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CNBC of UK has received Thaivisa thread, "Financial Crisis" :) :)

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Waiting for confirmation from CNBC that Thaivisa's "Financial Crisis" is the longest financial thread in existence with the largest # of participants on the

wrong side of the market

Will post the response here. Will also post the video clip here it they give it air time.

Also sent the same query to my buddy Simon Hobbs of the UK who has done stints in the stateside CNBC and has always replied to me with specific info

and sometimes invaluable HELP thru' a rare knowledgeable technical expert who appears on the show now and then, to improve my trading and take it to new levels.

A good man - that be Simon Hobbs of CNBC, my fav market commentator after Scott Wapner.

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See post # 63 in thread below byThaivisa financial genius, poster Loptr



I could care less about you or your profits / losses, other than to state that if you have only made $396k in 6 years of trading, perhaps you should pick a new profession... Perhaps SAS or maybe even an agent for the CIA... Without evidence of your claims, you are nobody.... <<<<<

My, my my, if $83k nett average per year income ( for 4.75 years total approx.) by a relative NOVICE from just getting on a TREND with 6 clicks of the mouse (for 6 positions) and then exiting years later with no more than a 2-minute view per day for years Mon-Fri to verify no Trend change - is bad income for EVEN the USA, I'm plumbing new bottoms of stupidity here.

Heck with 83k USD nett I could live very well stateside but like a true LORD on one-third that amount in LOS.

And mind you, while the majority of the world population of investors have been sidelined scared out of their minds after the CRASH of 2008, not daring to get back in, not only did I have the guts to get IN but I also turned in a respectable profit after-tax.

Yes of course the IRS made a ton off of me, but so what, that's the nature of the beast - $83k = approx. $7k per month tax free income

My LOS total expenses for my girl and I are a mere $2.2K per month for a good lifestyle, same std of living as California.

I have ZERO debts, and most fixed expenses like insurance etc., are paid in advance for an entire year, in some cases for 2 years if they let me.

I owe nobody nothing (how's that for charming stateside English? smile.png)

My girl keeps zero balnces on our credit cards or she gets a scolding from me.

Toal amount of available credit for my girl and I on ALL worldwide credit cards = $430,250 i.e. $430k approx., a decent amount by any means.

My Transunion, Equifax and Experian stateside CREDIT scores in the 800 range.

But I will play along with the Lalas here in LalaLand although I am nearly sure of it that no more than 2 people TRADE for real here at thaivisa. smile.png


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Search function + AfterLos = entry into Thaivisa Poser-Pretender Suzerainty

Thaivisa poster, LOPTR, who scoffed at my trading earnings of 396k USD nett is a frequent flyer on thread, "Financial Crisis"

A very easy read of his postings reveals that not only did he miss the entire bullmarket but rather he might have been SHORT and racked up severe losses all the way to NOW - in a 5+ year bullmarket.

Simon, do you see my point?


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I'm a technician but with a decent grasp of the "fundamental" state of affairs, so when I see a rare writer who does notice the same things

I'm seeing on-the-ground, I make a note of his name and commit it to memory. Such people are RAREand well worth getting to know for they are defo not of the HERD

From MarketWatch:


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Please suggest this rare occurrence to the Wonders-of-the-world category of the same order of magnitude as the Taj Mahal

Thaivisa thread, "Financial Crisis" has for the very first time in 5+ years drifted to Page 2. laugh.png

I believe I had something to do with that. biggrin.png

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The OP's intent is to ridicule and antagonize forum members, again, as per these forum rules:

7) Respect fellow members by posting in a civil manner: do not launch personal attacks, or be hateful or insulting towards other members, ie No flaming.

9) Do not post inflammatory messages on the forum, or attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants, or trolling.Trolling can be defined as the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.\


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