit these type of horrendous crimes, people commit horrific crimes regardless of the consequences, I would advocate death penalty to anyone who is on Facebook full of perves looking for youngsters and sick pictures.

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